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1 year ago


Waking up early can be so beneficial too your daily routine. Sometimes, when we wake up early we aren't sure what exactly to do with all of the time we have on our hands.


BENEFITS OF WAKING UP EARLY Getting an early start to the day can do so many things to improve your routine. Rising early allows you to make the most of your day and feel a sense of accomplishment before bedtime.


Get enough sleep- Making sure you're getting at least 8 hours of quality sleep will ensure you are well rested so your will be ready to rise early.

Just get up- This may be harder than it sounds but just get up. Not thinking about and immediately sitting up once your alarm goes off with help you not feel so drowsy.

LIGHT!- Right when your alarm goes off, open your blinds or turn on a light in your room so your eyes can adjust and help you feel awake.

Different clothes in the morning- After you do your morning skincare, shower, etc. make sure you change into some clothes so you don't feel like you are about to go back to sleep. I know everyone can't do this but this is scientifically proven to help.

Alarms- This one may be controversial but don't set several alarms, this is to make sure you don't automatically go back to sleep since you know you'll have another alarm go off soon.

Water- Immediately when you get up, drink some water, it will help you wake up. I prefer to have a water next to my bed so I can have easy access to my water bottle.



make bed right away

have a mindful breakfast


move your body

plan your day

read/listen to something motivational


stay in pajamas all day

check your phone right away

snooze alarms

skip breakfast

Some good habits to implement into your morning can be things like oil pulling, journaling, moving your body in some way (even if it's light), studying, and more!!

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10 months ago

How to Be Consistent

Specifically with skin care, hair care, nutrition, and exercise routines.

How To Be Consistent
How To Be Consistent

Don't do it because you want to become beautiful, do it because you want to take care of your body. This mindset may not seem like a big deal when it comes to staying consistent with routines, but it makes more of a difference than you realise!

If you're doing it because you want to become beautiful/glow up/change yourself, then it will be really hard when you don't see the results you're looking for. On those hard days when you don't feel like doing it, you'll think things like "why am I doing this when I'm not getting results?" or "why am I doing this to look good for other people when I know I hate it?". Things like that will not only make you want to stop, it will also make you hate the process and the routine itself.

However, if you do it because you love yourself and want to take care of yourself, it's easier to push yourself to do it on those hard days. Instead of hating the process and giving up, you'll think "I know it's good for me, so I'll do it" or "I know I'll feel better after I do it". And, even if you don't feel like you can complete the whole routine, it's easier to push yourself to do an easier version of it or just do a little bit instead of the whole thing. That's because you know that doing a little bit will make you feel good and taken care of. It's also easier to tell when a routine isn't working for you because success is not determined by how you look, it's determined by how you feel. If you are hating a routine, that means you're doing it wrong and it needs to be changed in a way that makes you feel better. If you try a huge skin care routine but find out that you get overwhelmed by all the products, then simplify it. If you try running on the treadmill at the gym but start dreading the gym because you hate running, try a different form of cardio. If you cut something out of your diet but find that you're miserable everyday because of it, then consider reducing it instead of cutting it out completely. Your routines should feel good to you and be tailored to your preferences. That also helps you to stay consistent, because you are doing exactly what you want to do and what you are comfortable with.

I hope this advice helps! Stay consistent 🤍

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8 months ago
General Improvement

general improvement

how to create routines (and the benefit of creating good routines) emotional intelligence get addicted to real dopamine the importance of mindfulness organization 101 weekend reset meditation microhabits for a better life knowing when to let go how to identify what's keeping you stuck challenging negative self-talk


tips to improve hormonal health how to reduce acne - and what is acne? how to properly wash your face blue light the effect of what (and how) you eat connect with nature bathing hand hygiene oral hygiene why you should take cold showers?


resolving conflict in relationships


how to stay motivated long-term the magic of figuring out your why

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5 months ago

don’t say anything. Just detach.

detachment = less negativity, and a objective mindset.

Dont Say Anything. Just Detach.

detachment: the state of being objective or aloof. When on a self development journey, one of the main goals is to remove negativity from your life, which, is pretty obvious and important.

negativity can cause a bad mindset, and interfere with your goals. So to get rid of negativity, you have to take it out of your life. But, it can be hard when your surrounded by negativity. Especially when it comes in the form of people.

being surrounded by negative people is down right bad. They can inject thoughts into your head that aren’t true. The key to getting rid of this negativity your surrounded by is detaching yourself so you can keep your own positive energy in your own world, and focus on yourself.

focusing on yourself and detaching is the key to being objective, not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.

To get rid of negative, and to focus on yourself and only yourself

you need to detach.

Dont Say Anything. Just Detach.

I cooked real bad with this on y’all

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5 months ago

have a role model.

Have A Role Model.

One tip everyone should have, is to have a role model.

A role model is someone you look up to in a certain way for a specific reason, like for their hardworking mindset, grit or skill.

Having a role model is good for multiple reasons, it gives you someone to look up to and admire, which can inspire and motivate you. My role model is Wonyoung!

How do you find a role model?

firstly, find someone who inspires you, it should be someone you find from something your interested in! For me, I found Wonyoung because I liked kpop, and thought the internet movement Wonyoungism. Secondly, find why this person inspires you. For me, I look up to wonyoung because her beauty radiates, confident and elegant presence. Not only that, but she has a kind, hardworking, intelligent and extremely good mindset! Also known as the lucky Vicky mindset. This gave me an outline for who I wanted to be when improving myself!

and lastly, make a manifesto, or a vison board! Yours can b physically or digital. Personally, I used Pinterest, and I also plan on making a notion manifesto. This will motivate and inspire you when looking at it/reading it! Add pictures of your role model, quotes from them, and their aesthetic. “You are you, I am me.” - 🐰

and you don’t just have to have one role model, you can have multiple if you want! Your role model doesn’t have to be a real person either, they can be a fictional character as well.

Here are some ideas for a role model, real and fictional!

Regina George, ell woods, Rory Gilmore, jia song, marilyn monroe, Wonyoung, Maddy Perez or Alexa Demie.

Let me know about a role model you have in to comments!

Have A Role Model.

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5 months ago

I love loa and I love being a manifester!

I can have anything I want because I simply decided! I have amazing beauty, my dream body, dream life and anything I want, because I simply decided to have it! I’m so amazing! Your amazing!

I Love Loa And I Love Being A Manifester!
I Love Loa And I Love Being A Manifester!
I Love Loa And I Love Being A Manifester!

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