Acroyogaportugal - Tumblr Posts
Working on the new #acroyoga sequence with @rosebodytrainer #Workshops and #demos soon near you. Any information just send mail. #acro #acrobatics #acrobatics4ever #acrobaticgymnastics #acroyogis #acroyogafun #acroyogalife #acroyogalove #acroyogaflow #acroyogaportugal #academialifeclub #academialifeclubsantos (at Academia Life Club - Santos)

This #pose it looks so easy but is one of the most #hard #balance pose that I ever did. A lot of #weight in your fist, your #obliques #workout a lot for balance your #partner and you feel her #knees bones in your #back. It’s hard but is one of my favorite pose. #acroyoga #academialifeclub #acro #acrobatics #acrobat #acrobata #gymlife #yogachallenge #friends #acroyogachallenge #love #acroyogaportugal #lovemylife (at Academia Life Club - Santos)

There are a lot of people that ask me if it’s possible to do a #acroyoga pose. People like this girl that doesn’t know me well but she trusts me to try something thing new. In life, it’s the same thing. You need to trust someone to help you to get out of the box or to get out of the comfort zone. Out of that comfort zone is a great life to be lived. Don’t be afraid. Find that person that can help you to grow and live more. photo taken by @artsousa_ #buildthefuture #buildthelifeyouwant #yogaeverydamnday #yogabrotherhood #acroyogafun #acro #acrobat #lotuspose #yogaretreat #acroyogaportugal #acroyogachallenge #buildthelifeyouwanttolive #teamway #empoweryourself (at Enxara Do Bispo, Lisboa, Portugal)

Another photo taken by @photo_with_will with my big friend @rosebodytrainer that is an amazing professional. Making these poses with almost 9 months pregnant is amazing. #acroyoga #acro #acroyogapose #acrobatics #acroyogaposes #acroyogaportugal #acrobatica (at Lisbon, Portugal)

So this baby was born and was one of the last birth of 2018. He isn’t just a baby. He is a acrobatic child that will be raised with a different mindset. Sports, healthy food, etc. I’m so proud to be able to see him grow. Photo taken by @photo_with_will #acrolovers #acropedia #acroyoga #worldyoga #acroyogaeverydamnday #ypotw #acroyogaportugal #acroyogaeverywhere #yogalife #acroyogainspiration #yogabible #yogajournalfrance #badassmovement #yogabrotherhood #yogapractice #myyogalife #yogapose #acroyogafun #yogaaddict #pregnant #gay #yogaintegral #realmendoyoga #yogamale #borntobeyogi #menatyoga #lisbon #bendyguys (at Lisbon, Portugal)

Acroyoga pose. One of the hardest poses I ever made but unfortunately doesn’t look that so hard. Believe me. You can see it my serious face. It’s just concentration to hold it.

One of the hardest poses I ever made. Just two places to hold all my body, that made me use twice of strength to hold me in the air.

You have always to Challenge yourself to grow in confidence

“Love is not based on sex. Love is based on respect, trust and honesty”. This is so important to me in this moment. This is me with a friend in front of my boyfriend who is taking pictures. To make this is photos possible we all know that we respect each other and this is an art that we love. Touching other man’s body was like touching a brother. And my friend respect us as a couple, as friends. In the world that almost everybody think that isn’t possible to have friends without benefits, this photo goes against all this prejudice. Thanks @danielbozi for the respect that you have. Thanks @artsousa_ for all the love. Photo taken by @andr (em Portugal)

Leaving the comfort zone is putting yourself uncomfortable, sometimes in a little panic, and if you don’t go against your fears you will be stationed in the same zone all your life. The last time I put myself I was in panic( inside) my heart was beating so fast I thought he could jump off my chest. My breathing was fast life I was running a marathon. It was 15 minutes of all kind of thought, fears, my muscles were shaking a lot. I just went to talk to a unknown person to talk about an amazing opportunity for him because he haves an amazing energy and vibe. After our little conversation I was thrilled, excited, so proud of myself that I called all my friends of that project I do to tell them what happened. After that, doing the same thing with other people, is a little bit easier but isn’t easy YET. We aren’t trees so move yourself to a better place where you can be bigger. Photo taken by @andrewproxy

We are all connected. We all need each other. And if you have strength to support others, do it. If you don’t have enough strength, don’t. You can’t give water if the glass is empty. But, and there’s a but, if someone just needs your strength and keeps asking for help without trying for themselves then you can’t support them all their life. You may give them tools, explain how to do it and give a little hand but you should never do it for them. We all have our path and we must walk It ourselves Photo taken by @andrewpaddy (em Portugal)

“If someone tells you “You can’t”, they are showing you their limits. Not yours. “(Unknown) No one can say what you are capable of. No one can say that you can’t live your life as you want. No one can say that you can’t follow your dreams. You have your own path and no one can live your life neighter can you live others life. Follow your dreams, listen your heart and you will find peace. Photo taken by @artsousa_ #acroyogalovers #acroyoga #worldyoga #acroyogaeverydamnday #acroyogaeverywhere #acroyogalife #hoscos #yogainspiration #yogabible #boysofyoga #acroyogaportugal #yogajournal #meninyoga #yogabrotherhood #yogapractice #myyogalife #yogapose #yogadudes #yogaaddict #24houryoga #gay #mendoyoga #realmendoyoga #yogamale #borntobeyogi #menatyoga #yogaiscalling #bendyguys #yogaintegral #nudeyoga (em Portugal)