Public Service Announcement - Tumblr Posts

Just a couple days ago this same person ended up privately messaging me using the exact same excuse and a very similar URL and when I checked out their blog they claimed they were a mother of two and that they needed 370$ dollars because they were a diabetic on their last epi-pen, only when I ended up messaging them back saying no and made that message public. the very next day I tried to view their blog again, it was deleted, I'm writing this so that way everyone else is aware and doesn't end up being scammed. Remember that most private messages you get from people you don't know asking for money are just trying to scam you.

Don't be fooled!

This Is A Longshot, Would You Be Willing To Help Me Get My Insulin? I'm Down To My Last Pen And Its Pretty
This Is A Longshot, Would You Be Willing To Help Me Get My Insulin? I'm Down To My Last Pen And Its Pretty
This Is A Longshot, Would You Be Willing To Help Me Get My Insulin? I'm Down To My Last Pen And Its Pretty

“This is a longshot, would you be willing to help me get my insulin? I'm down to my last pen and its pretty much close to being empty.Nt asking for much only need $370 rn to save my bloodsugar. please help me with a small donation or share any help can save my life. Please help & Blessings ❤️ Thanks.”

vero-og -> verro-og -> verro—og -> vero—-og -> verroh-ogy -> verroo-ogg -> vrro-org -> verrohh-ogg -> vero-1og -> vvero-org0 -> v1993-g -> vvg-vero -> verina-og -> verinna-org -> vero-og-1 -> ver-0g -> ver0-0g -> ver0-0rg -> verr0-0g -> verr0-og -> verro-0g -> ver-0gg


This scammer has already made tons of money running this insulin scam please don’t donate to them they are lying and stealing and block people who ask for refunds. Report them if you see them and this list updates based on every account they’ve been under. Please pay attention to the style or url they’ve used to know how easy it is to spot their a scammer.

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6 months ago

You do commissions?

Yes I do, my commissions are currently OPEN! I've been meaning to post about this sooner, but I guess you beat me to it lol

I have a website where you can read about my commissions and my pricing info (as well as my TOS) ->

Feel free to contact me via Tumblr or Discord if you have any questions or just want to reach out to me ^_^

Commissions slots: 0/5 OPEN

EmileTB Portfolio
EmileTB Portfolio
Self explanatory title

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1 year ago

I keep having to tear down extremely predatory/misleading Scien.tology flyers in my school's art building. This is the third fucking time I've ripped the fuckers up and I'm getting Real Fucking Tired of it.

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Despite Not Actually Being Members Of Family Corvidae, Grackles Will (when Asked) Claim Both Ravens And

Despite not actually being members of family Corvidae, Grackles will (when asked) claim both Ravens and Crows as their older and younger siblings respectively. Curiously, this delusion seems so ingrained in these prevaricators that they often exhibit signs of ‘middle child syndrome’ and will awkwardly stand off to the side during ‘family’ gatherings or dye their feathers unusual colours in an attempt to garner scraps of attention. Despite this atypical mindset, Grackles are otherwise generally well-adjusted and The Academy of Bird Sciences recommends birders without doctorates in applied avian psychology not pry overmuch into their lineage.

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Subject To A Court-ordered Recall Of Unprecedented Size, The Spoonbill Manufacturing Consortium Has Finally

Subject to a court-ordered recall of unprecedented size, the Spoonbill Manufacturing Consortium has finally been held liable for fifteen years of flat-pack spoonbills which included heavily-flawed instructions and missing or shoddy parts. This recall covers all assemble-it-yourself spoonbills sold between 1998-2013, and does NOT require a receipt to claim a replacement spoonbill of similar style. For further details, please inquire at your local certified bird dealership.

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Im Sad To Report That Ive Received News Of This Years First Of Undoubtedly Many Preventable Fatalities

I’m sad to report that I’ve received news of this year’s first of undoubtedly many preventable fatalities caused by Killdeer. While it’s true that they are ordinarily harmless, these tiny birds very much earn their namesake as they are spectacularly violent towards anything that wanders near their nests. Please, if you see these birds give them a wide berth; you should be safe if you keep at least twenty metric feet from them at all times.

Help spread Bird Awareness by funding The Academy of Bird Sciences!

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1 year ago


If you are not using your flashdrive to actively back things up- TAKE IT OUT OF YOUR COMPUTER! DO IT NOW! RIGHT. NOW.

Yesterday one of my flashdrives stopped working. My mom took it to our local computer guy to find out what was wrong with it and the guy said the the ONLY way that it could POSSIBLY (not definitely, POSSIBLY) be recovered is by sending it to a FORENSICS COMPANY that charges NINE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS ($950) as a flat rate for this service. IF the stuff can even be recovered.

The computer guy said that he has seen all types of flashdrives, no matter the quality, fail because people don't know that they need to take them out of their computers when they're not using them. A few of the things that can happen are the flashdrive can overheat or a virus could destroy it if your computer happens to pick up a virus.

I have thousands of pictures and videos on that flashdrive, precious, precious memories of kids I've worked with that I may never see again in my life and now I might have lost them because I didn't know to take my flashdrive out of my computer when I'm not using it. The cute pictures of my three new kittens I've been posting? On that flashdrive. Memories from holidays and birthdays and camping adventures might be lost forever.


(please for the love of all that is good share this so other people don't have it happen too)

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10 years ago

Public service announcement: A dictionary is not an authoritative source on the set meanings of words, but rather a report on how words are used by people. No, seriously. Words change meaning over time, and definitions aren't set in stone; dictionaries adapt to reflect this.

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Love that they put “a sense of impending doom” as one of the symptoms of a heart attack, like girl, that’s just how it is to be alive these days, you’re gonna have to be more specific

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8 months ago

A little louder for those in the back! 👏

paperwhite91 - Paperwhite91

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8 months ago

A little louder for those in the back! 👏

paperwhite91 - Paperwhite91

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5 months ago


I haven’t heard from him since the sixteenth and I’m very concerned. We were previously in contact nearly every day. A few other people have reached out to me saying he has ceased contact with them as well. I’m very disheartened and afraid and hoping that anyone else has heard from him or knows what’s happening. Please let me know. Thanks

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3 years ago

Just informing my lovely tumblr friends that I won’t be posting quite as much as usual. But, ofc that’s not the good news 😐 I just started a new job which is the good news but unfortunately I won’t have as much time for sims *sad face*. I’m not going to completely stop playing, just on my days off or if I have free time after work. I promise I’ll still be around, but not all day everyday like when I was unemployed 😂. I’ll miss my sims of course, but real life *ugh* This has been a public service announcement. /announcement

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5 months ago

I'm not answering publically because I have zero desire to accidentially cause someone drama or backlash.

I do my best to tag as appropriate, but you may require a more robust system to avoid certain content or words, so you should use the safety tools provided on tumblr.

On the settings of your blog (desktop, not sure if this will show in the same place on mobile), you can marks words and phrases both in post tags or post content to be hidden from you.

I'm Not Answering Publically Because I Have Zero Desire To Accidentially Cause Someone Drama Or Backlash.

The post will still show an entry (it will not be completely hidden), but you will need to acknowledge the warning about filtered content to view it. It is your responsibility whether or not you view filtered content. Shout out to purple for being an example.

I'm Not Answering Publically Because I Have Zero Desire To Accidentially Cause Someone Drama Or Backlash.

You are responsible for curating your comfort level and exposure on the internet. Tagging, content warnings, trigger warnings etc are OPTIONAL features that many people on tumblr use to make it easier for others to curate their experiences, but they are not required.

Stay safe out there!

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9 years ago

Lokführerstreik / Information regarding train driver strike in Germany Apr 22/23, 2015

…Go to English version… Vom 22.4.15 um 2:00 Uhr morgens bis zum 23.4.15 um 21:00 Uhr abends sind Streiks der Lokführergewerkschaft GdL angekündigt. Ich werde versuchen, dieses Posting aktuell zu halten, allerdings habe ich auch einen Job und kann das nur unregelmäßig versuchen. Die wichtigsten Informationen (Notfallfahrplan) gibt es meistens in einem Info-Kasten in der Fahrplanauskunft der Deutschen Bahn – der Online-Fahrplan dort wird auch aktualisiert (auf rote/graue Dreiecke achten), Details zum Streik auf – oder auf den einschlägigen Nachrichtenseiten. Betroffen sind Züge des Regional- und Fernverkehrs (S-Bahnen, RB/RE, IC/ICE), nicht aber U-Bahnen und Straßenbahnen. Die Deutsche Bahn und die Privatbahnen bemühen sich im Streikfall um einen Notfallfahrplan, so daß man grundsätzlich weiter kommt, es kann nur etwas dauern. Arbeitsrechtlich ist es in Deutschland leider das Risiko des Arbeitnehmers, pünktlich am Arbeitsplatz zu erscheinen, auch wenn viele Arbeitgeber sicherlich Verständnis haben, wenn jemand auf die Bahn angewiesen ist, muß sich der einzelne Arbeitnehmer schon selbst auf die Situation einstellen.

Weiterführende Links:

Hier gibt es eine Liste, welche Züge ausfallen oder fahren, allerdings nur für Fernverkehr. Die Fahrplanauskunft unter wird heute (Dienstag)Nachmittag aktualisiert.

Hier ist die Liste, welche Züge in NRW fahren, und welche nicht

Informationen zum vorangegangenen Streik mit Links zu Mitfahrgelegenheiten, Fernbussen etc.

— …Auf Deutsch lesen… There will be an union action against Deutsche Bahn from 4/22/15 2am to 4/23./15 9pm I’ll try to update this post regarding the newly announced strikes of the train driver’s union GdL, but I also have a day job so I can only try to do this irregularly. The most important information (emergency timetable) is usually in an info box right hand at (also available in English and other languages, they usually update the schedule as well, pay attention to red or grey triangles), more details regarding the union action are also on or in the (German) news, try for example. Affected are regional and long distance trains (S-Bahn, RB/RE, IC/ICE), not metro or tram. There should be an emergency timetable so you can get along but have to plan for delays. In Germany you’re responsible on your own how to get to work on time, there are some employers with sympathy for problems if you need the Deutsche Bahn to get along, but in the end it’s your problem and you have to see how to cope with it.

Links with further information:

This is a list concerning long distance connections, the online schedule will be updated during this (Tuesday) afternoon)

This is the list of cancelled and changed trains in NRW

Information regarding the previous strike, with links to carsharing, coaches, etc.

Lokführerstreik / Information regarding train driver strike in Germany Apr 22/23, 2015 was originally published on sebrem's musings

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9 years ago

Lokführerstreik / Information regarding train driver strike in Germany May 05-10, 2015

…Go to English version Neuer Bahnstreik ab Dienstag, 5.5.15 2:00 Uhr nachts bis Sonntag, 10.5.15 09:00 Uhr morgens. Grundsätzlich betroffen sind Züge, die von der Deutschen Bahn betrieben werden (S-Bahn, RB/RE, IC/ICE), dort werden viele Verbindungen ausfallen. Züge anderer Betreiber (eurobahn, Nordwestbahn etc.) sind nur indirekt betroffen, da es bei der DB durch den Streik zu Verzögerungen kommt, haben diese Bahnen wahrscheinlich auch Verspätungen. Auch kommt es vor Beginn und nach Ende des Streiks wahrscheinlich zu Verspätungen.

In Dortmund sieht es lt. Notfallfahrplan so aus:

RE4 + RE11 fallen komplett aus

S1 + S5 fahren nur stündlich und nachts gar nicht

S2 + S4 fallen komplett aus


Unter, im DB Navigator oder unter verspricht die Bahn Echtzeitinformationen

Unter gibt es (wahrscheinlich ab Montag Nachmittag) eine Übersicht über die aktuelle Situation des Nahverkehrs in NRW

Unter werden die Informationen normalerweise ebenfalls eingearbeitet, bitte auf rote X-Symbole sowie rote und graue Dreiecke achten, die auf Zugausfälle hinweisen können!

Alternative Transportmöglichkeiten:

Fernbus Metasuche: – früh buchen, um Enttäuschungen zu vermeiden

Transport-Metasuche: – während des Streiks sind die Ergebnisse für die deutsche Bahn sicher mit Vorsicht zu genießen

Mitfahrgelegenheit: –

…Auf Deutsch lesen There just was a new union action (“train strike”) against Deutsche Bahn announced, this time starting in public transport on Tuesday, May 5th at 2am and lasting until Sunday, May 10th 9am. Basically trains operated by Deutsche Bahn are affected (S-Bahn, RB/RE, IC/ICE), there many connections will be cancelled. Trains of different operators (eurobahn, Nordwestbahn etc.) only are affected indirectly by delays of operations at Deutsche Bahn caused by the strike so they can also be late. Mind that there can also be delays before and after the strike.

The emergency schedule for Dortmund says:

RE4 + RE11 are cancelled

S1 + S5 operate on an hourly basis and not at nighttime

S2 + S4 are cancelled

Timetable information:

At, in the DB Navigator app or at Deutsche Bahn is promising to offer realtime information.

At there will be the list of cancelled trains (probably from Monday afternoon) in NRW (written in German)

See for realtime information (multilingual) – look for red x symbols as well as red and grey triangles, they might point to information saying the train is cancelled!

Alternative transport options:

Coach metasearch: – book early to avoid disappointment

Transport metasearch: – don’t rely on the Deutsche Bahn results too much during the strike

Carpooling: –

Lokführerstreik / Information regarding train driver strike in Germany May 05-10, 2015 was originally published on sebrem's musings

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1 year ago

Reminder that my replies are 100% literate!

This means that, while I don't mind if my RP partners do so and love seeing theirs, I do not nor will I ever use icons, graphics and/or gifs in my replies!

If, for whatever reason, someone doesn't interact with muns who don't use graphics for their replies, then they're invited to continue following me but we won't be able to interact aside from ooc and headcanon-based asks.

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