thevoidstaredback - Cats Welcome, Humans Tolerated
Cats Welcome, Humans Tolerated

She/her/hers AroAce I don't like people

1852 posts

I'm Watching Man Of Steel. Here's My Thoughts:

I'm watching Man of Steel. Here's my thoughts:

I love Ma Kent. She's a queen and deserves the best of the world.

Updates to come because I say so.


Baby Clark? Love him

Adult Clark? Love him even more

Lois is a BAMF

Jo-El is a cryptic mf. Kal-El really shouldn't have taken his word for it. He did and I get it, but he should've been at least a bit more hesitant.

I like his monologue, though.

Kal gets his dramatics from his father.

Clark gets his manners from his Ma.

My mom was asking questions and my only explanation was "It's a coming of age story" and my dad agreed with me. Am I wrong? No.

Henry Cavill has the prettiest eyes. Very blue. I love his hair, too. But I love his eyes.

Kryptonians are dramatic ass mother fucks and I will die on that hill.

I keep thinking "OMG, he's Wayne Bait!" And then I remember that Bruce and Kent canonically get mixed up several times. Of course he's Wayne Bait. He's Bruce's kinda look alike.

The priest guy that Clark talks to is pretty cool. I don't normally like priests, but he gives Clark some pretty sound advice.

Again. Lois should've been a lot more hesitant to trust Jo-El.

(I hope I'm spelling his name right)

Lois doesn't get paid nearly enough.

Clark is such a Mama's Boy.

I can't even blame him.

I love Ma Kent.

The US Government having no regards for civilian safety? Why does that not surprise me?

Supes, my dude, my friend, my man, the bestest boi. Properly damage! Smallville doesn't get enough total income to be beaten up like that!

I love Superman, but Batman keeps the property damage to almost zero in comparison. Actually. Bats doesn't break buildings or streets....

There's a random ass cop in Smallville, Kansas that knows that Clark Kent is Superman. But, he's a background character, so it's okay if he knows.

No one will ever believe him, though.

Poor Metropolis. least it wasn't New York this time.

Me, when Zod moves the ship Supes claimed: You can't just move the Fortress of Solitude, asshole!

I maintain that Lois doesn't get paid enough. Also, she's a civilian. The government absolutely needs to pay her for all the shit she did on their watch.

Metropolis will never recover.

"And now I have no people." is such a sad line! Don't make me feel bad for Zod!

"Welcome to the Planet." Smooth, Lois, smooth.

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More Posts from Thevoidstaredback

10 months ago

Has your #1 comfort character committed a crime?

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10 months ago

Despite being barely conscious, despite delirium of blood loss and Fear Gas setting in, Danny had made sure to tell the people saving him "No hospitals." He was sure he'd said it several times, one of them had to have been understandable.

So why the fuck was he in a hospital?

Gotham, he knew, was not a safe place. There were warnings to the high heavens and the lowest hells about going there. Transplants, people who moved into Gotham, either died within the first three years or they left within the first year.

He tried his damnedest to stay away from New Jersey as a whole, but he was quickly running out of places to go.

Every other city, every other state, he'd tried to hide was quickly swarmed with G.I.W Agents. He couldn't go to school or get a job or even ask for help because, for all intents and purposes, he was dead. He didn't get a grave, and least not one he could claim as his own despite his name being on the headstone.

New Jersey was the last place within the United States of America he could go. And, well, if he was making a stupid decision, why not go all the way? So, he set course for Gotham with the excuse of "Who's going to notice one more homeless kid in the throngs of all the rest?"

Going out of the country wasn't an option. He had tried a few times, but being legally dead means he has no usable form of ID. Getting caught sneaking across boarders got him deported back. On the bright side, being legally dead means he holds no criminal record. He's a John Doe to the system.

One month and three weeks into his stay in Gotham brought him to the situation he was now in. Scarecrow, Dr. Crane, had gotten out of Arkham Asylum three days ago and had been quiet. It was only a matter of time before he showed up. Unfortunately, he decided to take the mall in New Gotham hostage. The mall that Danny had been seeking shelter from the rain in.

Danny sat in the food court when Scarecrow made himself known and the building was locked down. He'd been a hero for nearly three years, so the instinct to help was strong within him. He did his best and managed to take some of the goons down, only sustaining minor injuries. Then, in a moment of his own weakness, he was hit in the head and a gas mask was strapped to his face.

Head wounds bleed a lot. Fear Gas smells like apple cider and vodka. Don't ask. After that, it gets fuzzy for Danny. He knows that shortly after he went down, Batman showed up. There's a possibility that Robin and Red Robin had been there, too, but he wasn't so sure.

Danny couldn't say how long the gas mask was on his face, nor how long his fight or Batman's fight was. He could tell you that one of the vigilantes, who was definitely Red Robin now that he thinks about it, had been the one to get the mask off of him and carry him out to a waiting ambulance.

" hospitals," he knew he said, "No hospitals." Red Robin's a vigilante, not a hero, but even he knows when to listen to innocents.

"Don't worry," Red Robin had said to him, "They'll help you out at the hospital. They'll get you the cure for the Fear Gas before heading there and you'll be good to go in a few hours to a day."

He's not listening! "No hospitals!" Danny knew his voice was getting quieter, his words slurring. Unconsciousness was creeping up on him, but he couldn't allow it to take him until he knew he was safe! "No hospitals, please." He was not above begging.

He was put down on something soft but stiff. There were people talking. Something about a fear of needles or something? It didn't matter. He'd managed to get his eyes open enough to realize he was in the back of an ambulance. There were two paramedics messing with stuff, getting needles and an IV drip ready. Red Robin and another paramedic were just outside the van.

Again, he tried to say, "No hospitals," but it sounded barely cognisant, even to his own ears.

"Sh," the guy to his left hushed as he placed an oxygen mask over Danny's mouth and nose, "We're going to get you the antidote for the Fear Gas. This is just to make sure you're getting enough oxygen into your lungs,"

No! They're not listening to him! Why do they never listen?

The woman to his right continued explaining, "You're dehydrated and malnourished, so we're going to get you on an IV drip. When he get to the hospital, we'll draw some blood and get a transfusion going for you."

No! No, no, no, no! He wanted to scream at them, at Red Robin, at Batman, and the world. No drawing blood, no tests, no hospitals!

But they hadn't listened. They weren't listening. They never listen!

They're going to find him. He's going to be put in the system and they're going to find him. They're going to find out that he's dead and he's going to be sent away! They're going to find him and they're going to take him away and he's never going to be able to escape again.

Once more, as the darkness crawled over his vision and the noises around him dampened out, he whispered, "No hospitals."

DPxDC Prompt:

The vigilante meant well, taking the kid to the hospital to treat his injuries. The kid mumbled the entire time, barely conscious. "No hospital, please," he said more than once.

Poor kid, the vigilante thought. He must have a phobia of needles or something.


They never could have anticipated the danger they put that kid in, placing him in the care of that hospital.

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10 months ago

Bruce figured out their civilian identities pretty quickly. He had to, in order to recruit them. Either way, he knew the names of all of the Justice League heroes and they had no idea who he was.

Most of them either ignored their personas - like Wonder Woman and Green Lantern who didn't talk about their civilian life in costume or vice versa - while others - Superman - sang their own praises as civilians.

Superman's whole having three names thing was useful, and a pretty good cover, but Batman had spotted that the relationship between Clark Kent and Lois Lane was the exact one that Superman and Lois Lane shared, so that was a bit of a moot point.

Personally, Bruce liked his way of keeping people off his tail. Not only were Brucie Wayne and Batman polar opposites, but they were both each other's biggest haters. Although, Bruce publicly admitted that he thinks Batman has the right idea, just not the best execution. While Batman, not on record but definitely heard, has said that Bruce Wayne does good things for Gotham as a whole.

The kids all think it's hilarious, but no one - except Tim, but he's a special case - has managed to cement his civilian and caped identities as being the same person.

Well, maybe Harvey has, but that's because of a lot of reasons. As long as Two Face doesn't reveal that information, and Bruce knows he won't, then all's well.

The point is that Batman knows who the Justice League are outside of capes and masks, but they don't know who he is. Of course, revealing himself would mean revealing his kids, and they wouldn't like that if he was boring about it.

The only natural solution is to be over the top and dramatic about it.

He could keep his name to himself, but where's the fun in that?

Though, it'd be funnier if he managed to keep the appearance of Batman and Bruce Wayne hating each other, especially if he reveals that the Bat Cave is under Wayne Manor.

That'd be funny. His kids would be proud.

His kids will want in on this.

He's got some conspiring planning to do.

Storyboard Part 2

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10 months ago

"No, he's not!"




"Because you cannot fix him!"

"Not with that attitude."

"With any attitude!"

Writing Prompt #2668

"He's a monster!"

"He's a hot monster, though."

10 months ago

Look, I'm not sex or romance repulsed. I just don't understand them. I can't wrap my head around how or why people feel the way they do.

Frankly, I don't want to understand.

Please don't explain that stuff to me.

There have been occasions where I have asked someone to explain their feelings or how their romantic attraction feels to them, but that's me asking. If I do not ask, do not explain.

I'm not asking you to do this. I'm stating it.

I only bring this up because I can't say this to people in person without people getting pissy. Normally that wouldn't bother me, but when it's people I spend significant amounts of time (whether my own choice or not) with, it gets awkward fast.

Also, I feel like other aros, aces, and aroaces need to say this but can't.

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