You can call me V or Vivian. She/her. But you can use he/him for me as well I don't care lol. 14 yrs old. Aroace and genderqueer and I'm proud 😎 Self diagnosed ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) Please don't be weird or else I'm blocking you. Homophobia, racism, sexism, etc, NOT TOLERATED
903 posts
Incorrect Ttte Quotes 316:
Incorrect Ttte Quotes 316:
*Thomas is falling through the sky and lands in a pile of snow. When he finally wakes up, he sees Gordon, Henry and Edward staring at him*
Thomas: Oh thank Lady you guys are here! For some reason I was falling through the sky and I landed in this pile of snow! Is it winter now? Wait.....
Greedon: ........
Grenry: What in the living hell is that thing?.....
Redward: I dunno, why the fuck are you asking me?!?! It's probably some blue racoon or something...
Thomas: W-What why is Gordon green? Why is Henry grey?!?! AND WHY IS EDWARD RED!??!? OH GOD, DID I TELEPORT INTO THE PAST!?!?
Thomas: Please, is this a dream or not?!?!?
Redward: Hmmmm.... Let me check.
*Redward then decides to punch Thomas in the face*
Thomas: Owwwwwww!!!!!!!
Redward: Did it hurt?
Thomas: YES!!!!!!!
Redward: Definitely not a dream.
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More Posts from Unpopularvivian
At Salty's place.
Salty: Glad you made it Mateys!
Thomas: Sorry, we got held up.
Edward: Salty whatever booze you got, I'll take it.
Rosie: How about we not get drunk and go over the plan?
Emily: Also, since when did you became an alcoholic?
Edward: After the creator went on her vacation.
*Edward what did you say? :)*
Edward: Ah! Nothing!
*Good, because I'm going to kill you*
Edward: Well fuck.
Incorrect Ttte Quotes 310:
Gordon: WHAT DID YOU DO?!?!
Flying Scotsman, with his eyebrows shaved: I shaved my eyebrows. 😏
Flying Scotsman: I don't know. 😏
Incorrect Ttte Quotes 322:
*Sir Topham Hatt is inviting a worker and his wife to a dinner with the engines*
Random Worker: Oh sir! I-I don't know if I should accept this offer. I mean, I only worked on your railway for about 5-6 years.
Sir Topham Hatt: Oh no, no, no, no. You were one of my best workers on the NWR! It wouldn't be fitting if I didn't invite you to this grand occasion!
Random Worker: You really think so?
Sir Topham Hatt: Of course! You two can come over and bring any of your dishes! As-
Thomas, out of nowhere: As long as you two keep your shirts on. You sluts-
Incorrect Ttte Quotes 324:
*Spencer is sleeping when Gordon walks up to him*
Gordon: Spencer?..... Spencer? SPENCER!!!!!!
Spencer: *Gets waken up* Oh sorry, I fell asleep while I was waiting on you to make me a sandwich! 😏
*Gordon then grabs Spencer by the neck*
MC Toby: Okay! Enough of the nonsense, let's go into the magic buffers and find Lady.
*All the engines move forward into the buffers and disappear as they're transported to the Magic Railroad. There, they end up in Shining Time Station where a small engine was waiting in front of them*
???: Peep, peep! Hello! Are you trying to find Lady?
MC Toby: Oh yeah! Where is she?
???: Well: She's already in front of you.
*The small engine then transforms into the Engine Goddess, Lady*
@gold-dust599's James: Wow, that is surprising..... So, do you know how I can go back?
Lady: Oh! A lost traveler who ended up in my world! Don't worry, I'll teleport you back to your universe. Just tell me which one it is.
Incorrect quotes
My James: h-huh? I was just in the yard about to g-grab couches?! Where am I?
@unpopularvivian’s Gordon: James what on earth are you talking about?
My James: *Spins around fast to look at Gordon* uhh?! *puts 2 and two together and finds it makes five* y-y-you a-aren’t Gordon?!!
Unpopular’s Gordon: …..? Yes…..I….am? Wait. *notices James blue shirt and knows damn well James that he knows would never be caught wearing blue* You aren’t from here are you?
My James: I-I-I d-don’t think s-so. Where are we?
Unpopular’s Gordon: Moderly Classic universe.
My James: *blinks* Y-yeah this isn’t ******* ******* universe o-or well, my universe.
Unpopular’s Gordon: ? What universe sorry?
My James: o-oh, well, uh, see the name hasn’t b-been revealed y-yet so if I try to say ******* ******* it’s just g-gonna get censored. 😅
Unpopular’s Gordon: I see. Well, you might be here for a while. Oh can I ask something about your universe?
My James: Uh, um suuuure???
Unpopular’s Gordon: Why don’t Henry and I get along in your universe?
My James: oh. That. Y-yeah they, they uh, well Gordon came to the island to ‘replace’ Henry for express duties since he was sick all the time or too tired to come into work. And his engine couldn’t properly steam as well. That and Gordon came from the LNER railway while Henry came from the LMS to help with Sodor’s railway. So even if Gordon hadn’t replaced Henry, they’d still be at each other’s throats.
Unpopular’s Gordon: I see.
My James: yeah it’s…. It’s a mess. It’s worse when you have to stop them from fighting over the coffee machine and Edward sits there and laughs like it’s the funniest thing in the world while Thomas gets up to leave because he’s tiered of their shenanigans. I swear Thomas broke it once on purpose to shut them up. It didn’t work. O-obviously.
My James: Think about work and work even harder is what Thomas believes. He pinned it on the bulletin board as a joke once. He laughed when Henry glared at him for it.