ancientastarwis - Ancient Astarwis
Ancient Astarwis ||||

80 posts

Life Is Not An Exam, A Task Or A Race. Seeing Life As One Or All Of These Leads To Repeated Failure And

Life is not an exam, a task or a race. Seeing life as one or all of these leads to repeated failure and exhaustion. It leads to a path full of fears, doubts, insecurities, emptiness and deep feelings of failure. The ideals of perfection are most often built in connection to social standards and expectations, which do not tend to be aligned with the path and purpose of individuals on a personal level. Instead, life is better perceived as an experience with purpose, that must be sought internally and is unique to every individual.

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More Posts from Ancientastarwis

1 year ago

Weekly Messages 🔮 (October 2 - 8)

✨ This week represents the end of a phase on an internal level. It is time to let go of behaviors, thoughts or emotions that are present due to past situations or that are part of old versions of you. Likewise, you may need to make decisions to consciously bring closure to some of the internal or external situations. This will help you move forward more lightly in the coming weeks.

✨ You will be encouraged to seek your heart through kindness, generosity and gentleness towards others, without expecting anything in return and knowing you are not losing more than you are winning.

✨ You will be guided to let go of competitive, selfish or prideful behaviors towards others. Remember to focus on self-improvement and not on beating other people, trying to appear above others or obsessively seeking fame on a material level. Since each person has their own unique purpose, there will never be a "winner."

✨ You may find deeper answers about your life purpose. Pay attention to the signs and the activities you naturally choose to do.

🗝️ The keyword for this week is RECIPROCITY

Enjoy the week 💛✨⭐☺️


Weekly Messages (October 2 - 8)

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1 year ago

Golden Light 🟡 Energy Guidance

The Golden Light is a high-vibrational form of energy that appears to aid in the release of old memories, trauma and baggage. Everything that needs to be released surfaces suddenly in a seemingly chaotic fashion. When this light vibration appears, the ability to see the glimmer in all situations and to find hope, resilience and positivity within you increases. The vibratory pulsations recenter you and reconnect you to your identity. A need to The rest of the healing brought by the Golden Light promotes inner peace, quiet and stillness anchoring the energy in the Root Chakra.

*********************** The energy is now pretty fluid and changeable. Emotions are overflowing one minute when a pulsation occurs, perfectly still the next. That gap is used by the soul to anchor more Golden Light through the Root, which is pulsing and expanding throughout the process. The amount of shame that is being released globally is impressive. These integrations are so taxing because they are changing the (weak) foundations that are not part of the original you. As the old is released, you will feel more ready to make the necessary changes in your life as well as lighter. How are these energies affecting you? Message me for a one-on-one reading.Feel free to send a tip using this link in bio if my posts help you. 💛 Have a beautiful day✨💕 @ancientastarwis

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1 year ago
Weekly Messages (September 10 - 16)

Weekly Messages 🔮(September 10 - 16)

✨ This week asks you to heal your inner energies. It's time to find balance within you, by avoiding extremes and working on your masculine and feminine energies equally.

✨ It's best for you to avoid superficiality, impulsive decision-making and any behavior that won't let you see the truth and hear your inner guidance. Remember that what you create with what you have is up to you.

✨ Right now, a big amount of karma is being cleared from the total of humanity so that further progress can be made. During this week, you will come across several opportunities to clear generational trauma and release ancestral/karmic patterns. Choosing to do so will help you and everyone else make progress.

✨ Some people may go (or may have been going) through unexpected events. These events are meant to redirect and unify you, so that you cease to avoid yourself. The Universe will be sending you more clear signs, do not doubt them. Connect with your instincts if you need to know what to do next.

Happy Monday!


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1 year ago

99 Energetic Portal 09/09/2023

Happy 99 Portal! 💙

99 Energetic Portal 09/09/2023

This is a good moment to focus on finishing things, whether it is projects, tasks, duties, creative activities, hoobies...rather than on starting new ones. This may look as regrouping, recounting, summarizing, organizing...any concluding activity that could lead to simplification and ease of one or more aspects of your daily life. It is a good moment to focus on keeping a resilient and centered mindset in which the priority is moving forward, not being acknowledged or seeing the fruits of your hard-work. This will also help you to do things for more selfless and pure reasons.

The energy of this portal will be present for the rest of the year, being the strongest during this month, until the next portal opens.


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1 year ago

Pick a Card October Energy

Pick A Card October Energy

This month the theme is inspired by magical forests of light and healing. Each picture contains tarot messages and oracle guidance that are important for the month of October. You can choose one or more of these pictures. Comment which option you choose and whether it was accurate for your current situation.

For personal tarot and oracle readings, send a private message.

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October will guide you to take control of your thoughts and reality, both by consciously declaring and choosing what you need, want and deserve; and by consciously choosing to let go of the outdated. It is highly important for you to actively participate in this process, so you can retrieve sovereignity. Doing so will help you gain resilience and determination, which you will need throughout the month. Avoid being too logical and calculating, specially when it comes to success or fitting in. Express gratitude for what you already have and seek emotional independence. Remember that you are free to choose what you wish to do and shouldn’t feel forced by others or by a higher power to do any particular thing.

Freedom: You are free to choose what you do . This card is a gentle reminder that you aren’t a victim of outside circumstances and that you have choices in everything you do. The angels are helping you shift away from complaining that you’re a victim of others who control you. Instead, Heaven is shining the light upon your wise decision to take responsibility for yourself, your life, and your happiness. As you accept the role you’ve played in creating your present circumstances, you feel a corresponding sense of relief and freedom. The insight of self-responsibility frightens some initially, as it seems to carry the weight of blame. The angels help you see that blame is a waste of time because it focuses on past events. Instead, they empower you to envision a bright today and tomorrow for yourself and your loved ones. You have the right to change your life! You needn’t wait for another’s permission to take charge of your destiny. Trust your feelings to guide you towards activities and a career that are meaningful and fulfilling in every way.


October is a month of deep introspection for you. It will guide you to release the fear of generosity and heart-based living, which may come from childhood trauma or social experiences that made you feel as if you had to fit in to survive, rejecting your soul in the process. Superficial behaviors will need to go away too as they cause disharmony and excessive concerns with public image and appereance. The same will occur with outdated beliefs regarding collaboration and relationships, as they cause disharmony and a sense of lack and abandonment in your life. Accepting your soul journey and following your heart will help you make sudden progress and find yourself again.

ARTIST: ENGAGING IN ARTISTIC ACTIVITIES IS BENEFICIAL TO YOUR CAREER AND EVERY OTHER AREA OF YOUR LIFE. Your inner world is colorful and this card is a reminder that your career can be colorful as well! With your artistic eye, you naturally gravitate towards beautiful shades, shapes and objects. Now the angels want to bring artistry into your career field. You will feel more fulfilled with work that helps you express your inner artist. You drew this card because it’s important for you to take action steps as the artist you truly are. If you had unlimited time and money, what type of creative work would you engage in? Your answer to this question indicates a beneficial avenue for you to explore now. In fact, this is precisely what will open up all of your channels so that you experience more support, time and creative energy. So please, take the opportunity to engage in something artistic, such as painting, jewelry making, an art course, sketching, dancing, sewing and so forth. Your finished creation may or may not become the basis of a commercial venture, however, your actions and artistic expression will definitely have a positive effect upon your career and every other area of your life.


October asks you to connect with your sense of abundance by choosing to see what you have and yourself as enough. It may not be a good moment to make important decisions, but it definitely is a moment to take advantage of what naturally comes your way. It is important to use your power and the tools and opportunities available for everyone’s highest good, instead of solely for your personal benefit. Release the doubts and fears regarding being generous, sharing and giving freely. Consciously choose to let go of the remainders of past painful cycles or situations from your heart and mind. Embody your truth to move forward and start again.

FORTUNE'S WHEEL: LUCK AND RIGHT TIMING. A TURN OF FORTUNE. The Fortune’s Wheel is a sign that luck has found the right timing in your life. You have the magic touch, and everything turns to gold. There is nothing you can do wrong. You only need to hold what you desire as your intention, and it becomes true. Do not waste this power on trifling things—dream big, for surely this opportune moment will pass. Such is the nature of Fortune’s Wheel. Use the creative power of the Fortune’s Wheel for the benefit of others, and the gifts will be returned to you ten fold. Use it only for your own gain, and you will be left impoverished and with the bitter taste of squandered opportunity. Fortune’s Wheel comes unannounced. Notice the early signs, the coincidental encoun­ters, and the seemingly magical and synchro­nous events that herald its arrival. That call, that e-mail, that invitation, that chance encounter was no accident; they all were choreographed by Fortune. Do not wait any longer. Carpe diem! Recall your boldest and noblest longing, and invite it into your life. This invitation is all that is required.

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