| 21| Gryffindor | I write Drarry drabbles almost everyday. Inbox open for request.
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Draco : I Never Cry, Crying Is For The Pathetic
Draco : I never cry, crying is for the pathetic
Watches titanic
Draco : * cries *
Harry : you wanna say something ?
Draco : shut up *continues crying*
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More Posts from Sorry-i-ship-drarry
harry: i’m the kind of person who likes to think things through.
draco: since when? i once saw you eat a marshmallow that was still on fire.
Draco, holding a python: Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him
Ron: You did WHAT–
Harry: William Snakepeare
The Butterfly Effect
- Part 2
His heart fainted as he fell over to the ground another time of another day, the hungry beast had been hungrier than usual today and had chosen to feed onto the memories he had from when he was a kid leaving the faintest of lost memories reviving in his brain, but now only it hurt, like a cloud taking over his childhood. He never liked his childhood, he wasn’t ever even allowed the be a kid, always forced to grow up kid and that’s why he had Buried them in the corner of his mind, putting a lock over it so no one could’ve known but what remained of his childhood that he liked was gone when the beast fed onto his memories, he felt the numbness taking over his body and he let himself weep with unshed tears and low whimpers that nobody cared to listen anymore.
“ How was your visit to Fleur yesterday ?” Harry asked over the breakfast just before he was going to leave for work.
“ You know how Sam gets really cranky but it was good, Fleur hooked me up with some really good wedding planners-”
“ Whats wrong with the one we have ?” Harry interjected annoyed only for a moment
“ There’s nothing wrong but I heard that wedding planner’s work and it seems better than the one we have- I mean come on Harry, she’s a newbie “ Ginny shrugged
Harry sighed “ I’ll look into it then- but if we are changing planners then you’re going to be the one who’s going to tell Miranda, she was really looking forward for this “ Harry pointed at her
Ginny rolled her eyes sarcastically “ why do I have to be the one who breaks all the hearts ?”
“ Because love, I don’t like breaking hearts “ Harry stood up smiling then cleaning his dishes and leaving them over the basket on the counter
“ Fine, I’ll break her heart- I really should’ve thought about all this before I got with you “ She satirically said
Harry tipped off laughing lightly, then encircling his arms around her waist “ But now you’re stuck with me “
“ I am ” Ginny whined funnily.
Harry smiled at her then pressed a soft kiss over her forehead “ I’m going to go ”
Harry was about to walk into the floo with his briefcase when she interrupted “ aren’t you going to kiss me goodbye ?”
Like something Harry forgot, he turned and gave her a soft kiss over her lips.
“ You’re not still mad at me ?” Ginny asked looking up at Harry. He looked at her for a moment longer then hugged her a goodbye “ I forgave you long ago ”
And he flooed to his work.
The day went by as it should’ve, for the most part of the day, sending memo’s, approving cases to interns, helping with fellow’s cases and then finally after lunch, he retrieved back into his office and finally sat down to begin his own work but just as he was about to open his file and read from where he left off, his door opened and Ron walked in.
“ Heard you got a new case ?”
Harry nodded, opening his file and showing it to Ron.
“ Hasn’t he gone- loo-”
“ We don’t know that “ Harry defended loudly
Ron raised his hands in the air giving up “ Alright, alright, i’m just saying what I’ve heard “
Harry sighed relaxing back into his chair, pouring himself a glass of water.
“ Why all the defense ?” Ron genuinely asked. Harry stared at him for a moment, then shook his head
“ It just reminds me a lot of Sirius you know- this case is awfully similar. Everyone’s convinced he’s a murderer but I really don’t think he is and nobody even have an evidence if he killed someone or not- I just feel like there’s something to this case that’s just wrong “ Harry explained
Ron shook his head smiling “ I admire how you get too attached to a case and how you try to see the best in people- but its just a case Harry remember. People change a lot overtime and especially Malfoy. I know you think he might be innocent but you never know what someone is capable of, I don’t want you to keep so much faith then end up getting hurt- That’s the last thing I want “ there was the look of pity in Ron’s eyes that was very evident, it had been for sometime now and Harry wishes he’d stop pitying him but he doesn’t want Ron to feel offended, so he simply plays along with it, it was easier than confronting him.
“ I’ll be fine “ Harry reassured and finally Ron left after talking about a couple more things and he finally got back into his case, opening the page he left at previous night.
“ Would you comment on what happened the last day you visited Ben codsworth ?”
“ I had came to visit him, like I normally did but- he was absolutely fine- there seemed hardly anything wrong and I left after I was done visiting him- I did not kill him ”
“ And what exactly was your relationship with him ?”
“ Nothing more than an old friend- he was a family friend, had been for a long time. He used to be our gardener “
“ So What exactly did you do on the visit ?”
“ All the usual things, I used to read him some things, he’d tell me about his past life and we’d have a cup of coffee “
“ What did you read to him ?”
“ He was a huge fan of Walt Whitman and Allen ginsberg “
“ So you’re saying a man with who was your gardener liked when you read to him literary works like Walt whitman and Allen ginsberg ?”
“ He was a highly intellectual man. Do not judge him for his choice of profession, he was deeply devoted to Botany ” He put up the argument
“ Was it all that you did for him or were there times when he would do something in return for you, perhaps share his knowledge ?”
“ He used to do that, he used to share anecdotes “
“ An intellectual sharing anecdotes, funny ”
“ But don’t you find it weird that you, A Malfoy had relationships with a gardener as such, from what we know Malfoy’s only acquaints with high profile people ?”
“ One hears many things mister- and perceive different things too- h-he was n-nothing more than a friend “
“ A friend you perhaps wanted to kill ?”
Draco shook his head vigorously, adamant, yet “ I did not kill him “
“ We’ll see about that “
Harry frowned as he turned over the page and realized the conversation ended there. He assumed the later part of the conversation would’ve been added somewhere but the conversation ended there. Harry turned a few pages more then relaxed back into his chair finding it obvious that the conversation ended there and he decided to read more after that. The later part of the investigation reports involved statement of the neighbor who lived next door to Ben codsworth and claimed that Draco’s visits were not friendly, infact he always came in a hurry and left in a hurry as if he was there to finish some sort of business. Harry found it weird how the neighbor stated that it seemed like Draco came in a rush and left in a rush because if it were business Draco would not have visited him so often but the assumptions in the concluding portion stated that Ben codsworth was by practice a potioneer for a short while after he worked as their gardener and Draco having shown interest in the potions in his early stages of life and his interest later on explained that he only came to visit Ben because of that but the statements were just an assumption and the entire case until now seemed like an assumption more than any of the evident proofs. Harry read further investigation reports from the caretaker of Ben who said that Draco visited often but for short visits but had never been able to hear any part of their conversation, although the next investigation statement he read from Ben’s close friend, he said he admired Draco and appreciated how during his hard times Draco had been an immense support but the loophole was again pulled off when he noticed that the friends name wasn’t mentioned entirely, for all Harry knew, there might be thousands of Gregory in and out of wizarding world and Ben in his own phonebook might’ve had multiple Greg or Gregory which left him back to where he started, knowing that all of it was based on an assumption. It seemed very convincing that whoever did the investigation had not done a very good job at it so he sent a memo to take the investigation again and this time in his own hands.
By the time he was done with his reading portion for the day it was past his work hour’s and tonight he left the recordings and tapes at the office to re-engage into them later but the taking file with him to find any more of what he could find.
By the time Harry reached the place was empty again, Ginny had gone to visit the wedding planner and see if the wedding planner they wanted to switch it with was worth it or not and during that time he did nothing but read the file again and making copy of the file to highlight the points which seemed important to him.
“ aren’t you assigned the case to convince that Draco should not be released from azkaban ?” Hermione asked stamping her papers
Harry nodded in disgust “ but there’s something that feels wrong- and you know my intuitions are rarely ever wrong ”
Hermione understandably nodded “ you won’t get the permission for the reinvestigation ”
“ what ?” Harry whipped
“ reopening the investigation means you’re going for the defense but that’s not the job you’ve been given-”
“ so I should just let someone for all i know is innocent die in prison- I’m better than that, I don’t love my job this much to forget what’s right and what’s wrong ” Harry snapped
“I know your morals and I admire your courage but Harry asking to re-investigate would mean that you want to see if there’s nothing wrong and your boss does not want that- he wants you to convince in wizengamot that Draco is guilty - but before you yell again, there are cases where people from office go to azkaban and anyone rarely ever checks which auror went on duty. I’m going along Mathew today to see the conditions of the sanitation, you can come along but you’d have to very sleek- just go through the functioning and to pass through and you might be able to pull it through while I pull some strings to get you into to be in a proper conversation with Draco as a reopened case ” Hermione explained putting her pen and stamp aside then standing up to fix her dress.
Harry looked at her in awe, completely surprised “ you’d do something like that for me ?”
“ only for a while Harry- I can say you came with me as a visitor but I cannot do it everyday. I talked with Ron and he told me how you felt this was important despite the fact that you love every case of yours and get attached to it, it seems like this time you’re fishing something personal and I’ll never understand why ”
Harry sighed “I myself don’t know why- it’s not like I’ve been on the case for so long ” he mumbled.
“ when do we leave ?“Harry added
” 10 minutes. Meet me by floo C-14 “ Hermione said and Harry took it as a sign to leave and prepare to leave.
When it finally came around the time to leave, Harry found himself more nervous and questioning whether whatever he was going to do was right or wrong.
“ Ready ?” Hermione asked, he hesitantly nodded.
“ You’ll only have 10 minutes to filter through and check his cell, see who’s guarded him and perhaps on the way check his visitors file if any “ Hermione advised and Harry nodded along and they finally departed to Azkaban, the place he despised the most.
As Hermione suggested he only had 10 minutes to filter through and get whatever files he could about his visits, to see who was the guard on duty and obtain Draco’s cell number.
But once he reached there, all hell broke lose.
The part of seeing who guarded Draco’s alley went well and so did obtaining his cell number but just when he reached the office to fetch his visitors file, he immediately stopped as he heard Hermione right outside the office.
“ John, what are you doing here ?” her voice raised by octaves and Harry immediately hid behind the wall wondering why John, his boss was at Azkaban.
“ Just doing my routine visit. To see the functioning- what are you doing here ?” He asked hurriedly as if he didn’t want to linger on the real reason he was there.
“ Oh sanitation check up- you can never trust people here” Hermione forced a laughter.
John laughed louder as if it was actually funny “ Tell me about it”
Harry heard them talk for a while, Hermione perhaps hovering him in a conversation to distract him and he finally decided it was time he took out his invisibility cloak he had kept for emergency and walked into the storage office and immediately went into search Draco’s files. Harry rushed through rows after rows of tall shelves, going letter by letter and finally reaching the D section. He checked his watch, he had barely 2 minutes to spare and rushed through folders to find Draco’s file and he found it just in time. He nervously checked through columns finding there were not a lot of visitors but he tried to memorize or find any clue that would lead him ahead until he noticed 2 particular visitors who visited often, particularly from March.
Anne Starling.
John warlock, Harry’s boss.
PART 1 // PART 3
An important PS. Note- In the last chapter I had made the mistake of claiming Harry did the job only for money and promotion, which seemed fine while I was writing but I had changed the cause of Harry doing his job because I’ve realise and there are friends who pointed my mistake that Harry has enough money that he could live fine without working for the rest of his life. Therefore I’ve changed the cause to him doing the job because he likes having a purpose in life. I apologise if anyone found it weird.
5,6,19 in one single fic of draco being in azkaban

The Butterfly Effect
It lacks my skill to make it into a one shot and I apologize for it. This will be continued in parts.
Dialogue Prompts - 5 - “ Why are you doing that ?” “Doing what ?” “ Treating me like a person” //6. “Sometimes memories are the worst form of torture” // 19. “ I lo--” “ No, please.. Don’t say that. You love her/him, not me”
Cold stirred inside the cell, a heavy cloud of mist settling in and the grey walls screeched as he scratched another day over the walls. Day 150. He dropped the stone over the ground making sure to make no noise but the rustling of the door awakened the beast and it crawled towards him. He shimmied back into the corner until no corner was left to fit into and he whimpered begging the mercy from the beast to let him go but what a deaf beast would know.
The beast took its bite, sucked his memory and left over the ground was a filled with tears Draco Malfoy waiting for the numbness to settle in. His life was becoming more meaningless than it ever had been, only now, he didn't had anything more left to offer.
Keep reading
Incest relationship pt.2
Harry : I love you no matter what. Whatever you think, whatever you like, whatever you don't. I love everything about you, everything.
Draco: what if I say like incest relationships ?
Harry : ...
Draco :
Draco : so much for loving me for everything. Commit to your words *walks away*
Another night at the Potter's
For @drarrymicrofic prompt of 2nd Nov- soap bubbles
" Harry can you please-"
" already prepared the bath- checked the water temperature- the towels are ready too- you bath scorpius and I'll cook dinner " Harry grinned.
Draco smiled at him endearingly then kissed over his lips passionately.
" what was that for ?" Harry asked touching his lips because of the lingering sensation.
" for being a wonderful parent and an amazing husband " Draco smiled, kissing his cheek one last time and took the baby with him for the bath.
" Harry ?"
He heard being called after he had already set up to prepare the dinner. He took off the apron and left it over the kitchen isle walking toward the bathroom.
" yeah ?" Harry asked Peeking his head inside through the door.
" why are there so many soap bubbles ?" Draco asked.
But the question was answered as their dog emerged from the bath like a god sneezing immensely.
" not again " Harry groaned and they performed the whole ritual again like they did every other night, Draco taking care of the baby and Harry running after Milo, the dog to wrap him up in towels too, eventually Scorp crawling after Milo and hugging him to protect him from cold and Draco trying desperately to separate them and then at the end of night Harry and Draco would Laugh at their miseries then smile because they wouldn't have it any other way.