unpopularvivian - Boi I love Ttte
Boi I love Ttte

You can call me V or Vivian. She/her. But you can use he/him for me as well I don't care lol. 14 yrs old. Aroace and genderqueer and I'm proud 😎 Self diagnosed ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) Please don't be weird or else I'm blocking you. Homophobia, racism, sexism, etc, NOT TOLERATED

903 posts

Incorrect Ttte Quotes 255:

Incorrect Ttte Quotes 255:

*Diesel is about to throw something in a stream when he stops*


Diesel: I'M GETTING RID OF THE DRUGS THAT I FOUND IN JAPAN'S BOI'S ROOM!!!!! I'm just gonna throw it into the stream!

Hiro: Diesel, it can poison the water....

Diesel: .....

Diesel: Well, I can throw it in the forest.

Hiro: Diesel, it's cocaine... What if a fox sniffs it and tries to EAT IT?!??!?

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More Posts from Unpopularvivian

9 months ago

Thank you so much! I'm planning on making more of these lore posts to flesh my AU a bit more!

Basic Engine Headcanons:

Engines, coaches, trucks, etc are products that are made by Lady, the sole goddess and creator of Sodor and its living machinery. Their life source is a special kind of dust called "Gold Dust" which can turn any inanimate machine into a living and breathing entity.

Living machinery are called "Gold Dust Lifeforms" and they can switch between two forms: The Gold Dust Form and The Human Form.

The Gold Dust Form refers to a Gold Dust Lifeform's original form like a steam engine, express coach, rolling stock.

The Human Form refers to a Gold Dust Lifeform humanoid appearance. Usually in the Human Form, their skin are grey and are much taller than a regular sized human.

In addition, Gold Dust Lifeforms don't need to eat anything in order to survive, they just do it for pleasure. However steam engines in particular, feel full of energy whenever they drink water. Their strength of 75% of the Gold Dust Form but are still extremely strong. Like, breaking limbs or throwing somebody into the sky is very easy for them. They're also super fast and their senses are more advanced than the average human.

However their sense of taste is very interesting.

Steam engines for instance can taste sweetness, saltiness, bitterness, savoriness and especially sourness. They can't taste spiciness though and can't tell the difference between normal foods and spicy foods.

Diesels can taste sweetness, saltiness, savoriness and spiciness. But they can't taste sourness or bitterness. But unfortunately they can't eat sugar because it can cause them to break down and feel sick. Some diesels like Phillip and Diesel insist on eating them though. (That is literally a death wish you two are having)

Electric engines' sense of taste is extremely concentrated for some reason so they have to be careful about what they're putting in their food. They can taste all five tastes.

Coaches, rolling stock, trucks, etc's sense of taste is extremely diluted and when they eat food, it tastes bland or unappetizing. So they have to put lots of condiments to combat their poor taste buds.

Any bad coal, water, fuel, etc can make engines extremely ill and sick. They may start puking, feeling nauseous or dizzy or feel fatigued. This can affect both forms so it's important to check your engine's source of energy.

9 months ago




GO! Donald: Scotland flag flying high stronger than that Sodor pride I'm pitted up against old Iron I've seen piles of snow that climb a lot higher! Three branchline coaches made you struggle in a rainstorm just like Trevor you stupid old and worn! OOOOOOOOOOOHH Dropping these fire bars spitting em really far ain't no one on this island cept me twin can beat my roar cause you all cause confusion and delay while we do our jobs you know! Pulling trains together we're the best team! And even on our own we stand better you see! A old engine like you ain't gonna spit a better verse old iron like you is gonna ride in a herse! Edward: Some bitch ass mother fuck decided to test me he is smuuggling his raps from scotland and you ain't gonna believe me! Putting myself on the line I pull the passengers through the storm putting yourself on the line you back into a signal box! Pushing through the snow amounts to nothing when a train of pipes make a devide between you two! Emily can confirm you two hit a new low! Putting you down to lie in red coated snow! Black paint jobs we're switched to blue to mimick me! I'm the goat and not just in the railway series! Donald: You wanna talk about smuggling engines to be saved? You took that old iron Trevor now that's a stowaway! Couldn't ask for maintence and so you broke a crankpin, even Thomas knows that's no way to run all day kid! Ain't no one out here who finds you arc intresting, when the scotish twins come running you hear the crowd cheering!

Edward: Final verse who kid you shoulda made it count! With this last one I'm gonna knock you out! Your paintwork looks sloppy so was your intro, in legend of lost treasure should have been gone yo! Losing a reason to see why you challenged me, ain't no one here who thinks you'll beat see? Finish you with one last line I don't mean to boast, but I'm gonna make you lost just like your missing COACH!


And the winner of this rap battle is.......


Never mess with the Scottish twins!!!!

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9 months ago

James and Rosie: *Arguing noises*

Rosie: That's it! *Cocks gun*

Conner: Rosie!

Rosie: Shit.

Conner: Did I teach you nothing? Hold the gun sideways! That's a killshot!

Rosie: Oh yeah right! Sorry pops. *Holds the gun sideways*

James: Wait what the hell? I just got jumped on by Mavis-

*James proceeds to get shot*

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9 months ago

Incorrect Ttte Quotes 254:

Duck and Diesel: *Are making loud gorilla sounds at each other*

Hiro: ....

Oliver: We have some guests....

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9 months ago

Do you have headcanons on how much do steam team characters swear

You know what. I am going to make them right now:

Thomas: Doesn't swear that much when he's around older engines (Like Edward, Toby or Gordon) but every once in a while he will drop a huge f-bomb whenever he feels like it. Basically he's the dude to say "Toodles" but then says "SHIT" when he's panicking.

Edward: Oh boy.... I don't even know how to put this into words... His mouth is as dirty as a wastewater facility. Constantly swears whenever he's stressed or pissed (Which happens a lot). Unintentionally teaches younger engines swear words more than the engines that purposefully do. If it wasn't for Toby or Gordon constantly keeping an eye on him, he would be cussing 24/7.

Henry: Nobody has heard him swear in his life. The closest thing that would count as him saying swears are mild swear words like "Heck" or "Crap".

Gordon: Thinks swearing is absolutely disgraceful and calls out engines who do swear. Is Sodor's swear police no #1. Doesn't swear except for the time Bill and Ben were about to push him into the sea. Dropped a MASSIVE "Shitheads" bomb and the twins know better to not push on his buttons too much.

James: Usually swears when he's throwing insults at someone. Quite creative too. She can come up with roasts that nobody else can. Her language is as red as her coat of paint. The only time that they aren't swearing while insulting was the time their brakes caught on fire and they were yelling "Shit" repeatedly.

Percy: Sometimes he swears and sometimes he doesn't. It's 50/50 with them considering that they have to watch their language when they're around their younger brothers, Phillip and Pluto. Somehow he manages to make the most offensive curse words sound so casual.

Toby: Also doesn't swear that much. The only times that he swears is when he's angry and even in that situation, he always mumbles them under his breath so that nobody can hear him. Swear police no #2.

Emily: Pretty much the same of Percy. The only difference between them is that she manages to make curse words 1000x worse. Like she would turn them into the most offensive things to ever be uttered from her mouth.

(Also side note if you're confused with James' and Percy's pronouns: James is genderqueer and uses any pronouns while Percy is a demiboy and uses they/them/he/him with no preference at all)

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