69constellationsinatrenchcoat - misadventures of a queer disabled DID system
misadventures of a queer disabled DID system

No, there are not 69 of us but we are hiding in a trenchcoat.. medically recognised adult DID system studying to become a clinical psych. We are aware we make mistakes, we know we make mistakes, we're open to kind discussion!!!! πŸ‡³πŸ‡ΏπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ Please remember, there is a person behind almost every post on the internet, including syscourse. Be kind.

1611 posts

I'm Two Minutes In, And Dannggg Echoes Of Wisdom Reads So Much Like A Sequel To Links Awakening I Know

I'm two minutes in, and dannggg Echoes Of Wisdom reads so much like a sequel to Links Awakening 😭 I know it's not but 😭😭

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More Posts from 69constellationsinatrenchcoat

Roll on Shrek 5!

SHREK 2 (2004)
SHREK 2 (2004)
SHREK 2 (2004)
SHREK 2 (2004)

SHREK 2 (2004)



I love the standard blue and red switch as much as the next guy but can we just appreciate the amount of effort that went into the totk switch?

I Love The Standard Blue And Red Switch As Much As The Next Guy But Can We Just Appreciate The Amount

look how pretty this thing is... especially the dock, and the joycons have plot-important runes on the backs as well as the zonai patterns, colours and the texture on the back of the switch itself, just πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ beautiful, good job Nintendo.

Very good special edition.

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Hey! Saw your post about Octacon, just wondering what your experience with it is/if it's worth checking out as an alternative to Simply plural? We're just not personally fans of Sp's layout and have only just heard of Octacon

It's 100% a viable alternative to SimplyPlural if you're on android - it's not on iOS yet, last I heard iOS is in development and aiming to be launched in late 2024/early 2025. Octocon doesn't have the web app version (yet) so if that's something you use a lot then it may not work out as well.

SP vs Octo layout

Hey! Saw Your Post About Octacon, Just Wondering What Your Experience With It Is/if It's Worth Checking
Hey! Saw Your Post About Octacon, Just Wondering What Your Experience With It Is/if It's Worth Checking

If you find SP's layout pesky, definitely give Octo a go! Currently, Octo doesn't have quite as many features as SimplyPlural but it's a very new app atm and it's improving very quickly :)

If you use discord a lot; it also has a baked in set of features, similar to TupperBox and PluralKit that allow for proxy messaging

There's a lot of information available octo's discord if you're curious: link (https://discord.com/invite/octocon)

Hi, I'd like to do a bit of clarification here. There's word going around (especially on platforms such as Tumblr and TikTok) that we're "anti-endo" and are going to go on "user crusades" to ban non-traumagenics like certain other SP/PK alternatives did.

This has not happened and will never happen.

We consider our community to be traumacentric, in the sense that our platform was designed specifically for people with traumagenic/medical DID/OSDD in mind. We explicitly develop our platform to accommodate symptoms such as dissociative amnesia. We are not going to stop anyone from using the app or bot, we just ask that our Discord community sticks to that theme so we can form a proper support group around that demographic. Going on "endogenic crusades" would be uncouth, childish, against our values, and quite frankly absurd.

We have a neutral stance on systems not caused by trauma. Our platform just isn't designed for them nor around them. If you came here with the intention of sparking discourse regarding this subject, please leave.

A part that bothers me in particular is that this also implies that we would violate user privacy (or have already violated it, which is even worse). As stated in our privacy policy, this is also not the case. We will never look into someone's account unless we are legally forced to do so under U.S. law, or that person volunteers to share some information to help us fix a bug, at which point we will consensually collect as little information as possible.

I ask that anyone who notices this kind of rhetoric going around on external platforms help us to clarify any misinformation. It would help lessen our workload immensely so we can focus on developing features, fixing bugs, and stabilizing our community. For those of you I've seen who have already helped with this, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

- Atlas 

[copied and pasted on 30 Sept 2024 from discord announcement, posted in Octocon's discord  17 July 2024]

[and a little reminder that octo is aimed at CDDs but they aren't banning any systems with other origins from using it β€” full details of post in alt text]

Plus, Octo has a minecraft server for Patreon supporters if that's something you're into XD

We have another post explaining our personal usage of SP if anyone is curious

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^ "demonic possession" Can refer to DID, but it's seems to include ANY KIND OF "weirdness"

It drastically depends on the church/religion/sect etc how bad it can get and how intolerant churches are... Christianity is notorious for this.

I was told I had demons (and were prayed over for them - mini exorcisms) over

Being queer

Someone mentioned in passing that we'd been hearing voices and that was either viewed as demonic or god speaking. Neither was correct.

Being diagnosed as AuDHD once I was 16

Being too hyper as a kid (undiagnosed ADHD)

Asking too many questions

Playing pretend as a boy when I was little (and pretending to play "families" with another girl).

Being anxious about church (clearly I had a demon and not that I was in an opressive environment)

Not interacting like normal people (aka undiagnosed autism)

Drawing darker art during church services

My parents divorcing

My mum leaving the church

Being bullied (it was something wrong with me)

Playing fantasy pretend

Being stubborn and not letting the church bend me to their will ...and this was way before I knew something was wrong with my church.

And don't get me started on what happened when I went back to church in a wheelchair.

Going back to being queer: that wasn't just one prayer, that was "priests stand in a circle and place your hands on this 12 year old's shoulders and cast out the demon" kinda shit, repeatedly. I'd be pulled aside for conversations and prayers about loving girls and dressing more masculine. I'd be prayed over and be told I was sinning when I'd never acted upon it.

What I experienced wasn't the worst thing my friends have experienced, it wasn't wonderful but it wasn't the worst it could've been. I believe my old church has got a lot better now, they had a priest shift over and the new priest is totally chill about LGBTQ+ things, and has officiated multiple queer weddings - which is amazing, because it was one opressive voice that made the majority of the issues.

It's not just being plural. It's a systemic issue that stems back to intolerance, homophobia, misinformation and ableism.

people do know that the "demonic possession" is...religious, right? not pluralphobia?