Man Of Steel - Tumblr Posts

Man of Steel (2013) directed by Zack Snyder

make me choose → anonymous asked Clark Kent or Steve Rogers
↳ “I grew up in Kansas, General. I’m about as American as it gets.”

Well, I believe in truth… but I’m also a big fan of justice.

Hi, Lois Lane. Welcome to The Planet. Glad to be here Lois.

movies watched in 2018 → Man of Steel (2013) dir. Zack Snyder

You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.
list of favourite movies: Man of Steel (2013) dir. Zack Snyder


This is part of a drawing I’ve been working on for a while. The final drawing is not only still a work in progress, but it will be a digital drawing.
The reason why this is in colored pencil is because of the same reason I made my recent drawing of Erwin Smith. I found out Sean Schemmel (voice actor of Goku) is also going to be at Otakon next month. I’m going to have Sean autograph this drawing and I wanna see how he’ll react to it too.

“He always believed you were meant for greater things, and that when the day came, your shoulders would be able to bear the weight.”
DCEU + favorite minor character→ asked by @mlnavsari

The Children of Batman
I need everyone to remember that The Flash and Kid Flash both can (and have, in Flash's case) outrun Superman.
It's a very close race, but the speedsters win
I'm watching Man of Steel. Here's my thoughts:
I love Ma Kent. She's a queen and deserves the best of the world.
Updates to come because I say so.
Baby Clark? Love him
Adult Clark? Love him even more
Lois is a BAMF
Jo-El is a cryptic mf. Kal-El really shouldn't have taken his word for it. He did and I get it, but he should've been at least a bit more hesitant.
I like his monologue, though.
Kal gets his dramatics from his father.
Clark gets his manners from his Ma.
My mom was asking questions and my only explanation was "It's a coming of age story" and my dad agreed with me. Am I wrong? No.
Henry Cavill has the prettiest eyes. Very blue. I love his hair, too. But I love his eyes.
Kryptonians are dramatic ass mother fucks and I will die on that hill.
I keep thinking "OMG, he's Wayne Bait!" And then I remember that Bruce and Kent canonically get mixed up several times. Of course he's Wayne Bait. He's Bruce's kinda look alike.
The priest guy that Clark talks to is pretty cool. I don't normally like priests, but he gives Clark some pretty sound advice.
Again. Lois should've been a lot more hesitant to trust Jo-El.
(I hope I'm spelling his name right)
Lois doesn't get paid nearly enough.
Clark is such a Mama's Boy.
I can't even blame him.
I love Ma Kent.
The US Government having no regards for civilian safety? Why does that not surprise me?
Supes, my dude, my friend, my man, the bestest boi. Properly damage! Smallville doesn't get enough total income to be beaten up like that!
I love Superman, but Batman keeps the property damage to almost zero in comparison. Actually. Bats doesn't break buildings or streets....
There's a random ass cop in Smallville, Kansas that knows that Clark Kent is Superman. But, he's a background character, so it's okay if he knows.
No one will ever believe him, though.
Poor Metropolis. least it wasn't New York this time.
Me, when Zod moves the ship Supes claimed: You can't just move the Fortress of Solitude, asshole!
I maintain that Lois doesn't get paid enough. Also, she's a civilian. The government absolutely needs to pay her for all the shit she did on their watch.
Metropolis will never recover.
"And now I have no people." is such a sad line! Don't make me feel bad for Zod!
"Welcome to the Planet." Smooth, Lois, smooth.

They finally made Superman relatable /j /s /
So Henry left the Witcher because the writers didn’t follow the original plot from the games and books. The writers said they hated the source material and started pulling plot out of their ass. And Henry wasn’t having it so he left. And now that James Gunn is trying to make the DCEU his MCU, he doesn’t want to have Henry play Superman and got everyone’s hopes up, including Henry’s. This probably means that he’s going to not make sequels to the other movies and is also why there isn’t going to be a Wonder Woman 3. But Ezra Millers Flash is still a possibility somehow? And we have to deal with Liam Hemsworth as Geralt.
Also no hate to you my guy I’ve just seen so many people saying that Henry left the Witcher for nothing when he had a perfectly clear reason to leave.

So. They had Henry Cavill announce that he would return to the DCEU fold as Superman, in which case he bowed out of "The Witcher" to make room in his schedule. And now a couple of months later, he's forced to announce that he won't be returning as Superman and now Liam Hemsworth will be the new Giralt, so Henry is out of both jobs. YUCK!
Girl you know your shit. David? YAS. Henry? Fuck YEEEEEES!!! Long live thicc daddies!

🙌 🙌 🙌