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Sucker for You

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Requested - anon ~ hii,can you do a James Potter x reader with sucker by the jonas brothers where the marauders always say that y/n has james in the palm of her hands and he doesn’t agree,until one day they fight and james realises that he really is a sucker for you,please? thank u❤
James Potter knew there was something about you from the moment he met you. He still remembered the shy first year he’d saw huddled in the corner of the library with a book, a small crease in between your eyebrows as you struggled to understand something in the Transfiguration's textbook. Upon offering you help, James had discovered you were a muggle-born witch who’d only recently discovered the world of magic.
Now he looked at you, sat across from him in the Great Hall laughing loudly as Sirius relayed a prank they’d played on one of the older Slytherin boys. You were so focused on the story that you missed the way James looked at you, Remus however saw it and couldn’t help but smile at his friend. He had that love sick look about him, wide eyes like he couldn’t believe you were actually his and a small grin played on his face.
At first Remus and Sirius had been protective over James, his feelings for you had developed in third year and he’d done everything he could to please you. Sirius often told him that you had him in the palm of your hand but James shook him off each time, he wanted to do things for you, you weren’t making him. It was just some nice tokens of affection.
He’d gone out of his way to buy you things, help you with homework, follow you around, carry your bags, said yes to things you wanted to do even if he wouldn’t normally want to do it. You had tried to poliety get him to stop, or at least ease up, on the over affectionate behaviour and eventually he had. It had taken some growing up, silent treatments from you and words of wisdom from the other Marauders but James felt he wasn’t so over the top.
Others thought differently. Whilst people thought you went together perfectly it was still glaringly obvious that James was firmly in the palm of your hand. You knew it as well but tried not to take advantage of the way James chose to show his affection and feelings for you.
When you got up to leave the table, leaning over to give James a soft kiss before standing, James’ eyes followed you as you left, the soft glint never leaving.
“Prongsy, Y/N really has you in the palm of her hand.” James rolled his eyes as he turned to look at Sirius, throwing a chip across the table that hit him in the face. Remus rolled his eyes as Sirius retaliated but couldn’t help but think Sirius was right.
One of the downside to James’ way of showing affection was that he got jealous easily. It was one of the few things that you dislike about it. Understandably jealously was a common trait in many relationships but when it came to your relationship with James it was very prominent. You’d made some comments about the jealousy but had never really sat down and talked to him about it.
You had been talking to a Slytherin boy in the year above you, Oswald Jefferson, about some tutoring in potions. With exams coming up shortly you thought it’d be in your best interest to go and get a little extra help in the subject you were least confident in. He’d readily agreed to help you, thankfully one of the nicer Slytherin.
You were going over the theory side of things that you’d have to know before your exam, already you had spent a lot of time in the lab with him after Slughorn had allowed it. Oswald was quizzing you and you felt surprisingly confident. Thankfully the study sessions weren’t as dull or awkward as you’d thought they would be, instead you ended up laughing as you answered another question, missing the way James glared from across the library.
“Come on mate, it’s Y/N. Nothing is happening over there other than her stressing over passing these exams.” James let out a scoff, not even looking at Sirius as he kept glaring.
“Sirius is right James. You know Y/N, she loves you as much as you love her. You’re just being ridiculous.” That caused James to snap his head around to glare at his two friends.
“Ridiculous?! She’s the one over there with some Slytherin! Always flirting with other guys like she’s not got a boyfriend, I mean seriously would it kill her to act like she was in a relationship!”
“James-” Sirius tried to interrupt him but he continued.
“No, Sirius. I mean I don’t even know why I bother some days. I put so much bloody energy into our relationship and she goes running to any old Slytherin. And don’t even get me started on-”
“James!” Remus shocked him by raising his voice which caused him to pause in his rant. He saw that neither of them were looking at him but more specifically something over his shoulder. His brows knitted together as he turned around, face falling as he saw you stood near them with tears in your eyes.
“Y/N, I-I didn’t, I-” He tried to croak out an apology but you stopped him.
“Save it Potter,” you spat, trying your hardest to keep the tears from falling down your face.”If that’s what you really think about me then we’re through!” You adjusted the strap of your bag, walking out of the library with your head held high, only letting it drop when you entered an empty classroom that looked like it hadn’t been used for a decade or two.
As you sat on the floor, not caring much about the dust that had collected, you finally let the tears fall. Sobs escaped from you as you clutched a hand to your mouth trying to quiet them, thankfully you were in a part of the castle that seemed fairly unused.
James had tried to follow you out of the library but Remus caught his arm before he could and tugged him back into his seat, whilst James had tried to fight the grip Sirius spoke.
“Dude, you messed up big time. Honestly, you’d be lucky if she wanted to talk to you again after this but you’re going to have to give her time.”
James took Sirius’ advice after he tried to talk to you and you completely ignored him, carrying on down the corridor with one of your friends, a smile that felt too fake plastered on your face.
He felt lost. James was so used to being by your side, you helping him with pranks or encouraging him to study and do homework. He was used to falling asleep with you in his arms, the feeling of safety, love and warmth all rolled into one. He was used to waking up and his day instantly being a brilliant one because the first thing he saw was you. He felt like an arse for what he had said, he didn’t mean to get jealous but he knew how many guys wanted you and felt like you were far too good for him and you would realise one day.
James loved you, always had and felt that he always would. There was no doubt in his mind you were the one for him, he’d do anything for you without hesitation. He’d break any rule he had to to make you happy. Without you he really felt lost.
The hurt you felt from hearing James’ words still followed you around daily but you were faring better than James. The smile you wore still felt fake but it was getting easier. You did miss being cuddled up by the fire in the common room together, missed the late nights chats you had when he snuck you both out of the castle to watch the stars, missed the mischief you helped caused, the dates you would have both in the castle and at Hogsmeade.
You only needed him to apologise and promise that you’d both work on your communication skills and you both could have what you wanted.
James and you had been broken up for four months when he finally approached you. You were sat alone in a quiet corner of The Three Broomsticks with a warm cup of butterbeer wrapped in your hands to help fight the winter chill. The quiet was interrupted when someone cleared their throat causing you to turn and lock eyes with James.
“Hey.” He said hesitantly, hands fidgeting with one another as he looked at you shyly.
“Hi.” You replied, eyebrows raised in question to see where this would end up.
“Can, uh, I, can I join you?” The nerves he felt were written all over him, you took pity and nodded, gesturing to the seat opposite you. Once he sat down an awkward air settled around the pair of you.
“Listen, I know this is four months too late but I had to say it before there wasn’t a chance to. I’m sorry about what I said. None of it was true, I was just a jerk who let jealously take control. It’s just, you’re way too good for someone like me and, you know, I was scared you’d realise it and leave me. I know you were never flirting with other guys though, you’re just a nice person to everyone. What I’m trying to say is I really am sorry and I understand if you don’t have feelings for me anymore, Hell I’m not expecting us to go back to normal if you do it’s just that-” You let James ramble, knowing it was better to just let him run his course and decipher what you could from it but you drew the line when he started repeating himself frequently.
“James,” you interrupted gently, immediately he stopped talking, resembling a puppy who had just been called and was now giving its owner its full attention. You couldn’t stop the small smile that made its way on to your face. “I accept your apology, ok, and yes I still want to be with you but it’s not gonna be how it was before. We’ve got to talk about things, if your jealous just come to me. If we have a problem, we talk to each other.” James nodded along to everything you were saying, he knew things had to change so you were both happy.
You and your boys had graduated from Hogwarts, all passing with grades that would benefit you. You had gotten a job in your dream field, ready to work your way up to the top whilst James and Sirius got accepted for the Aurror Program.
James had taken you to look around some of the properties that were left to him and one of them caught your eye. It was a beautiful cottage that had a breathing view, the house elves had done an amazing job tending to the gardens all these years. James and you had moved in together and were happier than ever.
Two years into living together, James took you out on your anniversary and popped the question.
“Y/N, I’m so glad you gave me another chance and we get to live our lives together. Being with you has made me a happier man and the thought of being without you hurts like hell. Remus and Sirius like to say you have me in the palm of your hand and I’ve always denied it but looking back now you really do but I don’t think it’s a bad thing. Y/F/N Y/L/N, I’m a sucker for you. Will you do me the honour of marry me?”
You’d said yes. Of course you had and you had the rest of yours lives to be suckers for the other.

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Requested - Yes - Anon - Can I have a fake dating au with james potter but also with focus on sirius & reader if that’s ok? thank you.
Prompts - fake dating
You knew this was a bad idea.
It was a terribly, horrible, utterly stupid idea.
Yet you still said yes.
You knew you’d be the one to suffer, the one to get hurt, because of this idea but you also knew from the minute it was proposed that you wouldn’t be able to say no. Not only because you had fancied James Potter since second year but also because you’d never been able to resist those puppy dog eyes.
You had always known how much James had liked Lily, always had to listen to him pining about her for hours at a time. You suspected Sirius and Remus knew about your crush as they often tried their hardest to get him to shut up, though once he got started on the subject of Lily Evans there really was no silencing him; short of using a silencing charm.
You had just left the library after a few hours of studying when James Potter had appeared with an overly friendly smile on his face, giving away straight away that he wanted something. You rolled your eyes, expecting to get pulled into a prank of some sort.
“What now, Potter? I’m still serving detentions for your last bloody prank.” You told him, smiling as he laughed and threw his arm around your shoulders. This wasn’t uncommon for him to do but it always made you fight back a blush.
“Ah c’mon, Y/N, don’t be like that.” He continued to laugh before shaking his head. “Don’t worry, this time it isn’t a prank. Actually, I’ve been thinking-” He began but was cut off by you snorting. “Hey, they’re not all bad ideas! Anyway, I want you to be my girlfriend.”
The words made you stop in your tracks causing James to stumble as his arm was still around you. Your eyes widened as you looked at him like he’d grown an extra head.
“I’m sorry?” You said for lack of anything else to say. Your mind was working a mile a minute but you weren’t able to make much sense of it, yet alone say something cohesive.
“Not my real girlfriend obviously.” He continued, seemingly unaware of the mess inside your head. “Just my pretend one, you know to make Lily jealous.”
You knew you should say no, knew that nothing good could come of this for you. You knew it would end in heartbreak and you didn’t want to do anything that would jeopardize your friendship with James.
“James,” You began, fully intent on telling him that you couldn't do it but James seemed to pick up on your tone and immediately widened his eyes, looking at you like a wounded puppy.
“Please Y/N/N, I’ll owe you one forever. I really think this will work.” He pleaded with a pout, “Please, I really like her.”
With a sigh you gave in, not thinking about how easily you did.
“Fine, I’ll help you.”
Two weeks of dating James Potter was torture.
Ok maybe you were being slightly dramatic but the point still stood. Fake dating James meant you had all the luxuries of being his actual girlfriend whilst a voice in your head screamed at you that he didn’t actually like you.
He walked you to classes, held your hand, kissed your cheek, cuddled with you on the sofa and everything else one would do with a partner. Hell, the two of you had even gone on a fake date which had been one of your favourite times during Hogwarts and the worst.
You had, however, noticed that Lily did seem to be taking more of an interest in James, always finding a way to get close to him, having him teach her things about Quidditch despite not caring one bit for the sport. She found any and every excuse to be his partner in classes, leaving you with Peter which usually ended in disaster, especially in potions where you were both equally as bad as each other.
Your mood since fake dating James was unpredictable, one moment you were happy and smiling in the company of your friends and the next, when reality sunk in, you wanted to be as far away from everyone as possible.
Right now you were feeling like the latter and found your way down to the black lake one afternoon when classes were over. Your mood all day had been foul but you plastered on a smile that didn’t hide anything and continued with your act.
You knew it was going to come to an end soon, these past few days James had been attached to Lily’s side and you were shocked by just how bad it hurt to see them together.
Sitting down with your back against a rock, you stared ahead at the horizon. It was a beautiful day, usually a day like today would find you, Sirius, Remus, James and Peter sprawled out under a tree enjoying each other's company, planning pranks or completing homework that was due the next day.
Today, you were sitting alone staring at the black water that stretched for miles and it seemed fitting.
It wasn’t long until you were interrupted by somebody sitting down next to you and wrapping their arm around you, pulling you into their chest.
“I’m sorry.” Were the words that it took for you to start crying. Usually you refused to let yourself cry over something as silly as a boy but right now you didn’t care.
Sirius looked down at you crying on his chest and frowned. He knew how much you liked James, he knew the two of you would make the best couple if only James could pull his head out of his arse and realise the girl who actually cared about him had been right in front of him since they were eleven.
Sirius had watched you silently pine for years, watched you listen to James go on and on about Lily and he tried to point James in your direction but the boy was too oblivious.
Watching Lily fawn over James when she thought he had moved on was infuriating for all the Marauders to watch. Lily liked having James there, she liked having someone like her the way James did and it made them want to smack James round the head so he realised it too.
Sirius couldn’t say how long he sat holding you in his arms, eventually you had stopped crying but made no move to get off him and he wasn’t complaining. You were his best friend along with the other three boys, he loved you like a sister and seeing you like this hurt him.
“I really like him.” You confessed quietly, feeling a weight lift from you as you admitted it aloud for the first time.
“I know you do.” Sirius replied just as quietly.
“Lily doesn't care for him.”
“No, no, I don’t think she does. I think she quite likes the idea of James always there, maybe as a backup or just as an admirer, but she doesn’t care for him.” Sirius agreed.
“Why couldn’t I have just fancied you? Or Moony?” You groaned, tilting your head back so you could pout up at him.
Sirius laughed, his eyes lighting up as he did.
“Well nobody said you had good taste. Just be thankful it’s Prongs and not good ol’ Wormtail.” The two of you laughed as you scrunch your nose at the thought.
As tea time was nearing the two of you didn’t want to move but the need for food outweighed the peaceful atmosphere the two of you created.
“You ready?” Sirius asked as he pulled you up, his arm immediately going back around your shoulder.
You took a deep breath before shaking your head, “no.”
A week later and you and James had ‘broken up’.
He began dating Lily almost immediately after and you avoided him like the plague. Despite avoiding him you continued to watch him from a distance, noticing that he didn’t look half as happy as one would expect after getting with their crush since third year.
At first you thought you were the only one to pick up on it before Sirius said something, the other Marauders agreed and then some of the Gryffindors started whispering about it too.
Three weeks into James’ real relationship with Lily found James Potter hunched over a map that showed every student. His eyebrows were knitted together as he searched for one name in particular, his eyes lighting up as he read Y/F/N Y/L/N.
“Oi!” Sirius called as James darted for the door, “Where are you going?”
James didn’t bother to reply, instead he ran down the stairs and out of the common room. Quickly he found you wandering the corridors, just coming from Professor McGonagall’s classroom.
He was no idiot, he knew you were avoiding. Ok maybe he was an idiot because he didn’t know why. All he knew was that three weeks of actually dating Lily had left him feeling odd, he felt like he should enjoy her company more, should’ve liked kissing her and holding her hand more but for some reason he couldn’t get you out of his mind. The weeks he had spent fake dating you meant more to him than his relationship with Lily.
He tried, oh boy had he tried, but after the first week he knew something was wrong. Two weeks in it struck him that he liked you and three weeks in was when he finally had the nerve to break up with a furious Lily Evans.
Now all he had to do was convince you he was the biggest idiot in Hogwarts, not like that would be hard to achieve, and convince you what an awful mistake he had made.
“Y/N!” James called causing you to stop in your tracks. You debated whether you could walk away but eventually curiosity won over.
“James.” You said, voice void of any emotion.
“Listen,” He began, a hand coming up to nervously rub the back of his neck, he looked around and gestured to the empty classroom, “can we talk?”
After you mumbled a yes James turned and held the door open for you.
“I broke up with Lily.” He said abruptly after a few moments of silence.
Your head shot up to look at him as your eyes widened in shock. All James ever spoke about was Lily and now that he finally had her, he’d broken up with her?
“I broke up with Lily.” He said again, “three weeks with her and she never once made me feel anything special but you, Merlin Y/N, a couple of weeks fake dating you had me feeling like I could do anything, like I could be anything. I could’ve punched myself when I realised I liked you, all this time I’ve been pining over Lily and for what? For the girl I actually like, for the girl who actually makes me happy, for the girl who’s been by my side since the day we stepped foot into this castle to be right in front of me this entire time. Merlin’s beard, Y/N, I’m such an idiot but I want nothing more than to be your idiot.”
You were lost for words, it took a moment for James’ words to register in your mind and you prayed this wasn’t a joke, no, you thought, James wasn’t that cruel. Time ticked by as you struggled to form an answer, obviously you wanted nothing more than to say yes but you couldn’t help but have doubts.
“Y/N?” James asked after a minute or two had passed.
“Sorry.” You mumbled before looking back at him. “James, surely you don’t mean this. I mean Lily-” You began but he cut you off.
“I liked the idea of Lily but let's face it she never liked me. That doesn’t mean I’m turning to you as a last resort or a backup or whatever else you’re thinking. This is me realising that i was a bloody idiot and that fake dating you was the best thing I’ve ever done.”
You couldn’t help the blush or the small smile that made its way onto your face and James’ face lit up as he saw it too and he grinned at you.
“Well we can both agree on one thing, you are a great, big idiot.” You said causing him to laugh and you couldn’t help but join in.
“But I’m your idiot, right Y/L/N?”
“Right Potter.” You said with a grin off your own.
James was more than happy to kiss the smile off your face and you had no complaints either.
Everything Has Changed

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Prompt - ‘All I know is we said 'hello' and your eyes look like coming home.’
Notes - We’re celebrating Red (Taylor’s Version) here and I’ll be doing imagines for each song on the album so if you have a request (any fandom I write for) send it in!
It was September 1st, the day you had been dreaming about since finding out you were a witch. As you crossed the barrier taking you to Platform 9 3/4 you couldn’t help but take a step closer to your parents. Yes, you had wanted this day to come for so long but now that it was here it was incredibly daunting.
“You’ll be fine, Y/N.” Your parents assured you, making sure your trunk was where it needed to be. You hugged them tightly before stepping onto the train, face going pale as you saw all the other students.
You walked further onto the train, trying to find an empty compartment but it seemed like an impossible task.
“Hello,” a voice said, startling you. Was he talking to you? “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” Definitely talking to you then.
You turned around, coming face to face with a boy. He was taller than you and had messy jet black curls, perched on his nose was a pair of glasses and he looked at you with warm, brown eyes.
“Would you like to sit with us?” He asked, holding the compartment door open for you. The boy smiled as he watched relief fill your features, a friendly smile spreading across his face.
“If you and your friends don’t mind?” You said, gesturing to the two other boys sitting next to each other.
“Of course not, please come in.” The boy said.
“Thank you.” You replied, shuffling past them and taking a seat opposite the boy with short brown hair.
“I’m James by the way, James Potter and these are Sirius Black,” Here the boy turned his attention to you as he shot you a grin, his bright grey eyes capturing your attention. You smiled back at him, giving him a small wave which made his smile grow wider. “And this is Remus Lupin.” The other boy gave you a shy smile.
“It’s nice to meet you all, I’m Y/F/N Y/L/N. Thank you for letting me sit with you.” You said, smiling at each of them, before turning to James.
“You’re welcome. You’re not from a wizarding family, are you?” James asked, causing you to laugh softly.
“Is it that obvious?” You asked back, causing James and Sirius to chuckle.
“Kind of but it’s ok. Hogwarts is great…” James began before him and Sirius began filling you in on what you needed to know about Hogwarts and the wizarding world.
As the train got closer to Hogwarts you found yourself relaxing into your seat, laughing along with the boys. When the food trolley rolled around James and Sirius bought enough food and sweets to last at least a week or two causing you to giggle before you all tucked in.
You find yourself gravitating to James on the journey there, something about him made you feel at ease, he made you feel like you could be brave.
“You said something about the houses earlier,” you began, fiddling with a card from the chocolate frog, still amazed at the moving portrait that could leave the frame, “what house are you all hoping for?”
Sirius’ face darkened for a moment before it shifted into a smirk, “I’m hoping for Gryfindor, that’ll really please Mother.”
James laughed but you weren’t sure why but shrugged it off for now.
“Most of my family is from Gryffindor so I’m hoping for that too.” James told you as he turned to face you.
Conversation flowed easily between the four of you and you hoped that they would still talk to you when you were sorted.
As the train pulled up and first years were led away from the other students, you felt your nerves beginning to grow again. Your stomach felt sick as anxiety began to fester. James, who had made sure you didn’t get lost in the flow of students, saw you looking pale and gave you a small smile before squeezing your hand in his.
“You’ll be fine,” He assured you as the boats took you across the lake, the sight of the castle only adding to your fear. “I’ll be with you the whole time.” He promised and you forced a smile onto your face before squeezing his hand back.
“Thank you.” You managed to whisper, causing him to smile.
It wasn’t long before you were walking down the length of the Great Hall, the deafening silence did little to calm your nerves. James walked behind you, in between glances of the hall his gaze drifted back to you, him smiling sympathetically as he saw the tenseness in your shoulders.
Name after name was called, your peers each walked up to a stool. Some looked as nervous, if not more nervous than you felt, whereas some others strode up and sat confidently on the chair, waiting for the enchanted hat to be put upon their heads.
You watched as James was called up, he looked confident, not flinching as the ancient hat was put on top of his head. You stared up with wide eyes as the hat needed barely any time to decide. It shouted ‘Gryffindor’ causing James to grin. He made his way over to the table, sliding into a free space opposite Sirius.
After what felt like an eternity your name was finally called.
“Y/LN, Y/F/N.”
You didn’t move, nerves had you frozen in place and it wasn’t until you felt a hand brush against yours that you jolted. You turned to look at who touched you, seeing Remus there with a soft, encouraging smile. You forced yourself to smile back shakily before your feet began moving.
You perched yourself on the edge of the stool, eyes darting around the Great Hall before the view was obscured by the old hat.
“Hmm, interesting, very interesting,” The hat sat causing you to jump, “A good mind, resourceful, you have the ability to be fairly cunning Miss Y/L/N. But more than that is a great deal of bravery,” it said and you barely managed to suppress a snort, a great deal of bravery it had said, you weren’t feeling very brave right now. “No, no, not now but in time. You’ll be fiercely protective of those you consider family, you’ve got a good amount of courage, daring too, quite the risk taker. I know, I know,” the hat said for only you to hear before it bellowed out into the silence of the Great Hall, “better be…Gryffindor!”
Professor McGonagall lifted the hat from your head and your eyes immediately sought out the two boys you’d met on the train. You couldn’t help but smile as you saw they were clapping loudly, letting out happy cheers as you made your way over to them, taking a seat next to James.
“Told you you’d be fine.” He murmured as he grinned over at you. Despite the nerves you’d been feeling all day long, you couldn’t help but return the grin, feeling more relaxed now that you were sorted.
It wasn’t long before everyone else was sorted into their house, the boys and you all beaming at each other as Remus was placed in your house. The feast was unlike anything you’d ever seen before and now that your nerves had calmed down you were able to enjoy the magical happenings around you, from the magically appearing food to the floating candles to the ghosts that popped out of nowhere.
You ate more food than you could handle and giggled along with the boys. As the evening came to a close with the headmaster rising from his seat, you glanced at James who was already looking at you. You couldn’t help but smile softly at him and James didn’t hesitate to return it.
“First years, follow me.” The Gryffindor prefect said.
You all stood and made your way out of the Hall, your head turning in every direction. Portraits and paintings littered the walls, all of the people within them moved freely from one frame to the other. You were so captivated by them you hadn’t noticed the group turning a corner.
James glanced back and smiled over at you as he turned around and made his way over to you.
“Come along, Y/L/N.” He said, causing you to jump slightly before turning to face him. You glanced around seeing you had lost track of the prefect leading you to the common room and flushed slightly.
James just laughed and took your hand in his before leading you in the direction you were supposed to be heading.
That night as you lay in bed, feeling alone in the girls dorm, you couldn’t quite get the sight of James’ brown eyes, the messy curls and soft smile out of your head and you couldn’t wait to get to know him better.
“Seriously, Potter?” You yelled as you stomped down the stairs leading into the common room.
Nobody looked up at your shout, all too used to the antics from you and the boys. The four of you were closer than anything and despite being the only girl in the group that didn’t exclude you from their pranks and today was no exception.
“Hello Y/N, I must say, I love the pink hair.” James said as he looked up at you, a grin spreading across his face that he couldn’t fight back if he tried.
Watching as you glared at him only made him smile wider.
“You know I’m going to get you back for this, Potter.” You said, as you picked up a pillow on the couch and hit him with it before flopping down next to him.
“Yes, yes, I’ll be waiting anxiously for your comeback.” He laughed, causing you to hit him again before hugging the pillow to your chest and turning to face him.
“You’re such a jerk.” You told him. The smile on your face showing how much you didn’t mean the statement made him laugh again.
“Ah, good thing I’m your favourite then, isn’t it?” Here he turned his head, his cheek resting against the couch, as he looked at you with puppy dog eyes and an over exaggerated pout.
“Hmm, I suppose you are.” You replied with a roll of your eyes.
It had been four years since you’d first met James, you and him had grown closer and closer each day before you were inseparable. Since day one James had taken a shine to you, making sure you were ok, if people tried to pick on you, purebloods from Slytherin had taken a liking to you too, James was quick to put them in their place both at the age of eleven and fourteen.
“McGonagall is going to kill us when she sees this hair.” You told James.
“Us?” He shot back, raising an eyebrow at you. “You’re the only one with pink hair here, Y/N/N.” He smirked.
“Oh come on,” you groaned and when you raised the pillow again he held his hands up in surrender, “Who else is going to spike my shampoo with hair dye?”
“You made an excellent point, Y/L/N.” James laughed, reaching over to take a strand of dyed hair in between his fingers, twirling it around.
“I hate potions.” You groaned, leaning closer to James who smiled sympathetically at you. It was no secret you were hopeless with anything potions related, thankfully you were able to be paired with James who seemed to thrive in every single class. You didn’t feel bad about letting him take over the practical side of the class as you focused on note taking.
James had tried to teach you where he could but he had had one too many cauldrons blow up in his face.
“I know you do.” He said softly, moving his hand from your hair so he could wrap his arm around your shoulder. You happily shifted closer.
It wasn’t long before Sirius and Remus came down the stairs and after more laughing about your hair the four of you headed down to the dungeons for potions.
Slughorn’s voice began to grate on you. He had never been your favourite teacher but today you just were not in the mood for him. James watched you glare at him as he ran through the properties of Weedosoros and chuckled softly to himself.
“Who teaches teenagers how to brew poison?” He heard you mutter to yourself, “Great idea professor, maybe I’ll get really good at potions and have you try my Weedosoros.” Here James couldn’t help but snort, causing you to turn and face him.
“If you get good at potions, I run naked through the Great Hall.” He whispered, causing you to smirk.
“Well I wouldn’t strip out of that robe just yet.” You laughed quietly, nothing in the world could make you good at potions.
As Slughorn continued to speak James found himself growing bored too, even though he didn’t mind potions class, double potions first thing in the morning wasn’t ideal. You and him sat in the back row, closest to the door, and James looked to Slughorn, who was focused on the board, unaware of the blank stares and the one or two students who were sleeping, before looking back at you.
“C’mon.” James whispered, nudging your arm. You raised an eyebrow as he picked his bag up and gestured for you to do the same.
“Ready?” James mouthed, taking a final glance at Slughorn who had yet to turn around.
“Ready.” You replied despite not knowing what was happening. James gestured to the door and took your hand in his. Counting down from three, he pulled you from your chair and the two of you managed to escape the room, Slughorn none the wiser.
“Where are we going?” You giggled as James dragged you down the hallway, the two of you running past the shouting portraits.
“You’ll see.” James said and when the two of you finally stopped, you more so out of breath than James who played quidditch any chance he could get, you raised an eyebrow at him.
“What?” He said, “We missed breakfast.” You laughed as he tickled the pear, watching as it transformed into a green door handle.
The house elves were more than happy to have visitors, pushing more food than either of you could carry into your hands and as you bid them goodbye both your bags were considerably heavier than they had been only moments ago.
“What’s your plan now, Potter? We’ve still got an hour and a half before we’re supposed to be out of class.” James didn’t reply instead he slipped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you against him before leading the way to the entrance hall.
From there you were taken down to the Great Lake. James sat down on the grass before pulling at your hand and gesturing for you to sit too. The lake looked beautiful, it stretched as far as your eyes could see, hills and mountains on either side.
James and you sat together in a comfortable silence, food spread out between the two of you. The sound of waves crashing together in the distance could be heard, the air was slightly chilly but bearable.
It didn’t take either of you long to finish eating, plenty of food left over thanks to the generosity of the house elves. James shifted so his legs were spread out in front of him and he rummaged through his bag, pulling out a yellowing book, the spine was cracked and the cover was worn.
You moved to lay down, resting your head on his lap as he opened the book, you heard the sound of pages being flipped as you looked up at the sky, squinting up at the clouds drifting pass.
You let your eyes fall closed as the sound of James’ voice filled the silence, his tone soft and low and you couldn’t help but smile as you listened to him. As he got further into the book you let your eyes open slowly, lazily gazing up at the sky before turning to face James.
There was something about the peacefulness of the lake, the soft and quiet sounds of waves crashing, birds chirping, creatures rustling leaves in the woods and the soothing voice of James that made you feel inexplicably happy. Out here, just you and James, it was…easy. The two of you were yourselves out here.
You shook your head, wondering where on earth that thought had come from. You looked away from James before he could catch you staring and instead focused on the sound of his voice.
One day it was like something clicked into place for you. That morning you had woken up, it was Valentine’s Day so the entire castle had been decked in pink for the week and your little group had been surrounded by girls desperately trying to get the boys attention.
You’d lost track of how many times they had been asked out but each time a girl approached James you felt something twist inside you. You couldn’t explain why these girls asking James out had bothered you so much, you were in your sixth year of Hogwarts and James was an attractive man, it wasn’t like James had never been asked out before.
So why did it bother you now?
The question had plagued you for weeks and this morning when you woke up, the first thing on your mind was those warm brown eyes, those mess of curls and a soft smile that made you feel safe. That’s when it hit you.
You liked James Potter.
You liked James Potter a whole lot, despite already being attached at the hip you wanted to spend all your time with him, despite knowing so much about him you wanted to get to know him even better, despite the fact that he was your best friend you wanted him to be more.
As you lay in bed that morning, refusing to get out of bed, never being more thankful that it was a weekend, you thought back to when you had met James. Since that moment he said hello to you and held the door of the compartment open for you, you realise now, looking back that’s when everything started. James had smiled at you and you’d never left his side since.
You realised that as you looked into his eyes, nowhere else felt more like home. When you saw him smile, you couldn’t help but mirror it back no matter how bad you were feeling. When things got too much for either of you and you snuck down to the lake, staying there until everything was better.
You liked James Potter.
Just thinking about it made your stomach fill with butterflies. It was the beautiful kind of butterflies, the ones that had you blushing just thinking about him. The kind that made you want to find James and confess everything, the kind that made you feel how James made you feel…giddy.
You liked James Potter.
It was like that thought had changed everything.
When you finally pulled yourself out of bed and headed down the stairs you were greeted to James’ smirk.
“What time do you call this?” He laughed, gesturing to the seat next to him.
Everything felt different, you hardly knew how to act around James now.
You laughed, though it was slightly forced, and took the seat next to him on the couch. His eyebrows knitted together at the distance you’d put between the two of you but he quickly solved it by pulling you against him, his arm wrapping around your shoulder.
Conversation quickly turned back to whatever they’d been talking about before you showed up but you were more content to lay against James, his fingers tracing random patterns on your arm causing you to smile softly.
“You ok?” He whispered into your ear when Sirius and Remus were more focused on their conversation.
You hesitated for a moment, shifting so you could lean up and look at him. He was beautiful, the fire reflected in his brown eyes, giving them a red tinge and you thought that you could get lost in them given the chance.
You shook your head slightly in an attempt to clear your thoughts before you smiled up at James.
“I’m good.” You told him, the look he gave you showed he wasn’t convinced but he let it go.
“What are your plans, Y/N?” Sirius asked, causing you to look away from James.
“Plans?” You asked in confusion, watching as Sirius laughed whilst rolling his eyes.
“Keep up, Y/L/N.” He groaned, making you laugh. You missed the look James was giving you as he watched you laugh against him but Sirius and Remus caught it and shared a look between themselves. “Plans for Valentine’s Day.”
“You asking me out, Black?” You smirked.
“I’m afraid our love shall have to wait another day,” Sirius told you dramatically, “for I have a date with the beautiful Amelia.”
“Good luck with that,” You said, honestly surprised that Amelia had agreed to a date. “As for me, I shall be here, awaiting your return.” You said, causing them to laugh.
“Come on, you have to have a date!” Sirius exclaimed, frowning as you shook your head.
“I was asked but…” Here you trailed off, not knowing how to end the sentence. At first you hadn’t had a reason for rejecting the offers you had received, most of them were fairly decent looking guys but you hadn’t felt anything more than annoyance as they asked you.
Now though, after this morning's revelations you knew exactly why you had turned them down because despite how good looking they were…they weren’t James Potter.
“I’ll keep you company.” James said, causing you to look up at him again.
“You don’t have a date?” You asked, watching as he shook his head. “Well if the captain of the quidditch team can’t get a date, is there hope for the rest of us?” You groaned, watching as James laughed.
“I’d rather hang out with you than with anyone that asked me out.” And that was a statement, wasn’t it? You had seen some of the girls asking James out, they were stunningly beautiful and probably wouldn’t make a cauldron explode in his face and yet here he was saying he’d rather have your company.
What were you supposed to think about that?
“I’d rather hang out with you too.” You told him quietly, it was the closest you were going to get to confessing your feelings but for now it would have to be enough.
“Where are we going?” You asked later on that evening. Most students were in Hogsmeade on dates and you were ready to spend a night with James in the common room when he had entered, raising an eyebrow at your comfy attire before telling you to change.
“You’ll see.” He said and it wasn’t long before he was pulling you along down the old, familiar trail that led to your spot by the late.
As you rounded the corner to your spot you stopped in your tracks, letting out a gasp as you took in the scene. Small tea candles floated in the air, giving the darkness of the night a soft, orange glow. A blanket had been laid down on the grass, slightly larger candles rested upon it, adding to the atmosphere. There was a basket and two glasses placed on the blanket too.
You turned to look at James who looked nervously at you. You were left speechless and he couldn’t tell if it was a good sign or not but when your lips stretched into a grin, he let out the breath he had been holding and grinned back at you.
“What is all this?” You asked softly, the warm glow of candles made you want to maintain the peaceful atmosphere created.
James shifted before clearing his throat. He looked down at his feet before looking you in the eyes.
“I like you, Y/N.” He confessed and felt a huge weight fall from his shoulders, no matter how this went, at least you’d know how he felt. “I really like you and I hate that it took me this long to realise it. I should have realised it all those years ago, Merlin’s beard, Y/N/N, I should have realised it the moment we said hello. When I held that door open for you I should have known then that one day you could be mine and I would be yours, no matter how you felt. All I’ve been able to think about for weeks, months, is you. You’re beautiful Y/E/C eyes, that smile that has never once not made me smile back. Merlin, please tell me there’s something here and that this isn’t all just in my mind.” James said, rushing through his speech like he’d been rehearsing it for a while.
You were beaming at him by the time he had finished, cheeks flushed red and not because of the cold. God, how foolish you both were.
“I like you too, James. When I realised I liked you I was terrified because I thought everything would change for the worse and I didn’t even let myself consider the possibility that you would like me back, that everything had changed for good.” You told him, watching as he gave you the softest smile you’d ever seen on his face.
“I like you so much, Y/N, and I want to make up for all that time we lost being idiots who didn’t realise. I already know plenty about you but I want to know everything about you.” James said as he stepped forward, he reached up cupping your cheek in his hands and despite the cold air, your cheek were warm to touch, making him smile wider.
He gave you time to pull away but you didn’t move, not until his lips were against you. You kissed him back, the kiss started off soft and slow but all the time you’d spent not admitting your feelings had built up causing the kiss to turn. It was hot and messy and the two of you only pulled away when a sudden coldness washed over you.
The pair of you looked up, laughing at the rain that came from nowhere. It was the kind of rain that meant you were drenched through in a matter of seconds, hair and clothes sticking uncomfortably to you pretty quickly.
But that didn’t matter as you and James laughed before he pulled you in for another kiss, this time his arms snaked around your waist and you rested yours around his neck, fingers coming up to play with wet hair.
The two of you stayed outside for way longer than you should have but when you finally pulled away James rested his forehead against yours.
“Sorry we didn’t get to eat.” He said, watching as you glanced over at the soaking wet blanket and the basket.
“That’s ok,” you giggled before brushing your lips against him, “we’re going to be so sick tomorrow.”
“We should head back.” James smiled, entwining his fingers with yours.
You glanced down at your joined hands before looking up at James who, despite being drenched through, looked incredibly handsome and he was looking at you like you were the most beautiful girl in the world despite the fact that you had mascara running down your cheeks and you were equally as wet.
Everything has changed, you thought to yourself, and the next day as you and James cuddled together on the couch both suffering from a cold, you couldn’t help but smile because everything has changed but it was the best type of change.
James Potter Taglist - @haroldpotterson, @lovinnholland, @rottenstyx, @asherhunterx, @secondaryjob, @canadailluminate, @filmsbyblair, @mrs-scottmccall, @roseslovedreams , @j-cat
@janesofia7, @cinderellacauseshebroke, @black-rose-29, @wierdstark, @chickensrule, @rosaliedepp (sorry if you've been notified about this like seven times, tumblr has been broke for me)

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Click here for Red (Taylor’s Version) masterlist
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Prompt - ‘Moving on from him is impossible when I still see it all in my head in burning red.’
Notes - Smut
Loving Sirius Black was intense for lack of a better word. From the get go everything seemed to move fast but you were so caught up, so intoxicated by it that you couldn’t do anything more than hold his hand as the whirlwind romance began. Loving Sirius Black was passionate, it was needy and it was over just as quickly as it had begun.
You had liked Sirius for months now, it was easy to like him. He was charming, charismatic, one flash of that smile had you weak in the knees - you and every other girl at Hogwarts. Sirius wasn’t an idiot, he knew the effect he had on the girls and nobody was surprised when he had a new girl on his arm every week.
You had never been one of those girls and even though you knew it was terrible to want to be, you couldn't deny that given the chance you would be his girl of the week. This week it was a girl in your year, you didn’t particularly like her but seeing her on Sirius’ lap made you roll your eyes as you passed them, neither of them noticing you as they made out on the bench they were on.
“Party at Gryffindor tower tonight, you in?” Your friend asked you as you rounded the corner.
The thought of saying no crossed your mind, not wanting to spend the night obsessing over Sirius but something within you was nagging you to go.
“Sure.” You agreed, watching as your friend grinned at you and began talking about outfits.
You tuned her out all the way to potions and spent the rest of the lesson trying to push Sirius out of your mind.
By the time the party rolled around you were ready to cancel but somehow your friends ended up pushing you into going. As you entered the common room you couldn’t help but relax as the music and laughter washed over you.
“Let’s get a drink.” Someone from your group said and it wasn’t long before one drink turned into four and you were feeling the full effect of the alcohol coursing through your veins.
You found yourself in the middle of the common room which was being used as a dance floor, letting the music guide your movements. You weren’t sure just how much time had passed before you felt an arm slip around your waist and a warm body pressing up against your back.
“Having fun?” You recognised Sirius’ voice straight away, his tone deep and low as he pulled you further against him, dancing rhythmically against you. You felt goosebumps rise on your skin as his lips pressed against your neck in a gentle kiss.
You couldn’t help but turn your head upwards, giving him better access. You could feel him smirk against you before he obliged and began pressing kisses into your skin, you bit your lip before gasping as you felt him suck on the delicate skin. He kept sucking and let his arms that were still wrapped around your waist explore your body, one trailed upwards, brushing over your breast and the other went downwards, resting on the top of your thigh.
The feeling of him sucking on your neck was more intense than you would have ever thought, that mixed with his hands on your body had you letting out an involuntary whimper. You were more than aware that you were still in the middle of the common room but you couldn’t bring yourself to care, not when Sirius Black was pressed up behind you, finally noticing you.
You let out another whimper as Sirius let his teeth graze against the spot he’d been sucking before pulling away, not going far, and whispered in your ear.
“How about we head upstairs?” You couldn’t have said no even if you wanted to, something about him was addicting and now that you’d had a taste you didn’t think you’d ever be able to let him go.
At your nod he pressed another kiss to your neck before pulling away and guiding you up the stairs. You had no idea how the stairs let you into the boys dorm but the thought left your mind as soon as it had entered.
Once you were in the boys dorm and the door was shut, Sirius pinned you against it, wasting no time in crashing his lips against yours, the kiss was raw, it was desperate and needy. Your hands were finally tangled in his long hair as his hands gripped your face and you couldn’t help but moan into the kiss.
Sirius pulled away from you, a trail of spit keeping the two of you attached to each other before his lips connected with your neck again. Your head hit the wooden door behind you as you threw it back, moaning in pleasure as he wasted no time sucking at different spots on your neck.
Your cheeks were flushed as Sirius finished up on your neck, trailing open mouthed kisses down your neck, along your collarbone before stopping at the top of your shirt. His fingers found the hem and he was quick to pull it over your head, leaving you standing in your bra.
You watched him lick his lips before he helped you take the bra off, his mouth going straight for your breast. He took one in his mouth, as his hand came up to knead the other. You moaned at the stimulation, your hands coming up to grip his hair as he showed no signs of slowing down, though you did feel him smirk against you.
When Sirius pulled away you had no time to recover as his lips found yours again. As he kissed you hard, hard enough to bruise, he pulled you away from the door and, without pulling away, blindly led you over to his bed.
It wasn’t long before you were underneath him, Sirius in between your legs as he continued to kiss you. It was rushed and animalistic and you couldn’t get enough. You pushed your hips up, letting yourself brush against his dick causing you both to moan into the kiss.
Sirius took the hint and pulled away, his hands trailing down your stomach and stopping at the top of your jeans. He made quick work of unbuttoning them and helped pull them down before throwing them off to the side of the room.
With the adrenaline and alcohol pumping through your system you had no time to feel self conscious, though you did pull his shirt off of him as you saw he was still fully clothed and you were laying there in your panties that were already beginning to get wet.
Sirius was quick to strip out of his own clothes before turning his attention back to you, pressing his lips against yours again. He let his hands trail down, brushing against your panties and smirking as he felt the wetness through them.
“Feel good, baby?” He asked, nipping at your jawline. You couldn’t reply, just let out a loud, needy moan as his fingers gently stroked you through your underwear.
Sirius wasted no time in lowering himself so his face was between your legs. He pressed a kiss against your thigh before hooking his fingers around your panties, pulling them off and tossing them out into the room.
You were a moaning mess as Sirius attached his lips to your clit, his fingers still brushing against you as he sucked and licked you. His fingers kept teasing your entrance, pushing in gently before he withdrew them causing you to let out loud groans of both pleasure and annoyance.
Without warning two fingers pushed into you causing you to arch against the bed, you felt Sirius chuckle around you causing you to moan louder as the chuckle vibrated against your clit. You were panting as he pumped his fingers inside you, his pace quickening each time. One of your hands was in his hair, fingers clutching the dark curls, holding him in place whilst the other gripped the bedsheet tightly.
“Sirius, Sirius please,” You cried out, the feeling of both his fingers and his mouth becoming too much.
Sirius pulled away and leaned up to connect his lips to yours, both of you moaning into it. The kiss was filthy, you could taste yourself on his tongue as you both messily kissed each other.
Before you could even register it Sirius was lining himself up against you and sliding in causing you to whimper in pleasure, your eyes screwing shut as Sirius sucked on your neck. Your arms were wrapped around his shoulders, fingernails digging into his back.
Once he was in and made sure you were ok, Sirius wasted no time. His rhythm was unrelentingly hard and fast, a fine line between pain and pleasure had you a moaning mess, Sirius’ name falling out of your mouth like a prayer as you pleaded for more.
Sirius was moaning against your neck, face buried against it as he thrusted into you. You were incoherent at this point, the only name on your lips was Sirius’ and it wasn’t long before you were pleading with him, begging him to let you come.
“That’s it baby,” He murmured against your neck, letting his teeth graze across the sensitive skin, “you feel so good, come for me, baby.” He continued, praising you as he fucked you fast and hard.
It wasn’t long before you were clenching around Sirius causing him to let out a low moan. You cried out as you orgasmed and Sirius wasn’t found behind as he came inside you with a moan of his own.
The two of you lay there for a moment, the air hot and heavy as the two of you panted for breath. Sirius was the first to move, pulling out of you carefully and picking his wand up from the nightstand. He made quick work of cleaning the two of you up and then collapsed down beside you in the bed, pulling you into his arms so your head lay on his chest.
“You okay baby?” He whispered as he pressed a kiss to your hair.
You were still slightly out of it, everything about tonight felt wild and passionate and overwhelming so you just nodded against him and let your arm rest against his stomach.
Sirius smiled down at you, letting his fingers trace your skin.
“Go to sleep, Y/N.” He murmured, smile growing as you nodded sleepily against his chest.
It wasn’t long before you fell asleep in Sirius’ arms.
You were the first to wake, the curtains around the bed had been drawn and you assumed the other boys were back in the room. You didn’t want to get up yet, didn’t want to leave Sirius’ embrace, the feeling of his arms around your waist, holding you close…it was easy to pretend this was real.
You let your fingers gently trace his chest, touching him like this made you realise that this was what you wanted. You wanted Sirius Black and you didn’t know how you were going to give him up after one night with him. This one night with him was perfect, it felt like the colours in autumn, so bright, so beautiful, but you could see the end too, when the autumn leaves died and fell, that was what was destined to happen here - one incredibly great night and then whatever was between you and Sirius was supposed to shrivel up and die.
Except that’s not what happened…
That morning Sirius woke up, his arms still holding you close. He brought you in for a soft kiss and the two of you spent the morning in his bed, lazily kissing and giggling as he told you stories of pranks and mischief and you told him stories about yourself.
From there the two of you headed down to the Great Hall, Sirius’ arm thrown around your shoulders and holding you close. During the meal he kept up the conversation, not bothering with anyone else around you.
You figured that it was finally your chance to be the girl of the week, not just a one night stand but someone for Sirius to keep around before he got bored. And you shouldn’t have been ok with that, you knew you deserved more than that, but spending time with Sirius was worth it.
So when week two came and Sirius slid into the seat next to you for breakfast, wrapping his arm around you and kissing your lips, you could only look at him in confusion.
“What?” He grinned as he plucked a piece of fruit from your plate.
“What’re you doing here?” You asked him, eyebrows knitting together in your confusion.
“Ouch and here I was thinking you liked me.” He said, dramatically holding a hand to his chest causing your friends to laugh.
You didn’t respond, you didn’t know how to respond. Sirius Black had never been with the same girl for longer than a week, it was common knowledge.
So why was he back?
“What’re you doing this weekend?” He asked you as you packed up your things to head to class. His hand slipped into yours as you both headed towards the stairs.
“Nothing?” You told him, though it sounded more like a question.
“Let me take you out, we can go to Hogsmeade.” He said, smiling over at you with that charming Sirius Black smile.
How could you say no to that?
At the four month mark you were still confused about why Sirius was with you, down right nearly died of shock when he asked to make things official one night as he snuck the two of you to the astronomy tower, talking about the different stars and constellations.
Four months in and you had fallen hard. It wasn’t difficult considering how much you had liked him before getting together but being around him everyday, getting to kiss him whenever you wanted, knowing that he was yours…it wasn’t hard to fall in love.
You had him memorized, you knew him as well as you knew the words to your old favourite song. When you touched him, you knew he was what you wanted and somehow he wanted you too.
You hadn’t realised just how hard you had fallen for him until your first fight. It was about something ridiculous and ended with the two of you storming away from each other. It was after hours and Sirius had headed up to the dorm whereas you had snuck out and found yourself sitting at the edge of the astronomy tower, legs dangling over as you looked up at the starry night.
Sirius came to find you that night, apologising. You had brushed it off, made it seem like it was no big deal just so things could be ok again between you but deep down you knew that that wasn’t right. The fight was intense but everything about your relationship with Sirius was intense so why shouldn’t that be too.
You shouldn’t have been surprised.
You knew he had a reputation, knew what he was like before you had gotten together. You knew he had a different girl every week. How could you think you could change that about him?
Watching him as he pressed some Ravenclaw against the wall, kissing her like he needed it to survive…
You hated the scene in front of you but you couldn’t look away. It was only when the Ravenclaw opened her eyes, seeing you stood there, that Sirius acknowledged you. The Ravenclaw pushed him off her, a look of embarrassment taking over her face as she quickly readjusted herself and picked her bag up before hurrying past you with an apology.
You didn’t hang around to hear what Sirius had to say. You turned on your heel and followed the other girl out, ignoring the pleas from Sirius as he begged you to hear him out.
You ended up in a dusty, old classroom. It looked like it hadn’t been used in a good few years…or decades. You didn’t care though, the state of the room was the last thing on your mind as you let the door fall shut and your back slid down it until you were sat on the floor with tears falling down your face.
You knew, deep down you knew that it was for the best, knew that you and Sirius could never have worked out but that didn’t make it hurt any less. The relationship was too much, loving him was too much. It was all too much, too fast. Every moment spent together was too intense.
You didn’t know how you were supposed to move on from him though because despite how intense things were between you, you really did love him and moving on from him seemed impossible when all you could see in your head was him.
As you sat on the dusty floor with tears falling down your face, flashbacks and echoes of him invading your mind, you couldn’t help but feel all alone. You knew you’d be ok eventually but right now everything felt blue, it felt lonely and sad and you felt like a complete idiot for thinking that he could change, for thinking that you were worth enough to him to change when really all you were to him was some pretty little plaything and he had finally gotten bored of you.
You had been so focused on the good moments between you this entire relationship, the affection, the infatuation, the warmth, that you ignored the other side of the relationship - the anger, the jealousy, the miscommunication, those horrible aspects you’d blocked out hit you full force.
Merlin, you were such an idiot.
Loving Sirius Black was intense for lack of a better word. From the get go everything seemed to move fast but you were so caught up, so intoxicated by it that you couldn’t do anything more than hold his hand as the whirlwind romance began. Loving Sirius Black was passionate, it was needy and it was over just as quickly as it had begun but in time you knew you’d be ok.
Sirius Taglist - @haroldpotterson, @imjustassaneasyou, @dindjarinsspouse, @lovinnholland, @rottenstyx, @queen-who, @secondaryjob, @canadailluminate, @filmsbyblair, @halepack2011, @mrs-scottmccall, @roseslovedreams, @j-cat ,@cinderellacauseshebroke, @black-rose-29, @wierdstark, @chickensrule, @rosaliedepp, @hayden429, @onyourgoddamnleft
Harry Potter Masterlist

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- Sucker for you
- The Happily Ever After
- Idiot
- Everything Has Changed
- All Too Well
- In Another Life
- Holding On & Letting Go
- Mine

- Tell Me Your Secrets
- Wolf and All

- Red
- Midnight Rain

- The Weight of the World

- Making the Change From Friends to Lovers

- I Thought I’d Lost You
All Too Well

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Click here for Red (Taylor's Version) Masterlist
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Prompt - 'It was rare, I was there, I remember it all too well.'
Hogwarts was bursting with excitement as many students prepared to go home for the holidays. This was the first year you had something to look forward to as your boyfriend, James Potter, had extended an invitation from his parents to you for their annual christmas party.
Everyone was chattering away loudly as they headed down to the train, all ready for the holidays to begin.
James and you walked together hand in hand surrounded by his friends. Sirius, Remus and Peter joined the two of you in the cart and it wasn’t soon before the train pulled away from the station and the five of you were headed home.
You and James hadn’t been dating for long, just over four months, but you knew you were head over heels for him. It was hard not to fall for him, everything about him felt safe, when you were tucked up against him, feeling his laugh rumble through his chest, you felt like that was the closest to home you’d felt in a long time.
Sitting here now, James’ arm wrapped around your shoulder pulling you into him, you felt yourself falling a little bit more in love with him. You let your head rest on his shoulder, smiling as you felt his lips against your head before he turned back to joking with Sirius.
The comforting feel of being pressed against James and the movement from the train was all it took to lull you to sleep.
“Y/N/N,” A soft voice said, gently shaking you awake.
You scrunched your nose up, blinking hard before opening your eyes and seeing James next to you wearing a soft smile.
“We’re here.” He told you before standing and holding a hand out to you. It wasn’t long before the two of you were on the platform saying your goodbyes.
“I’ll see you soon,” You told him, watching as he glanced from his friends back to you before nodding. He leaned down to give you a quick kiss, saying goodbye to you and made his way over to his little group.
As much as you loved James, though you’d yet to say those words to him, sometimes you couldn’t help but feel like you came second place to his friends. It wasn’t like you wanted him to give them up and only spend all his time with you but some days you couldn’t help but wish he paid half as much attention to you as he did them.
You frowned as you shook your head, blaming those thoughts on the lingering tiredness before making your way over to where your parents were waiting for you.
You had barely heard from James since you’d arrived back home for the holidays, a few letters here and there but no calls using the fireplace. In one of his letters James had told you that his parents had offered to let you come around a few days earlier and sleep over, wanting to get to know the girl their son was dating.
You were excited to finally spend some time with James and he had told you that he and Sirius were going to Diagon Alley to get some Christmas presents. You had agreed to meet up with them in The Leaky Cauldron and began to get ready for the day.
It wasn’t long before you were ready, bags packed and slipping a red scarf around your neck. You said goodbye to your parents before taking the floo over to The Leaky Cauldron.
You saw James and Sirius tucked away in the corner and quickly made your way over, pulling your cloak tighter around you to combat the chill. James spotted you first, smiling widely over at you and standing up to pull you into a hug which you eagerly returned before he pulled away slightly to press his lips to yours.
The three of you were quick to settle in with food and drinks but it wasn’t long before you were heading out into the cold and finishing up some shopping. By the time you were walking through the front doors of the Potter Manor you couldn’t help but smile at the warmth, a stark contrast to the cold air outside. As you looked around the house you couldn’t help but feel at home somehow, the atmosphere unlike any other pureblood house you’d been in, this one was comforting, inviting and you found yourself at ease as you slid your scarf off, letting it rest on the bannister.
After introductions were made Mrs Potter had pulled you into the kitchen with her, hot chocolates lined up as she rested a leather bound book on the counter. You couldn’t help but smile as she opened the first page, a naked baby James Potter crawling across the page. You looked up at James, laughing as you watched his cheeks turn red. Another page showed a young James Potter looking tiny as he sat on a twin sized bed, round glasses making him look even smaller as they took up a large portion of his face.
As Mrs Potter flipped through the pages, she recalled stories from James’ youth leaving you all with big grins on your faces as you listened and laughed.
You looked over at James as his mum continued with her stories and saw him looking at you with a warm smile. You bite your lip, trying to contain your smile as you glanced down at the book again, you couldn’t help but think how much you wanted to make more of these memories with him.
You had been staying at the Potters for two nights now, sleeping in the spare room as Mrs Potter had instructed. That night you found yourself tossing and turning and decided to head downstairs for a drink hoping it would help.
“Hey,” You said softly, smiling as you saw James’ already in the kitchen with the refrigerator door open, lighting the room with a soft blue light.
You watched as James smiled at you as he held his arms open, you were quick to step into them, glad to finally have a moment alone with him. As much as you loved his parents and hearing their stories and as much as you liked Sirius you had to admit you missed James despite the fact he was always there.
“Hey,” He replied, just as softly. The house was huge, the two of you could have spoken normally and not woke anybody up but the atmosphere felt nice, it felt delicate and as James held you close it felt right to keep your voices low.
“You know there’s going to be dancing at this party, don’t you?” He asked, causing you to pull back far enough to look up at him with wide eyes.
“I can’t dance.” You told him.
“It’s easy,” He insisted, smile widening as you shook your head at him.
“Yeah maybe if you were taught to waltz before you could walk.” You scoffed watching as he laughed with a roll of his eyes.
“I think you’re getting me and Pads confused, baby.” He grinned before pulling you away slightly and wrapping your arms around his neck, letting his own rest around your waist as he began to sway the two of you.
“See, easy.” He said as he took one of your hands in his and spun you around, smiling as you giggled before he took the lead and began dancing with you in the kitchen, no music needed as the two of you laughed softly as you stepped on James’ feet before slowly getting the hang of it.
In that moment you felt yourself fall a little bit more in love with James Potter.
The day of the party was here and the Potter manor was buzzing with energy. Mrs Potter was constantly in and out of the kitchen with different platters of food as house elves helped set up the decorations.
The manor felt more like home than the day you had arrived, several large Christmas trees had been set up in different rooms, fairy lights softly lighting the room and Gryffindor house colours were used in the decorations causing you to giggle.
James had his arm around you but he was more interested in the conversation he was having with Sirius, one that you weren’t paying too much attention to. Eventually though you got bored of being ignored and stood up, rolling your eyes slightly as James didn’t even look up.
“Can I help, Mrs Potter?” You asked, looking at the flustered woman who was preparing another tray of food.
“Oh no dear, you go and enjoy yourself.” She said shaking her head
“It’s no trouble, I’d be glad to help.” You insisted, watching as she looked up at you with a warm smile.
“Alright dear, you come here,” She said and with that you quickly got the hang of her methods and were soon helping her transport all the food into the living room, James still not noticing your absence.
As you headed back up to your room to get ready for the party you couldn’t help but frown as you walked past the living room, watching as Sirius, Remus and James all laughed together.
You weren’t jealous of his friendship with the others, Merlin, you loved that he had such a close relationship with them but at the same time you wished he put a little more effort into your relationship as he did with them.
You really tried to ignore it most days but sometimes you just couldn’t push the nagging feeling aside that you put more effort into this relationship than he did. With a shake of your head you headed into your room and began to get ready, trying not to focus on any more negative thoughts.
It wasn’t long before the party was in full swing and you made your way downstairs alone after waiting to see if James would come to your room. There was a frown on your face but as you stepped off the last stair you forced a smile onto your face and pushed through the crowds.
James looked incredible as he was dressed in a suit, laughing with an even bigger group of friends. You made your way over to him, not letting your smile falter as he didn’t acknowledge you.
You let your hand grab his but this time you did frown as he gave it one squeeze before letting go, turning his back to you as he began to joke with a guy you hadn’t met before.
A part of you didn’t want to make a big deal out of it but another part of you hated feeling like you weren’t good enough to James, like you were always second best to him. You left the group as discreetly as you could, not that anybody noticed when you did leave, and pushed your way outside.
The back garden was huge and just as beautiful as the inside, decorated with fairy lights and decorations. Despite the many, many people who were outside it was quite easy to find an empty space to sit.
The hot chocolate clutched between your hands was the only thing keeping you warm against the winter air. The night sky was nearly black despite it still being quite early in the evening. The wind was harsh enough to blow your hair in every direction but you didn’t care as you sat looking up at the stars frowning in thought.
You hated feeling like this was the end of things between you and James but at the same time you couldn’t help but think that it was long gone already and no amount of fighting on your behalf could do anything to salvage it. You hated that this thing between you and James felt so painfully real, felt like it could be amazing, and it was now just nothing.
You hated that you felt you were asking for too much when really all you wanted was your boyfriend to notice you, to pay attention to you. As you sat alone outside, the sound of music and laughter coming from behind you, you couldn’t help but sniff as you tried to fight back the tears, not feeling fine at all.
The realisation that your relationship was done made you feel like all the magic from the world had disappeared, you felt like everything was for nothing as you sat there remembering every moment between you and James. You recalled only the other night as James and you danced together alone in the kitchen, feeling happier than ever as he spun you around in his arms, you remember as he dragged you through the castle, running from the teacher on patrol as the two of you had snuck out out of hours for a date, you remembered him teaching you how to ride on a broom which ended with the two of you on the floor with bruises but only laughter could be heard.
You remembered it all too well.
In that moment it felt like you were paralyzed, it felt like time had frozen as you tried to figure out what to do next. You didn’t want to cause a scene for the Potter’s but you also knew you couldn’t stay, not anymore.
Eventually you managed to pull yourself up and made your way through the house, avoiding anyone you might know and headed up the stairs into the guest room Mrs Potter had let you use. You were quick to pack your things away, hesitating when you came across one of James’ jumpers before shaking your head and leaving it on the bed folded neatly.
You looked around the room one last time before making your way out, heading downstairs and pausing before sneaking into the floo room where guests were still coming in from, taking one last look at James across the room. He had a wide grin on his face, laughing along with his friends and you couldn’t stop your eyes filling up with tears, the lack of you not bothering him at all.
It wasn’t long before you were home, thankfully your parents were at their own Christmas party at a relatives house, leaving you home alone.
You made your way up to your room and it wasn’t long before you collapsed onto bed and let the tears fall down, heartbreaking sobs leaving you as you cried for every moment between you and James.
You thought what the two of you had was rare, you had been there for it, remembered each moment all too well and yet here you were…alone.
You loved James Potter so much and maybe you got lost in translation, maybe you did ask for too much by wanting him to acknowledge you more or maybe he had just lost the one real thing he’d ever known and not even realised it.
James had tried to floo you several times and wrote to you even more. You hated that it took you leaving for him to finally notice you. You replied to one of his owls with a letter of your own telling him that you couldn’t be with him anymore, telling him that you deserved better and that you didn’t want him to contact you again.
James received the owl and only then did he realise how badly he had messed up. That night as he began packing away his things, he came across the red scarf you had left there on that very first day and if he went to sleep that night curled up around it, breathing in your scent, well nobody had to know. It was too late now, he really had messed up and no amount of reminiscing would solve it.
James Potter Taglist - @haroldpotterson, @lovinnholland, @rottenstyx, @asherhunterx, @secondaryjob, @canadailluminate, @filmsbyblair, @mrs-scottmccall, @roseslovedreams , @j-cat
@janesofia7, @cinderellacauseshebroke, @black-rose-29, @wierdstark, @chickensrule, @rosaliedepp, @divanca2006, @silverose365, @90sbella, @tc-blossom, @transparentweaselpartyeagle, @mystic-writings, @touchdeprivedwh0re, @mrs-brekker15
@alexxavicry, @sweetdreamsjg, @alwaysclassyeagle
Tell Me Your Secrets

Click here for my masterlist.
Fluff-uary Prompt - Long Conversations
Prompt - ‘Under the glow of the moon, I'll confess my deepest secrets to you and only you.’
To put it mildly Remus was exhausted, it was days after the last full moon and yet the ache in his bones still persisted, the deep cut of his torso kept opening with every little movement making Remus want to curl in a ball and not leave his bed. Even worse was the fact he had to smile and pretend like he wasn’t in agony, pretend that only nights before he hadn’t turned into a monster and clawed at his own skin.
All because he couldn’t tell you what he was.
You were absolutely perfect, a pure blood witch who, in Remus’ opinion, shouldn’t have given him another look and yet somehow here you were, so deeply rooted in his life that the thought of losing you hurt his heart more than the pain of his bones. Telling you wasn’t an option, not if he wanted to keep you but on days where the effects of the lycanthropy were at their most violent it was so hard to keep it a secret.
You knew something was wrong, watched day after day as Remus slumped over the table in the Great Hall, watched as the circles under his eyes got darker and darker, how he winced as he stood or grimaced as people brushed against him in the hallways. You watched him thoughtfully, not bringing it up to him yet, not when he looked as drained as he did.
You did pull Sirius aside one day to ask him, practically begged him to tell you what was happening with Remus but Sirius’ eyes had just turned sympathetic as he shook his head, it wasn’t his secret to tell.
Keeping your distance from Remus was hard, the two of you were practically attached at the hip, always having a hand interlocked with his, his arms slung around your shoulder or cuddling on the sofa in front of the fireplace. Now you were afraid to touch the man, not wanting to cause him any more pain and considering you didn’t know where or exactly how he’d gotten hurt you weren’t going to take any chances.
Remus, must as he hated to admit it, barely noticed your distance far too tired to focus on himself, yet alone anything else. He missed the concerned looks you shot him throughout the day, missed the way your mouth opened and shut several times as you almost asked him what was wrong but decided to keep silent instead.
James and Sirius watched everything though, they watched as you monitored Remus’ every move, shared sad smiles as they noticed everything their friend didn’t but they couldn’t force him to tell you his secret and they’d never tell you themselves. Still it was hard to watch their friends drift from each other without realising it.
The day, for Remus, seemed to drag on for far too long. He hadn’t gotten much sleep before, the constant ache that spread through his whole body had kept him tossing and turning, growling in frustration. Then on the way down to breakfast a first year student stumbled right into causing him to double over in pain, Sirius quickly pulling him into an empty classroom allowing his friend privacy as he caught his breath.
By the time he felt like he could walk again without wanting to crumble onto the floor they’d missed breakfast and the first ten minutes of class. Sirius easily took the blame as they walked into McGonagall’s class, both of them slipping into their seats. The rest of the day passed in a daze, Remus couldn’t recall a single detail of the day and by the time they were walking back into the common room, he was exhausted beyond belief.
He practically collapsed onto the sofa, Sirius, James and Peter all sharing concerned looks between the three of them as he did so. You watched from one of the chairs on the opposite side of the room, worrying at your lower lip as you did.
Remus sat with his eyes closed but it wasn’t long before he let out a low growl at the noise of the common room. Abruptly he stood up and made his way out, glaring at nothing in particular as he did so, no real destination in mind so long as it was quiet.
You watched the door to the common room close before your gaze shifted over to his friends, each of them looking as worried for Remus as you felt. You watched as they spoke quietly for a minute before they turned to look at you, you gave them a troubled look before Sirius stood up and made his way over to you, sitting casually on the arm of the chair, no one else aware of the worried thoughts in your heads.
“Go talk to him,” Sirius told you softly.
“He doesn’t want to talk to me,” You replied, just as quietly, turning to look up at him.
“Y/N, trust me you’re probably one of the few people he’ll talk to right now without biting their head off. I know he’s been distant lately but that’s not on you, he’s just…” Here Sirius trailed off and you looked at him, hoping he’d finally clue you in as to what was going on with Remus. “He needs you, Y/N/N.”
“How can I help him when nobody will even tell me what's wrong? I mean, how bad can it be?” You asked, watching as Sirius tried to hide a grimace.
“I already told you it’s not my place to say,” He repeated. He wanted you to know, he really did, he knew you wouldn’t break up with Remus over it and it wasn’t like you couldn’t be trusted with the secret but he knew how difficult it was for Remus, he knew the constant battle his friend thought he faced over losing you by telling you what he was. Sirius had told him more times than he could count that his fears were unfounded but Remus just shook his head and Sirius dropped the topic.
“Sirius,” You began, eyes wide as you pleaded with him but he cut you off.
“Please Y/N,” He said, his own eyes sad and apologetic, “just talk to him, he’s struggling.”
Sirius gave you a soft, encouraging smile before getting up and heading in the direction of the dormitories.
“I don’t even know where he went.” You called over to him watching as he turned to face you, walking backwards as the soft smile turned into a grin.
“Give me a minute.” He said, jogging up the stairs and murmuring a quick ‘I solemnly swear that I am up to no good’ before scanning the map for his friend's name.
“There you are,” He muttered to himself before closing the map and heading back down to the common room, jumping onto the couch causing James to roll his eyes though there was a smile on his face.
You rolled your own eyes as you pulled yourself out of the seat and over to Sirius, leaning over the couch.
“So,” You prompted, watching as he tilted his head back to face you.
“Astronomy tower.” He told you with a grin, laughing as you rolled your eyes again before pushing away from the sofa and following the path that would lead you to Remus.
You were silent as you stepped out onto the astronomy tower, eyes immediately drawn to Remus as he sat on the edge, letting his legs hang over. You watched as he stiffened, clearly not wanting company but you remembered Sirius’ words and walked closer to him, ready to leave if he asked you to.
Remus felt himself slowly relaxing as the two of you sat together in silence, both looking out at the horizon, watching as the sky turned pink and then orange as the sun set before you. It was in that moment Remus realised just how much he had shut himself off from you, realised how he’d gone days without talking to you without even noticing, realised that the secret was affecting his life much more so than he thought was possible.
It was then he knew he had to tell you, even if it meant losing you, he had to tell you. He wasn’t scared you’d out him, he knew he could trust you with his life, he knew you’d never use it against him, never hold it over his head even if you did decide to walk away.
“I’m sorry,” He began, voice soft so he didn’t break the peaceful atmosphere. He watched as you turned to face him, letting your cheek rest on the railing as you scanned his face and saw the nervousness that he was feeling.
“S’okay,” You told him, matching his tone, “Can I do anything to help?” You asked and Remus felt himself smile without meaning to because here you were, so absolutely beautiful and selfless, he had ignored you for days and the first thing you asked was could you help him.
God, he loved you.
“No baby, you can’t,” He said, the smile staying on his face as he shifted, sitting up straighter and letting his joined hands rest on the railings as he looked away from you. “Nothing can help me.”
“Remus, you know you can tell me anything, I might not be able to help you and I know you’ve got the boys but sometimes another perspective could help.” You told him.
“I love you so much,” He murmured, “You’re so good and I’m not,” You felt your eyebrows knit together in confusion but before you could interrupt he continued talking, “You deserve so much better, you deserve somebody good. Deserve somebody who isn’t a monster, somebody wh-”
“Remus,” You said, louder than the two of you had been speaking, causing his head to snap up to you as he realised he’d been rambling, “What are you talking about? You’re quite possibly the kindest person I have ever met.”
“I’m not, Y/N, I’m just not,” He told you, eyes filling with tears as he shook his head, “I’m not a good person, I’m a monster.”
You felt your eyes widen in worry as you watched him, thoughts racing trying to figure out what he was talking about but kept coming up short.
“Remus, sweetheart, you’ve got to talk to me.” You begged, shifting so you were sitting on your knees facing him.
“I’m a monster, Y/N,” He cried, the exhaustion he felt finally becoming too much.
“Hey, let’s take a breath, yeah?” You said as calmly as you could, taking a deep, slow exaggerated breath, watching as he copied you.
“I have to tell you, Y/N,” He said and you nodded, cupping his cheek and turning his face so he looked at you, feeling your heart ache as you saw the tears falling down his cheeks.
“You can tell me anything,” You prompted, brushing away some tears with your thumb, smiling sadly as he leaned into your touch, turning so his lips rested against your palm.
“I’m a werewolf,” He mumbled against your hand.
You felt your eyes widen at his confession, looking down at the man who refused to look at you, watched as he scrunched his eyes closed but tears continued to fall down.
It suddenly clicked in your head, the full moon had been only days ago and then Remus started distancing himself, wincing with each movement. Merlin, he must have been in some pain and the dark circles under his eyes suddenly made more sense.
Now that you had been told it made so much sense, too much sense in fact, and you could have slapped yourself for not piecing it together yourself. It also became clear why Sirius was adamantly against telling you himself and you felt your heart swell at his loyalness to his friend.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” He repeated after his confession was met with silence. “I’m so sorry, Y/N/N.”
“Hey, hey, it’s fine,” You told him, meaning those words, sure finding out your boyfriend was a were was a bit of a shock but ultimately, werewolf or not, he was still Remus, still the man you’d known since you were eleven, the man who had never failed to make you feel safe, the man who saw you crying in the first week of year one and sat with your for hours, handing you pieces of chocolate as he did, because you were home sick.
He was still Remus.
“Don’t say sorry, baby, it’s ok, everything’s fine, everything is gonna be fine.” You told him, pulling him close to you and resting his head on your chest as you held him close. Remus happily sunk into your embrace, something he was sure he would never feel again, and let his eyes close as he wrapped his arms around your waist.
The two of you held each other for a long while, neither of you daring to say anything but eventually Remus pulled away, shuffling backwards so his back was against the wall before he pulled you close to him, his arm wrapping around your waist. You easily went to him, letting your head rest on his shoulder.
“You ready to talk about it?” You asked, shifting to look up at him as he sighed.
“Yeah,” He said, taking a deep breath, “What do you want to know?”
You smiled up at him, starting with the obvious questions of when and how.
“I was four,” He told you, watching as you gasped and looked at him with those sad, wide eyes that just about broke his heart. “A werewolf called Fenrir Greyback bit me in the middle of the night because my father," Here he let out a bitter laugh, "Well let's just say he never had a kind word to say about werewolves and they didn't like that." Remus paused to swallow the lump in his throat and you took that moment to take his hand in yours, giving it a comforting squeeze. "My dad came in before Greyback could kill me but it was too late, I got something worse than death." He told you through clenched teeth.
“Remus,” You said softly when he stayed quiet but he shook his head before placing it on top of yours, giving himself a second to collect himself.
“Dumbledore’s the only reason I’m at Hogwarts, if anybody found out-” Here he cut himself off with a shake of his head. “Sirius, James and Peter, they all- they found out themselves, couldn’t just leave it alone. It’s hard to hide going missing once a month though when you share a dorm with them. When they told me they knew I just, I felt sick. They were some of the first friends I had ever had and now they knew, I thought they’d hate me forever but then Sirius just patted me on the back and told me not to be an idiot, told me I was still Remus.”
“You are still Remus,” You told him, looking up at him so he could see you meant the words. You watched him relax, the tension falling away as he took the words in.
“Thank you,” He whispered.
“Remus, I love you, werewolf or not. I’ll be honest it’s a bit of a shock but I’m glad you told me because I hated this week, hated knowing there was something wrong and I couldn’t fix it.”
“You still can’t fix it, baby.” Remus told you softly, a smile making its way onto his face, he was so overwhelmed by you, by your kindness, by your acceptance.
“I know but at least now I can be there for you.” You said, smiling up at him and Remus felt his love for you deepen, something he didn’t think was possible but here you were shocking him once more.
“I love you so much.” He said before he leaned down to kiss you soft and slowly, trying to convey just how much he meant those words, convey just how grateful he was for you, grateful for the fact you still wanted him.
“I love you too,” You smiled once the two of you pulled away from each other, resting your foreheads together.
You don’t know how long the two of you sat up on the astronomy tower for, talking quietly to each other, before the temperature dropped to the point that you were shivering. Remus stood up first, holding a hand out for you and helping you up.
You watched him wince as the two of you descended down the long flight of stairs.
“Do you want to go and see Madam Pomfrey? You know she’ll give you a pain potion.” You asked him in concern.
“It’s ok, baby,” He said with a smile, “They don’t work too well anymore.”
You gave him a sad smile but let it go and let him lead you back to the common room. Murmuring the password Remus held the door open for you and you made your way in, noticing that despite the lateness Sirius, James and Peter were still in the room exactly where you had left them all those hours ago, looking over at you and Remus with questioning looks.
Remus rolled his eyes fondly but made his way over to them, joining Sirius on the couch and pulling you down with him. You smiled as you cuddled into his chest, watching as the others all let out a collective sigh of relief.
“She knows?” James asked, looking from you to Remus.
“She knows.” Remus confirmed, smiling down at you as he wrapped his arms around you.
“And we’re all good?” Sirius asked, this question directed towards you causing Remus to let out a huff of laughter.
“Yeah Sirius, we’re all good.” You told him with a smile, meaning the words.
As Remus watched you and Sirius begin playfully bantering, James joining in too he couldn’t help but smile at the sight. Somehow he had ended up here, an amazing girl by his side who hadn’t given his lycanthropy a second thought when she thought about being with him, a group of friends who had welcomed him despite everything, who had spent three years of their lives figuring out how to become animagus’ just to help him.
He had no idea how he had gotten so lucky but he decided not to question, not tonight at least. Instead he kissed the top of your head and joined in the conversation, he had gotten pretty lucky to have you all with him and he wouldn’t waste a single moment he had with any of you.
Remus Lupin Taglist (Click the link in my bio to add yourself!) - @parkerlaufeysonbarnes,
@haroldpotterson, @dindjarinsspouse, @lovinnholland, @rottenstyx, @flwryutaa, @secondaryjob, @canadailluminate, @filmsbyblair, @halepack2011, @mrs-scottmccall, @roseslovedreams, @j-cat, @cinderellacauseshebroke, @black-rose-29, @chickensrule, @rosaliedepp, @hayden429, @grccnaway, @ppgrayson, @onyourgoddamnleft, @divanca2006, @silverose365, @tc-blossom, @touchdeprivedwh0re, @mrs-brekker15, @alexxavicry, @sweetdreamsjg, @alwaysclassyeagle, @asherhunterx, @carmellasworld, @ellabellabus07, @maeve-7,@apolysius, @qfton, @lazysheepperfection, @theodorenottswhore, @father-violet, @ur-mom21, @mystic-writings, @mmaiamore, @izzyyy-1, @leftmooninfluencer, @lucyysthings, @morganaah, @taylordidsomthingbad, @kaitieskidmore1

Sirius Black x deceased reader
Summary: While Harry and his friends stay at Grimmauld Place for the summer Sirius tells the trio + Ginny about Harry's first Christmas with his Godmother
Authors note: Everything in Italics is a memory and Y/N died shortly after Lily and James after being attacked by a group of Death Eaters for context :)
“Harry, did I ever tell you about your first Christmas?” Sirius mused as he sat at the table eating lunch in number 12 Grimalled place with Harry, Hermione, Ron and Ginny. “No, I don't believe you have,” said Harry, swallowing his sandwich. “Well it all started when Y/N, your godmother, decided we would all celebrate your first Christmas as a family"
“So let me get this straight, you’re telling me you want to spend all of December with the guys?” Sirius said, “Yes and Lily Prongs Jr. too of course”
“I'm sorry but they called me Prongs Jr.?” Harry interrupted with a snort while the two girls laughed. “As a matter of fact, we had to stop calling you that because you stopped responding to Harry,” Sirius said like it was a scandal. “No!” Hermione said disbelieve “No joke! Your mother wasn’t too happy about that” Sirius said more so directed at Harry than anyone else. “I bet Y/N must have loved that” Ron piped up thinking back to the previous stories they had heard of you. “Oh yeah, she had a field day with that one and started calling you Bambi until your mother threatened to take away her babysitting privileges” to this, the group of teens stayed silent for a moment before he continued “To watch me while I watched Harry,“ like it was the most obvious thing in the world while Remus, who had been listening from the doorway failed to contain his laughter, remembering how Lily said she would let ‘Uncle Moony’ watch Sirius instead of yourself. "She was quite amusing to be around,” Lupin said sitting next to his old friend at the table with a smile. “Yes, yes she was”
So as the group of friends talked about Y/N's plan, they had eventually decided to spend the week of Christmas together instead of the month. “James you were supposed to get the lamp from the basement an hour ago!” “Sorry Moony! I’ll go get it now, don’t get your knickers in a twist ” James mumbled to himself, making his way down to the basement “He’s got dad brain, ease up!’’ Lily shouted from the kitchen where she was watching Harry eat a plate full of leftover rice, mango and what was left of the lucky charms while Y/N was preoccupied fanning out the rest of the smoke from the chicken fingers Peter somehow managed to burn to a crisp in the toaster oven.
“It was only day one and they almost burnt the house down?” Ron asked bewildered “Yeah but right before that, Sirius managed to knock down the Christmas tree we had spent all morning covering in fake snow and tinsel ” Remus interjected while Sirius looked only groaned “Yeah and it only went downhill from there”
“Come on you lot! we’ll be late for dinner ” Lily yelled up from the bottom of the stairs standing with Remus, Harry and Peter. “Sorry darling the other two may be a moment” James chuckled as he came down the stair with the presents for Remus’s parents and a smile, giving his wife and son each a peck on the forehead.
“I AM!”
“They really are meant for each other” Remus rolled his eyes “I think it’s sort of sweet” Peter smiled
“She didn't think about fixing it with magic?” Ginny asked while Sirius laughed “It wasn't even broken, she was just being difficult” he huffed while Remus rolled his eyes and mouthed “It totally was” while the kids giggled. “Then why did you buy it?” Harry asked humouring Sirius at this point. “It complimented her eyes” he said with a lovesick as the others only laughed and tried to picture the two together.
“Mr. and Mrs. Lupin! so nice to see you again!” Lily said as she handed Harry over to Peter as the rest of the group was already inside, Peter looked incredibly uncomfortable holding the small child while Lily hugged Mrs. Lupin. While the three chatted excitedly about the new edition to the Potter house the rest of the gang handed off their coats to Y/N who was hanging them in the hall closet.
“-Yeah but when he got home it was already over” “How was he that late?” “That's what I wanna know!” Y/N finished while the rest of the dining room was sent into a fit of giggles. “Attention! Attention please!” Sirius announced, pushing out his chair to stand. “First, I would like to raise a glass to Mr. and Mrs. Moony for the wonderful dinner," he said while Remus only rolled his eyes "but I have a question for Lily and Jamesy boy here,” Sirius said as he moved to climb up on his chair before stepping on the table while Y/N and Lily were mouthing sorry from their seats with puzzled expressions. “Will you hand me, Harry?” He said with a straight face while, Lily displayed a look that could only be described as judgmental disbelief while her counterpart held a smirk.
“You expected my Mom... to give me to you… When you standing on the table in the middle of dinner” Harry asked in disbelief “Naturally, your father was supposed to work it out” Sirius stated fondly.
“No! your standing on a table! He’s a little too young to participate in your ‘Dinner theatre’ Sirius” Lily said looking to little Harry who was sitting in his high chair in between his parents. “Ugh just hand him over” Sirius groaned still on the table before nearly stepping in the casserole dish full of stuffing, tipping it on its side. “Thank god we’ve already had seconds" Y/N groaned after apologizing to the Lupins and trying to coax her boyfriend off the table. “Speak for yourself dear, those were your leftovers” Mr. Lupin said nudging Peter with a smirk. James, Remus and Mr. Lupin seemed to be having a grand time. Peter sat silently giggling but nevertheless confused, Lily looked unimpressed, Mrs. Lupin, intrigued and Y/N desperately trying not to smile at whatever the bloody hell Sirius was doing on the table.
“Fine, be like that! I’ll just improvise” Sirius exclaimed dramatically, flailing his arms above his head and pulling his foot out of the way of the food. “Y/N my love?” “Sirius my love?” “I can ask you anything right?” “Pretty much yeah but the tone of voice your taking is slightly unsettling” “Well what can’t I ask you?” he said lifting a brow with a hand rested on his hip “Sirius mate, your stalling,” James said giving him a look “Oh, Yes, My apologies. Y/N I love you” “You really had to stand on the table to tell me this?” “What? No! I was just kind of hoping one of the questions I was allowed to ask you is… Will you marry me?”
“Wait, wait, wait you didn't have a Plan?” Hemione said looking appalled at his lack of preparation “Of course I did! Harry’s mother just ruined it” Sirius replied with the snarkiness you would usually find in someone less mature. “What was the original plan?” Harry asked, curious as to how he was going to be used in his godmother’s proposal. “Ah, I’m glad you asked dear boy, Well you see I was going to have you give Y/N her ‘Christmas gift from ‘you’ and it was going to be the ring” “Why were standing on the table then?” Ron asked before Remus piped up, Never having considered it “Yeah, why were you on the table?” “For dramatic effect? What would you have had me done it on your mothers shag carpeting?”
Y/N looked around the table to see her group of friends smiling at her, bubbling with excitement over the inevitable. Then Lily, who looked a mix between of a proud friend , who had watched the two young adults grow together, fall in love, buy their first home and paint the walls blue. Then, there was the teenage girl, dressed in red and gold, squealing with her in joy after being asked out by the prettiest boy in their year she had been crushing on after being paired together in potions during fourth year. “Um, Yeah, sure,- Yes! Yes a million!” she exclaimed, jumping up from her chair to pull her now fiancee down for a kiss. Before she had the chance, he had pulled her to him, up on top of the table right before the flimsy folding table that had been set up to accommodate the large group collapsed under the weight of the two.
“You broke the table?!” Ginny said trying to stifle a giggle from the mental image alone of them all sitting around the table with Sirus standing atop it all with a sock partially covered in stuffing and the girl from the picture’s smiling in joy right before the table collapsed. “Yes I did, and they weren’t even mad about it” “My mother just wanted to start planning the wedding,” Remus said with a smile.
“Oh my god, you’re getting married!” Lily squealed after fixing the Lupin's dining table “I know!!!, look at this! It looks like something right out an enchanted fairytale. It couldn’t have been more perfect if it was made by-” Y/N exclaimed, taking off the ring, only to have it fall in the remnants of the turkey.
“Oh my goodness” Hermione sighed while Sirius cut her off with a hand “Don't worry, we found it,” he said before Remus chirped in, moving to sit next to Harry. “Yes, but that was after Lily yelled at you for taking so long, you practically teased us with your indecisiveness” “Oh! I’m ever so sorry that I spent too long trying to find the perfect ring and execution to propose with. No, your totally right Remus! I’m sure Y/N would have loved it so much more if I took a nice shiny washer and preposed to her in the swamp”. "So what happened next?" Ginny said ignoring the two’s bickering. "Well after that-" Sirius started to say before other members of the Order started to filter in. "Sorry kids but we'll have to reconvene at a later time," Remus said while they started to stand up to make room for the Order. "But-but" Ginny sputtered while Hermione pulled her up and out of the room. Leaving the kids to wonder.