sophielidaris - Sophie Lidaris
Sophie Lidaris

Hello wonderful people. I write poems, stories, fanfictions and love to take photos. I hope you enjoy this and please respect the Copyright of my poems, stories and photos. I do not own the characters of the fanfictions and imagines please support the creators when you like them.And important I take requests! If I know the character good enough I will glady write it, still there are certain topics I am not comfortable with, ^^''

66 posts

Sophielidaris - Sophie Lidaris

sophielidaris - Sophie Lidaris

More Posts from Sophielidaris

4 years ago

Please do so!

sophielidaris - Sophie Lidaris
4 years ago


“Common sense means living in the world as it is today; but creative people are people who don’t want the world as it is today but want to make another world.”

— Abraham Maslow (via quotemadness)

5 years ago


I have some free time over the next few weeks and I want to write more^-^

Any Requests?

This also could be topics: 1. “Silly, I would never let you fall” “Stop laughing I nearly died back there!” 2. “I am..I am not scared of (your choice~)” “Of course not. But I want to cuddle”

3. “Don’t tell me...” “It is not what it looks like” “How did this even happen?!”

4. “What are you doing here?!” “Wait what are you doing here?!”

5. “ But you are the villian!” “I do not care I quitt!”

6. “I missed you” “me or this?” “both”

7. “This is the worst day of my life” “Give me a second and I make one of the best”

8. “You cannot do this” “But dear, I already did”

9. “You wouldn’t dare!” “Oh, I would not be too sure about this”

10. “Do you trust me?” “Jump!”

11. “Leave her/ him alone!” “okay this works too”

12. “Calm down you are okay” “ I got you”

13. “This is not what I had planned” “No, but it is amazing”

You can decide if you would like to be Lover, friend, brother or sister ^^

I would do:


Doctor Who


Lord of the rings



Attack on Titan


One Piece

Dance with the Devils

Fairy Tail

and more...just ask =)

I am open for most topics with a few exceptions and nearly every character from the abbove some I might found tricky so please be not mad, if I say no.

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