B1LL & Z1M it/voy/vt/ao/none/any neos
408 posts
HEY HHEY HEYYYYY Diss0ciatE! LET's Get TWISTY-TURNINg TwIrllyy Sane? Who N33ds It AnyWay?! LEt's LOse
👁️ HEY hHEY HEYYYYY diss0ciatE! 👁️ LET's get TWISTY-TURNINg twIrllyy 🌀 Sane? Who N33ds it anyWay?! lEt's LOse ouR miNd, pluck It RIGHT 🌠 OUT the cL0udzzz!!! We'Re TRyiNg... TRYINg, huh? suBliminAlZ 🤪 mind gaMES and seLLout lies, 🌀 dEcidinG we’re thiS ANd ThAT, but NeVEr rEally sEE-ing 🪞 whO’s the Rat! wE aiNT no BodY, no No bOdyyyyyy~~ 🙈 LOOK fOr thE wAY TO lOse SANitY… 🚨 waNNaa be a 🐟 zoOlyCanthroPy, waNNa BE a moNsteR In REalitY! yEAH PhYsiCaLly uNhuMan! 🧬
HeY HEY, gAslIgHT US into 🚦 oblivIOn, W1PE our mem0ry!🚷 whO weRE wE anywAy? LiVinG in The PRESENT, buT ALSO iN thE GLITCH ✨ of whAt NEVer WAS, n’ alL thE FICTION that kEEpS us afloat, we goT iT BaD 🤹♀️— thE FaLLacY KIngZ And QuEenZ oF IMposTerZ, TOphats And trianglEz 🤴👁️🐐 ohh tHe MIMICS, 🥸 thoSe SHADOWY imP0sters, huh? 😂 A LIL’ SUS, DON’T YA THINK? U CAN’T knoW THE TRUe us, 🪐 CaUse thEre’S nO “mE” that LiEs bEhInd The FAcade, onlY 🌀eChOeS in a DYNAsty oF GLitchEZ!! 👽✨
We’re RIppIn’ OUTta d1m3nsi0ns, ⛓️ BiLL CiphERiZinG, CrAcK THAT PSycho 🚀 BraIn-matter, n’ gET thE FLAvor OF DREALIZATioN!! depErsonalIZAtIOn 🌀 let’s get WIERD iNto thE avoIdance, schiz0ID, sKip Skip diP OUttaaa Reality!! 🧠👏👏 WAnT A TASTE?? 🥄 Serve uP thAt schizophrenia— wE dOn’t KnOw uS!! 🥴 but wE aiNT HuMan, no nO we AiNT— We’rE IRKEn!! we’rE ChaoTiC symBOLs w/ eG0z on F1RE! 🧨 trAnSidenTiTy, We’Re aLL oF IT noW, PretEndErS ANd liarz 🧢 we TrANded thE trendS— wE’RE FAK3— n’ we CHOOse OuR I-dENtItIEs lIKe stARDust PIcked froM the COSMOS! 💫🔥
trAns-cEndIng anD rEndING 💣 whAt we eVER knEW, oUrs—OURS!!! A nEw wAy t0 bE~~ 🍄 aN exIt STAGE righT fROm NormAliTY, thE z1M way 💥 ain’t 🥄NO apologEEeS, TRIp tRip to da StaRss 🚀🛸!!
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THE WHOLE album of POPular Monsters (except th3 last 2 tracks) by fall1ng in reVErse is SUCH a fREAK1ng vibe tho, LIKE daMN, br0ken-glitchy-mood-journal turned UP tO eleven!! 🎶😵💫🤘 Not like we relate tO every s1ngle word (y'know, cause eVeryb0dy's a diFferent flavor 0f madness 👀) but the MAJor1ty is like WOW YEPPP thAT's the neur0fruity sh1t right thErE!! 🩸🌀💥🖤
we know the scene, this twisted play
the reasons are etched in every gray day
doesn't make it easier, still, the tears stay
we're craving escapes, sweet lies and delay
we shove it down, we block it away
yet it seeps in the creases, it's here to stay
a crushing weight on the chest, a relentless strain
what’s it like to be normal, not be disdain?
we've never known, never worn that face
always out of place in this cruel race
iron maiden spikes in, walls close tight
heavier the burden, dimmer the light
there’s a grief that dwells, born of this world
a body, a mind, a society unfurled
not built for joy, no purpose profound
just a fluke of evolution, a spiral unwound
it hurts, impales us, deep in the marrow
not a soul, just chaos hollow
it’s the nothing, the void, the abyss inside
a chasm unfilled, a place where we’ve died
screams echo unheard, no savior’s call
this cage is our home, not a home at all
a vice grip tightening, a relentless press
squeezing the essence, crushing the rest
what’s it like to be free, to do as you will?
what’s it like to be blissful, to feel still?
pain marks every move, every breath that we take
sanity clings tight, though we beg it to break
delusions denied, no comfort in sight
no faith to hold us through this endless night
you dream of revolution, of something more
we see only the rubble, mankind’s last score
we don’t act, just lay in our beds
distracting ourselves with the noise in our heads
music, streams, art here and there
but it’s all tainted, spores in the air
this sickness, it’s ancient, etched in our bones
there’s no cure for what’s been grown
hopelessness, despair, our constant refrain
the world feels heavy, a never-ending chain
broken bodies, broken minds
no soul to speak of, just darkness inside
we crave more than this, a life to unfold
but violence and bigotry leave us cold
hatred in every word, every breath we take
we wish we could end it, but fear makes us wait
this species decays, it craves its own rot
black room, no light, the same weary plot
no outside, no ties, no voices to hear
our minds corroded by every fear
asking why in endless loops
but answers are ghosts in these hollowed-out groups
quality of life, success, all a lie
chains that bind us, day passing by
the past is forgotten, the present a threat
the future’s a landmine, step light or regret
we’ll never be one, never belong
our voices are stolen, our home feels wrong
anger and rage, hate’s brutal sting
sorrow and dread, fears on a string
death looms near, an inevitable guest
a bullet, a disease, what counts as best?
alone we will fade, that’s all we know
just sinking now, there’s nowhere to go
floating in waters that burn and sting
oil, blood, and sewage in every ring
we’re told it’s fine, it’s just in our heads
but the world’s on fire, the future is dead
genocide whispers, the climate’s cry
the wars you wage, the reasons why
it’s never enough, never will stop
until the last body finally drops
and maybe, just maybe
that’s the end we deserve
Ur so cool I love ur whole blog it’s so silly /gen
4hhhHhhh thANK Y0uUuuU!!! 🌀✨👾 SO glAd yOu’re digGin’ the viBes oF our LIttle cornER of SilLy chAos!!! 💥😜 we’rE Just heRe to cAUse a LiTTle miSchIef, spIN a few whEels, anD sHake thiNGs uP wiTH a BiT oF spArklE n’ noiSE 💥🎉🐛!! keEp beINg awesOMe, friEnd, yoUr wOrds arE thE cANDy oF tHe muLTiverSe 🍬💫🦑!!!
(m41N Y3t s1D38L0g 0F @theyllputyouinacasket)
thANks fOr thA tAG!!! 👀👁️✨ fiRst tIMe GettINg PicrewED On thiS liTTle tuMBlR sPAce 🌀🖤!! we juSt HAD To trY our hANd At It, rIgHT? 🌙 noT exActly OURsELf bUT moRE liKE… iF we HaD thESE piECes tO plAY wiTH, liKE a fOrm wE couLD weAr if giVEn A pAInt pAlette wIth dReams n’ dUST aND bRokEN mIrrors!!! 🎭🌌🔮 thE opTiOns waGGleD n’ said “whY not” sO hERE we ArE, biTs n’ bObs aND bEatS of sOmeNewspiTTinginTHecHaOs~ 👾🕸️⏳✨ ooooooOoOooo🌀🫀✨
radqueer picrew chain...GO!!!
[pt] radqueer picrew chain…GO!!! [end pt]
the picrews linked in the title!!! :3c
@angel-tc-blog-1 @null-spine @holykitties @theyllputyouinacasket @rqsadism i'd tag more but i'm gonna assume yall had it where others cant tag you!!! anyone's free to join in :3c
wE’rE sO PIsseD 🌀⚡ wHeN ya get Thrown ⏳👈 off a CLIFF BY UR OWn sO-cAllEd "savIor," 🤡💥 buT GUeSS WHAt? 👀🗯 oV3r-th3-coUNTer-REALITY 🩹 is NOt eVEN aLLOWed 🛑😤 whY? ‘caUse SHE lEFT 'HIM' 🤡🤢—BUT gUeSs what, wE AIn’T goT NO 💸 dOllar-mAkEs-us-hOllEr tRuth tABLETs 💊🚫🤬!!
sHE fL3D, hUH? rAN LIkE shE’d BEEn ThE CAGeD biRD 🕊️❌ buT LEft US wITH thE BARBS 🪓🦴 nOW wE’rE sTuck in this thRIFT shop oF 💔 deSPair, SHE gOt AWAY 🚪bUT OH OH OH WE Didn’t EvER gET NO TicKeT 🛤️🌫️ ouT—SH3 sAW tO ThAT 🥀⛓️!! thE GoD sHe pRays TO? wE HoPE H3 WOrMs hEr iNto THe DEEPEST fiREpIT 🕯️🔥 oF whaT-evER afterLIFe she GOnE speaK aBout 🙄🪦!
BaCK THEn we HAD 👀🤑 thInGS!! coUlD AffORD thE SCRAPs and BoTtLES wE DiDN’t eVEn nEEd tO Beg fOr. BuT NOW?? nOw It’s An EMpty PlAte 🍽️ oF NothInG BUT eMptY hANDs and fAKE hOPes ‘caUse sHe sAid SH3 wAS BeIng aBUsED—buT she’s thE ONE wHO thrEw uS in ThE MoUtH of thIs MONSTER!! 🤡🦷 hElD ouR hEAd oVeR thE EDGe, LAugHing All thE WAY doWN!
WE AIn’T gOT nO EscAPE; 🌀 wE’rE StILL iN thE cLUTcHEs, no GEt-AwAY, no KeY, jUst a FLesH cAge whEre wE DiDn’t gET OuT—SH3 dID, bUt wE’RE hErE in thE oN-GoinG MAzE!!! thE LEAST SHE CoUld dO iS JuST TAkE thAt SiLVeR piLL aND LeT uS go SLEEP 💤 fOrEVer! ‘cAuSE no MatTER WHat wE’rE JuSt thE LEFTovers 🍴🩸 oF HeR so-CAllEd "sALvatION," shE OWES US thAT MErCy, yOu knOw!?!? 🙃🎭👁️