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do you see a lot of obvious hypergamy in your circles?
My experience with “Old money”& “New money” in Europe and England 🇬🇧🇪🇺🏛️💰
Europe 🍷📚💼
I come from a young country, so there is no “old money” circle to speak of in the sense of wealth spanning several generations of a family. All money here is relatively recent.
Older HNWIs (my parents' generation) mostly married people from the social circles they grew up in—uni or friends—and they usually became wealthy together. It's also the story of my parents.
In the older generation, I know a few hypergamous couples. Usually, the woman is the second wife/partner to a wealthier older man after his divorce or becoming a widower.
The children of this older generation are my age. Almost all of them are marrying people from the same background/social class. These people are mostly low key and hardworking.
No one is flashy in their everyday life, but you'll eventually find out about expensive cars, boats, yachts, watch collections, numerous properties they're renting out, vacation homes etc.
It's different with people who are the first generation of “new money”, usually self-made men in their 30s and 40s. In these couples who have just entered “new money” circles, I guess hypergamy is more frequent and obvious.
The aesthetic for women in this circle is different flavors of high maintenance. Everyone in this circle, men and women, enjoys showing off to some extent, expensive bags, watches, jewelry, cars, vacations, media appearances.
The “new money” people and children of HNWIs are like night and day, even though we're the same age.
The funny thing is that because pretty much everyone who's rich here made their money in business, these two social classes often intersect, working together as business partners. But socially, there's a very clear divide.
England 🏇🎻🍾
As for my experiences with “old money”, I was educated in England and still maintain ties there. England is populous so there's a huge variation of “new money”, and I won't get into that.
“Old money” English people can fly under the radar of foreigners at first glance because they have all those funny unspoken rules that new stuff and mainstream status symbols are gauche (eg. furniture, electronics, Birkins). Their residences are likely to be falling apart. This is perceived as "character" and "charm" in England.
But then you learn about their niche hobbies such as flying internationally regularly to watch their favorite sports team's matches, hunting in African countries, funding random vanity projects to keep their wayward kids out of trouble (they all give up in a year), and traveling between their various estates to just chill.
I enjoy visiting my English “old money” contacts, they are polite and generous, they can be genuinely sweet. But it's also obvious that they won't ever consider outsiders part of their circle, thus making hypergamy all the more challenging. You don't "network" with these people, the circle is closed.
There's this persistent, slightly sour undercurrent that collectively, they're not taking you seriously at all. Social class is set in stone in England, you don't transcend your station in life no matter how rich you become or what family you marry into.
I detected this undercurrent quite early when I moved to England and it put me off trying to get closer to them in whatever capacity. I didn't feel that it was worth it because I already have money. Hypergamy in this environment, taking into account the cons I sensed, wouldn't be a significant enough life upgrade for me. As an outsider, I could never be sure about their intentions.
Being easygoing and not nosy inadvertently turned out to be the right approach to keep lasting, if superficial connections with them.
There has been some interest of romantic/sexual nature on their side.
An anecdote I can share is once an older gentleman tried to set me up with his “tall and blonde” son. I already knew him well at that point but I still questioned his motive. I was young, sweet and naive, and at the time many wanted to take advantage of these qualities. Or maybe he genuinely thought well of me. Perhaps he wanted to test me, see what I'd do, for pure amusement. Who knows.
Marie zo Šternberku, chránenkyňa a agentka viedenského arcibiskupa Melchiora Khesla z Diabla v zrkadle, štvrtého dielu Kapitána Steina a notára Barbariča. Autor - Izvin
turn this society upside down, and shake the trillions from the pockets of the aristocracy
Greedflation is manifest.
For, whenever the chiefs of the state deem anything honorable, the other citizens are sure to follow their example; and, where virtue has not the first place, their aristocracy cannot be firmly established.
Aristotle: Politics, Bk 2, part 11
Leaders must be virtuous in order for society to be well ordered.
William Alexander Louis Stephen Douglas-Hamilton, 12th Duke of Hamilton and 9th Duke of Brandon (1860) by André-Adolphe-Eugène Disdéri. National Portrait Gallery, London.
Major Victor Albert Francis Charles Spencer, 1st Viscount Churchill by Leslie Ward. Vanity Fair, 21 January 1904.
Blicking Hall, Norfolk.
Portrait of King Christian X and Queen Alexandrine of Denmark (1915) by Michael Ancher. Skagens Museum.
The Château of Brignac, Seiches-sur-le-Loir, France.
Los felices azares del columpio (en francés, Les hasards heureux de l’escarpolette) o, simplemente, El columpio es el cuadro más conocido del artista francés Jean Honoré Fragonard y una de las obras más representativas del rococó, realizado en 1767. Es una pintura al óleo sobre lienzo con unas dimensiones de 81 centímetros de alto por 65 cm. de ancho. Se conserva en la Colección Wallace, en Londres (Reino Unido).
Arte Rococó ⚜️
El estilo Rococó nace en Francia a principios del siglo XVIII y se desarrolla durante los reinados de Luis XV y Luis XVI. Ha sido considerado como la culminación del Barroco, sin embargo, es un estilo independiente que surge como reacción al barroco clásico impuesto por la corte de Luis XIV. El rococó a diferencia del barroco, se caracteriza por la opulencia, la elegancia y por el empleo de colores vivos, que contrastan con el pesimismo y la oscuridad del barroco. Es un estilo aristocrático, revela el gusto por lo elegante, lo refinado, lo íntimo y lo delicado. Armoniza con la vida despreocupada y agradable que la sociedad ansía y se desentiende de cuestiones religiosas. Es un arte mundano, sin conexión con la religión, que trata temas de la vida diaria, no simboliza nada social ni espiritual, sólo superficialidad. Por todo esto se considera al Rococó un arte frívolo, exclusivo de la aristocracia. Se difundió rápidamente por otros países europeos, sobre todo en Alemania y Austria y se seguiría desarrollando hasta la llegada del Neoclasicismo.
Hércules y Onfale
François Boucher (1703-1770)
Las pinturas eróticas del Rococó francés ⚜️
Obra de Francois Boucher, siglo XVIII
En pintura, los principales temas son las fiestas, historias pastoriles, aventuras amorosas y cortesanas. Las composiciones son sensuales, alegres y frescas, predominan los colores suaves y claros. La mujer se convierte en el centro de inspiración. Se abandonan los grandes formatos, se prefiere lo pequeño e intimo. Uno de los artistas mas representativos fue:
François Boucher (París, 29 de septiembre de 1703 - París. 30 de mayo de 1770) fue un pintor francés, que gustó del estilo galante, propio de la época rococó.
Retrato de Boucher por Gustav Lundberg, 1741.
Francois Boucher se formó en un ambiente de decoradores que lo introdujeron en los temas mitológicos y del desnudo. En sus lienzos son comunes las mujeres bellas y sensuales y los ambientes exquisitos. Fue nombrado pintor del rey y a partir de este momento fue bastante criticado por los ilustrados, pues pensaban que el arte debía ser didáctico y no recrearse en frivolidades.
Dos de sus Obras mas representativas:
El baño de Diana: Oleo sobre lienzo. Museo del Louvre, Paris.
El nacimiento de Venus: Oleo sobre lienzo.1.30 x 1.62. Museo Nacional, Estocolmo.
The Toilet of Venus, 1751 François Boucher
༄Sala de estar, en "Le Château du Champ de la Bataille"
༄El Castillo de "Champ de Bataille" fue construido en el siglo XVII por el Conde Alexandre de Créqui-Bernieulles. Este castillo está situado en la localidad de Sainte-Opportune-du-Bosc, a escasos kilómetros de Neubourg, en la Alta Normandía, en Francia. Desde 1992 pertenece al diseñador Jacques García, que lo ha restaurado y remodelado, para lograr que el aspecto del castillo se asemejara al que tenía en el siglo XVII.
Venus restringiendo a Cupido, 1762 François Boucher
Espléndida la Galería Colonna, auténtica joya del Barroco romano, siglo XVII
• Vídeo de Stefania Bendato
• Música "El Señor de los anillos" por Andrea Krux