Today is World Suicide Prevention Day. As I am writing this, many beings are thinking about ending their journey, for one reason or the other. Suic*** has been normalized when happening in certain contexts and forgotten about in many others. The truth is that, for a horrible amount of individuals, the reason was society. It is important to understand that we are all here in the same way, but we are not as strong to take it all in and move on. That's why we need to be respectful and caring towards others. One day it could be you, and it may be for a different reason, but you'd want someone to show you their heart.
You are needed. You are wanted. You are loved. If you are looking for a sign, this is it. You are important and I appreciate your existence. Earth wouldn't be the same without you. Please keep going. You can do it. You are awesome. Show your light. Stay.
The Indicators Project seeks to provide validation to those that have been through the situations and conditions described, as well as to bring awareness to many different issues and ways of being that are usually undervisibilized, misunderstood or unspoken due to still being some sort of taboo.
Indicators should never be used as a tool for self-diagnosis nor against yourself or others in any way, shape or form. Having one single indicator does not mean you will experience the situation described, specially if you never have before. Do not take this as a life sentence but rather as an explanation of the possibility of experiencing something. Use it the events in your journey through a wider perspective.
The ultimate purpose of Indicators is to be eventually used as a tool for prevention and self-awareness by all beings. Indicators signal the likelihood for situations, events, conditions and decisions. There are more indicators that need to be found, so researchs remain open forever. If you would like to participate in this or any other research as a volunteer, write an e-mail with the Subject 'Research Volunteer' to I'm currently researching many different things so don't be afraid to reach out and introduce yourself. Feel free to tell me your story and as much (or little) details as you wish. Thank you for being you.

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More Posts from Ancientastarwis
Pick a Card October Energy

This month the theme is inspired by magical forests of light and healing. Each picture contains tarot messages and oracle guidance that are important for the month of October. You can choose one or more of these pictures. Comment which option you choose and whether it was accurate for your current situation.
For personal tarot and oracle readings, send a private message.
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October will guide you to take control of your thoughts and reality, both by consciously declaring and choosing what you need, want and deserve; and by consciously choosing to let go of the outdated. It is highly important for you to actively participate in this process, so you can retrieve sovereignity. Doing so will help you gain resilience and determination, which you will need throughout the month. Avoid being too logical and calculating, specially when it comes to success or fitting in. Express gratitude for what you already have and seek emotional independence. Remember that you are free to choose what you wish to do and shouldn’t feel forced by others or by a higher power to do any particular thing.
Freedom: You are free to choose what you do . This card is a gentle reminder that you aren’t a victim of outside circumstances and that you have choices in everything you do. The angels are helping you shift away from complaining that you’re a victim of others who control you. Instead, Heaven is shining the light upon your wise decision to take responsibility for yourself, your life, and your happiness. As you accept the role you’ve played in creating your present circumstances, you feel a corresponding sense of relief and freedom. The insight of self-responsibility frightens some initially, as it seems to carry the weight of blame. The angels help you see that blame is a waste of time because it focuses on past events. Instead, they empower you to envision a bright today and tomorrow for yourself and your loved ones. You have the right to change your life! You needn’t wait for another’s permission to take charge of your destiny. Trust your feelings to guide you towards activities and a career that are meaningful and fulfilling in every way.
October is a month of deep introspection for you. It will guide you to release the fear of generosity and heart-based living, which may come from childhood trauma or social experiences that made you feel as if you had to fit in to survive, rejecting your soul in the process. Superficial behaviors will need to go away too as they cause disharmony and excessive concerns with public image and appereance. The same will occur with outdated beliefs regarding collaboration and relationships, as they cause disharmony and a sense of lack and abandonment in your life. Accepting your soul journey and following your heart will help you make sudden progress and find yourself again.
ARTIST: ENGAGING IN ARTISTIC ACTIVITIES IS BENEFICIAL TO YOUR CAREER AND EVERY OTHER AREA OF YOUR LIFE. Your inner world is colorful and this card is a reminder that your career can be colorful as well! With your artistic eye, you naturally gravitate towards beautiful shades, shapes and objects. Now the angels want to bring artistry into your career field. You will feel more fulfilled with work that helps you express your inner artist. You drew this card because it’s important for you to take action steps as the artist you truly are. If you had unlimited time and money, what type of creative work would you engage in? Your answer to this question indicates a beneficial avenue for you to explore now. In fact, this is precisely what will open up all of your channels so that you experience more support, time and creative energy. So please, take the opportunity to engage in something artistic, such as painting, jewelry making, an art course, sketching, dancing, sewing and so forth. Your finished creation may or may not become the basis of a commercial venture, however, your actions and artistic expression will definitely have a positive effect upon your career and every other area of your life.
October asks you to connect with your sense of abundance by choosing to see what you have and yourself as enough. It may not be a good moment to make important decisions, but it definitely is a moment to take advantage of what naturally comes your way. It is important to use your power and the tools and opportunities available for everyone’s highest good, instead of solely for your personal benefit. Release the doubts and fears regarding being generous, sharing and giving freely. Consciously choose to let go of the remainders of past painful cycles or situations from your heart and mind. Embody your truth to move forward and start again.
FORTUNE'S WHEEL: LUCK AND RIGHT TIMING. A TURN OF FORTUNE. The Fortune’s Wheel is a sign that luck has found the right timing in your life. You have the magic touch, and everything turns to gold. There is nothing you can do wrong. You only need to hold what you desire as your intention, and it becomes true. Do not waste this power on trifling things—dream big, for surely this opportune moment will pass. Such is the nature of Fortune’s Wheel. Use the creative power of the Fortune’s Wheel for the benefit of others, and the gifts will be returned to you ten fold. Use it only for your own gain, and you will be left impoverished and with the bitter taste of squandered opportunity. Fortune’s Wheel comes unannounced. Notice the early signs, the coincidental encounters, and the seemingly magical and synchronous events that herald its arrival. That call, that e-mail, that invitation, that chance encounter was no accident; they all were choreographed by Fortune. Do not wait any longer. Carpe diem! Recall your boldest and noblest longing, and invite it into your life. This invitation is all that is required.
Weekly Messages 🔮 (September 25 - 31)
✨ Release the fears and doubts about being a leader, being unique or doing things your own way. Dare to be different, take action towards what you believe in/are passionate about. This will inspire others to do the same.
✨ It is time for self-deception to be released. Seek to accept the truth of everything and everyone and to open up to more than you thought was possible.
✨ Some feelings of unfairness may lead you to close up emotionally and mentally. Do the opposite of what makes you feel "safe" by feeling, healing and transmuting what's blocking your path.
✨ Shame, vulnerability and feeling unsuccessful or like you are a failure will appear as well: Let yourself be as you are.
✨ It is a good week for socializing, which could help you clear your mind and make you feel more supported or understood, especially if you find you are having a difficult time dealing with the energies.
✨ There may be unexpected changes that may make you feel ungrounded and somewhat unstable. These changes may be more impactful on a material level or on an internal level, depending on the person. It is not the best week to make important decisions or seek stability.
Blessings and love for your week 🩷🌸💘

A cat's birth chart
☀️ - Cats see themselves as and are known for being freedom loving, independent, detached and intelligent.
🌙 - They spent much of their baby/toddler stage with their mother and are meant to detach from the family unit.
Mercury - They communicate in a bold way and are curious about everything because everything seems new to them.
Venus: They find stability through shelter, food and reproduction. Nothing seemed unique about their Venus placement.
Mars: They seek to explore, travel and learn thorough experiences. They are agile, daring and adventurous.
Jupiter: They are lucky with death, meaning that they go through life or death situations and don't die.
Saturn: They experience lessons when it comes to socializing, inventions and progress. They may struggle to make themselves accountable for the disasters they make 🙃
Uranus: They experience sudden changes in death and are also visionary when it comes to death as they possess an incredible ability to twist and right themselves during a fall.
Neptune: They have doubts regarding socializing and progress.
Pluto: They are fated to go through transformations, the life-threatening ones being more obvious than the internal ones.
The square between the Moon and Mercury would make them sort of hyperactive and quick-thinking. They have a marked Sagittarius energy powered by Mercury in Aries which would make them even more independent. The Scorpio stellium makes them equally admired and feared, with superstitions being built around them. The Pisces Ascendant made most sense for a matching MC with the Sun in Sag in the 10th.
This birth chart is based on the general knowledge and perception people tend to have about cats. Obviously, it can't be applied to every single cat in the world as each one has a unique personality and this perception does not need to be accurate either. This is not the only possibility. It is just my guess. It was both exhausting and challenging to try to guess an entire birth chart and coordinate all the elements, yet fun. Only some of the aspects appear pictured.
Let me know below if you liked this idea. Feel free to share the placements and aspects you think cats have.

Weekly Messages 🔮 (September 18 - 24)
✨ This week you will be guided to let yourself feel the vulnerability that comes with showing yourself as you are, even despite the fear of being rejected or criticized. Break through that fear to break through the illusion of safety that keeps you trapped. many have already been connecting with this mindset and it will integrate more deeply during the week.
✨ It is a great week to release the old and welcome the new. This applies on an internal and external level: from a project you've been thinking about, going on a trip or taking a risk...this is a week for new beginnings. If doubts appear along the way: use your intuition to make decisions and reach success.
✨ Your life may have reached a considerable level of perceived harmony. Right now, you may feel everything is aligned and calm. However, this week reminds you that the real challenge is not for you to perceive harmony internally, but to sustain that feeling when the external ceases to be harmonic. Take some time to absorb this harmony so you can remember what it feels like in times of decline and chaos.
Have a wonderful week!

Sun square Pluto (October 11 -31)
The Sun will form a square with Pluto between October 11 and October 31.
During this time, you are likely to feel a greater need for safety and stability. There may be attempts to retrieve or maintain old versions of you or go back to past situations, as well as difficulties to forget and forgive others for past or current situations.
There could be a greater resistance to change and transformation. It will be easier to enter survival mode and feel panic, fear or anxiety. Hidden issues could reach the conscious mind.
Sadness, resignation, nostalgia, negative thoughts, feeling more unable to overcome challenges and imagining worst-case scenarios could appear too, creating the feeling of being at a blind alley.
The key to harness the power of this transit is to accept the identity as an ever-transforming element, rather than as something static and fixed; so that the need to control can be released and a new more unified self can emerge.
Avoid making harsh decisions based on how you are feeling. Focus on making everything consciously. Open up to changes and willingly accept them.
Sun square Pluto is one of the most difficult aspects to experience, both through universal transits and in the natal chart. For that reason, I created this post with many of the situations that could appear individually to most people. This transit will affect each person differently, depending on the entire natal chart. If you have it in the natal chart, you will review different natural issues and traits of your personality. If you are going through a transiting Sun square Pluto, or transiting Pluto square natal Sun, you will feel this aspect with more intensity. A similar effect will be experienced by those that do not have this aspect in the natal chart nor are experiencing it as a transit, as the energy feels foreign and new. Moreover, any other square with Pluto in the natal chart will be activated and suffer changes. Other aspects to Pluto will be activated too, with less impact.
Since this square is occurring between Libra and Capricorn, some situations that could appear more frequently include tendencies to collaborate, people-please or give in for a fear of confrontation, increased feelings of vulnerability to challenges, a stronger lack of determination or a desire to give up; and difficulties or injustices at work.
As Pluto leaves the retrograde motion today, these situations are more likely to be healed through external situations.
Thank you for all the support in form of likes, shares and comments. They help me keep creating content for you.
Happy Wednesday ✨💓🌸