Becoming The Best Version Of Yourself - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

I used to think that the best years of my life were behind me, that the spark I had in my teenage years was something I'd never get back. But something incredible happened when I hit my 30s—I started leveling up in ways I never imagined possible.

When I was younger, I had dreams of who I wanted to be. But life has a way of throwing curveballs, and somewhere along the way, I lost sight of those dreams.

I spent years believing that I was stuck, that I missed my chance to truly become the woman I wanted to be.

I Used To Think That The Best Years Of My Life Were Behind Me, That The Spark I Had In My Teenage Years

But as I entered my 30s, something shifted. Maybe it was the wisdom that comes with age, or maybe it was the realization that time waits for no one, but I decided to stop waiting for the right moment and start creating it.

I was 30 when I started to see things differently. It wasn’t about reclaiming the past, but about creating a new future.

I began focusing on my health, not just physically but mentally and emotionally. I let go of toxic relationships and started nurturing the ones that made me feel alive.

I Used To Think That The Best Years Of My Life Were Behind Me, That The Spark I Had In My Teenage Years

I began investing in myself through education, networking, social climbing, exercise or just taking the time to care for my body and soul.

And the most important lesson I learned?

It’s never too late to become the woman you’ve always wanted to be.

My 30s became a time of transformation, a time when I finally understood that the only person who could hold me back was myself.

I stopped doubting and started doing. My glow-up wasn’t just about looking better—it was about feeling better, stronger, more confident in who I was and what I could accomplish.

I Used To Think That The Best Years Of My Life Were Behind Me, That The Spark I Had In My Teenage Years

Now, when I look in the mirror, I see a woman who is a product of her experiences but not defined by them. I see someone who has faced loss, health challenges and setbacks but has used them as stepping stones to become a more resilient, empowered version of herself.

So, to anyone out there feeling like they’ve missed their chance, I’m here to tell you that it’s never too late to level up.

Whether you’re 30, 40, or beyond, the best is yet to come. You have the power to create the life you want, to become the person you’ve always dreamed of being.

And trust me, the woman you’re becoming will thank you for it.

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6 months ago

How to Move On Faster and Build Resilience

Dwelling on past failures and worries gets me exactly nowhere. Lately I've been trying to improve myself with the goal of becoming someone who moves on extremely fast, with resilience.

I'm hoping this change will help me navigate life's challenges more effectively and make me feel better in the everyday. I've written before about my annoying limiting belief that I can't ...

Here are the notes and guidelines I've collected that help me cultivate the ability of moving on fast:

🌱 1. Change Your Perspective on Setbacks

View Setbacks as Temporary: Tough times don’t last forever. But challenges are a normal and frequent part of life. See challenges as hurdles, not roadblocks.

Focus on the Lessons: Every experience, good or bad, teaches me something valuable. Take those lessons and grow.

💖 2. Cultivate Self-Compassion

Be Kind to Yourself: Don’t beat yourself up when things go wrong. Again, something always goes wrong, this is life. Treat yourself with the same kindness you’d offer a friend.

Allow Yourself to Feel: It’s okay to feel. All feelings are valid. Process your emotions, and then gently move forward.

🌍 3. Practice Detachment

Recognize Impermanence: Change is the only constant. Embrace it, and let go of what no longer serves you.

Limit Emotional Investment: Care, but don’t over-invest in things beyond your control.

🧘‍♀️ 4. Strengthen Your Focus on the Present

Engage in Mindfulness: I'm the kind of person who can tend towards combative and destructive, so I have to remember to stay grounded in the now. It’s easy to get stuck in the past, but the present is where your power lies.

Break Tasks into Steps: Focus on what you can do next. Small steps lead to big changes. This sucks but it really works.

💪 5. Develop a Resilient Mindset

Embrace Flexibility: Life’s unpredictable. Be open to change, and adapt when necessary.

Build a Growth Mindset: See challenges as opportunities to grow, not reasons to give up.

🎯 6. Focus on What You Can Control

Act on the Controllable: Identify what you can change and take action. Let go of the rest.

Shift Your Energy: Move from dwelling on the past to creating a better present.

🌸 7. Surround Yourself with Positive Influences

Seek Support: Surround yourself with people who uplift and encourage you. Realistic vibes only. I don't want positive vibes when unwarranted, and don't want negative vibes full-stop.

Limit Negative Inputs: Protect your energy by avoiding negativity, whether it’s people, media, or environments. Emphasis on the media. Don't listen to music with lyrics containing negative messages; they become part of your reality and conditioning.

🚀 8. Set Future-Oriented Goals

Visualize Success: Focus on where you want to go, not where you’ve been. Set your sights on new goals. My past is full of achievements, but I have to move forward and not rest on my laurels.

Take Small Steps: Break your goals into achievable actions. Small wins build momentum.

🏃‍♂️ 9. Engage in Physical Activity

Exercise Regularly: Movement is medicine. It boosts mood and resilience.

Practice Relaxation Techniques: Yoga, meditation, and deep breathing help reduce stress and enhance emotional strength.

🌟 10. Practice Gratitude

Focus on the Positive: Shift your mindset from loss to abundance by regularly acknowledging what you’re thankful for.

Keep a Gratitude Journal: Write down what you’re grateful for each day. It’s a powerful habit.

✨ 11. Accept and Let Go

Acknowledge Closure: Recognize when something is over, and consciously decide to move on.

Perform a Letting-Go Ritual: Do something symbolic to release what’s holding you back. Burn that letter, delete those old texts—whatever it takes.

🌈 12. Embrace the Process

Understand It Takes Time: Moving on fast doesn’t mean rushing your emotions. Heal in your own time, but keep moving forward.

Celebrate Progress: Every step, no matter how small, is a step in the right direction. Celebrate it.

Resilience isn’t about avoiding pain. It’s about bouncing back stronger each time. 💪🌻

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1 year ago


Waking up early can be so beneficial too your daily routine. Sometimes, when we wake up early we aren't sure what exactly to do with all of the time we have on our hands.


BENEFITS OF WAKING UP EARLY Getting an early start to the day can do so many things to improve your routine. Rising early allows you to make the most of your day and feel a sense of accomplishment before bedtime.


Get enough sleep- Making sure you're getting at least 8 hours of quality sleep will ensure you are well rested so your will be ready to rise early.

Just get up- This may be harder than it sounds but just get up. Not thinking about and immediately sitting up once your alarm goes off with help you not feel so drowsy.

LIGHT!- Right when your alarm goes off, open your blinds or turn on a light in your room so your eyes can adjust and help you feel awake.

Different clothes in the morning- After you do your morning skincare, shower, etc. make sure you change into some clothes so you don't feel like you are about to go back to sleep. I know everyone can't do this but this is scientifically proven to help.

Alarms- This one may be controversial but don't set several alarms, this is to make sure you don't automatically go back to sleep since you know you'll have another alarm go off soon.

Water- Immediately when you get up, drink some water, it will help you wake up. I prefer to have a water next to my bed so I can have easy access to my water bottle.



make bed right away

have a mindful breakfast


move your body

plan your day

read/listen to something motivational


stay in pajamas all day

check your phone right away

snooze alarms

skip breakfast

Some good habits to implement into your morning can be things like oil pulling, journaling, moving your body in some way (even if it's light), studying, and more!!

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1 year ago
Tips For Manifesting Your Dream Life
Tips For Manifesting Your Dream Life

tips for manifesting your dream life

this obvi are some tips i've been using as a beginner and everyone's method of manifesting is different but these have helped me so much!!

so i hope you enjoy them, and i hope everything works out for you (i know it will)



if you want it, you got it - think like you already have it

Tips For Manifesting Your Dream Life

"If you want it, you got it." Seriously, repeat it like it's your daily affirmation. The key to mastering the Law of Assumption is to think and act as if your desires are already yours. Picture this: you want that dream job, right? Instead of fretting about how you'll get it, start embodying the mindset of someone who already has it. Visualize yourself strutting into that office like you own the place, crushing every task with confidence, and celebrating your successes like the badass you are! The universe picks up on that energy, and before you know it, you'll be living your dream life.

write it down, write it down, write it down

Tips For Manifesting Your Dream Life

Here's where the REAL magic happens: journaling. Yup, you heard me right. Grab that cute notebook and start jotting down your manifestations like your life depends on it. Write them in the present tense as if they've already come true. Pour your heart and soul into those pages, infusing them with passion and positivity. And here's a pro tip: don't just stop at writing once. Make it a daily habit to revisit your manifestations, adding new ones, tweaking old ones, and basking in the joy of watching them unfold before your eyes. i love my journal so much!!! every morning when i do my daily gratitude i write things that i'm grateful for that i want to manifest and write it as though i already have it and im happy to have it in my life.

i've even been able to go back to old entries and see when manifestations came true!! i manifested the current job im in and moving in with my bf <3

figure out how you manifest best

Tips For Manifesting Your Dream Life

Manifesting isn't a one-size-fits-all kinda thing and it looks different for everybody! Take some time to figure out what works best for you bs this is about YOU. Maybe it's visualization, where you close your eyes and imagine every detail of your dream life with crystal clarity. Or perhaps it's affirmations, where you recite powerful statements that affirm your desires and boost your confidence.

it might even be a combination of different techniques! The key is to experiment, play around, and listen to your intuition. After all, nobody knows your manifesting strategy better than you do. let it come to you, it'll feel right once you find something that makes sense.

Remember, the power to manifest your dreams lies within you, so go forth and create the life you've always dreamed of. You got this!

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1 year ago


i'm obsessed with becoming better and this isn't in a completely selfish way (although it 90% is). i wanted to becoming a better community member. i wanted to show up even more than i knew i could for my loved ones.

i'm becoming more disciplined and sticking to my routines no matter the mood. i'm more diligent with my work. i'm more intentional when reaching out and reaching out more often. i feel so connected and calm and supported.

it's a nice feeling, being able to feel so much love at once. i consider myself very lucky.

subliminal of the week

what’s in?

gratitude journals

creative breaks during the day

visualization techniques

morning affirmations

what's out?

mindless scrolling

skipping stretching

breaking promises to yourself


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