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Sucker For You

Sucker for You

Sucker For You

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Requested - anon ~ hii,can you do a James Potter x reader with sucker by the jonas brothers where the marauders always say that y/n has james in the palm of her hands and he doesn’t agree,until one day they fight and james realises that he really is a sucker for you,please? thank u❤

James Potter knew there was something about you from the moment he met you. He still remembered the shy first year he’d saw huddled in the corner of the library with a book, a small crease in between your eyebrows as you struggled to understand something in the Transfiguration's textbook. Upon offering you help, James had discovered you were a muggle-born witch who’d only recently discovered the world of magic.

Now he looked at you, sat across from him in the Great Hall laughing loudly as Sirius relayed a prank they’d played on one of the older Slytherin boys. You were so focused on the story that you missed the way James looked at you, Remus however saw it and couldn’t help but smile at his friend. He had that love sick look about him, wide eyes like he couldn’t believe you were actually his and a small grin played on his face.

At first Remus and Sirius had been protective over James, his feelings for you had developed in third year and he’d done everything he could to please you. Sirius often told him that you had him in the palm of your hand but James shook him off each time, he wanted to do things for you, you weren’t making him. It was just some nice tokens of affection.

He’d gone out of his way to buy you things, help you with homework, follow you around, carry your bags, said yes to things you wanted to do even if he wouldn’t normally want to do it. You had tried to poliety get him to stop, or at least ease up, on the over affectionate behaviour and eventually he had. It had taken some growing up, silent treatments from you and words of wisdom from the other Marauders but James felt he wasn’t so over the top.

Others thought differently. Whilst people thought you went together perfectly it was still glaringly obvious that James was firmly in the palm of your hand. You knew it as well but tried not to take advantage of the way James chose to show his affection and feelings for you.

When you got up to leave the table, leaning over to give James a soft kiss before standing, James’ eyes followed you as you left, the soft glint never leaving.

“Prongsy, Y/N really has you in the palm of her hand.” James rolled his eyes as he turned to look at Sirius, throwing a chip across the table that hit him in the face. Remus rolled his eyes as Sirius retaliated but couldn’t help but think Sirius was right.




One of the downside to James’ way of showing affection was that he got jealous easily. It was one of the few things that you dislike about it. Understandably jealously was a common trait in many relationships but when it came to your relationship with James it was very prominent. You’d made some comments about the jealousy but had never really sat down and talked to him about it.

You had been talking to a Slytherin boy in the year above you, Oswald Jefferson, about some tutoring in potions. With exams coming up shortly you thought it’d be in your best interest to go and get a little extra help in the subject you were least confident in. He’d readily agreed to help you, thankfully one of the nicer Slytherin.

You were going over the theory side of things that you’d have to know before your exam, already you had spent a lot of time in the lab with him after Slughorn had allowed it. Oswald was quizzing you and you felt surprisingly confident. Thankfully the study sessions weren’t as dull or awkward as you’d thought they would be, instead you ended up laughing as you answered another question, missing the way James glared from across the library.

“Come on mate, it’s Y/N. Nothing is happening over there other than her stressing over passing these exams.” James let out a scoff, not even looking at Sirius as he kept glaring.

“Sirius is right James. You know Y/N, she loves you as much as you love her. You’re just being ridiculous.” That caused James to snap his head around to glare at his two friends.

“Ridiculous?! She’s the one over there with some Slytherin! Always flirting with other guys like she’s not got a boyfriend, I mean seriously would it kill her to act like she was in a relationship!”

“James-” Sirius tried to interrupt him but he continued.

“No, Sirius. I mean I don’t even know why I bother some days. I put so much bloody energy into our relationship and she goes running to any old Slytherin. And don’t even get me started on-”

“James!” Remus shocked him by raising his voice which caused him to pause in his rant. He saw that neither of them were looking at him but more specifically something over his shoulder. His brows knitted together as he turned around, face falling as he saw you stood near them with tears in your eyes.

“Y/N, I-I didn’t, I-” He tried to croak out an apology but you stopped him.

“Save it Potter,” you spat, trying your hardest to keep the tears from falling down your face.”If that’s what you really think about me then we’re through!” You adjusted the strap of your bag, walking out of the library with your head held high, only letting it drop when you entered an empty classroom that looked like it hadn’t been used for a decade or two.

As you sat on the floor, not caring much about the dust that had collected, you finally let the tears fall. Sobs escaped from you as you clutched a hand to your mouth trying to quiet them, thankfully you were in a part of the castle that seemed fairly unused.

James had tried to follow you out of the library but Remus caught his arm before he could and tugged him back into his seat, whilst James had tried to fight the grip Sirius spoke.

“Dude, you messed up big time. Honestly, you’d be lucky if she wanted to talk to you again after this but you’re going to have to give her time.”

James took Sirius’ advice after he tried to talk to you and you completely ignored him, carrying on down the corridor with one of your friends, a smile that felt too fake plastered on your face.

He felt lost. James was so used to being by your side, you helping him with pranks or encouraging him to study and do homework. He was used to falling asleep with you in his arms, the feeling of safety, love and warmth all rolled into one. He was used to waking up and his day instantly being a brilliant one because the first thing he saw was you. He felt like an arse for what he had said, he didn’t mean to get jealous but he knew how many guys wanted you and felt like you were far too good for him and you would realise one day.

James loved you, always had and felt that he always would. There was no doubt in his mind you were the one for him, he’d do anything for you without hesitation. He’d break any rule he had to to make you happy. Without you he really felt lost.

The hurt you felt from hearing James’ words still followed you around daily but you were faring better than James. The smile you wore still felt fake but it was getting easier. You did miss being cuddled up by the fire in the common room together, missed the late nights chats you had when he snuck you both out of the castle to watch the stars, missed the mischief you helped caused, the dates you would have both in the castle and at Hogsmeade.

You only needed him to apologise and promise that you’d both work on your communication skills and you both could have what you wanted.




James and you had been broken up for four months when he finally approached you. You were sat alone in a quiet corner of The Three Broomsticks with a warm cup of butterbeer wrapped in your hands to help fight the winter chill. The quiet was interrupted when someone cleared their throat causing you to turn and lock eyes with James.

“Hey.” He said hesitantly, hands fidgeting with one another as he looked at you shyly.

“Hi.” You replied, eyebrows raised in question to see where this would end up.

“Can, uh, I, can I join you?” The nerves he felt were written all over him, you took pity and nodded, gesturing to the seat opposite you. Once he sat down an awkward air settled around the pair of you.

“Listen, I know this is four months too late but I had to say it before there wasn’t a chance to. I’m sorry about what I said. None of it was true, I was just a jerk who let jealously take control. It’s just, you’re way too good for someone like me and, you know, I was scared you’d realise it and leave me. I know you were never flirting with other guys though, you’re just a nice person to everyone. What I’m trying to say is I really am sorry and I understand if you don’t have feelings for me anymore, Hell I’m not expecting us to go back to normal if you do it’s just that-” You let James ramble, knowing it was better to just let him run his course and decipher what you could from it but you drew the line when he started repeating himself frequently.

“James,” you interrupted gently, immediately he stopped talking, resembling a puppy who had just been called and was now giving its owner its full attention. You couldn’t stop the small smile that made its way on to your face. “I accept your apology, ok, and yes I still want to be with you but it’s not gonna be how it was before. We’ve got to talk about things, if your jealous just come to me. If we have a problem, we talk to each other.” James nodded along to everything you were saying, he knew things had to change so you were both happy.




You and your boys had graduated from Hogwarts, all passing with grades that would benefit you. You had gotten a job in your dream field, ready to work your way up to the top whilst James and Sirius got accepted for the Aurror Program.

James had taken you to look around some of the properties that were left to him and one of them caught your eye. It was a beautiful cottage that had a breathing view, the house elves had done an amazing job tending to the gardens all these years. James and you had moved in together and were happier than ever.

Two years into living together, James took you out on your anniversary and popped the question.

“Y/N, I’m so glad you gave me another chance and we get to live our lives together. Being with you has made me a happier man and the thought of being without you hurts like hell. Remus and Sirius like to say you have me in the palm of your hand and I’ve always denied it but looking back now you really do but I don’t think it’s a bad thing. Y/F/N Y/L/N, I’m a sucker for you. Will you do me the honour of marry me?”

You’d said yes. Of course you had and you had the rest of yours lives to be suckers for the other.

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60 dean x reader please x

60 Dean X Reader Please X

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Prompts - 60 - “I crashed your family member’s wedding for the free food but hi there”

You were staying in a hotel when you saw that a wedding party was being held in one of the party rooms. You raised your eyebrow as an idea formed in your head, you knew you had a fancy-ish dress you could throw on and blend in with the guests. It looked like there was enough people in there that you could pass as a distant friend of the family. A grin spread on your face when you saw the food that had been left on the table, who were you to pass up free food? Quickly, you headed back to your hotel room, slipping into something a little nicer than the hoodie-leggings combo you were rocking before adding a bit of makeup and heading back downstairs. It was easy enough to sneak into the room and over to the buffet table, grabbing a plate and going to town, helping yourself to the food.

“Best thing about a wedding, huh? The food.” Someone said to you, you turned to look at him. The man was definitely taller than you, looking insanely handsome in his fitted suit.

“Very true.” You laughed, biting down on a sandwich as you turned to face the sea of people who were eating, dancing, laughing, generally just having a good time. Your eyes landed on what was obviously the bride and groom, the groom was bent down, gently kissing his new bride though you could see the kiss was cut off quickly as he was smiling too wide.

“How’d you know the happy couple then?” He asked you with a grin as he too watched the couple. You paused for a second, panicking and cursing yourself for not creating a decent backstory before hand. You cleared your throat before answering him.

“Oh, I’m an old family friend of the groom. What about you?” You prayed to anyone who was listening that he bought your story. The stranger turned to face you, brow raised and a smirk playing on his lips as he took in your appearance.

“Family friend, huh? I’m the groom’s brother and I gotta say pretty face like yours, I think I’d remember you.” The smile fell from your face as you realised you had been caught, there was a 50/50 chance of getting caught out but the brother of all people, your luck really was bad.

“Ok, Ok, I crashed your family member’s wedding for the free food but hi there” You were thoroughly surprised when he laughed at you instead of immediately kicking you out, your eyebrow raised questioningly as he just leaned back against the table, continuing with eating his food.

“Gotta say, I’m pretty surprised I’ve never done that before. I mean, he has pie at this thing, why wouldn’t you crash the party?” He was still laughing as spoke, causing you to relax a bit and carry on working on your plate of food.

“So, I can stay?” You asked him with a sweet smile on your face, he chuckled again.

“Yeah, sure thing. But you gotta know the basic facts. The groom’s name is Sam Winchester, the bride is Jessica Moore. They’ve been together for so long, high school sweethearts. Sammy’s head over heels for the girl. Anyway, that man over there,” he said, pointing at another tall man, head shaved and a greying beard, “is John Winchester, our dad, and the man next to him is Uncle Bobby, practically a dad to us as well though.” He continued pointing out people you should know, telling you a bit more about his brother and Jessica as he did.

“Great, so I know practically the whole family, but I still don’t know your name.” You smiled as his eyes widened.

“Oh yeah, I’m Dean Winchester and you are?” You introduced yourself to him and he grinned. Quickly, he grabbed two plates and cut two slices of pie, setting them down before handing you one and dragging you over to where most of the family had gathered. Sam was the first to notice the two of you, excusing himself from the conversation he was having with, you wanted to say Jessica’s dad but honestly weren’t 100% sure.

“Dean, hey! Whose’s this?” He asked as he smiled at you.

“This is Y/F/N Y/L/N. She’s a friend of mine and I knew she was in town, thought I’d invite her to the party.”

“Oh well hey, it’s nice to meet you.” He told you, offering you a hand to shake which you did.

“You too. Congratulations!” He thanked you with a grin, you could see his eyes were glazed over, happiness and disbelief that he had married his longtime girlfriend. He looked like he knew he was the luckiest man in the world. You were introduced to Jessica before Dean introduced you to his father and Bobby.

After you had been acquainted with everybody, Dean led you to a table that was free and you spent hours trading stories back and forth, telling each other your hobbies, likes and dislikes, jobs, goals, favourite music and movies, pretty much anything that came to mind. There was never a lull in the conversation, you both were enjoying the others company. A night that had started off pretty crappy for you had been transformed so quickly. The intention you had when you came in here was free food to eat whilst you moped around, but you ended up truly enjoying yourself, forgetting about the bad things that had happened that day.

“Care to dance?” Dean asked as he stood, offering you his arm.

“Oh no, no. I don’t dance.” You told him with a slight blush.

“Sure you do.” He replied with a cheeky grin, grabbing your hand and pulling you to the dance floor just as a slow song started. You rested your arms around him, Dean does the same to you as he started moving. You swayed gently and moved your feet as he directed, resting your head against his shoulder as you let yourself relax into the dance.

“See you do dance.” He laughed, causing you to groan, but smile up at him.

You weren’t aware of the three sets of eyes that followed yours and Dean’s movement from the side of the room. Sam, John and Bobby talked quietly about Dean’s behaviour, glad to see the young man was laughing and having a good time. Since his break up, he’d been shut off from women emotionally, going back to his old routine of one night stands. Watching how he was with you made the members of his family smile, it had been a long time since Dean looked this happy, his old relationship had worn him down completely and they thought you two looked good together. As long as Dean was happy, that’s all that mattered to them.

“Mind if I cut in?” You both turned to look at Sam, who held a hand out to you, Dean shrugged down at you but you gave him a pleading look that had him smirking.

“She’s all yours brother.” Dean grinned before wondering off, leaving you with Sam.

“He seems happy with you.” Sam told you causing you to blush slightly and immediately try and shut down whatever he was thinking.

“We’re not together. In fact, we haven’t known each other that long and-” Here Sam cut you off, “I don’t think it matters how long you’ve known someone for. I knew Jess for only a few months when I realised that she was it for me. She’s my endgame. I was in high school when I figured that out. If the connection is there then, why deny yourself of what makes you happy. I know I sound like a cliche and it seems I’ve had this love thing figured out, but I don’t, I definitely got lucky with Jessica. Maybe you and Dean are just what each other need right now.”

You looked up at him, eyebrows drawn together. You’d only known Dean for a couple of hours, but what Sam had said about a connection, you felt something with Dean. You could picture yourself dating him, you had a great number of things in common with him, but at the same time you’d literally only met him today.

“Maybe you have a point.” You told him, causing him to grin down at you. He looked over at Dean and noticed his brother’s eyes were still on you, he wondered if they’d ever left.

“Trust me Y/N, I know my brother. He’s into you, but sometimes he won’t do what he wants because he doesn’t want to risk screwing things up. Make a move, I promise it’ll be worth the risk.” Sam smiled at you again, breaking away from you as the song ended. You made your way back to Dean, who grinned when he saw you coming over.

“Hey, are you busy tomorrow?” You asked him, hands fiddling with the bottom of your dress. He smiled and told you he wasn’t, his own hand coming up to run through his hair. “Do you maybe, I don’t know, wanna go out for dinner with me?” He grinned at you.

“On a date?” You nodded, confirming it was indeed a date. “I’d love to go on a date with you Y/N.” With that, he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your cheek.

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Heart to Heart

Heart To Heart

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Requested - Dean Winchester x reader with the prompts 19 - “The truth is being with you scares me. But not being with you…terrifies me” and 23 - “Before I do this, I need you to know that I have always loved you.” 

Y/N had been hunting with the Winchester’s for a long time, you’d met them whilst you were hunting a nest of vampires and ended up making quite a team. Once they had found out what the vampires had done to your family they opened their home up to you, you had happily accepted the invitation and since then had grown close to them. Whilst you liked both men you had been drawn to Dean more, you went to him when you were scared, when you couldn’t sleep due to nightmares from your past. You shared the bed with him more times than not when the three, sometimes four depending on if Castiel joined, travelled. You knew you were falling for the taller man but also knew nothing could come from it, this life wasn’t for people who thought they could have a slice of happiness, getting to close to someone got you and them hurt but still you couldn’t help soaking up all the hugs, the touches, the lingering glances between Dean and you.

Even with the apocalypse world situation nothing had changed between you and Dean, you were still friends, the best of friends, and nothing more. You joked and flirted, everyone could tell there was something there but you knew Dean was just joking, no matter how much Sam tried to convince you otherwise.

The bunker was currently fuller than usual, Rowena here helping with opening the gate to the apocalypse world, Gabriel recovering and helping were he could, Castiel, Sam and Dean were getting ready to go to the other side. You, however, sat staring at Dean with an angry glare. He had banned you from going, said it was too dangerous which was true but what wasn’t dangerous in this life? You knew when you joined the boys your life would be dangerous, that every action would have a consequence but you wanted to help! You were going to the apocalypse world with or without Dean’s permission, just let him try and stop you.

“Listen, I’m not apologising for protecting you-“ Dean began but was quickly cut off by you protesting, “I don’t need protection Dean Winchester, I’m a big girl and I’m perfectly capable of protecting myself!” Kneeling in front of you Dean sighed before continuing, “I know you can but you haven’t dealt with a threat this big before, Hell, we don’t even know what we’re walking into. You- I won’t let you go in there. I need you too damn much.” You looked at him for a long moment. As much as you wanted the words to mean something, and in any other situation they would, you couldn’t listen to them at the moment. You needed to go with them, help them!

“I’m going with you whether you like it or not.” Your voice was firm as you stood from your chair, pushing past him. He barely stayed balanced in his squatting position before he stood up and went to follow you, only to be stopped by Sam who put his hand on Dean's shoulder and shook his head slightly.

“She’s right, the clock may run out on us.” You heard as you tuned back into the conversation. You knew Castiel and Rowena were right, you hadn’t been to the other world but from what you’d been told it was big and the chance of finding Mary and Jack was, well it was slim.

Looking up you saw Gabriel enter the room, holding a vial of his grace. As Rowena held it up you frowned a confused expression making its way onto yours, and everyone else’s face. With an uneasy look towards Castiel, Rowena used the small amount of grace to finish the spell. As the angels grabbed their blades and Sam and Dean grabbed their bags, you leant against the door frame, your own bag hidden in your room a few doors down.

“I need you to trust me.” Dean said as he came over to you, a hand reaching up to cup your cheek, it took all your strength not to lean into his touch. “I’m not benching you to be an ass, I’m trying to protect you. Hell, I don’t even want Sammy in there. I can’t have both of you in there, I’m sorry Y/N. I really am.”

“You don’t need to be worried about protecting me in there Dean! Sure I haven’t fought archangels like you have but I’ve fought enough creatures to the point where you should know I can handle my own shit. Stop looking at me like a child who told you they want to be an astronaut, I can actually do this.” You were angry, you had been with the Winchester’s for a few years now. Had been through thick and thin with them and still when the biggest fight was here Dean didn’t trust you. You turned and walked out of the room, the older Winchester following you right out.

“I trust you, Y/N, you know I do!” Dean said causing you to scoff, he paused to glare at you before continuing. “Is it that hard to believe I care about you too much?”

“Whatever. Just go, I don’t even care. I’ll just follow your orders and stay here!” He went to respond, looking just as frustrated as you felt, but was cut off by Sam shouting him into the room.

“Y/N, before I go, in case something happens you have to know,” here he paused for a few long moments, “I - I do trust you.” It could have been the many emotions you were feeling but you swore you saw regret in his eyes, like he was telling the truth but not the whole truth. You shrugged it off, rolling your eyes at his retreating figure before following him into the room again.

You all watched as Rowena completed the spell, the portal appeared before collapsing, all you heads titling with it. The group in front of you began arguing about Gabriel’s grace before Castiel started explaining how they needed archangel grace.

“We need Lucifer.” His voice was firm, there was no arguing with the statement, though that didn’t stop them. Your eyes darted towards Sam and then Rowena, feeling sympathy for them both but knowing Castiel was right. Gabriel wasn’t healed and the gate needed to be opened as soon as possible.




Sam, Dean and Castiel excused themselves to go and discuss things in the kitchen. You left for your bedroom not completely understanding what needed discussing, as much as Sam had reason to despise Lucifer he was the only way that the door to the apocalypse world could be opened.

For the amount of time you had spent with Sam and Dean, you hadn’t had the chance to meet Lucifer. They kept you as far away from him as humanly possible. They had told you what he had done to Cas, to Sam but you weren’t scared of him, well not as much as you probably should’ve been. It sort of made sense, Lucifer wanting to destroy the world his Father made after being put in the cage. That didn’t mean you agreed with what Lucifer had done, just that you could sort of see his side.

The apocalypse world was going to be dangerous, you knew that much. Dean was worried about going in there and that should have been enough to scare you but you couldn’t just sit around and do nothing. You’d lost one family and you refused to sit around and do nothing while this family was in danger.

There was a knock on your door and you looked up to see Castiel leaning against the frame. “Dean wanted to come but I didn’t think you’d want to see him right now.” He said causing you to smile. “Rowena and Gabriel have gone to collect Lucifer. I’d expect them back shortly.”

You nodded at Castiel and told him you’d be out soon before closing the door and double checking your bag. You had guns, extra bullets, a knife, flashlights and your angel blade which you stole from Dean a year or so ago. You planned to go through to the apocalypse world after Sam, Dean, Gabriel and Cas had had time to move. Rowena wouldn’t let you go without a fight but if Lucifer was there then maybe she wouldn’t be as focused on you.




By the time you walked back into the library, Rowena was grinding the ingredients for the spell again and a man you’d never met before was knelt on the ground. Lucifer, that was Lucifer. He had just started the regain consciousness when you quietly walked in.

“Oh hey Sam,” he smirked before taking in the rest of the room, “oh look at that, all the people I love to torture in the same room.” Then his eyes locked with yours and you raised an eyebrow. “Expect you, whose she? New pet?” He was cut off as Rowena placed the bowl of ingredients under him and he put the pieces together. Your eyes widened as Castiel stepped forward and slit the archangels throat, grace pooling from the wound.

Sam told Lucifer of his plan before Rowena performed the spell again, this time the door was bright and wide and Sam’s plan of draining Lucifer seemed like it would actually work, seemed like something would finally go right for them.

“...Then, when we get back, then we’ll kill you.” Sam said, pointing his figure at the archangel. The unbothered, almost bored, “cool” Lucifer let out made you snort quietly; never piss off a Winchester.

Whilst Sam checked in with Rowena, Dean made his way over to you. “Listen I know you’re still made at me but I need you to know this before I go,” He took a deep breath, moments passed before he looked at you again, ““Before I do this, I need you to know that I have always loved you. If I don’t make it back, I just- I need you to know that, ok?”

Before you could reply Gabriel was asking the group if they were ready and before you knew it each of them passed through the doorway, Dean throwing you one last look over his shoulder. Well now you absolutely needed to go to the apocalypse world, not only to help Jack and Mary but if something happened to Dean, not that you didn’t doubt he’d find a way back from the dead, he wouldn’t know you felt the same about him.

Sometimes you really hated the hunter’s life.




You sat watching Lucifer stare down at the bowl filled with his grace. He looked slightly defeated before turning his attention to Rowena, beginning to pick at her. You raised your eyebrow as you listened to him, “sort of old-fashioned rightness to it, if you think about it. The men going off to face the trials and glories of war. Woman staying home in the kitchen, where she belongs.” You felt your own fists clench and you had to close your eyes to resist the urge to get up and punch the archangel. As you watched him smile innocently at Rowena you had to give credit to her, she knew how to handle the Devil.

Once he saw he wasn’t getting a reaction out of Rowena he turned to you, smirking when he saw he was already getting a reaction out of you. Rowena placed a hand on your knee, just out of sight of Lucifer, and you took a deep breath knowing you couldn’t let him get to you.

“What about you then? Never tortured you before. Dean Winchester seems fond of you, is that how your relationship works? Dean goes off doing the real work, the man's work and you, what, you stay here like a good little girlfriend? Ready to stitch up his wounds and fetch him drinks all day? Is that it?” You felt Rowena’s grip on you tighten as your jaw clenched painfully. “Oh no that’s not it. You wanted to go, didn’t you? But Dean doesn’t think you’re strong enough, does he?” You focused your attention back on the book in front of you, trying your best not to show Lucifer he was getting to you. He kept prodding but you wouldn’t budge, Rowena’s grip on you helping hold you down.

Again, the lack of reaction caused Lucifer to pause before he started singing obnoxiously. You and Rowena shared a look of exasperation, both ready to be done with the archangel and if you didn’t need him he’d be dead already. You watched Rowena place her hand on her head and hoped the group in the apocalypse world would be quick for her sake, you couldn’t wait until you went across.




“I told her I loved her, man. I finally confessed and we get dragged into this world before she could say anything, Hell even a rejection would be better than nothing.” Dean sighed, Sam looked at him in sympathy knowing just how long his older brother had been trying to work up the courage to tell Y/N how he felt. It was moments like this were he wished Dean and him could just live a normal life, let Dean be happy for once.

“Let’s just make it through this and then you’ll see her. Trust me, she’s just as crazy about you as you are about her.” Dean didn’t look convinced but shrugged his shoulders; trying to focus on this world and not on his world.

The subject changed onto Dean’s worry about Sam, how he seemed different in this world but that quickly got interrupted by a woman’s scream. Gabriel tried to dissuade them from intervening but saving people was their job.




Lucifer’s singing carried on before he changed the topic on his last encounter with Rowena. You could see he was getting to her and took this as your chance. Quietly you slipped out of the room, a strong sense of guilt and sympathy for the witch but you knew you had to leave. You grabbed your bag and headed back to the doorway to the apocalypses, pausing before entering the room as you heard Rowena snap. You heard her tell Lucifer that Jack was on the other side, a bad feeling settling in your stomach as you snuck passed and into the doorway.

“Ow!” You cried as you fell face first through the crack. You looked around and felt a chill run up your back, this world was worse than what Sam and Dean had said. You pulled the angel blade from your bag, stuffing it tightly in your boot before pulling the gun out. You looked around, trying to figure out which way to go before you shot around, gun pointed up as you heard something behind you.

“What are you doing here?” You raised an eyebrow as Lucifer questioned you.

“I could ask you the same thing!” You bit back, lowering your gun and pulling the blade from your boot, “you’re meant to be keeping that open!” You yell, pointing to the door.

“Yes, well, change of plans. Apparently my son is in this world and I want him back,” he said before pausing, looking you up and down before smirking, “and you’re going to help me.”




It was official, you hated Lucifer.

He’d managed to track down which way the Winchester’s and Angels had gone before grabbing your arm and pulling you along. Though he had forced you to take a detour in which he found some of Michael’s angels and drained them off their grace. To think Dean was worried about you coming to this world because of the creatures in it, no, know you had your own personal guard; the bloody Devil himself. The sooner you found him, the better. Not only did you want to be as far away from Lucifer as possible, you also needed to warn them that the gate would close sooner than anticipated thanks to the Devil.




Lucifer ended up pushing you through a door and into a dark tunnel, thankfully you’d brought your flashlight, using it to try and see where you were. Lucifer and you walked down the cave, cobwebs littering the place as you looked around.

“Keep going.” Lucifer growled like you could possibly go anywhere but forward. On the way you passed multiple beheaded vampires and reached for your regular blade, shoving the gun in your jeans.

“Scared?” Lucifer asked with a smirk. “Not even a little, come on.” You replied with an eye roll, turning the corner. You came onto a space with a few different passages, turning to look at Lucifer. As much as you hated the archangel, he was proving useful in knowing where to go.

“This way.” He said before leading you up one of the dark passages. You gripped your blade tighter, feeling uneasy as you looked around. You could definitely hear growling and from the sounds of it you were getting closer.

Lucifer reached out and grabbed your arm causing you to try and pull away, try being the key word considering his grasp was too strong to break. “Keep quiet.” He said before you ended up in another room, a hand shooting to your head. God you hated when angels did that. Opening your eyes you let out a gasp as you saw Sam laying dead on the floor. You looked to Lucifer who paid you no attention before your focus was back on Sam, who sat up and inhaled deeply.

“Hey Sammy.” You watched as Lucifer took joy in bringing Sam back, knowing he had an advantage over him. Lucifer launched into another of his annoying speeches as Sam tried to comprehend the situation as you stood in the shadows, trying to get over the fact that Sam had died, again.

“The rift. Rowena. Y/N.” You watched as Sam realised the implications of Lucifer being here and not back at the bunker.

Lucifer walked over to you, throwing an arm over your shoulder. “Relax, this one’s safe. I’ve been guarding her the whole time.” He told Sam with an innocent grin. “Rowena’s ok. I was going to kill her but instead she blasted me here but that’s okay because apparently, apparently, my son is here!”

Sam’s eyes flashed to you as Lucifer continued talking. He picked up his bag, ready to leave before Lucifer showed him the vampires he was keeping at bay. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. Lucifer was going to Jack and hopefully by this point Jack would be with Dean, Cas and Gabriel. You just hoped Sam came with you, it really was the only way out of here. You watched as Lucifer went to snap his fingers, ready to let the hoard of vampires in.

“What do you want!?” Sam shouted angrily, face showing his emotions clearly. A relationship with his son, that’s what Lucifer claimed to want. Castiel had informed you all of the power this nephilim would hold and how with that power, Lucifer really was unstoppable.

“You’re going to help me. I don’t think he’ll give me a chance unless I come bearing gifts. That’s where you come in, her too but she’s not as important. Hell I could kill you now and it wouldn’t affect my plans.” He said to you, his grip on you tightening. Your eyes darted to Sam’s, betraying the panic you were feeling.

He turned his attention back to Sam, his grip on you not easing. “Apocalypse world, Michaels armies, you really think you and your family can handle that stuff alone. You need me.” Lucifer told him and as much as you hated to admit it, the more archangels you had on your side the better.

“And what if I say no?” Your whole body went cold as Sam said that. You understood him not wanting to work with Lucifer but right now there wasn’t a choice. He’d never get away from the vampires without the help of the archangel. Sam just had to play along long enough to get back to the group.

“All right, let me just make this really really easy, easy enough for even you to understand Sammy. I’m getting to Jack, one way or another. The only question is, you coming?”




Lucifer kept an arm on you as he pushed Sam forward, letting the group see him first before his dramatic appearance. You hadn’t known the man very long, a day at most, but you hated him. You saw the confusion on Castiel’s face, the smile that spread across Jack’s face and squeezed your eyes shut. Nothing could go right for them, could it?

Once Lucifer could see Sam held everyone’s attention, he pulled you around with him causing the general gaze to shift from Sam to you two. You could see Dean’s face clearly and regretted ever stepping through that doorway.

“Hello, son.” Lucifer smirked. You turned to glare up at Lucifer as he dragged you over to stand near Cas, Gabriel and Jack. You could see the innocent act coming out again as Jack looked at his father.

“How did you get in here?” Castiel asked, his eyes flickering to you in question. You shook your head.

“Oh, she didn’t let me go, no, no, I managed that all on my own. In fact, she came in before me.” You closed your eyes again, looking down at the floor as Lucifer spoke.

Dean stepped forward once Lucifer began to talk to Jack, not allowing the archangel anywhere near him. Lucifer began talking, something he was good at, getting into people’s minds. You could see Jack's face, angry but curious. Once Jack flashed out, Dean began to shout at Lucifer.

After Lucifer had been restrained with handcuffs, Dean’s pulled you away from him and the group.

“What the hell, Y/N!? What were you thinking? First I tell you don’t come in here and then you what? You team up with Lucifer? God, he could have killed you!” Dean shouted angrily, fingers running through short hair.

“I- I know, ok, I know he could have killed me,” your hand went up to your neck where he held you, “I know. I came in here and he was still restrained. I was here for less than two minutes when he came in! I don’t know what happened. I’m not working with Lucifer, Dean I had to, I couldn’t let you come here. If something happened, God Sam died! I saw him dead, that could have been you too! And you wouldn’t have known that I, that I,” You let out a sob as tears fell down your face, it wasn’t often you cried but after everything that had happened you couldn’t stop the tears from rolling down your face.

“Ok, Ok, c’mere,” Dean said as he pulled you in for a hug. “I’m not mad, it’s just I cannot lose you, Y/N/N. God, it bad enough Sam died in here, if I’d lost both of you I couldn’t, I don’t know what I’d do. I didn’t think these would be the circumstances when I confessed but the truth is,” he began, pulling away to wipe at your eyes, making sure you were looking at him before he continued, “being with you scares me. But not being with you…terrifies me.”

“I love you too. I have for so long but in our life, it’s hard to care about someone this much, yet alone love them. But I want that, with you Dean. I really do.” Your tears had started to slow as Dean wiped them before leaning in and kissing you softly. It was sweeter than what you imagined but considering the circumstances, it was exactly what you both needed. It didn’t last long, Dean pulled away and rested his head on your forehead. “I swear when we get back to our world, I’m not letting you go. I’m gonna treat you right.” He wrapped his arm around you before placing a kiss on your head.

There was still a lot to figure about, both with your relationship and the current situation. 31 hours wasn’t a lot of time but if anyone could figure out a way, it was the Winchesters.




You sat in the bunker, glass in hand as you took in the sight. The bunker was flooded with people from the apocalypse world, Rowena had managed to get everyone back safely, everyone but Gabriel and Lucifer. Your heart ached for Gabriel, all that time on the run, the time spent being tortured by Asmodeus, it would have been nice for him to stay, live his life instead of running. You watched with a fond smile as Sam spoke to Rowena, hopefully the youngest Winchester would let himself have a slice of happiness. Sam moved to stand by Dean and Cas talking quietly before Dean’s gaze moved to you, before he could move to you apocalypse world Bobby took a minute to toast Sam and Dean.

“Hey. There’s a diner not too far away. How’d you guys feel about burgers?” Mary asked the group, Jack, Sam, Cas, Dean and you. After everyone approved you all headed to the garage. It was a tight squeeze in the back but you and Dean rode up front, hands intertwined tightly together. Looking behind you,  you saw Sam looking between you with a grin on his face. Sometimes, in moments like this, you could pretend things were normal, like you hadn’t just been in an entirely different universe. Like you were allowed to be happy. You rested your head on Dean’s shoulder and he placed a kiss upon your head before turning his attention back to the road.

Maybe you couldn’t have that white picket fence, apple pie life but looking around the Impala you realised, maybe you don’t need that to be happy and have a family. As long as you were together, you were happy even fighting side by side chopping off vampires heads and killing other worldly angels. Being with Dean, being happy with Dean, scared you. But not being with him...terrifies you.

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i loved your jensen x daughter! reader fic, it is amazing❤

Thank you so much!!! I’m so glad you enjoyed it!🥰💜💜

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Home at Last

Home At Last

Request by - SeaweedBrain on Ao3

Would mind possibly doing one for me? Where Peter, who is in the military, and has been on tour for a year and comes home without telling anyone as a surprise? Could u have May there as well but Peter is adopted by Tony and Pepper? And possibly have a girlfriend/boyfriend that he asks Tony and the rest to help him surprise after he surprises them? I would love if could do this but u of course don't have to at all if u don't want to or feel like writing it or anything♡♡♡

Requests are open ______________________________________________________________

Things are different once you’re on the field, men who you can’t stand become someone you end up trusting with your life, someone you had to trust. It didn’t matter what uniform you wore once the shooting started, everyone was equal and everyone had one job - stop the enemies. When nerdy, young Peter Parker first joined the army people looked down at him, he knew it but now these men were his brothers and they had each other’s backs.

He had made some of his closest friends here but he did miss being back home, missed his adoptive Mom and Dad, Tony and Pepper, missed Aunt May, missed his friends Ned and MJ but he really missed Y/N. Currently, on a short break, Peter was holding a letter he had received from Y/N, you were always so happy, so supportive in them and even though you were so far away, Y/N always knew what he needed.  

Thankfully, he only had two more weeks left and his tour was over for a while, so far he’d been touring for a year and was more than ready to go back home for a while. He kept the fact that he was going to be home a secret, he wanted to surprise his family. With it being so close to the holidays he knew that Aunt May was going to be with his mom and dad, even though she couldn’t take him in when his biological parents died she had always been an important woman in his life. His plan was to surprise them first and have them invite Y/N so he could surprise her. With another smile, Peter placed the letter gently with the others before joining his battalion.




The time had come and Peter was all packed up and nearly home. He was practically bouncing in his seat, receiving some odd looks from the other passengers but he couldn’t care less. He knew he missed home but it never hits him just how much until he’s back. By the time the plane landed and he grabbed his bags Happy Hogan was waiting outside, standing against the car. Happy was the only person Peter told he was coming back from tour, knowing the man wouldn’t tell anyone.

Questions were traded back and forth between the two until they arrived at the house. Whilst it was huge, Pepper had still managed to decorate it beautifully giving it a homely feel that one wouldn’t expect from a house like this. He thanked Happy for driving him, letting the older man enter the house first, waiting twenty minutes before quietly doing so himself. Being a soldier had taught him to be sneakier and stealthier, to think it was only a few years back that he failed to sneak out of the house to see Y/N.

He heard laughter coming from the family room and grinned before turning the corner and leaning against the doorway. He stood for a few moments, just taking in the scene in front of him with childlike glee before clearing his throat, every head in the room, beside Happy of course, snapped in his direction causing him to laugh.

“Kid, what the- you’re-come here.” Tony stuttered out as he stood up, walking over to Peter, arms spread wide open. Peter practically ran into Tony’s arms, whilst army stances had been drilled into, Peter turned into a kid when he was around Tony and happily clung to the man. Tony had no problems and held Peter just as tightly, placing a small kiss upon his head.

“This is a nice surprise, Kid. Missed you so much.”He muttered, not willing to let go of his son anytime soon. Tony was ridiculously proud of Peter, any parties or meetings Pepper made him attend he took every opportunity to tell anyone who would listen about Peter. Whilst he was insanely proud, he missed the kid every single day but it made him cherish the time he did spend with Peter.

Their hug was cut short by Pepper, eyes glistening suspiciously as she pulled Peter away from Tony and into her arms. She, like Tony, was obviously insanely proud of her son too, whilst she didn’t brag as much as Tony, she did bring it up a lot.

“Hey Mom.” Peter laughed slightly as he was transferred from his dad to his mom. He held her tightly; he’d missed them both like crazy and it had been far too long since they’d seen each other.

After hugging his parents and letting them fuss over him, he turned his attention to Aunt May, glad he’d been right about her being here. He wrapped his arms around her, answering questions that were asked quietly into his hair before they pulled away.

“Come here kid, tell us what you’ve been up to.” Tony said with a grin that hadn’t moved since he saw Peter, he tapped the seat next to him, wrapping his arm around Peter, pulling him close. With that Peter began telling them about his year long tour.




After catching up with his family, Peter finally brought up Y/N. He knew you were not doing much for the holidays and you were close enough to the Stark family to feel comfortable around them without Peter.

“Right, I need you to call Y/N for me please. She doesn’t know I’m back either, and I really wanted to surprise her and I haven’t seen her for so long!”Peter pouted, looking at Tony, who was still grinning as he pulled out his phone.

“Hey Y/N” he said into the phone, “yeah I’m good, you? Oh good, well listen Pep and I were wondering if you wanted to come and spend Thanksgiving with us this year, ya know considering Peter’s away and everything.” Here he gave Peter a smirk, causing him to smile and roll his eyes.“Yeah, that’s great! We’ll see you tomorrow. Night kid.”

“She’s coming?” Peter asked before Tony could get a word out, causing the man to laugh.

“Yeah kid, she’s coming. Tomorrow, 12pm. Be ready.”

After another hot chocolate or two, the small group slowly made their way up to bed, bidding each other goodnight. Whilst Peter was exhausted after travelling, he was still bubbling with excitement over the thought of seeing his family and finally getting to see you tomorrow. Though he thought he’d be tossing and turning all night, he was asleep moments after his head touched the pillow.




Peter woke up bright and early the next day, one of the things that he’d began to do automatically after being enlisted for so long, and was still filled with the same excitement he felt last night. Peter let himself have a few more moments in bed before he got up to take a shower.

“Morning kid.” Tony greeted him with a wide smile, just visible over the coffee mug he was drinking from. After greeting Tony, Peter began to prepare breakfast for himself and his family.

“I’d ask if you’re excited to see Y/N but by the way you’re vibrating with energy, I’ll pass.” Tony commented, causing Peter to laugh.

“I just,” Peter began, taking a seat opposite Tony after setting breakfast on the table, “leaving her and you guys is one of the hardest things I have to do and every time I do it, it just doesn’t get any easier. I’m so excited to have everyone here together. It’s gonna be great!” With that Aunt May and Pepper walked into the room and the conversation changed, though the concern in Tony’s eyes stayed.




Finally, 12pm came and a knock on the door was heard causing Tony to stand to answer whilst Peter stood behind the door, out of eyesight when Y/N walked in. When you finally walked into the room, Peter had to stop for a second; you were here and he could finally hold you in his arms again.

As you spoke with Pepper, Peter creeped out and wrapped his arms around you, causing a squeal to escape you as you turned. Seeing Peter, you immediately pulled him into a tight hug, tears managed to leak down your face as you buried it in his neck. Peter grinned down at you, his own eyes feeling wet but he quickly blinked it away, before kissing your head.

“Hey baby.” He greeted softly, you pulled out of the hug only enough to begin kissing him deeply, forgetting about the fact that his parents and aunt were still in the room, though they all had smiles on their faces.

“God, I missed you so much.” You mumbled against his lips causing him to grin widely, breaking the kiss.

“I missed you so much, baby. Everytime I leave I miss you like crazy, your letters are the best gifts I receive when I’m away. I kept everyone of them just to read over when I’m lonely, when I miss you. I know it’s hard being with a soldier, we don’t get to see each other as much as we’d like but when we do it’s, well, it's like we’re in our own little heaven.” Peter’s attention was solely on you, so he missed the way Tony’s eyes widened and a shocked grin appeared on his face when he realised what was about to happen. “I guess what I’m trying to say is I love you and I can’t think of anyone I’d rather spend my life with so, Y/N,” here he paused, lowering himself down onto one knee a pulling a beautiful ring out of his pocket, “Will you marry me?”

You were already crying from seeing Peter just being home but the tears kept pouring when he proposed, you struggled to compose yourself, only just managing to choke out a few “yes, yes, absolutely!” He stood up, gently slipped the ring on your finger and kissed you with all the love he could muster.

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50 and 42 with Lucifer :)

Devil May Care

50 And 42 With Lucifer :)

Click here for my masterlist.

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Warnings - Murder, dead body.

Prompts - 42 - “Look, I haven’t slept in twenty four hours, I got fired, and almost got shot today. I’m in no mood for your shit” & 50 - “Don’t give me that puppy dog face.”

Being a detective was a difficult job, you always knew there was that large chance you could die on the job but you still did it because somebody had to. You wanted to help people and make sure that the criminals were punished, it was one of the many reasons Lucifer had started to orbit closer to you. It’s not that you didn’t like Lucifer, the guy was actually pretty nice once you got past the whole Lucifer persona but sometimes he interfered with you work, wanting to skip ahead to the punishing aspect of the job and not, say, the paperwork aspect of it. 

Sometimes on the job there wasn’t enough evidence to tie a criminal to the crime but you knew they were guilty. The case you were currently working on, and the case that Lucifer had wormed his way into, was a shooting that you were convinced linked with a gang you had spent months looking into, if you were right then this would be your big break. You received a call early in the morning calling you in, it was a short ride to the scene of the crime and definitely not what most people would want as a morning wake up.

The victim had, clearly, been shot but there were other injuries on his body. You saw Ella with her camera assessing the wounds as you made you way over to her. 

“Got anything yet?” You asked her, taking in the scene as you did. You were in the Willowbrook area, some back alley that was perfect for a shooting. 

“Hey, morning! Yeah actually, so the victim’s name is Reggie Sanchez, he’d just turned 19 a few days ago and as you can see the victim was shot, I’d put time of death at around 4:28AM.” You registered the information she had given you as you crouched down next to the body, eyebrows knitting together as you felt something wasn’t right but you couldn’t place your finger on it. Something about this murder seemed familiar.

“So cause of death was the bullet? What about the other injuries?” You asked, gesturing to the bones that were popping out of the young man’s legs and the carved out chunks of skin on his arms and chest. “Whoever wanted him dead really wanted him to suffer.”

“That’s what I thought but turns out these wounds and broken bones, not done until after he was dead. See the cuts, the blood pattern is different to how it’d be if he was alive.” That’s when it hit you, you knew exactly who was responsible for the death of Reggie Sanchez. The gang you were looking into used this method of death when someone betrayed them or wanted out. Before you could say anything you were interrupted. 

“Ah Detective Y/L/N, Miss Lopez. Beautiful day for a murder!” Whilst Ella welcomed Lucifer warmly you couldn’t help but roll your eyes, taking a deep breath you stood and turned to face the uninvited Devil.

“Lucifer what are you doing here?” He turned to look at you with a wide smile and God, how were he and Ella so damn happy this early in the morning.

“Well Detective Y/L/N, I’m a civilian consultant so I’m here to assist. That and I enjoy spending time with you.” You liked Lucifer, you really did, but this was your first, and maybe last chance for a long time, to catch ‘The Men’. Creative name for a gang who consisted of, as the name would suggest, only men, sexist men at that. The only time a woman is even near the gang is for sex. They were sneaky and their operation ranged from drug dealing to murders. You had first discovered them when somebody had been shot in broad daylight, the victim staying alive long enough to tell you he wanted out of the gang but they refused. 

“Lucifer as much as I appreciate you wanting to help, this case is really important and I need a partner who is going to stick with me for the whole case, not just someone who comes and goes when it gets interesting.” The thought of dealing with Lucifer going off on his own after The Men after you’d spent so long tracking them filled you with dread. At least he had the nerve to look guilty. 

“Y/N, I promise you have my full attention on this case. I’ll follow your lead. Devil’s word.” You debated it for a few moments before giving in, maybe Lucifer could be of some help.

“Fine, fine, but the moment you stray you’re off the case.” He quickly agreed and before long you were finished at the crime scene and heading back to the lab to go over facts whilst waiting to see if forensics found anything, not that you thought they would considering you knew their work and it seemed they knew how to hide any scrap of evidence that linked back to them. 

“So, I think that this was a hit by The Men, a gang that know how to commit crimes without leaving prints. As far as I can tell they smuggle drugs in and sell them as well as murder. So far I’ve seen four murders, not including this one, that look like they could link to the gang, same injuries, same bullet type. I even managed to talk to a victim before he died, he wanted out of the life but they weren’t having it.” As you paced the room, files upon files of information you’d collected spread out on the table in front of you, you missed the fond smile etched onto Lucifer’s face as he watched you run a hand through your hair and your eyes light and wide at the thought of finally taking this gang down. 

“But if there’s no prints how can you link those murders, and this one, to them?” Lucifer asked you causing you to look at him, head tilted as your brows knitted together. Lucifer’s smile grew even wider as he saw the exact moment you got an idea, he watched you rummage through the files before pulling one out and sliding it across to him.

“The gang is strictly men only. However, they buy prostitutes!” You exclaimed, Lucifer looked at you confused.

“Detective Y/L/N, how on Dad’s Earth is them buying prostitutes a good thing?” You rolled your eyes but smiled at the reference to God being his father and continued.

“That’s the way in. Face it, we’d never be given a warrant to search their property and the Lieutenant would never allow it without firm evidence, such as fingerprints or DNA. I have to catch this gang Lucifer and this is the way in!” You’d had a plan for a while but the thought of going over your superiors head filled you with dread, if you came up with nothing you risked losing your job, hell if you did find something you still risked losing your job.

“OK then Y/N tell me, what’s this devilish plan of yours?” Smiling you told him how you knew where they were getting prostitutes from, you would go undercover and get into their property, from there you would try and find even a slight bit of evidence that would prove they were connected to the murder. It’d be risky as you wouldn’t be wired up and the only person who would know was Lucifer. 

“My, my Detective Y/L/N, look at you breaking the rules. But the plans far too dangerous, I simply can’t allow you to do that.” Rolling your eyes you look at the files in front of you and knew what you had to do.

 “Good thing I’m not asking for your permission then Satan. Listen, I’m doing this so it’s just a question of whether you’re going to let me go in there all alone or if you’re going to be near to help out if needed.” You knew exactly what Lucifer would do, no way was he letting you go in without him being on hand. When he relented, with an over exaggerated sigh, you grinned up at him. 

“If you get fired just remember I tried to talk you out of this.”




Lucifer’s whistle when he saw you had you blushing head to toe, you felt exposed and not just because you were wearing next to nothing, no you felt exposed because you had no gun, no wires, nothing. You were going in vulnerable but you needed this. 

It wasn’t long before you were in, shooting one last look over your shoulder at Lucifer who sat, warmer than you, in his car. The place you were led to was as sleazy as the men who occupied it, women in your state of dress, and less, were dotted around the room on the laps of the men. The room was a large open space, you saw stairs leading to upper floors and a few doors located on the floor you were on. You saw weapons were just abandoned were they lay and thanked God that you had a decent chance of grabbing a gun if it came down to that. 

You were led over to what looked like the man in charge which you were thankfully, though slightly fearful, for. He looked you up and down before standing, pulling you over to him.

“Hmm Baby, follow me.” Barely resisting the urge to roll your eyes you followed him as he led you up the stairs. Perfect, you thought now you just had to get away from him and start snooping.

Before you knew it, you were being pinned to the wall, a gun resting against your temple. You tried to push him away but he held you in place, choking you as his arm pressed into your neck. Your fingers pried at his arms but little good it did. 

“Don’t think I ain’t seen you before, cop! Seen you snooping around crime scenes talking to dear ol’ Frankie ‘fore he died. Look at ya know though, no weapon and no wires. How were ya plannin’ on callin’ back up eh?” You felt yourself losing consciousness but fought against it, you needed evidence. When he relieved some pressure from your neck, not enough to push him away but enough to talk you gasped for air.

“There’s no back up, the department doesn’t even know I’m here. Let me go and I’ll drop the case I’ve got against you.”

“Please, you ain’t got nothin’ against me otherwise you’d come in here with your fancy warrants.” Fuck, you needed Lucifer or some sort of miracle to get yourself out of this alive and that’s when you heard it, the S.W.A.T team could be heard from where you two were, your face paling as the man holding the gun turned from the noise back to you.

“Oh you bitch.” Heavy footsteps could be heard running up the stairs and he bolted but not before pulling the trigger, gun pointed at you, when he was a safe distance away to pause for a second. A hand tugged you, causing you to narrowly miss the bullet that would have been fatal. 

Turning you saw Lucifer, he looked as pale as you did, worry swimming in his eyes. No words were spoken as he rested his forehead against yours before pulling you into a tight hug. The hug was broken by your name being shouted, turning your saw your Lieutenant, face scrunched together in anger. Before you could go over to her, Lucifer tugged you so you were facing him again and kissed you. This wasn’t the first time the pair of you had kissed, there had always been something between the two of you but you never acted on it outside of what you shared. Pulling away you smiled at him weakly, watching as he pulled off his blazer and handed it to you, allowing you some modesty, before facing your boss.




“Reckless.” “Irresponsible.” “What sort of image does this present to the public regarding the LAPD?” Were some of the many statements you had heard whilst standing in the Lieutenants office. You knew what the outcome of this meeting would be but still hearing that you were fired crushed you. You knew you were a damn good detective and sometimes that meant following your gut but you knew you’d gone around it the wrong way. Even if they found some concrete evidence in the property it wouldn’t matter.

Walking out of the office you went over to your desk to find Lucifer stood with a sheepish grin. You were not in the mood to deal with Lucifer at the moment, all you wanted to do was go home and get in bed, not realising how tired you were until now. You stayed up all day and night yesterday going over every aspect of this case for nothing now.

“Look, I haven’t slept in twenty four hours, I got fired, and almost got shot today. I’m in no mood for your shit.” You told him pushing him off your desk as you started tidying up, you noticed a box on the desk and glanced at Lucifer.

“I apologise Y/N. I had a bad feeling about your plan and just wanted you to be safe. I never wanted you to lose your job because of me.” He told you, a sad look making its way onto his face.

“Don’t give me that puppy dog face.” You say with a smile, “trust me, it’s not your fault. I’m glad you called for backup because I truly believe he would’ve killed me. Help me pack up?” You asked and he immediately started helping.

Once you were all packed you couldn’t help the slight sting you felt in your eyes, you scrunched them together before opening them again, seeing Lucifer open his arms for you. You stepped into them immediately, resting your head on his shoulder as he held you tightly whispering sweet nothings as he did.

“Considering how bad your day has been how about we try and make it a bit better?” He asked into your hair. You rolled your eyes, as much fun as adventures with Lucifer were you just wanted to go home.

“Luc, I’m tired and just want to go to sleep. We’ll do something fun another time.” 

“Yeah that’s not what I was talking about actually. Now may not be a good time, or it may be as good a time as any, but seeing you nearly get shot today made me realise how fragile your lives on Earth are and how I should make the most of my time with you, value every moment. Linda would probably say I’ve made progress. Anyway, Y/N, what I’m trying to say is I like you a lot and want to at least give being your boyfriend a try, if you’ll let me?” Grinning, you leaned up and kissed him, the kiss lasted for a few moments before he pulled away and rested his forehead on yours. 

“I’ll assume that’s a yes?” He asked you with a soft smile.

“Yes Lucifer, it’s a yes.” You said before he pulled you into another kiss. 

It had been a long exhausting day but at least something good had come from you nearly being killed. 

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