Aaliyah I 18 I She/Her
28 posts
Dailydoseofmusicality - Believer In The Universe - Tumblr Blog

Some good news
Some of my favorite poetry is by Rupi Kaur, she's such an amazing writer and while some of her work deals with controversial issues I think that makes her even more relatable, so long as you're mature enough to read her books then I definitely recommend her 💖. I also love the artwork above and think it has a lovely and reassuring reminder about how taking things at our own pace and needing to unwind. Weather it's through seemingly meaningless activities such as scrolling through Tumblr or playing a game or taking the time to read something is nothing to be ashamed about especially today when the world feels so hectic and out of control. Don't listen to the opinions of others about how you choose to decompress, okay because it IS valid and YOU are valid. 💕😊

how lucky we are to live in a world where tiramisu exists
I Don't Envy The Cocktail Sippers, Give Me My Carpet Slippers, For I Love To Stay At Home 🎶

1915 Sheet music for "I Love to Stay at Home" by Irving Berlin. From New York City-Vintage History, FB.

So I received this ask, and I wasn't sure if this was a scam or not. But, I have a mom who is diabetic and knows how to get insulin.
I told her about it and she asked me to send this link to this person. It had resources for diabetics who need insulin right away.
So I sent a message to this user and lo and behold, they deleted their ask and blocked me (and presumably deleted their tumblr account).
If someone is messaging you or sending asks in your inbox asking for donations or money, UNLESS YOU PERSONALLY KNOW THEM, it is a scam.
For people who actually need insulin, I have a website that directs you to resources that can help!
Please stay safe everyone!
warning of an insulin scam
Insulin huh? The insolence of this bish. I’m about to be a little harsh here but-

Damn right this is a long shot- I’ve gotten two of these in the past month. Buddy, aside from you coming across as a scam, I can’t even afford my own medical bills right now 💸
what gave you the bright idea that I could help you? (But what do I care, this is a scam.)
How do I know? Because I blocked someone just like this a couple days ago. Same message, same pictures. Slightly different name.

They were STUPID enough to follow me too. I’ve already blocked this account but they thought they could hit me twice with this bullshit.
They've done this a bunch of times to other people, their pics are fake/stolen too. So , fair warning to any of you, don't fall for this and don't give random people money. This person could have done a gofundme, a donation account , a ko-fi, they could have done a myriad of things instead of going to random people and asking them for money.id it’s one thing I despise, its emotional manipulation and exploitation. kind hearts be weary.
block and report if they pop up in your asks.
Just a couple days ago this same person ended up privately messaging me using the exact same excuse and a very similar URL and when I checked out their blog they claimed they were a mother of two and that they needed 370$ dollars because they were a diabetic on their last epi-pen, only when I ended up messaging them back saying no and made that message public. the very next day I tried to view their blog again, it was deleted, I'm writing this so that way everyone else is aware and doesn't end up being scammed. Remember that most private messages you get from people you don't know asking for money are just trying to scam you.
Don't be fooled!

“This is a longshot, would you be willing to help me get my insulin? I'm down to my last pen and its pretty much close to being empty.Nt asking for much only need $370 rn to save my bloodsugar. please help me with a small donation or share any help can save my life. Please help & Blessings ❤️ Thanks.”
vero-og -> verro-og -> verro—og -> vero—-og -> verroh-ogy -> verroo-ogg -> vrro-org -> verrohh-ogg -> vero-1og -> vvero-org0 -> v1993-g -> vvg-vero -> verina-og -> verinna-org -> vero-og-1 -> ver-0g -> ver0-0g -> ver0-0rg -> verr0-0g -> verr0-og -> verro-0g -> ver-0gg
This scammer has already made tons of money running this insulin scam please don’t donate to them they are lying and stealing and block people who ask for refunds. Report them if you see them and this list updates based on every account they’ve been under. Please pay attention to the style or url they’ve used to know how easy it is to spot their a scammer.
I Am So Excited And Pumped For This Film To Come Out, July Can't Come Any Sooner!!! 😆

Marvel Studios Deadpool & Wolverine (2024) Teaser #1
If you use Google Docs for your writing, I highly encourage you to download your work, delete it from Google Docs, and transfer it to a different program/site, unless you want AI to start leeching off your hard work!!!
I personally have switched to Libre Office, but there are many different options. I recommend checking out r/degoogle for options.
Please reblog to spread the word!!
“Chipmunk tasting almonds for the first time”
Most fics I read (weather on AO3 or here.) are so much better than most books I've read and I'm pretty sure that's because they put a lot more heart and care into their works and their passion really shows through, it honestly amazes me sometimes just how talented the writers on this platform are, and I'm honored and grateful they decided to put it out into the world because it's definitely better because of it 😊.
reblog if you’ve read fanfictions that are more professional, better written than some actual novels. I’m trying to see something
AKA (The Most Perfect Pure-Hearted Man Alive.) 😍💞

Peter Parker
—The Amazing Spider-Man
The perfect moodboard for christmas this year!

🎄 . spending christmas with tasm!peter
hot cocoa late at night. swinging on top of buildings to see the pretty lights. spider-man themed gifts. matching ugly sweaters. getting tangled in the xmas lights. decorating the tree together. having an ornament with your picture in it. handwritten letters. baking. hand kisses. borrowing his sweaters. listening to christmas music. watching christmas movies under the warm blankets. ice skating. holding hands. playing with peter's hair. getting matching things. peppermint perfume.
"you're cold, bub." peter says, nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck as you cuddle on the couch — "and you're very warm, pete."
These are the very beautiful dividers that I'm using for my blog, the full credit goes to roseschoices

˗ˏˋ masterlist banners for writing with matching dividers . ´ˎ˗
▸ made by me / free to use / likes, rb and comments are appreciated! / enjoy. *kiss*
[will do with different colors if it's requested!]

So, this is a guide for how to navigate my tags since my blog is home to a lot of topics
If you're interested in one particular topic it will be under the following tags
Astrology : Astro reblog or astrology
Movies : Movie rec
Books : Book rec
TV series : TV rec
Tasm Peter : Tasm reblogs
And as for fanfiction those that are made by other author's will be under the tag : Aaliyah 💫 reblogs
Meanwhile stories that are written by me will not only be located in my master list (which is linked at the bottom and empty for now, but the more I'll write the more I'll keep adding to it) but under the tag : Aaliyah 💫 writes
(And I also would appreciate it if no one sends me asks about promoting or signal boosting anything, please and thank you 🙏)
If you want to learn a bit more about me here's also a link to my About Me page

Hi, Everybody! My name is Aaliyah and I'm pretty new to Tumblr and I've recently decided to start a blog on here to get some of my writing and thoughts about a certain wall-crawler out of my head and see what everyone thinks.
I love astrology, tarot, and spirituality 💖 and art of any kind so I'll reblog any works I like or those that I think deserve some appreciation and recognition.
I'm a little bit obsessed with Andrew Garfield's Spiderman so expect to see his beautiful face on here a lot. I also plan on writing for Wade Wilson but strictly as a platonic or sibling x reader relationship.
A little more info about me: I'm 18, My big three in Western astrology is Sag Sun/Pisces Moon/Virgo Rising, and in Vedic astrology I'm a Jyestha sun, Purva Bhadrapada moon and Magha rising. My pronouns are She/Her, I adore movies, books and music (hence my blog name) and with nearly every post you can expect to find a thematic song to go with it, because where words fail music can express anything 💫.
Currently I am taking requests and working on an upcoming fic (but unfortunately though I'm not very consistent and quite sparse in imagination so please don't be too mad if my posts are not exactly consistent 😅 thank you) and also there is going to be some mature content so if you're below the age of 18 you might wanna avoid this blog.
And as for astrology unfortunately I don't do birth chart readings but I will make some posts about placements I am familiar with and have experienced either through my own chart or somebody I know
Well I think that wraps everything up, if you have any other questions you can try and message me (but for some reason my messenger hasn't seem to be working lately so if I don't respond don't take it personally.) Anyway I leave you with a song I think perfectly describes me 😊 Bye for now.

“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”

aries placements, you're not necessarily impulsive or harsh
taurus placements, you're not boring or unintelligent
gemini placements, you're not annoying or shallow
cancer placements, you're not necessarily moody or crybabies (but crying is completely fine and healthy)
leo placements, you're not necessarily egocentric or loud
virgo placements, you're not necessarily judgmental or pedantic
libra placements, you're not necessarily shallow or passive
scorpio placements, you're not necessarily intense or manipulative
sagittarius placements, you're not necessarily blunt or reckless
capricorn placements, you're not necessarily emotionally cold or selfish
aquarius placements, you're not necessarily detached or eccentric
pisces placements, you're not necessarily flaky or naive
You don't necessarily have any of the traits your sign is associated with, whether it's positive or negative traits, so...
... Don't let astrological stereotypes bring you down or cloud your judgement of yourself and other people. Stay open-minded about new people and experiencing the signs by yourself
"Astrology is a language. If you understand this language, the sky speaks to you." - Dane Rudhyar