Secret Relationship - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

Hehehehe okay so what if you like wrote a fic about remus lupin x reader. The reader is a teacher (preferably like astronomy) and they're sneaking around together. students are making bets and stuff to see if they'll end up together, some girls just ship them really hard.

They're trying so hard to keep it a secret but they are so bad at it.

Hehehehe Okay So What If You Like Wrote A Fic About Remus Lupin X Reader. The Reader Is A Teacher (preferably

Me @ every guy who isn't a fictional wizard from the 70s ^^

An: This fluff attempt goes out to you, rip


Remus Lupin x Fem!Reader

cw: A lot of kisses and cursing, stapler mishandling



The halls of Hogwarts were filled with hushed whispers and mindless patter of gossip. The newest topic of the year? 

Professor {L/N}, the newest astronomy hire. An Alchemist who perfected her work through star charting. Lupin had recommended you for the post to assist Sinistra. Mostly, however, she was hired on to assist with the newest project under Dumbledore. With your studies in the North Pole, you were tasked with on and off communications with the centaur herd within the Forbidden Forest. Specifically, their astronomy masters. It was easy, given your track record with magical creatures. Creating a bridge of mutual understanding between the professors and the magical creatures. Dumbledore also saw you valuable to both potions and alchemy class; meaning you met a lot of students very fast.

So almost everyone knew you, you ran a tight ship in class, playful and respectful to the students paired with a charming personality, no one could bring themselves to even hate you.

That's probably how the rumors began, truthfully. Who doesn't want their two favorite teachers to end up together?

Much like Lupin, the students adored you. Hermione especially, after learning of your academic achievements of the past, while being a muggleborn witch. 

Your first reaction to seeing him probably don't help. First few steps into your new place of employment and you hurry over to the only face you cared to recognize, and give him a hug and a thank you for the recommendation. 

It wasn't anything big and it wasn't anything of a specifical, but Merlin, was Hogwarts boring. The thrill of gossip seemed to have every student in a choke hold. Some said you were both childhood friends turned lovers, some said you were married and it was a scandalous affair, most of the rumors were just students talking about how perfect you both fit together. 

Your caring, funny, and nurturing behavior, to his stern more rugged form of bonding, you were affectionately dubbed ‘mum and dad.’ 

Never to your face however, and mostly by the first and seventh years. Something about growing shame and losing it in your final days of Hogwarts, remarkable.


“I'm telling you! He looks at her like she is the very stars she teaches us about!” A seventh year sighed dreamily with her friends. She had her chin in her palms and was staring up at the front of class while a few of their classmates took the practical exam. “I wish someone would look at me like that.”

“Really! I haven't seen so much tension between two faculty before! I wouldn't be surprised to find them snogging in the halls!” One of them joked and the other girls laughed.

“Truly, but I saw Professor {L/N} wearing a wedding ring. She took it off and put it in her pocket before class started. I wonder if they are, you know~ Never have I seen Professor Lupin wear one.” She wiggled her eyebrows and the original girl spoke up with a gasp.

“Oh don't you say that! Professor Lupin and Professor {L/N} would never!” She tutted and another voice chimed in, a boy from a seat behind them, making the three turn.

“I heard that they spent Christmas at school together.” Cedric cheeked and the three girls gasped and began to murmur among themselves about it, before Lupin clapped his hands.

He found it a bit amusing, he had let them continue that far. This is what his classes have become, listening to the students muttering about him and you, seeing how close they could possibly get to the truth. Remus, at a fault, was a gossip. He learned to love the thrill of rumors from Sirius and James, but what was better than rumors about you and a colleague? Rumors about you and a colleague that were so close to the truth.

“Right now! Who's next?”

The rest of the class went smoothly, everyone finished their exams and the classroom began to file out. As Lupin got comfortable in his seat, his door peaked open.

“If you are here for tutoring, please note my hours are posted on the door, this first hour has been reserved already.” Lupin called out from his chair, head leaned back. 

“Tutoring, hm?” A song-like voice rang out from the door. He slowly smirked and leaned forward, eyes locking onto yours. You were holding a box of Merlin knows what, walking straight up to his desk with that beautiful smile. 

“Is that so unbelievable?” He teased, voice lower as he stood up and walked around his desk. Looking over your shoulder to peek into the box, seeing several random objects, including a stapler, a retractable ruler, a metal pointing stick, and other random muggle things.

“Oh, totally. I think I remember you almost lost it when Peter asked for your notes.” You teased him and he chuckled, his breath brushing against your neck. He admired the way you seemed to not flinch, but melt into his proximity. 

“Peter was a terrible student.” He mumbled and you laughed, his hand slipping around your waist and leaning down to kiss the side of your neck. You laughed harder and squirmed away. 

“Hands to yourself. Now, show me where I can hide this contraband.” You lifted the box and shook it a bit. “The things they allow in muggle schools! Hmph!” You mused and he laughed, walking you up to his office and to the far back near a storage closet. He opened the door for you and you set the box down, looking around curiously.

The room was small, but big enough for four people to stand in it comfortably. The walls were covered in shelves filled with items from all over the school years, you ran your finger along one of the shelves and let the dust collect.

“What's on your mind, hm?” Lupin mused and you turned to smirk at him.

“Just wondering where they are hiding the really bad stuff. Still in Filtch’s closet?” You hummed as he stepped into the small room with you. His eyes looked you over and you gave him a look.

“Why's that, darling?”

“Just curious, out of all the things in that closet,” You hummed as Remus wrapped his arms around your middle and pulled you against him. Your fingers dancing along his shirt collar. “Wonder how many of them were from you and that little gang of yours.” You hummed and he laughed.

Leaning down, he pressed his lips to yours. It was chaste and sweet. He loved moments like this, away from everyone, where he could love you properly. He gave a hum as you got on your toes and wrapped your arms around his shoulders, pulling him down as he pulled you closer.


“I truly don't  think they have something going on. It's maddening really! The whole school seems to see it but me!” Ron groaned as he walked down the hall with Harry and Hermione, seemingly offended at the idea that the new Astronomy teacher was dating or even had interest in Lupin.

"I wouldn't put too much stock in rumors about someone's love life, Ronald," Hermione retorted, rolling her eyes.

“Yeah, sorry Ron, but you're kind of…” Harry rolled his wrists and Ron narrowed his eyes.

“Kind of what?” 

“Kind of..” Harry trailed off.

“Kind of a complete idiot when it comes to love.” Hermione finally snapped, hugging her books to her chest. “Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to meet Professor Lupin.” She huffed and stomped off.

Ron was left standing there like an idiot, looking over at Harry. 

“What did I do?”

Harry tried to hide his smile and patted Ron's shoulder to urge him along and out of the halls.


The kiss had grown a bit heated, Remus pushed you deeper into the closet as he muttered about how badly he needed to have you in his arms. How much he loved you, how he wanted you closer, so impossibly close.

You, of course, returned the sentiment. He was made for your hands it seemed, every moment he wasn't between them made you yearn for just another hour of listless cuddles or moments like this. Sneaking away from responsibilities to show your love and devotion to one another. 

If only it could last longer-

“Professor Lupin?” Hermione's voice called out into his office. Remus cursed and you quickly stumbled back. He cleared his throat, shuffling through the confiscated objects, to find anything he could snag. 

“I'll be out in a moment!” He called back as you fixed his tie and ruffled shirt, he grabbed the first thing he spotted and stole another quick kiss from you before leaving the room.

You leaned against a shelf and watched from the crack of the door in amusement as Lupin hurried to his desk.

“Ms. Granger, I am terribly sorry, is it possible for us to reschedule?” Remus pressed and looked at what he had in his hand.

A stapler.

Why on earth did he grab a stapler?

Quickly he sat at his desk and pulled out a few assignments. Grabbing some he had already graded and began to staple them together. 

Hermione was no fool and he knew that, she stared at him in bewilderment, slowly putting her hands on her books tighter. “Uhm, Professor? Isn't that the stapler Professor {L/N} confiscated from Creevey?” 

Lupin began to staple things a bit quicker, waving her off. 

“Yes, Ms. Granger, I think it would be, but I did borrow it from the confiscated,” He weaned on, collected and poised, a bit too good at putting up a face. Everytime you two have almost been caught, he's shown this side. 

“Why would you possibly need a stapler?” He asked in disbelief.

“To.. staple?” He lifted his eyebrow at her. “I do appreciate your curiosity, but I assure you this is none of your concern.” He spoke idley, having opened the stapler and pressed the top down against the pages and his table. Hermione seemed appalled at the misuse. 

“Now, if you'll please allow me to pick another time-” Before he could finish his statement, he attempted to raise his hand, only for his wrist to be locked in place. He looked down, just to see he had stapled his own sleeve to the desk under a few pages of paper. 

You had to cover your mouth and so did Hermione.

“Uhm, on second thought, sir, I think I'll spend my study hour in the library.” She slowly smirked, turning to briskly walk away.

Remus slowly sunk his face into his hands, the second his classroom door was closed he waved his hand to shut his office door. Only for the room to be filled with your laughter.

You walked out of the room, holding your sides as Lupin lost his front and stared at you with flushed cheeks.

“Not a word-”

“No! No please!” You wheezed out. “Several! Several words must be had!” You doubled over his desk, struggling to get the staple from his sleeves, when you finally managed, you were throwing your head back absolutely lost in boisterous laughter.

Remus wasn't even mad. How could he be? You looked so damn happy. So giddy with joy at the embarrassing show he put on. Quickly, he stood, walking around his desk with a purpose and grabbed your cheeks. You were still struggling to catch your breath as he playfully scoffed at you.

“Not very polite, Professor {L/N}.” He taunted and you grabbed his biceps and clung to him to try and clam down. It didn't help when he leaned down and began to pepper kisses all over your hot face. 

“Mercy!” You wheezed and he shook his head.

“What happened to all those words, Professor?” He teased and you shook your head, giggling as he absolutely mawled you with his lips.


The Grandhall was lively with the buzz of Sirius Black’s attacks. Managing to get into the Gryffindors’ common room was a feat that bewildered everyone.

However, what everyone was truly talking about was how he broke into the astronomy tower and Professor {L/N}’s office. It had managed to get out that Sirius Black himself left you a note that Dumbledore promptly confiscated. More accurately, the conversation was about how unbothered you were about the news.

That, and how a certain professor reacted to that news. 

He had gone down to the commons with McGonagall to check on Harry and the other students. Only when Flitwick came up in a rush and announced the break in and how you were nowhere to be found, the students watched in horror and shock as Lupin pulled his wand and ran from the towers at a speed they couldn't determine was truly human.

He found you soon after, running down the hall towards the Gryffindor tower, also looking for Harry. He stopped and pulled you into a tight hold no one could see. You were confused at first, but you eventually melted into him. You two were spied on by none other than Colin Creevey, who snapped a photo and was showing it around the lunch table. 

“See! I knew it! What a romantic! Ran straight to her in the face of danger?” One of the seventh years swooned and Ron scoffed.

“I don't get it, it's just two people hugging.” He mumbled and began to poke at his food, the twins giving each other a look before they rushed to tease Ron.

“Two people hugging,” Fred started.

“Hands below the waist!” George chimed in, holding up the photo as if to emphasize his point, gesturing to where Lupin's hands were holding you so tight your heels were slightly off the ground.

“Oh, how scandalous.” Fred concurred and Ron rolled his eyes.

“I hug Hermione, does that make us secretly married?” Ron pushed and Hermione quickly looked down at her book in a slight flush. 

“You wish.” George snickered and Fred clapped his hand on Ron's back, making him cough on his potatoes.

“Really, Ronald dearest, you wouldn't know the difference. You hardly know how to hold a girl now.” He teased and George nodded along.

“You'll get there one day, brother. For now you'll have to trust us.”

“This,” They both pointed this time.

“Is not a normal hug.” Both of them spoke at the same time.

Angelica finally spoke up. “Given the context, that man is whipped. Even if nothing is happening now, he is so in love it's humbling.” She got up and gathered her Quidditch gear.

“Come on boys.”

“Right behind you.” Fred purred and earned himself a look from her over her shoulder, George laughed as the three of them hurried off. Leaving the photo for Ginny to pick up.

“Oh yeah, there is absolutely no platonic explanation for this.” She hummed and tossed it to the center of the table, Neville shrugged, no wanting to contribute. 

“I think that whatever is happening between those two, it's clear they care about each other.” Hermione hummed and Harry finally agreed. Suddenly, he looked at his friends with a look of absolute mischief.

“Do you know how we can find out?” He mused and Hermione gave a groan and Ron shot up in his seat.


Harry smirked and pulled out the map the twins had gifted him, showing it off to his friends with a cocky smirk. You had caught him with it days ago, and simply zipped your lips and walked away.

“If they are meeting anywhere, it's likely the astronomy tower.”


Now.. the plan didn't go exactly as planned.

“And I simply can not comprehend how all three of you continue to be the only Gryffindors I've had to reprimand this year!” Lupin’s voice filled the otherwise silent and empty Defense Against The Dark Arts classroom. Unfortunately for the trio, who were out far past curfew, Lupin just so happened to be on his way to the Astronomy tower when he spotted them seemingly just on time for his arrival.

“What about my brothers?” Ron muttered before Hermione shot him a look, elbow jabbing his side.

“Ronald.” She hissed.

The entirety of Hogwarts Valley had been buzzing with the news of Sirius Black’s newest escapade into the castle and Lupin could not comprehend why the three thought it was a good idea to do everything but what they were told. 

“Safety comes first and for me to find you lot outside of your dorms with a murder on the loose? With this bloody-” Lupin began to lift the map before his eyes snapped up at the sound of his door opening. He quickly shut his mouth when he saw you peak into the dark space.

“Remus?” You called out, before you paused and stared at the four infront of you. Your mind firing off a million excuses in quick succession. “Oh, I was unaware you had company.”

Lupin sighed and rubbed his face, seeming to untangle himself from the thralls of his anger. It wasn't uncommon for you two to find eachother late at night like this, but was certainly not the greatest idea of his yet- reprimanding the trio when he knew you'd be coming. As you always did when he didn't meet you at the Astronomy tower as promised. His favorite part of the end of a stressful day was a night full of whispers, stories and playful remarks. Reminiscing on your school years while recreating some memories long forgotten after the war. This time, not in his dorm, but his office or your room. “It's quite alright. I can still review your lesson plans.”

He was a terrifyingly good liar. That should not be attractive.

“Right. I will be in your office, Lupin.” You remarked and began to walk past the group of three who looked at you like you might save them. Sorry kiddos- he was grumpy enough as it was. 

You gave them a grimace, glancing at the map before quickly looking away with wide eyes and hurrying over to the office. Lupin caught the look and held up his hand. “Stop.”

You squeezed your eyes shut and slowly turned to face him. Giving him your adorable nervous look that you knew didn't work on him- well, you tried.

He made a come hither motion and you walked over, ready to be lectured like the kids beside you. He held up the map and you gave a nervous smile. 

“What? However, did you find this, Harry? This is supposed to be in Flinch’s office!” You gave the worst and most unbelievable fake disappointed tone, hands on your hips and frowning down at the three. You struggled not to smile as Harry gave a small one, before laughing a bit. Hermione covered her face in a mix of fluster and secondhand embarrassment. Ron was grinning ear to ear. 

“{L/N}...” Lupin warned and you huffed.

“You got me in trouble with the big boss here, Harry.” You teased and he finally cracked his lips into a brighter smile. You looked back at Remus and slowly interlocked your fingers in front of your lips, as if it did anything to hide your face. “In my defense-”

“You three are dismissed.” He mused quickly and slammed the paper on the table beside him. You tried your best to hide your smile. It was hard to take him seriously when you have seen him panic and staple his sleeve to a desk. The trio hurried to shuffle out, Harry sent you a greatful look and you simply winked at him. Something Remus rolled his eyes at.

“Did you see Harry with the map?” He asked in a stern tone when the kids left. You looked away and tried to look a little regretful. 

“It's very possible.” 

“And you didn't think to take it?” He asked in an incredulous tone.

“I mean, it certainly crossed my mind.” You slowly stopped hiding your smile and looked back to the taller man who was taking a few steps into your space.

“And you didn't?” He pushed.

“Well, in all fairness, Rem. It is technically his.” You snarked back finally and Remus gave a bitter laugh. 

“Professor {L/N}, did you think that maybe if this map fell into the wrong hands it could cause a serious danger to Harry?” He pushed and you clicked your tongue. You knew who he was talking about. A conversation you've had a million times, well, more an argument. It got worse when he heard of the note.

He was so willing to believe Sirius Black to be a killer, while you believed Sirius could bring himself to the point of ending someone's life, James Potter was more than a human to him. Even with his plea of guilty, you couldn't believe it. James, Lily, and Harry? You would stake your life on it. He was innocent.

It was what you were looking for, an explanation, hopefully that was what the note was for. But unlike your communications with the magical creatures of the forest, Dumbledore was not so willing to give up information when he had it. The old prick-

“I hate when we talk about this.” You huffed in honesty and leaned back on one of the desks of the room. He sighed through his nose and pinched the bridge that connected it to his forehead. “Honey-”

“Ah ah ah! Honey is for marriage.” You mused and he did his best to fight the smile growing on his face. Easily letting you steer the conversation from his own negative thoughts, he hated being upset around you. “That so?”

“It's very so. More so than most so’s.” You hummed and he blinked a few times at you before he couldn't help but smirk. 

“Give me my mother's ring back then.” He mused and held out his hand. You have a faux gasp. 

“Excuse you, sir. I seem to remember your mother telling you this belonged to me.” 

“When we were 18!” He challenged, letting himself fall victim to your antics. Like school children. “And last I checked, your reaction was less then pleasant.”

“We had been dating for a year and I was going to the North Pole in my defense, tart boy.” You scoffed and cringed at the memory. How you practically fall out of your chair when Hope made a comment about her ring. 

“Tart boy?”

“Tart boy.”

“I'll show you a tart boy.” He scoffed and took your cheeks. You giggled like a goofball, grabbing his lapels and trying to pull him closer. He smirked at you and kept his distance.

“Remus-” You huffed and glared at him a bit. His smirk only grew as he reached into your pocket, pulling out the modest gem. You rolled your eyes fondly and held out your hand for him, he slipped the ring back in its rightful place.

“Sorry, call me old fashioned. But I'd like to kiss my fiancé, not my coworker.” He teased and you couldn't help but laugh. 

“You absolute sap.”

“Hard not to be.” He mumbled and leaned in, finally kissing you. Both your eyelids lowered but he held eye contact. So much affection bumbling in your chests, it was too much to look away. Eventually, you gave into your shyness, closing your eyes. He slowly pushed your knees apart and slipped between them, making your face grow hot.

He pulled away at this and you huffed, he smirked at you when you looked back up at him. “Hey, sir, your lips on mine again. It's a marital duty and all that jazz.”

“Thought we had to be married for marital privileges, honey?” 

“Oh don't use anything I say around you against me, I can hardly think.”

He bellowed out a laugh at your mischievous look up at him. Slowly biting your lip as you struggled to keep your confident act up.

“Whatever will I do with you, {L/N}?”

“Well, I have a few ideas.” You hummed and began to fiddle with his tie. He curled an eyebrow and you looked forward, looking up at his hazel eyes with a playful pout. “Kiss me again. I promise, you keep my lips occupied, no more bad behavior.”

“Because you won't be able to talk?” 


“What in the world!?” You suddenly heard from the far corner of the room. Your face filled with shock and snapped over to see an empty corner, you could of sworn you heard Ronald just a moment ago.

 Remus quickly moved from between your legs and waved his wand, yanking off the invisibility cloak to reveal an appalled Ron, a delighted Harry, and a flustered Hermione.

“Bloody hell!” Remus boomed and you covered your mouth and looked away. Doing your best not to laugh.

“Yes, mum and dad do kiss when the kids are away.” You cheeked and Remus looked at you like you had just made some grand offense to his ears.

Hermione giggled and Harry’s smile grew ten fold.

Ron, however, seemed very displeased.

“I owe the twins so much money.”

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3 years ago

we already knew, but thanks for telling us (cu one shot - not canon in cu timeline)

Beth and Simon sat on Beths bed, holding hands. It'd been a few months since they started dating, keeping it on the downlow from their friends with all the shit coming their way as of recently.

"You think it's time to tell them? Y'know, it's been two months, things have seemed to calm down.." Simon mumbled, rubbing Beths knuckles with his thumb.

"If you're alright with it.." Beth mumbled back, leaning into Simon.

"C'mon my love." He sighed, kissing their forehead as he stood up.

Beth whined as Simon pulled her off of the bed, having had still been sore from fighting off a demon earlier in the day.

"I know it hurts, little one. But you'll heal soon enough, perks of being a vampire, correct?" He said, Beth nodded, leaning into him.

The first person they were thinking of telling was Joseph, whom had already been suspicious of the two but they both kept shutting him down.

"Hello my friends, how are you feeling?" Joseph asked as they approached him.

"We're fine, Jos. We actually have something to tell yo-"

"It's one of these things, one of you is dying somehow, you're pregnant, bex got pregnant by magic, or, the obvious one, you're dating."


the two stood there staring at their grinning friend, at least he got one thing right..

"How'd you-"

"You two aren't subtle. I'm pretty sure we've all seen the slight changes in your relationship.."

The red head stared at his two friends, seemingly closer than before. He knew something was up with the way they've been dealing with things, they would sneak off together, they would offer to ride with each other instead of Beth going with Etie.

Something had changed, and it seemed to be for the better. Joseph saw how Simon looked at her, it was like she hung the stars in the sky, like she was the sun to his dark, dark sky.

He knew, and he was proud of Simon for finally being vulnerable

Beth and Simon looked at Joseph as he hummed,

"I'm very happy and proud of you two. I love you both dearly, and Beth if you ever hurt him-"

Simon grabbed Joseph's hand, and Beth smiled

"I'd never dream of it."

Joseph then went to go find Bex to tell him the news as Beth and Simon went to find their next friend, Helen.

She was going to be ecstatic.

The two made their way to the living room, seeing Helen sprawled out on one of the chairs with her phone.

"How can I be of service to the two of you?" She asked.

"....We have something to tell you.." Beth said.

Helen sat up and looked at her.

"What is it? You can always tell me anything you know."

Beth looked at Simon and he nodded,

"We're together, we have been for a about two months now. And we just haven't told anyone yet because we were trying to figure it all out being saying anything."

Helen was silent as she looked between one of her best friends and her now boyfriend.

Her eyes watched as Beth and Simon danced around the backyard as Joseph and Bex sang to karaoke. She was weary of this, Simon was proven to have a temper at times and as everyone knew, he could blow up at any given moment.

Yes, they're close with Simon. Yes, they care about Simon.

But, if he ever did anything to harm her in any way, shape, or form, it would Helen, Cameron, and Etie he would have to deal with.

"That's amazing! I'm so proud n happy for the two of you!" She smiled.

"Thank you, Helen. We've knew you'd react the most positive." Beth smiled at his friend.

"Ah, yes. But, you-" she said, pointing at Simon.


"You do anything to cause her harm, you're gonna have me, Cameron, and Etie to deal with. Understand?"

Simon nodded,

"Loud n clear."

She gave him a smile as she pulled the two into a hug.

Beth and Simon walked off to tell their next friend as Helen went on to text Etie about the situation.

They found Carter in Cameron's room with Cam, chilling on his bed.

"Oh hey! When did you two get in here?" Carter smiled, sitting up some.

"Just now, don't worry."

"What's up?" Cameron asked.

"We have a bit of information to tell you."

"Which is?"

"That we're dating."

Carters face lit up,

"I knew it! I fucking called it! For how long?"

"Two months now, I believe." Simon answered.

"I knew this would happen eventually, to be completely honest I thought it would have happened sooner.." Cam said.

Cameron watched as his friend stared at the dark haired boy in all his glory, covered in blood and sweat. Even then she still thought he was beautiful.

He watched as she smiled as he sang to her, he watched as she saw him breakdown and fix himself back up again. He calmed her down after Simon said the words that broke her heart, he watched as they found their way back to each other after she and their friend had been taken.

He watched them fall in love.

"Yeah, pretty sure everyone thought that." Carter chuckled, patting Cameron the back

Beth smiled back to her but Simon was a bit confused,

"What do you mean?"

"What our dear Carter was saying is-" they heard Etie start from behind them

"-we've known from the very start." Bex finished.

Beth and Simon stood there, a bit shocked. They thought they had done pretty well keeping their relationship on the low.

"You two aren't subtle with your feelings." Gray said.

"Now as a celebration, who's hungry."

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2 years ago

If you are still taking requests, I would love to see headcanons about Erwin being in a secret relationship with a (scout) reader and then how he reacts when people find out, I think it would be funny XD (also idk what genders you write for but if you could write this for a male or gender neutral reader that would be great 💞)

Totally no pressure though, feel free to ignore this if it’s not to your liking ^^

Erwins reaction to everyone finding out about your secret relationship


If You Are Still Taking Requests, I Would Love To See Headcanons About Erwin Being In A Secret Relationship

He wanted to keep your relationship a secret so that it wouldn't disrupt with your work, also because you both knew a certain glasses wearer would freak the fuck out. And it was certain that you were both not mentally prepared for that moment.

You both knew you couldn't hide it forever, it was hard enough to spend quality time with one another due to the sheer amount of work that you had to do. Especially with Erwin as a Commander and you as a Lieutenant, you only really saw each other in meetings and it was really starting to bother both of you.

It was late at night when you headed down to the empty hall to get your dinner. However, you didn't expect to see Erwin there either eating his missed dinner. You both ate together and enjoyed each others company, not knowing when the next time you will be able to do this will be.

You were both sharing a kiss when the main doors opened, you both broke apart in hopes that no one saw, but that was not the case.

The most high pitched scream erupted throughout the hall, waking every single person up.


It was a surprise to say the least. Due to Hange's god awful screaming, large swarms of people began to appear in the hall to see what all the noise was about. You both just sat there, red in the face and not knowing what to do.

Immediately, people began to realise what was happening. Hange was in a burst of energy and was running laps around the premises whilst continuing her excited screaming.

Levi soon appeared and was not happy with the fact that Hange was right.

"You stupid brats! You just cost me most of my savings aswell as the fact that shitty four-eyes was right!" He was so angry.

As much as he didn't want to admit it though, he was happy to see you two together and happy as one.

"WHEN IS THE WEDDING!? Oh lord, I need to buy my dress! Petra let's go, we are going DRESS SHOPPING!!" God bless the walls she needs to calm down. All the shops were closed due to the fact that it was nearly 1AM and the nearest town was miles away. That didn't stop her though, she stayed all night and purchased a dress.

Everyone was shocked that the Commander and Lieutenant were in a relationship. This was the most exciting gossip that they had heard in months. This was definitely shocking.

Soon enough, to both of your reliefs, Levi literally kicked everybody put of the hall so that you could spend some time together.

You looked at Erwin and you both could not help the smiles appearing on your faces. It was sooner than you would have likes your relationship to be made public, and it was not announced in the most ideal way. However, it felt like a massive relief to be able to be seen with each other and not arouse suspicion.

"Can you guys not kiss in front of me? That's fucking disgusting."

The next day...

Hange came back with both her and Petra's bridesmaid dresses. You kept telling her that you weren't getting married, your relationship was just made public.

She wasn't having it.

"Y/N, I don't care. I have my dress and am expecting an invitation pronto!" Looks like your having a wedding now.

What you didn't know was that she got specially made dresses for Sawney and Bean.

Tags :
5 months ago

Overheard at the BAU

Emily, smiling at her phone

Tara: "are you dating someone?"

Emily, distracted: "yeah"

Tara: "What's his name?"

Emily: "His? ...uhm... Datlef?"

Tara: " the fuck were you a spy?"

Tara turns to face JJ: "That's who you're choosing? Seriously?"

Tags :
2 years ago

I have some thoughts for Ari. I'm seeing a big guy that doesn't talk much around anyone else, but somehow you disarm him enough that he does talk to you. Biker, mob enforcer or some other job in which he's scary to most everyone but kind, sweet, and thoughtful for you. Nobody would believe you if you told them what he's like around you. He's always looking for new ways to take care of you.

omg i'm so excited to make my ari debut.

Walnut Handshakes

I Have Some Thoughts For Ari. I'm Seeing A Big Guy That Doesn't Talk Much Around Anyone Else, But Somehow


As a group of bounty hunters, you travel the country tracking down the scum of society. It's a tough job, and Ari's a tough leader - but when he's alone with you, he can drop the big, scary front and be himself.

Content Warning: Bounty Hunter!Ari x Reader, mature themes, semi-secret relationship, fluff, smut (soft!dom!ari x bratty!sub!reader, oral f receiving, penetrative sex, praise kink)

I Have Some Thoughts For Ari. I'm Seeing A Big Guy That Doesn't Talk Much Around Anyone Else, But Somehow

The flickering fireplace keeps the small pub warm, making the cold night somewhat bearable. The company helps, too, making anywhere feel like home with their familiar voices and knowing smiles. It's a rough job and a rougher life, but having a group of like-minded souls to call your family helps you through nights like this one.

If a stranger passed by and happened to take a glance, he probably wouldn't have much to say on the dynamics of your family. To him, it'd look like a mismatched crowd of criminals and societal outcasts, banding together to share a few drinks. He wouldn't notice the safety you feel when Mikael hands you a beer. The warmth that envelops you when Tucker tosses you the last of the edibles.

And he sure as shit wouldn't notice the love in Ari's fleeting glances, because sometimes not even you notice. The others definitely don't, though it's no secret that you and Ari belong to one another.

It's an unspoken fact that you're together, even though you rarely ever show it publicly. As the unofficial leader of the gang, Ari likes to keep an air of fear around him. Says it makes it easier for the others to respect him, and having his arm around you or kissing your hand won't exactly help his tough image.

They don't see the tenderness with which he treats you, and they could never imagine it. Hanson would probably have a heart attack if he ever heard the desperate whines of a post-orgasm Ari, begging you to cuddle him to sleep. Mikael would shit himself if he heard how fluently his cousin spouts poems of love with his dirty mouth.

"We got a biggun tomorrow," Kanika announces lowly as she leans forward, resting her elbows on the table. "Gonna get a lot of money if we bring this guy in alive. That means no lethal force."

"Nik's right," Ari says with a stoic face. "That's why I'm sending in Dice and Y/N alone."

You're slightly surprised by the news. It's difficult for Ari to involve you on missions, let alone on ones he isn't planning on attending himself, but you're pleasantly surprised that he took your argument last week seriously about being too protective over you and treating you like a real member of the group rather than just his girl. Glancing over at Dice, you give her a nod and she smiles back at you. She's the newest member of the family, and the youngest, but she's also the only one who knows her way around every computer system in the world.

"What do you need us to do?" You ask Ari, raising a brow at him from where you're sitting opposite him at the circular table.

After a few minutes pass, you sigh, lightly tapping your finger against the side of your beer. Hoping Ari notices, you sit back, clearing your throat before repeating the subtle action.

"Kripke visits the aquarium every Thursday at 1pm. That's where we're gonna bag him," Kanika informs you. "You and Dice will pose as workers, and I'm sure you can figure out a way to get him into the back in your van. You're smart women."

"And I don't want a repeat of what happened in Michigan," Ari says sternly with a glare, looking around the table at everyone. "You're all competent, so I don't want a single fuckin' mistake tomorrow, from any of you. You hear me?"

The group of nod and a few of the others mumble their agreements, none of you willing to meet his dark eyes. Even you don't look up from the table, knowing it's best not to try and calm him down in front of the others.

"We should head back to the motel," He says gruffly, sitting up. "Get some sleep."

Biting back your smile, you push your chair back while the others lowly agree, standing up and finishing off their beers. You put down your empty bottle before stretching your arms, exhausted after your long day of travelling.

"Are you scared?" Dice questions you as the group of you exit the bar and begin to walk down the sidewalk. "Because I am."

Laughing softly, you brush your arm against hers. "You have nothing to worry about, D. You'll be with me," You assure her. "We'll be in and out of there with Kripke in no time."

The walk to the motel is brief, and soon you're all standing outside the rooms, saying goodnight.

"I'll see you the morning," Dice tells you with a smile, before disappearing to her room.

"Good night, everyone! Love ya!" Tucker calls out with a grin, earning an eye-roll from Ari as he enters his room.

You walk over to Ari and hold your hand out to him, while Kanika and Mikael say goodbye. Ari puts his hand in yours and you wrap your fist around his thumb, before shaking it up and down. That's the furthest he'll go with touching you in public, but you love your walnut handshakes.

"Why do you call me that?" He asked you bluntly one night over a year and a half ago, months before he admitted to having feelings for you.

"Because you're my walnut," You told him coyly, making his eyes roll. With a sigh, you slid down the bench until your thigh touched his. Turning to him, you smiled. "Muhammed Ali classified people into fruits and nuts. Pomegranates are people who are hard on the outside, and hard on the inside. You like to think that you're a pomegranate, but you're not. Walnuts are hard on the outside, soft on the inside. That's you. My walnut."

He let out a grunt as his brows furrowed. "Don't call me that," He ordered you sternly.

"What are you gonna do about it, Mr. Levinson?" You asked him teasingly, taking his hand. Ari tried to pull out of your grip, admittedly not that hard, but you clinged onto his thumb, shaking it up and down with an accomplished grin. "Now we have our own handshake, walnut."

"Shut up," He huffed before pulling his hand out of yours and storming off.

"Good night, guys," Mikael calls out to you both while Ari leads you into your shared motel room.

The second the door shuts behind him, Ari pulls you in by your waist and plants his lips on yours in a deep kiss. He kisses you and his kiss tells you that he missed you all day; missed having you close, missed touching you inappropriately, missed clinging onto you. His wandering hands tell you that he's been fighting a boner for the last three hours watching you drink and dance in that bar, doing his best not to stare at you so obviously.

"Ari," You whimper into his mouth as he presses your body to his, making you feel hot and frustrated.

He pulls away from the kiss, cupping your cheeks in his big, rough hands. His blue eyes shine into yours, and for the first time all day, he smiles. "Hi, baby."

You can't help but giggle, still shy even after all this time together. "Hi, Ari," You reply with a mumble, grabbing fistfuls of his shirt.

"C'mere," He mutters, taking your hand and leading you over to the bed. The two of you sit down and he reaches into the nightstand, from where he pulls out a small box.

"What is it?" You ask excitedly as he hands it to you.

"Open it," Ari whispers, pulling you onto his lap.

With a racing heart, you open the black box to see a gorgeous gold necklace with the letter A hanging in the middle. You beam at him, immediately wrapping your arms tightly around him. "I love it! I love you!" You exclaim, pulling away to look back down at it. "Put it on me!"

He happily does so, smiling widely as he closes the clasp around your neck, his fingers brushing against your sensitive skin and making you shiver.

"Why did you get me it?" You inquire. "You know you don't need to buy me gifts."

His eyes meet yours and he pulls you closer. "It's been a year," He reveals with a whisper.

Your heart skips a beat. "It has?" You ask, feeling nauseous.

"You don't remember," Ari says with a smirk. "Don't worry, baby."

"It's just... you never officially asked me to be your girlfriend or anything. It just... happened," You say with a confused frown.

"So, you thought we'd never have an anniversary?" He questions you with a raised brow.

You let out a breathy scoff. "What date are you even going off of?" You ask him.

He cups your cheek and gives you a soft kiss. "A year ago, on this day, May 10th, is when we first said I love you."

Taken aback, your eyes widen. "Really?"

"Really," He confirms.

"And you remembered, walnut?" You ask, bewildered.

"Of course I remembered, nutcracker," He chuckles. "I'll never forget. Best day of my life."

You pout. "I didnt get you anything."

"And you don't ever need to. You are more than enough," Ari tells you earnestly, before a smirk grows on his lips. "But I did want something."

"Yeah?" You ask expectantly.

"I'm not much of a jewellery guy, though, so I just..." He trails off before unbuttoning his shirt, pulling it off and tossing it to the side. Then, he shows you his right arm. Just below his shoulder is a tattoo of your name, under which is a tattooed drawing of your eyes.

Your hand flies up to your mouth as you gasp, taking in the sight. Ari has a few pieces of ink spattered across his arms and body, but never did you imagine he'd get anything for you.

"Ari," You whisper, utterly baffled. "How did... when did you get that?"

"This morning while you were out for your run with Tucker," He informs you proudly. "I went with Hanson."

You can hardly take your eyes off the gorgeous ink, absolutely delighted by it. Feeling closer to him than ever, and feeling guilty for not having got him anything in return, you hold his face in your hands and look at him seriously. "Ari," You begin lowly. "You can put it in my ass tonight."

He laughs heartily at that, grabbing you by the waist and tossing you onto the bed before getting on top of you. "As incredible as that sounds, baby, you have a big day tomorrow and I don't want you being too sore," He tells you before his eyes darken. "So tonight, I'm gonna bury myself in that sweet little pussy of yours. She's much better at taking my thick cock."

You bite your lip at his words, instinctively spreading your legs apart for him to lay in between. Ari gives your neck a kiss while he unbuttons your loose shirt and gently takes it off of you.

"I love you so much," He mumbles as he reaches under you to open your bra clasp one-handed before pulling it off. "Let me show you how much, baby."

Your arms stretch up above your body as you allow him full access to you, trusting him to treat you well. He pulls down your shorts and your panties come down with them, making him grin as his eyes darken.

"Already so wet for me, bunny," Ari growls, lowering down until his face is between your legs. He lightly kisses the sensitive skin of your inner thighs, making your back arch with anticipation. "Be patient for me, my pretty girl. Let daddy take his time with you."

"Ari, I swear to God," You whine, bucking your hips up. "Don't be such a fuckin' tease."

Chuckling, Ari runs his tongue between your wet folds. The taste of you drives him insane and he can't help but dive right in, suckling on your throbbing clit. One of his hands reach up to your chest, where he runs the pads of his fingers over your hard nipple before pulling and twisting it. His other hand joins his mouth in playing with your pussy as his fingers find your tight hole before gently pushing their way in.

"Oh, daddy," You cry, pulling on his silky hair. "Just like that."

He lowers his tongue to you entrance and fucks into you with it, his nose brushing against your clit. His bright eyes are on you; watching as you come undone for him. It doesn't take long for the pressure to build up within your core, making you pull on his hair harder.

"Don't fuckin' stop," You demand desperately as your legs shake around him. "Don't stop, daddy."

And he doesn't. He brings his thumb up to rub your clit faster while eating your sweet pussy, groaning against you. The vibrations of his low voice send you over the edge and with a loud moan, you're cumming all over his face.

"Mmm, that's it," He growls, continuing to lap up your juices. "My good girl."

Once you're convulsing at his touch, Ari gives you a break and crawls back up to you, smiling down at you before giving you a kiss. You can taste yourself on his tongue as it glides across yours, stroking and feeling it.

"Ari," You mumble with a tinge of frustration.

"What is it, bunny?" He mumbles with an arrogant smirk.

"Come on," You whine, pulling on the hem of his jeans.

"What do you want, hmm?" He asks you teasingly. "Tell me."

"Stop being difficult," You complain with a pout. "Just give it to me."

"Stop being such a brat, then," Ari says firmly, taking hold of your chin. "Come on, baby. It's only me. Tell me what you want from me."

A whimper leaves your mouth, but you know he can last longer than you in this game. So, you give in. "I want your cock," You whisper.

"And where do you want it, bunny?" He murmurs as his lips brush against yours.

"In- in my pussy," You say coyly, looking up at him with wide eyes.

He smiles, giving you a kiss. "See? Was that so bad?"

"You're so annoying," You huff, pushing his chest.

"What was that? You don't want me to fuck you tonight?" Ari asks with a frown. "You don't wanna feel my cum deep inside you?"

"No, daddy, I'm sorry," You drag out, as much as it pains you.

He lets out a content sigh, grinning at your words. "Such an adorable little bunny. See how easy it is to be a good girl?" He asks you with a raised brow. "Good girls get fucked real nice, and you know what bad girls get?"

You shake your head.

"Bad girls get spanked and sent to bed," He tells you through a clenched jaw.

Your eyes light up at the prospect of getting spanks, but he narrows his eyes at you.

"Don't get any funny ideas, dummy," Ari warns you. "Remember last time I sent you to sleep with a sore ass and a wet pussy? You didn't talk to me for three days."

"Because you didn't let me cum!" You shoot.

"Because you were being a bad girl," He adds coldly. "Now, you wanna know how tonight's gonna go?"

Silently, you nod.

"Tonight, you're gonna be daddy's good little bunny, and you're gonna bounce on my cock until we both cum," He tells you lowly. "I'm gonna treat you real nice. But only if you're a good girl. Can you be a good girl for me?"

With a smile, you push him onto his back and climb on top of him, straddling his hips. "I can be a good girl, daddy," You promise sweetly.

He strokes your cheek, smiling warmly back at you. "That's my beautiful girl. C'mon. My cock's nice and hard for you."

You open his belt buckle and pull it off, before unzipping his jeans and tugging them off of his legs, along with his boxers. His cock twitches in mid-air, hard and leaking with pre-cum. You take hold of the base and sit on it, teasingly rubbing it between your folds.

"Fuck, baby," Ari groans. "You're so fuckin' wet. Put me inside."

You shiver as his shaft brushes against your clit, and take a deep breath before guiding it to your entrance. Slowly, you sink down onto his cock, wincing once he's fully in and your thighs are resting on his waist.

He shudders, before reaching up to cup your face. "You okay, baby?" He asks you with a whisper.

"Y- yeah," You say after a few seconds, your eyes fluttering shut as you get used to his invasion. His cock is deep inside you, stretching you out and brushing against your cervix with every breath you take.

Once you're ready, you slowly lift your hips up before coming back down, making him groan. "Oh, that's it," Ari groans. "That's my girl, keep going."

You eventually build up a rhythm once the pleasure overtakes the pain and discomfort of his thick cock, riding him as your tits bounce. His hands rest on your waist and he thrusts his hips up every so often, fucking into you hard as his eyes roll back.

"That's my good bunny," He grunts, reaching up to play with your tits. "Such a good girl for daddy."

You moan at his praise, getting off on his sweet words. Your fingers brush over his tattoo and a wide smile grows on your lips as your heart blooms.

"Ari?" You begin, leaning down and cupping his cheeks.

He picks up the slack, wrapping his arms around your waist and thrusting up into you as his eyes burn into yours. "Yeah, baby?"

"I love you," You whisper, moaning when he hits your g-spot. "Fuck, I love you so much, walnut."

"Baby," He whispers through a drunken grin. "I love you. So, so fucking much."

"Yeah?" You ask as his thrusts get faster, the sound of his balls slapping against your ass filling the room. "How much, Ari?"

"More than- fuck, more than anything," He promises as he fucks you harder. "Cum with me, baby, cum with me."

"I'm so close," You cry, digging your nails into his shoulders. "I'm cumming, daddy."

"That's it, that's it," He grunts as he feels you clench around his cock. Seconds later, his cum shoots inside you as his voice becomes weak desperate. "Fuck, I love you, bunny, I love you, I love you."

You fall forward, resting your head on his chest while he gives you a few more sloppy thrusts, shuddering with each one. After a few moments afterglow bliss, he slowly pulls out of you, making you whimper.

He kisses the top of your head and gently strokes your back. "I love you," He repeats softly.

"I love you more, walnut," You reply weakly, hugging him tight. "Happy anniversary."

"Happy anniversary, baby," Ari mumbles as his eyes flutter shut. "Here's to a million more."

I Have Some Thoughts For Ari. I'm Seeing A Big Guy That Doesn't Talk Much Around Anyone Else, But Somehow

there you have it! my first ever ari fic. lemme know what you thought!

side blog for update notifications: @kinanabinksupdates

buy me a kofi <3

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3 years ago

To Love and To Cherish

All of the things that I want to say Just aren’t coming out right I’m tripping on words You got my head spinning - You and Me [Lifehouse] Fandom: Overwatch (Pre-Fall) | Angela / Gabriel

AO3 | | Works

“We’ll never have what they have, you know.” Angela glanced up at Gabriel. Her fingers, which had been idly tracing the scars on his chest, stilled. He wasn’t looking at her; instead, his hands were folded behind his head while he stared up at the ceiling as if it held the answers to the universe. “What who has?” She asked, once it was obvious he wasn’t planning to elaborate - as if, without any context, she could contribute to the conversation. “Gérard and Amélie,” he sighed. Understanding flooded Angela. While she wasn’t exactly certain where the conversation was going, she knew where it stemmed from. After all, the wedding had just been earlier today; the dress she’d worn to it was in a heap on the floor in the other room, forgotten after Gabriel had stripped her some time ago. “I know that,” Angela agreed, moving so that she was sitting up in the bed with her back pressed to the headboard. Absently, she reached one hand behind her to shift a pillow so that she was more comfortable as she looked down at his face. “And that doesn’t bother you?” He turned to look up at her; his eyes were stormy with emotion and she couldn’t tell what he was thinking - not exactly unusual, but frustrating all the same. “No?” Unsure of how he wanted her to respond, her definitive answer had become a question. Was it supposed to bother her? She’d never considered it - not seriously, anyway - before. Her life, even before Overwatch, hadn’t exactly been conducive to such things. “It doesn’t?” His voice took on a tone of disbelief as he shifted, propping himself up on one side. “It doesn’t bother you that I’ll never get down on one knee and propose? That you won’t wear a wedding ring or take my name?” Angela pulled her knees up to her bare chest, suddenly self-conscious and uncomfortable. “I—” Her shoulders hunched and she tilted her head, just enough that her hair fell in a curtain between them, shielding her face from his view in an attempt to hide at least some of her discomfort and uncertainty. She tried her best not to lie to him, so she couldn’t tell him that it bothered her. It did bother her that it didn’t bother her - that it bothered him - which only added to her discomfort. Was it weird that she had never considered marriage, not even after all this time with Gabriel? “I’m sorry?” She whispered instead, because what else could she do? Angela couldn’t change how she felt: marriage just wasn’t that important to her. That wasn’t to say Gabriel wasn’t important to her - no, there wasn’t much she wouldn’t do for him; a ring wouldn’t change that. She wrapped her arms around her knees, hugging them close as she glanced away from the man in her bed. “Dammit,” Gabriel sighed. Angela tensed as the bed shifted with his movements, but she didn’t look at him to determine what he was doing. “Come here.” He pulled her rigid body into an awkward embrace that she refused to relax into. “Mi corazon, I’m sorry,” he murmured, shifting so that his chin was resting on her shoulder. “I shouldn’t have said it like that.” He sighed. “I’m saying it all wrong.” “What are you trying to say, then?” Angela whispered. She was mollified that he took the time to think about his words, to properly express whatever this was instead of jumping down her throat again. “I’m trying to say that you deserve better than what I can offer you,” he confessed eventually. His arms tightened, holding her in place so that she couldn’t turn to look at him. “You deserve someone that can give you flowers or take you out to dinner - not this sneaking around that we do.” Angela scoffed. “What makes you think I want that?” Honestly. While the sentiment was sweet, it was like he had forgotten who he was speaking to. “Since when do I even want to eat dinner?” Considering that time of day was when her best work was accomplished, a dinner date would be close to a nightmare. “You’re missing the point.” He retorted. “You deserve to be with someone you can be seen with. You don’t deserve this,” Gabriel’s hand lifted, waving in an absent gesture that she assumed was meant to encompass their relationship. “Do you—” Angela hesitated, taking a breath before trying again. “Do you… not want this? To be with me?” She was so tense her body was trembling, her chest heavy as she tried to remember how to breathe; this was not how she had pictured this evening going. “What?” Gabriel demanded after a moment of stunned silence. “Angela, that’s not what I’m saying at all!” And just like that, her tension melted away and she could breathe again; she could work with this - whatever this was. This time, when she pulled against his hands, he let her turn so that they could both look at each other. “Then why are you trying to convince me to leave?” The words were shaky with the remnants of her stress, but she couldn’t find it in herself to care. “Because it’s true - you do deserve better than this, Angela.” His fingers reached out to stroke her cheek gently, and she smiled. “It doesn’t matter what I ‘deserve’,” Angela told him gently. “Because I don’t want that; I want you.” His eyes lit up as he leaned down to kiss her.


“Hey, Gabriel?” Angela set her pen aside as she glanced towards her communicator. Gabriel had returned to Rome the day after Gérard’s wedding over a week ago; while they hadn’t seen each other since, they often spoke on their communicators - either verbally or through text. Usually it was late in the evening, like it was now. “Yeah? What’s up?” Angela shifted uncomfortably, grateful that he couldn’t see her. She’d been thinking about this ever since his outburst in their bed; like a sore tooth, she couldn’t stop poking at it. Angela had never considered marriage - not until he had brought it up. They’d never discussed such things before then and, considering their respective positions, Angela had assumed they never would. It was just something that was; they could be together, but the rest of the world couldn’t know. It was too dangerous. But, after that night, she had allowed herself to wonder what it would be like. To wonder how it would feel to be openly together, to be seen on Gabriel’s arm. To wonder what it would be like to arrive together at events instead of separately and, for all appearances, alone. Angela had allowed herself, for only a moment, to be jealous of Amélie and Gérard’s happiness. Had let herself wish that she would wear a beautiful gown and walk down the aisle. Had let herself want to be the kind of woman who would do those things - or that she was with the kind of man that could do those things. Then, the moment had passed. It was a nice daydream - an idea that might have become reality if they held different positions - but that was all it was: a dream, and not even one she wanted, not really, even after a week of consideration. “I was wondering…” Angela paused, mustering up her courage. She’d been trying to build up the nerve to bring up this topic for the last few days. Before she could change her mind, she forced the words out in a rush. “I was wondering if you wanted to get married?” Gabriel made a choked sound of surprise, and she could imagine what his face looked like: wide eyed, mouth slightly open, staring at the communicator since she wasn’t there for him to gape at instead. Now that it was out, her doubts surged again. Would he read too much into it? That he needed to worry about her wanting a ring or a dress? Or, worse, would he say no? It wasn’t that she wanted to get married - it didn’t matter either way to her, because she would love him whether they were married or not - but it would still hurt if he said no. “Ang— what?” He stammered, shocked. “You know we can’t.” And she did know that - if they couldn’t even date openly they could never marry. There could be no paperwork, could be no rings or other tangible proof of their relationship. The texts and the calls were pushing it as it were; anyone that managed to break the security - which, in fairness, was quite strong – could potentially find their conversations - or, worse, the footage of him entering her rooms in Zürich - and piece everything together. “Yes,” Angela agreed, forcing herself to speak instead of allowing herself to lose her nerve and change the topic - or just disconnect the call. “I know we can’t, but — well, I just—” She sighed, exasperated with herself. “If we could, would you want to?” “Of course I want to marry you,” Gabriel insisted indignantly, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. “If I didn’t have so many enemies - if it weren’t too dangerous - I would marry you in a heartbeat.” It made her smile despite herself. After a moment, Gabriel broke the silence with the question she expected. “Would you marry me?” He asked, intense in a way that made her heart pound. “If you asked me, I would say yes,” Angela told him - because, if that were what he wanted, she would marry him. In a different life, Angela knew that she would happily wear his ring, because she loved him. “Well, you don’t have to sound so excited about it,” Gabriel said dryly, causing her to laugh. “I don’t need a ring to prove I love you,” Angela assured him. “But I would wear one, if it was what you wanted.”

What? It's not something cruel or horrible? I don't know either, man. I'm just going wherever my brain takes me. Check out @promptsforbrighteye. and let me know if there’s something you’d like to see! Let me know if I didn't do this tag / reblog thing right and I'll get it fixed straightaway. Still learning the ropes of all this.

"i dont have a speech prepared and i'm not going down on one knee"

Tags :
2 years ago

Beautiful Little Secret by joonswhistle

Beautiful Little Secret

You thought back to the day, a few months ago, when Jungkook swung by your office. He said hey, quickly signed the paper on your desk and then gave you a little smile before turning and walking out.

It was a blip on his radar.

But your stomach flipped and your mouth watered and a heat spread through your body. You’d never felt that before when it came to one of the guys.

It was thrilling.

It was revelatory.

It was a nightmare.

Because it was unacceptable.

I remember reading this and absolutley falling IN LOVE with it. This is my ish.

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2 years ago

Everyone has secrets

Everyone Has Secrets
Everyone Has Secrets
Everyone Has Secrets

(Pansy Parkinson x fem reader)

(mostly fluff,a bit suggestive and a tiny bit of angst)


The two of you are in a secret relationship but her friends catch you making out in her dorm.


hinting at homophobic parents


it’s autumn, which means watching comfort movies/shows all day and spending to much time inserting yourself into the story’s so…. here we go

Her body was pressed against your own, capturing you between her and the wooden wall of the Slytherin girls dorm. Your hands being tangled in her dark hair you deepened the kiss. Her fumbling with the buttons of your shirt while sloppily traveling over your jaw and down your neck with kisses, leaving marks along the way. Your head was empty as it was falling back against the wall, desperate whimpers escaping your lips. Your shirt was falling to the ground while she looked at you with adoration “oh y/n,” she whispered and kissing you for the hundredth time biting down your on bottom lip. Pushing yourself of the wall you stumbled to her bed together, almost tripping over some books lying on the floor. Next you pushed her onto the bed while taking a seat on her lap.

“Jesus Pansy how much noise can someone make? What you doing in here-“ Matteo laughed as he walked in the room, stopping mid step glaring at the scene in front of him. “What the fuck,” mumbled Draco. “Didn’t think this was how i’d see y/n half naked for the first time.” Theo laughed while Daphne was standing mouth open and in shock in the door frame. “There is something called knocking ya know?” Pansy scolded while covering you with her blanket. “Since when?” Daphne asked ignoring pansy’s annoyed expression. “what exactly is this?!” Draco questioned while picking up your shirt and handing it back to you. “God let her get dressed, we’ll be down in a minute.” Pansy said while ushering the four out of the room. “What do we tell them?” you asked while putting your shirt back on. She leaned her forehead against yours with a sight “the truth.”

Matteo had told everyone in the common room to get lost making sure no one would be disturbing them. Pansy took your hand, stepping out the door sending you a quick nod. “Y/n and I are dating, since a couple months.” Pansy spoke calmly while almost crushing your hand. “months?!” Daphne almost yelled out of surprise. “So I really don’t have a shot with you?” Theo asked while winking at you. “Sorry to disappoint but I’m quite happy.” You laughed, throwing your arm around Pansy. “Why haven’t you told us?” Draco asked. Pansy shifted around a little uncomfortable “I- I don’t know, it’s just I was scared of your reaction. And the others can’t know! My parents would be furious, you know how they are…” “Oh sweetie, we love you regardless of who you date.” with teary eyes Daphne hugged Pansy tightly. “And we’d never tell on you man, we’re family.” Theo said while bringing him and Draco into the hug. “You’re one of us now” Matteo joked, while shoving you into the hug.

Tags :
2 years ago

Little Taps.

a vds one shot. you can find more on my ao3.

( @ apolloswords )

feel free to comment/message me any suggestions for one shot ideas!

Actors Jens Stoffels and Lucas van der Heijden get interviewed for their upcoming movie. The most pressing question? Their relationship.

The bright studio lights blinded Lucas’ eyes, but since this was the fourth or fifth time around, he was able to tolerate them a little more. He hoped he didn’t look so nervous. While he had done a fair share of acting and such, interviews didn’t always come along with the job. But since he was starring in an upcoming film adaption on a popular queer romance story, fans all over the world were dying just to meet the two actors who were about to bring their beloved characters to life.

“Welcome to the show our guest stars, Lucas can see Heijden and Jens Stoffels. These two young men are portraying the leads in the upcoming move, Solar Eclipse of the Heart.” Their interviewer, Ariel announced to the audience. She turned her body towards the two boys. “Would you like the introduce yourselves and your roles?”

Out of habit, Lucas looked at Jens, who already knew what was coming. Smiling at him, he gave Lucas a small smirk, knowing what to do next. Out of the two of them, Jens was more of the outgoing one, often taking the lead and reassuring Lucas. Lucas couldn’t help but think someone like him was just made to be a star, and he had just gotten lucky.

“Well, the story revolves around a coming of age experience between two boys. The movie is set up in three acts, the first one being in my character’s perspective, the next one being in Lucas’ characters perspective and eventually, how the outside audience or ‘world’ supposedly views them.” Jens began to explain confidently. “The whole premise is to feel like you are going on this journey along with them and experiencing what they feel, only to get the external viewpoint at the end as though you are only a passerby.”

“I see,” Ariel nodded off to Lucas. “And how would you describe this sort of story telling?”

“Uhm,” Lucas thought about the question for a second before responding. “I think it dives a bit deeper on how queer people having this whole realization about who they are and who they are to the world. I think it’s able to show all the insights of how one may struggle with finding love and themselves, from internal and external factors.”

“That was what critics highly raved about when the book was first released.” She smiled at them, before prompting another question. “Now, when ur comes to the characters, how do you feel connected to them? Are there any similarities or did you feel like you had to be an entirely different person?”

“Well the beautiful thing with acting, is that you can be an entirely different person.” Jens joked, as Lucas tried to hide the smile on his face by slightly covering it with the microphone in his hand. He knew how the eventual recording of this interview would surface the internet, and even the slightest of reactions coming from either of them would send the fans into a frenzy.

“While I do think there are differences between me and my character, it’s all mostly due to the background. We see my character have more of a struggle with bisexuality because his parents don’t fully understand the other terms under the queer umbrella.” Jens continued to explain. “Eitan, my character, feels like a fraud because he doesn’t know if his sexuality is true or not. But many of his interests, like music and skateboarding are things I still do so it sort of feels like an extension of myself.”

“I think Theo, my character, is probably the most similar character that I’ve played.” Lucas responded honestly. “I looked at the script and pretty much went ‘Hey, isn’t this just my life?”

The audience laughed in response, which made his nerves calm down a bit. He felt Jens’ foot slightly tap on his, reaching over his chair as a little touch of affection. He hoped the camera angle wasn’t that low, or else the action might be read as more than he had intended.

“So was playing the role of Theo hard for you? I mean, Theo wasn’t easily accepted by his family and I understand that can hit close to home. Did it ever make you question why you considered this role?”

“Uhm.” He could feel his chest tighten a bit. It wasn’t that the question was hard to answer, but Lucas just never felt like he ever had the right words to say. Another tap on his foot seemed to send a sense of security over him, and he sat up straighter while clearing his throat.

“It was hard, to be honest. There were some scenes where I felt like I wasn’t even acting anymore because I knew everything Theo felt in that moment.” He tried to avoid the shaking his voice. “But at the same time, it’s unfortunately a story that happens way too often. I’m lucky that myself and Theo have a great support system in the end, which kind of shows hope for those in the same situation.”

Another tap on his foot. He pressed his lips into a thin smile, hoping his cheeks weren’t blushing outrageously. Maybe he could blame it on the lighting.

“Well I think that’s also what makes this film so special.” Ariel said. “Over the years there have been many criticisms over non-queer people taking the lead roles as queer characters and people feel that gives a sense of false representation. But here, we have both of you who identify within the LGBTQ+ community who are also playing the roles of like characters.”

“Same sexualities too.” Jens laughed, and Lucas let that specific noise wash over him, calming himself down a bit.

“Same sexualities too.” Ariel repeated, laughing alongside with him.

“So the both of you clearly have the fans’ stamp of approval after just seeing the teasers and trailers for the film. People truly think you embody these characters to their fullest and think your chemistry is off the charts. How did you hit it off the first time after you had both been casted?” She asked.

They both looked at each other quickly, trying to stifle a smile. But Lucas knew the look on Jens’ face. With the way his tongue was pressing against his cheek as he widened his eyes a bit, this was definitely a dead giveaway that their publicist would probably lecture them later for. But neither of them couldn’t help it. After spending so much time together, filming and on the road doing interviews, there were just some reactions that were pure instincts.

“Well, Luc is an amazing actor.” Jens began to say, looking back at Ariel and repositioning himself in the chair. “And on top of that, he’s a great guy so it wasn’t at hard at all to get that chemistry going.”

“I think we did like three screen tests or something and that was it.” Lucas added shyly.

Jens gave him a small smile, obviously proud that he was adding more to the conversation without being directly coaxed.

“Yeah, it was a very small amount of screen tests between us.” He agreed. “To be honest, it’s kind of weird how our paths didn’t cross sooner. I did start out more in the music industry before playing the acting field and Luc was always casted for music videos around that time.”

“Maybe because I was in the Netherlands and you were in Belgium.” Lucas teased.

Jens let out an airy laugh, tilting his head back a bit. “Oh right, that would be why, wouldn’t it?”

They gave each other a small smile, hoping their microphones covered their mouths at just the right angle. Lucas ducked his head a bit, trying to avoid Jens’ gaze.

“But you guys filmed the move in Amsterdam, which I heard is close to where you grew up Lucas. But Jens, Antwerp isn’t that far away from the Netherlands either, did you have a hard time adjusting?”

“There is a little bit of a culture shock because while it is very close, it’s still a different environment.” Jens explained. “But one day, when we had a day off from shooting, Lucas took me to Baarle-Nassau. It’s like this really small town that has the Belgium and Netherlands border running through it. I think we spent an hour just jumping over the little marks.”

Lucas felt his face grow warm as he recalled the memory. It was a few weeks into shooting and while he and Jens had gotten along fairly well, they hadn’t spent time off set together really building their relationship. But after he decided to invite Jens on a day out, things had changed. Lucas first noticed it in the train ride, where he and Jens talked the entire two and a half hours there. Usually Lucas wasn’t a very social person, which was a bit ironic as an actor. Whenever he could, he liked to keep to himself, listening to his music or doodling, or even just looking out the window and imagining stories in his head. Train rides were good for that. But when he realized how long he was able to talk to Jens for, to feel so in tune and invested in the conversation that he didn’t even realize time go by.

“Yeah, that was a fun time.” He added, though it sounded more like he was saying it to himself rather than the whole audience. “We kept jumping over the marks saying that we were in each other’s country and how we were closer than we thought.”

“Well you guys are obviously very close now.” Ariel said and Lucas swore she saw a glint or even a wink in her left eye. “I do have a pressing question from the fans however, and I think we’re just all dying to know the answer.”

He let out a nervous laugh as Jens raised a brow. There were a lot of pressing questions from fans recently, flooding the comment section on social media posts or direct messages. But there was a singular question that seemed to take the spotlight.

“How do you both feel about everyone conspiring that you’re both in a relationship together? Has it effected your friendship in any way?”

“Uhm.” They both said in unison, trying to stifle the pressing giggles.

He felt Jens’ foot tap against his again, this time in a continuous pattern, like he was finding amusement in the question. Ariel looked at them weirdly, wondering why their reactions were so bashful.

“Well,” Jens began to say, clearing his throat, while still eyeing Lucas. “It’s not something really bothers us. I get why some people might think it’s a little invasive but I’m comfortable with our relationship and showing what they say are affectionate gestures is just something I seem to do without thinking when it comes to Luc.”

“It’s cool with me too.” He replied, sitting up straight and giving a small smile. “I’m not overly bothered by it. I think it’s nice that Jens and I can have a rather affectionate friendship.”

“So none of you are bothered at all about the speculations?” She asked, rather surprised. “It doesn’t affect actual private relationships you may have?”

“Nope.” They said at the same time, and Lucas covered his laugh with his hand.

“And to put on record, it doesn’t affect actual private relationships because we don’t have any.” Jens winked.

Still trying to stifle his giggle, Lucas squirmed a bit and gently kicked the bottom of Jens’ foot. Jens’ shoulders reacted to the action, but he still had that look on his face. The smirk, halfway lifting the right side of his mouth while his eyes looked at Ariel, and the audience, with a sort of charm. Jens had charisma when it came to hiding his reactions while Lucas always felt like he was so awkward.

The interview seemed to go by smoothly, answering more general questions without completely tripping over his words. When Lucas wasn’t fully paying attention to the conversation, he found his focus being on Jens again. Either slightly angling his body to get more of his angle in his peripheral vision or feeling the way Jens’ foot tapped against his. He watched the way Jens’ tongue rolled around the inside of his cheek when he was amused at something or the way his shoulders flinched slightly when another question about their relationship was asked. Lucas wasn’t sure if anyone was paying attention to his actions as closely. If they were, they were probably a dead giveaway to the feelings he had to hide away from outside eyes.

Eventually the interview came to a close and Lucas breathed out a sigh of relief when he heard the camera stop rolling and the studio lights dim down a bit. He let out a few deep breaths, shutting his eyes tight before he felt calm enough to stand up. Before he did, he saw Jens already getting up as he tapped on his leg three times. Lucas gave him a shy smile and slightly nodded, while Ariel and the rest of the crew were finishing up.

This time, nobody’s eyes were on them.

Lucas headed backstage, to the small dressing room he was assigned to. Closing the door gently behind him, he sat on the small couch and continued to take a few deeps breaths. He always found it kind of funny that as an actor, he often felt most nervous when he had to play himself. It wasn’t like he had to do anything for the “role”, but it was harder to showcase who he was to an audience than showcase a character he was playing.

After a few minutes, he heard a knock on his door. Three gentle knocks. Little taps. Bouncing up on his feet, he practically skipped across the room to open it.

“Hey.” Jens said softly, after Lucas opened it.

“Hey.” He replied back, feeling his heart get caught up in his chest.

He opened the door wider, so Jens could come in. As he closed the door behind him, Jens made his way towards the couch, flopping down on it with his arms stretch out. He tilted his head back and closed his eyes, while Lucas made his way over.

“Tired?” He asked gently, as he sat down facing him. He felt Jens’ arm and hand against his body, the slight touch sending flutters through it.

“Mm hmm.” Jens hummed, still keeping his eyes closed.

Reaching out, Lucas gently brushed back a few strands that had fallen down his face. He saw Jens’ lips curl up into a smile as he hummed with relief, like it was only now he was able to relax.

“You’re really good at all of this.” Lucas said softly, still gently brushing the hair back. “It’s like you were made to be a star.”

Opening his eyes, Jens’ brows furrowed as he stood up a bit straighter. He let his fingers still brush around his dark hair, feeling how soft and plush they were against his fingertips.

“You’re just as good.” Jens said with a slight frown. Lucas knew he hated when he felt condescending about himself. “Just because you’re a bit shyer doesn’t mean you don’t have just as important things to say.”

“Yeah, but you’re so natural about it all. I feel like I’m acting when I do these interviews and I’m not. I don’t know, it just takes a bit getting used to.”

“Well, I’m with you through it all right? All our interviews so far have been together and even if they’re not, I’m not that far away.”

Jens snaked his arm around Lucas’ body, slightly pulling it closed. Lucas sighed and let himself fall into it, feeling his hand trail up and down his back in soft caressing strokes. He let his head rest on Jens’ shoulder, allowing himself to calm down after all the energy he had to give out today. He loved his job, acting was his dream. But some days, it was harder to keep up with all its expectations than others.

“I like when they ask us about our relationship.” Jens lightly chuckled, letting the vibrations pass through both of their bodies.

Lucas snorted, burying his face into his shoulder. “I don’t know why they keep asking.”

“It’s because you seriously have the hots for me.” Jens winked.

He shook his head, which only made Jens laugh again and their bodies vibrated even more.

“I don’t have the hots for you.” Lucas groaned, using his shoulder to bury his face even more to try and hide his smile.

“Yes you do.” He teased, pinching his cheek. “You don’t see all those videos or pictures that get tagged and titled on the way you look at me? You’re so obvious Luc.”

“Listen, you have just as much posts about the way you’re smirking at me and shit.” He lifted his head up and raised his brows. “People think you’re just as obvious as I am.”

“Guess we’re both pretty bad at hiding it, huh?”

They laughed, finally letting out the reactions and expressions they had been holding in all day. Lucas felt Jens pull him into his chest, positioning them so he was laying on top of him. Jens reached up to gently stroke Lucas’ cheek while gazing into his eyes.

“You know, you always have this sort of blush in your face.” He whispered quietly, continuing to stroke his cheek. “Even in the brightest of lights, there’s this beautiful pink glow. It’s like a part of you.”

“You just want me to admit your flirting works, don’t you?” Lucas teasingly rolled his eyes.

He pulled him in closer, and tighter, which made Lucas erupt in a giggle.

“Stop being so smart with me. I know those lips are good for something else.”

“Ew.” Lucas wrinkled his nose in disgust.

Jens pouted. “Not like that. Not that I don’t want that but also, not that.”

“I’m just teasing.” He brought his face down a bit, lowering it so his forehead was pressed against his and their noses were brushing against each other.

“Do you think they’ll ever find out?” He whispered. Lucas could feel his lips moving so slightly against his.

“God, I hope.” He snorted again. “It’s so hard having to control myself during interviews.”

“The fans are going to lose it when they find out. They’re going to have to cast us for another movie.”

“Hey.” Now it was Lucas’ turn to pout. “I don’t want to have to act just to kiss you.”

“Me neither.”

He pressed his lips against his, feeling his smile against his own. Jens’ hand snakes up Lucas’ back, playing with the back of his head and letting his fingers mess around with his curls. Lucas used his hand to tilt Jens’ chin up, to deepen the kiss just slightly.

When they pulled apart, the grins on their faces would be impossible to wipe off. Lucas already knew the blush was on his face but this time, there was no need to hide it.

“You know, I think the fans are definitely going to know sooner or later.” He whispered and Jens gave him a confused look.

“What makes you say that?”

“You called me Luc the entire interview.” He gave Jens a smirk, while he covered his eyes and groaned.


Tags :
2 years ago
Alternate Universe - Dark Academia
Alternate Universe - Dark Academia
Alternate Universe - Dark Academia
Alternate Universe - Dark Academia
Alternate Universe - Dark Academia
Alternate Universe - Dark Academia
Alternate Universe - Dark Academia
Alternate Universe - Dark Academia
Alternate Universe - Dark Academia

alternate universe - dark academia

lucas is an aspiring musician who just received an internship to study under the well-renowned dr. elio stoffels. leaving utrecht is all he ever wanted but he feels quite adamant to see antwerp as a possible new home. music and studying, he tells himself, is all he is bound to do in the new city.

until he meets the beautiful lips turned up in a smirk and a cigarette dangling between them.

fanfic link: i hear a symphony by apolloswords

Tags :
1 year ago

I love your fics!! Could you do a Lockwood x reader fanfic for illicit affairs? Like the reader could be related to someone high up in DEPRAC or Fittes and Lockwood doesn’t want people to know they’re tgt bc he’d be accused of trying to get favours or smthin but reader rlly wants ppl to know n is getting fed up with hiding. A healthy dose of angst would be 10/10 <3


I Love Your Fics!! Could You Do A Lockwood X Reader Fanfic For Illicit Affairs? Like The Reader Could

pairing: Anthony Lockwood x reader

warnings: mentions of sexual themes

summary: you want to make your relationship public, anthony doesn’t. you don’t think you can accept that any longer, but at least for tonight you can

note: i loved this ask!! illicit affairs is one of my favorite songs of ms taylor!! i’ve decided to split it into two parts, just because it feels better for me. part two will be out tomorrow!!

part 2: tomorrow

"why does it matter anyway?" Anthony asked and you could hear the desperation in his voice

"it matters to me, Anthony" you answered calmly, tired of all the fighting you both had done in the past week. it wasn't like you always fought, this wasn't a usual state for your over two year relationship.

you were used to a loving, considerate boy and you knew that he would do anything for you. just not that one thing and that's why it wasn't enough for you.

you continued to fight while you walked around the room, collecting your items of clothing.

"y/n, please" Anthony sat down on his bed "we've been over this, I explained it to you more than a million times"

"I know" you replied tiredly

"let's just not fight anymore" he stood up and brought you close to his body

"okay" you muttered and you hated yourself for always giving in. you just loved him too much to maintain you restrain.

you put on your jacket and walked to the door

"make sure nobody sees you leave" it almost pained him to say what he always said

"no one will see me" it pained you to reply what you always replied


you were sitting at the large table in the entrance hall of the house you lived in. you nearly jumped to your feet when you noticed Anthony and his friends walking into the room.

they were led into the hall by your father, the son of Marissa Fittes. that was merely Anthonys problem about your relationship, he didn't want anyone to think he was just dating you for favours, you had told him a million times that that was rubbish and he argued a million times that it would matter. you could never agree on the matter.

you noticed Penelope walk in behind the agency and you felt it was rude to just sit and watch, so you stood up, flowing the material of your dress, as you joined your sisters side.

"I'm sure you've already heard of them, but these are my daughters" your father introduced you both "Penelope and y/n"

you expressed your greeting, Anthony's eyes staying a bit too long on your face. your father cleared his throat and you lost the boy's attention.

“Lockwood and co are our special guests for the ball tonight, that’s the least we could offer, after the job they did for us last year”

there had been a rather big problem in one of the houses your family owned. the haunting had be caused by a scandal, a forbidden relationship that escalated in the walls of the house and led to one of the affair partners dying at the hands of the other. your family had been able to suppress all the runout and stop any information on going out, but they had to get rid of the problem nonetheless.

that had been when your father had found the little three people agency. they had promised to get rid of your problem as quietly as possible. nothing ever got out.

that’s actually how you had met Anthony. because unbeknownst to your father, and not allowed you often spend time in the garden of the haunted mansion. that’s were you had first met Anthony, you remembered it like it had been yesterday


you were sitting in the garden, picking flowers. the golden august sun was displaying on your features and warming your skin. your dress was flowing a bit from the wind and your hair would now and then flutter in front of your face

"oh hello" a voice suddenly said, noticing you between the high grown grass

it was a boy, he was about your age and despite the summer heat, he was wearing a suit and a long black coat on top of it

"hi" you smiled, laying your head to the side and further inspecting him. his hair was short, and his skin was light, which made the dark circles under his eyes even more prominent.

“eh— i’m Lockwood, Anthony Lockwood” his hand jolted forward and you shook it while you grinned at him

“n/n” you said “just n/n”

ever since then he had found you intriguing, how you would sit in high grown grass in front of a haunted mansion, peacefully picking flowers. that’s why he loved you, you mostly did the things you did out of pure joy for them.

after your first meeting it seemed that Anthony Lockwood would just not leave your mind. you had found out later that it had been similar to him, always thinking about you in that dress, sitting in a field of flowers.

so you started to meet every few weeks, casually talking on your run to arif’s, or meeting each other on the street. coincidental meetings turned into dates and you spend more and more time with each other.

but as much as you wanted to tell the whole world, Anthony wanted to keep it a secret. even to Lucy and George, you weren’t more than friends to them.


“can i come in?” you asked after you had knocked on the door softly. there were some muffled words you couldn’t quite make out, but it sounded like a yes, so you slowly opened the wooden door.

“n/n” Anthony smiled, ushering you into the room he would spent the night in, and closing the door behind you “what are you doing?”

“i wanted to see you” you spoke softly, gripping his tie with both your hands. his hands wandered to your waist almost naturally “and i wanted to ask you if you’d like to accompany to the ball later… maybe we could slip away later”

“it’s a bit risky, don’t you think?”

“isn’t that what makes it fun in the first place?” you brought him down by his tie, his lips meeting yours. you deepened the kiss, walking you backwards and enjoying the control you had over him

Anthony laid on the bed, while you sat on top of him, straddling his waist. “we shouldn’t do this, y/n”

you raised your brows, slipping off your dress, leaving you only in your underwear

“okay, maybe we can be quick”

you giggled and rushed forward, crashing your lips onto his.

maybe you would always give in when he was telling you to, but at least you had the same hold over him, neither one could resist the other and that was part of the dangerous game you were playing.

and you didn’t know it yet, but you were about to lose.

Tags :
5 months ago



pairing: draco malfoy x fem!reader

summary: draco and you always come back to each other, sneaking around in secret, unable to let go, even though it’s getting harder to hide and maybe you're not willing to keep the secret any longer

warnings: slight angst but ends in fluff, height difference mentioned

your back was leaning against the castle's wall, arms crossed, you quirked a brow at the boy across from you. he was spotting a similiar expression, his arms crossed like you and face in a deep frown, unmoving as you nodded for him to talk.

"i'm not gonna apologize first" you shrugged, deciding to have it like this if he wanted to be difficult.

"well, me neither" he spat, voice venomous as he looked at you unimpressed, your threat not having the least bit of effect on him. "i wouldn't even know what for"

"you were the one that came back, draco" you reminded. "we agreed that whoever came back first had to apologize"

"well, i'm not doing that"

"then i'm not kissing you" you shrugged, turning your body as if to leave, before his hand grabbed your shoulder, turning you back around in a swift motion.

before you could protest or say anything else about his sudden action, his lips were on yours, pulling you in through the feeling that evaporated in your body.

you moaned into his mouth, not even caring that he didn't apologize, as he pressed you against the wall.

draco and you came from completely different worlds. he was a proud slytherin, someone that valued social standing and reputation above everything else.

you were a gryffindor, hanging along the golden trio most of the time, but basically being friends with everyone, no matter who they were or from which family they came. you didn't mind as long as you liked them.

draco and you had hated each other from the first encounter on. arrogant as he was, he had introduced himself to harry, muttering something about the wrong kind of people (eyeing ron and you) he had chosen to spend his time with.

you rivalry reached it's peak during third year when hermione had hit him and you had caught him days later as he was trying to throw something into her cauldron during potions class. you had slapped his hand back, resulting in him breathing in whatever he had held in there and spending a week in the infirmary, throwing up hours on end.

you gained two weeks of detention from snape, but quickly decided it was worth it, considering you had saved your friend from an even worse fate.

but the real change of your relationship had begun during fourth year. you had noticed that he grew into his looks and you couldn't believe it, but his cockiness actually attracted you.

draco continued making no secret of disliking you and your friends, but you noticed his eyes linger on you longer than they had before.

it had been a week of constant fighting, hormones high and upcoming exams stressing the both of you, where one thing had led to another and you found yourselves in shared detention with professor mcgonagall who punished you to sort through and clean her classroom.

"this is all your fault" draco muttered, cloth in hand as he rubbed it along the table, that picked the water up quickly.

"sure" you nodded with a role of your eyes. the row of goblets in front of you, used for the first year classes, turning out to be a particular hard thing to clean. "as if you didn't start the fight"

"i merely concluded obvious information"

"pff" you made, sending him a glare across the room. "that's not what i would call it"

"let's hear it then, genius"

"i'd call it an uneven distribution of arrogance and stupidity" you smiled smugly as you set down another goblet in front of you.

"you take that back!" draco let go off the cloth in his hand and dashed across the room, pushing his hands to his hips and looking down on you as if to try and dare you to say more.

"no" you shook your head, rising up from your chair so you were on an even level with him.

"one last chance, l/n"

"or what? you will send daddy to straigthen me out?" you puffed air out between your lips, not even caring about his answer. "you've been using the same empty threats for years, malfoy, it's honestly gotten boring at this point."

his eyes widened, switching to collect the glimmer of your lips as a memory and before he could properly think of what he was doing, he had closed the space between you, kissing you softly.

it had taken exactly ten seconds for both of you to realize what had happened, quickly breaking apart.

"you just kissed me!" you muttered stunned, pointing an accusing finger in his direction.

"you kissed me" he shook his head, just as shocked as you, as he tried to remember what had happened exactly.

"no" you corrected firmly. "i'm not taking the blame for this mess. this is solely on you"

"you kissed back though" he concluded, with a final nod. "don't ever do that again"

"well, okay?" you shrugged "i won't as long as you don't ever kiss me again"

the tension between you was palpable, as you kept holding eye contact, no one of you moving as both of you tried to find out what the kiss would mean for your relationship, or more so lack of, moving forward.

it had been a sudden decision, maybe because you had spent all your years at school trying to one up draco malfoy, but you didn't think twice, before you pushed your mouth against his once more.

this time the kiss lasted longer and both of you had to catch your breath.

"i thought i told you to never do that again"

you nodded, before you smirked, "you said i should never kiss you back"

"yeah" he nodded, admitting that you hadn't done anything he had forbidden. "and you said i should never kiss you again"

"never is such a harsh word" you shrugged and just half a second later you were kissing once more, your hands gliding into his neck as you pressed him closer.

what began that day in the classroom accompanied you through the school years that followed. you and draco would put on a facade in front of your friends and pretend like you still couldn't stand each other, which was, to be honest, not even far from the truth considering he still constantly annoyed you. all while you would meet in secret, sneaking around the castle and hooking up with each other behind everyone's back.

apart from sleeping with each other not much changed between you. you never declared what you did to be a relationship, although both of you never met other people.

draco was the one constant through your teenage years. sometimes you would go longer without the other, but you would always come back, like a drug you couldn't stop taking even if it had the potential to destroy you in the end.

draco ended the kiss, pressing his forehead against your own. "sorry" he muttered and you furrowed your brows in surprise.

he had never apologised before, even if that was your rule. he would always suck up for a while, until you finally accepted that he was somewhat sorry, without actually saying it.

"hmm" you hummed, pressing one more kiss against his mouth, before you broke away and grabbed your bag off the floor. "we've got herbology"

draco nodded and turned around, picking up his own bag. "i'll go around the courtyard, you'll go now"

"sure" he softly grabbed your neck with his hand, bringing you close again and kissing you, more passionately than the moment allowed. you were way too flustered when he let go off you, but he just nodded for you to go. so you did.

you kept thinking about him for the rest of the day. through the whole herbology class, most of potions class and even charms, which was you favorite subject.

it hadn't been yesterday when you realized that you maybe didn't still find him as annoying as you did back when you were children. that you had maybe even grown fond of him a little, or whatever it was that you had.

and there was a stupid part of you that longed for more. for more of whatever it was.

what you had enjoyed at first, was now the part you hated most about your little arrangement. sneaking around, lying to your friends and always keeping something from them, while they viewed you as family, as someone they knew everything about.

you just wanted them to know and maybe you also wanted to know if he would stay. stay at the possibility of people finding out about you.

all that went through your head until the next day. and realistically you knew he wasn't what you wanted him to be. you knew draco well enough. he would never agree to go public, much less to even be in a relationship with you.

so it was pretty clear what you had to do.

you knew that it was the right decision in the long run. for both of you.

you met in the same hallway. you were leaning against the wall when he arrived, a distant smile on his face, that only really broke out when his eyes fell on you.

"hey" he muttered. you let him kiss you, before he stepped back, leaning across from you.

"hi" you said, testing the waters. he furrowed his brows and crossed his arms.

"what is it?" he asked unimpressed. he was used to you berating him for something he had said or done the day before. most often it was something regarding your friends and even though he never admitted it, you noticed his behaviour change, when you had been angry about something.

"nothing" you averted your eyes. you could hear him step forward, on edge, not used to the sadness in your voice.

times you had been apart came normally right after you had fought with each other. always screaming loudly, having found something to be annoyed about, before you decided not to see each other anymore, until one of you eventually came back.

"tell me" draco urged, the calmness in his voice long gone. "did something happen?" normally you would have made fun of him for his unusual care, but now you even felt sorry about it.

"i don't think we should continue to see each other" you shrugged, acting as if you didn't even care.

draco laughed, or rather puffed out air through his nose, before he shook his head. "i told you i was sorry"

"it's not about that"

"then what?" he stepped even closer. "something with you friends? i didn't even really see them yesterday"

"that's not it, draco"

there were a few seconds of silence, before he sighed loudly. "is it a guy?"


"okay, so you're just doing this? for what?" he threw his arms up, like he couldn't understand anything anymore. "you'll come back anyway"

you didn't answer anything, staring at him blankly, not having the strength to even say it out loud. without you wanting him to, he caught the uncertainty in your eyes.

"'ll come back" he repeated, voice low. "right?"

"draco" you sighed, not knowing what to tell him.

"no, don't be like that" he shook his head and you saw that he was trying hard not to show you how much he cared. "don't act like you have to console me, don't act like you're breaking up with me"

"i'm not" you nodded. "but i'm not coming back either"

he pushed his hands into the pockets of his trousers, not even looking at you when you picked up your bag. you tried to catch his eyes, but it was to no avail. so you just walked away, not even knowing if you felt relieved or sad at the predicament that he would never be coming close to you again.

you walked through the halls of the castle and opened the door to the courtyard. the weather had turned rainy, thick clouds hanging over the towers of the castle, hiding them in the white air. the rain hit the ground mercilessly and you realized too late that it had been a stupid idea to walk across.

"you can't just do that" the voice behind you was so sudden and loud that your bag almost hit the wet ground beneath you.

draco caught up with you quickly, not caring about the rain one bit.

"what?" you asked, continuing your quick walk through the yard. but admittedly it was to no use, considering that you were already wet to the bones.

draco grabbed your shoulder, making you halt in your step and turn to look at him. "you can't just decide that" he said "it's not your decision to make"

"it's not yours either"

"why are you like that?" he ignored your previous answer. "i thought you liked this"

"i did" you nodded, seeing no reason to lie. "until i didn't"

"what does that even mean?" draco pushed his wet hair back annoyed. he wasn't able to understand you and scarily enough, that was the first time in years he failed to read what was going on with you.

"that means that we have to stop seeing each other"

"but why?"

you ignored him, moving your arm so he lost his grip on you, walking further through the wet garden. draco followed you.

"why?" he repeated, "what do you want me to do?"

"nothing, draco, it's fine"

"if this is some psychological trick, i swear to god"

"it's not, draco" your voice became louder, trying to drain out the rain that muffled it. "just forget about me"

"what if i can't?" he had stopped moving, staring at you blankly when you turned around. you had never seen him like this. so vulnerable, so honest.

"it didn't even matter" you simply said, "it was nice for a while, but it's over now"

"so you just decided that?"


"but it wasn't just nice" he came closer, his face painfully twisted, as if to try and see your reaction to it. to get something from you. to see if it really didn't matter. "it was different. it wasn't just something"

"then what was it?" you pushed him to say more, to hear what you needed to for so long. "tell me why it was different? i thought you hated me"

"i did everything but that" he muttered and you had a hard time understanding him.

"why did you never say that before?" you asked, stray tears mixing with the rain on your face. "why are you so desperately trying to convince me of something you would've denied if i had asked you before? why didn't it matter before? why didn't you say something sooner?" your voice evolved into a scream, begging him to answer.

"why do you think i always came back?" he matched the loudness of your voice, anger blending with desperation as his blue eyes crashed into yours.

"why do you think i did?"

"i thought you knew" he shook his head, not understanding how it had come so far he had to explain it to you. "i thought i made it clear"

"thought you made what clear?" you asked, your voice louder than his, as he had grown more quiet. "that you didn't hate me? tolerated me even? that you—“

"that i fucking love you" his scream made you shut up immediately, eyes wide as you stared at him. "and maybe i should've actually said that or maybe i'm not what you want anymore—"

"what did you think would happen? did you think i would just accept it? not knowing how you really feel?"

"no" he shook his head "but i had hoped you would stay until i finally gathered up the courage to say it"

"how long?"

he sighed, looking annoyingly sweet as raindrops fell down from his hair and onto his cheeks. he looked like he was crying in an artful way. beautiful even, you thought, as you kept your eyes on his face like your life depended on it.

"mcgonagalls detention in fourth year"

"you couldn't have possibly loved me back then"

"maybe i didn't" he shrugged "but it was the first time i felt like this, when you kissed me"

"you kissed me" you corrected, but unable to stop the smile from breaking out.

"well, what do you say?"

"you want to hear it back?" you asked.

"preferably yes, but for now a sorry would do"

"for now, a hot shower would do" you rolled your eyes. "alone"

"and after that?" his voice lost a bit of it's cockiness, returning back to the insecurity it had held a few minutes before, "what then?"

you pressed his lips against his and he took the kiss with surprise, before he reciprocated it.

you pulled back, looking up at him, drenched from head to toe, but absolutely beautiful in his eyes.

"i'll come back"

Tags :
7 months ago

𝐀𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫- A Jung Hoseok fanfic

- A Jung Hoseok Fanfic
- A Jung Hoseok Fanfic
- A Jung Hoseok Fanfic

𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐤 𝐱 Black!fem!oc


- A Jung Hoseok Fanfic

𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 & 𝐓𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐬 smau, hyper x chill, shared hotel room, ambw, comedy, angst, idol!hoseok x youtuber!oc

𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 profanity, closed door smut, angst, miscommunication, misunderstandings, periods, shitty characters, crossed boundaries, children

𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞 So I'm finally going to post Amber on Tumblr!! I wanted to try staying committed to this fic again and a lot of people are leaving Wattpad so I'll be posting on here instead. I hope yall liked this preview thoo I'm trying to get a hang of the aesthetic I want and how to use link on Tumblr for chapters and master links for when I post the reality fic so be in tune for that!!

- A Jung Hoseok Fanfic


𝐄𝐬𝐦𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐬

𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐤

- A Jung Hoseok Fanfic


── .✦01.

── .✦02.


── .✦03.

── .✦04.

- A Jung Hoseok Fanfic

Status: ongoing (but slow after the first 4 chap prolly)

- A Jung Hoseok Fanfic

Tags :
6 months ago

Amber ── .✦02.

Amber .02.
Amber .02.

✦ Summary: In which Esme and Hoseok fall in love but of course with love comes trouble especially when you're dating an idol.

Series masterlist| previous| next


 "BEEP BEEP!" I hear my phone alarming me to get up.

    I groan sitting up straight while rubbing my eyes taking in all my surroundings, I stretch my body and grab my phone from its charging pad. I check the time "5:04" it read; I unlock my phone responding to any missed texts from people then go on checking my socials eventually watching a few TikTok's during the process.

"Lemme get up" I speak to myself getting up off my bed and heading to my bathroom to take a shower and do my skincare once I'm done, I go into my closet to pick my airport outfit, wanting to wear something comfy but won't get me overheated.

After choosing what to where I put on the clothes, put my boho braid in a wrapped bun, and do light makeup.

Amber .02.

Once I'm dressed and ready I decide to go Jasmine's room to make sure she's awake and ready. As I get closer I hear sexyy red blasting, "LANCEY LANCEY I'M GHETTO AND I'M FANCY."

"Jaz what time is Yoongi picking us up?" I yell over her music.

"6:30, oh shit we have to go." She checks her phone.

"Ight get ya stuff so we can head out," I say as I make sure that I have everything on me.

Jaz meets me at the door and we head downstairs to the front of the apartment complex to meet up with Yoongi.

"Hey baby, hey Esme get in" he greets me and Jaz, kissing her on the cheek in the process. I noticed that the other dude he mentioned that would be joining us wasn't in the car.

"We're meeting up with my friend at the airport," Yoongi says taking notice of me looking around.


   "Ok guys we finally go to the airport and we already did all the procedures and stuff, so now we're just waiting for our flight to be called". I say as I hold my camera in front of me.

    "That boy over there is fine" I look to where Jaz is looking, and I see it's Yoongi.

"Girl that's Yoongi," I say looking at her with a deadpan expression.

"I know that's why I said sum, LORD my man is so fine!!" I look at her with disgust and as I'm about to say something I hear Yoongi's voice.

"Esme this is Hoseok the friend I said was coming on the trip with us". I look over to see a tall guy in a black hoodie and sweatpants with a mask on.

"Nice to meet you" his deep voice fills my ears, and before I can respond the airport announcement of our flight is being heard.

We grab our things and head our way to the boarding area, I look at my ticket trying to find my seat, and as I make my way over to my seat I see that it's Hoseok, yoongi's friend sitting on the seat next to mine.

   I say excuse me to him as I make my way to my window seat. once seated I take out my blanket, neck pillow, laptop, and AirPods trying to get as comfortable as possible so I can edit the video from yesterday, but before I begin I turn and tap Hoseok's shoulder. He looks at me taking one of his earbuds out.

   "I didn't get to greet you back so I just wanted to say it's nice to meet you too! And um, also I have a quick question um I'm a YouTuber and I'm gonna be recording some clips I just wanted to ask if that's ok with you?" I awkwardly ask.

   A smile forms and his face. "Yeah of course as long as my face is censored or not In the frame, I'm cool with it!"

   "Oh okay, great i hope we can become friends during the trip!" As soon as I got his approval I take out my camera to update my fans on what had happened so far.

   "Okay, guys so we boarded the plane already and we all met up and since it's a 10-11 hour layover plane flight I might get airplane food before I go to the next one, I might record if I feel like it, but other than that I have my little set up to edit the video yall probably gon see uploaded already and yes I'm in business class cus I wasn't gon pay for no first class this trip already cost an arm and a leg but yeah that's it for the update, BYEE!" As I finished talking I felt a pair of eyes watching me so I glimpsed to see where it was coming from and I saw that it was Hoseok staring at me. I ignore it continuing to act natural.

   I get comfy in my blanket, put my Air Pods in, and take my laptop out so I can edit yesterday's video and post it by today.


I watched her talk to her camera just admiring her beauty, I stared for so long that I didn't even realize she had finished talking and had already put her camera away. I know Yoongi said he was bringing one of Jaz's friends along but I didn’t think she would be this gorgeous.

I open my phone to text yoongi.


Hoseok: BROO

Yoongi: What happened??

  Yoongi: and hurry up I'm tryna enjoy my time in first class with Jaz

↳Hoseok: y'all in first class??

Yoongi: Yea, you thought I wasn't gonna treat ME and MY girlfriend to first class on a trip that was originally for USSS??😀

Hoseok: ok see ntm she invited me and I accepted cus who the fuck do I look like declining a trip to Hawaii??😒

Yoongi: ...

Hoseok: yeah oh ok ANYWAYS why you ain't tell me jaz friend was fine??

Yoongi: Cause I have a girlfriend, and I don't even look at esme in that way

Hoseok: But anywas she asked me if I minded that she was recording for her YouTube😛

Yoongi: That's it ..?

Yoongi: go kys .😐


Hoseok chuckled a little after reading the last message Yoongi sent before closing his phone and deciding to sleep till the flight was over.


"Now Landing!" I hear the second flight intercom say. I stretch my arms Waking up from the nap I took after I finally finished editing my video and posting it because I procrastinated on the first flight.

I grab my things and get up from my seat waiting for people to pass so I can leave.

I see a text from Jaz that Yoongi and her are waiting at the food court for me and hoseok so we can all eat a quick little meal before heading to our hotel. I notice everybody's left the plane by now and I look down to see Hoseok still sleeping which was crazy to me because he slept the whole time during the first flight, I shake him a little to wake him up and he jumps up a little.

"Hey get up everybody left," I tell him.

   "Oh my bad." he apologizes.

"It's alright, I didn't wanna just leave you here for the flight attendants to wake" I respond doing one last check to make sure I have everything, then we make our way out to meet Jaz and Yoongi at the food courts.

"What took y'all so long?" Jaz says looking up from her phone.

"Hoseok was sitting next to me and fell asleep so I had to wake him up" I explained to her.

"Yall were sitting together?" Jaz asks slyly with a smirk on her face.

"don't evenn," I say not even entertaining Jaz because once you give her an inch she turns it into a mile.

"what should we get?" yoongi asks as he and Hoseok make their way back from wherever they were.

"Wing stop!" Jaz and Hoseok shout.

"Ok let's go" I responded as we made our way to the restaurant and then got into the line.

As we get in the line waiting for our turn Jaz whispers to me, "Think it was a coincidence that his seat was next to yours for BOTH flights?"

  "Yes..? Jaz I know what you tryna hint and I'm not falling for it."

  "Girl he's probably single and think about it we could be best friends dating BESTFRIENDS like that would be so cute." she gushes.

"That would lowkey be cute-"


"girl I'm not even ready for a relationship" I roll my eyes at her.

yeah, I'm not ready for a relationship last thing I need is a 2.0 version of him...

By the time Jaz was done gushing to me how cute it would be if I and Hoseok dated before I knew it, it was our turn to order, we took turns saying our turns telling our orders, and eventually, it was my turn and I say what I want.

"Will that be all?" the cashier asks me. "Yeah that's all let me just get my wallet," I say as I look for my wallet but I can't seem to find it which would be embarrassing, I panic a little looking over at Jazmine who purposely didn't bring her card knowing that yoongi would pay for all her expenses.

As I was about to speak I heard a voice speak up before me. "I'll pay for her." I look over at Hoseok with a shocked expression. He hands over his card to the lady and he looks at me and I whisper a small "thank you" feeling a little embarrassed that a guy I barely know is already paying for my meal.

   We all go and make our way to a cleared table and sit down and wait for our order.

   Yoongi and Jaz start conversing between themselves, leaving me and Hoseok in an awkward silence.

"Thanks for paying for me you didn't have to. I decide to break the silence by thanking him.

   "It's alright your order wasn't even that much anyways, but if you really want to thank me, thank me by giving me your number so if I'm ever in a situation I know who to call," He says with a smirk

   I can see what he's trying to do but I exchange my phone with him anyway putting his contact name as "Future sugar daddy🤪"

   As this whole exchange is going on jaz and Yoongi are silently watching which is never good.

"Here's your order" We look up seeing the lady bring all of our orders handing each one to their person. Immediately jaz takes out her iPad that Yoongi bought for her to watch a show on Netflix, and Yoongi joins her shortly after. I look to my right seeing Hoseok texting someone, and I decide to take my camera out trying to get as much footage as I can.

"Ok guys we just got off our last flight its late as fuck but we decided to eat cause were hungry and now we're eating, oh and this's what I got." I turned my camera showing hoseoks face a little before quickly putting my camera down to show my food.

when I'm done recording, I put a mental note to edit an emoji over his face.




Taehyung: who's number??

Hoseok: oh I ain't tell yall BUT I'm talking about yoongis girlfriends friend

Hoseok: when I tell y'all she is so fineee wait till I find her socials matter of fact yoongi send over that @

Jin: why I ain't get invited to y'all vacay🥲

Hoseok: Your literally in Korea??

Amber .02.

Amber .02.

Amber .02.

Amber .02.

A/N: I combined this chapter and chapter 3 just because the ending on this chap felt chopped 😁 and don't forget to like and comment!! (Ignore the corny tweets💀😭) Words:2108

Tags :
6 months ago

yall i posted chap 2 like two-3 days ago😭😭 yall not fuckin wit it no mo??

Amber ── .✦02.

Amber .02.
Amber .02.

✦ Summary: In which Esme and Hoseok fall in love but of course with love comes trouble especially when you're dating an idol.

Series masterlist| previous| next


 "BEEP BEEP!" I hear my phone alarming me to get up.

    I groan sitting up straight while rubbing my eyes taking in all my surroundings, I stretch my body and grab my phone from its charging pad. I check the time "5:04" it read; I unlock my phone responding to any missed texts from people then go on checking my socials eventually watching a few TikTok's during the process.

"Lemme get up" I speak to myself getting up off my bed and heading to my bathroom to take a shower and do my skincare once I'm done, I go into my closet to pick my airport outfit, wanting to wear something comfy but won't get me overheated.

After choosing what to where I put on the clothes, put my boho braid in a wrapped bun, and do light makeup.

Amber .02.

Once I'm dressed and ready I decide to go Jasmine's room to make sure she's awake and ready. As I get closer I hear sexyy red blasting, "LANCEY LANCEY I'M GHETTO AND I'M FANCY."

"Jaz what time is Yoongi picking us up?" I yell over her music.

"6:30, oh shit we have to go." She checks her phone.

"Ight get ya stuff so we can head out," I say as I make sure that I have everything on me.

Jaz meets me at the door and we head downstairs to the front of the apartment complex to meet up with Yoongi.

"Hey baby, hey Esme get in" he greets me and Jaz, kissing her on the cheek in the process. I noticed that the other dude he mentioned that would be joining us wasn't in the car.

"We're meeting up with my friend at the airport," Yoongi says taking notice of me looking around.


   "Ok guys we finally go to the airport and we already did all the procedures and stuff, so now we're just waiting for our flight to be called". I say as I hold my camera in front of me.

    "That boy over there is fine" I look to where Jaz is looking, and I see it's Yoongi.

"Girl that's Yoongi," I say looking at her with a deadpan expression.

"I know that's why I said sum, LORD my man is so fine!!" I look at her with disgust and as I'm about to say something I hear Yoongi's voice.

"Esme this is Hoseok the friend I said was coming on the trip with us". I look over to see a tall guy in a black hoodie and sweatpants with a mask on.

"Nice to meet you" his deep voice fills my ears, and before I can respond the airport announcement of our flight is being heard.

We grab our things and head our way to the boarding area, I look at my ticket trying to find my seat, and as I make my way over to my seat I see that it's Hoseok, yoongi's friend sitting on the seat next to mine.

   I say excuse me to him as I make my way to my window seat. once seated I take out my blanket, neck pillow, laptop, and AirPods trying to get as comfortable as possible so I can edit the video from yesterday, but before I begin I turn and tap Hoseok's shoulder. He looks at me taking one of his earbuds out.

   "I didn't get to greet you back so I just wanted to say it's nice to meet you too! And um, also I have a quick question um I'm a YouTuber and I'm gonna be recording some clips I just wanted to ask if that's ok with you?" I awkwardly ask.

   A smile forms and his face. "Yeah of course as long as my face is censored or not In the frame, I'm cool with it!"

   "Oh okay, great i hope we can become friends during the trip!" As soon as I got his approval I take out my camera to update my fans on what had happened so far.

   "Okay, guys so we boarded the plane already and we all met up and since it's a 10-11 hour layover plane flight I might get airplane food before I go to the next one, I might record if I feel like it, but other than that I have my little set up to edit the video yall probably gon see uploaded already and yes I'm in business class cus I wasn't gon pay for no first class this trip already cost an arm and a leg but yeah that's it for the update, BYEE!" As I finished talking I felt a pair of eyes watching me so I glimpsed to see where it was coming from and I saw that it was Hoseok staring at me. I ignore it continuing to act natural.

   I get comfy in my blanket, put my Air Pods in, and take my laptop out so I can edit yesterday's video and post it by today.


I watched her talk to her camera just admiring her beauty, I stared for so long that I didn't even realize she had finished talking and had already put her camera away. I know Yoongi said he was bringing one of Jaz's friends along but I didn’t think she would be this gorgeous.

I open my phone to text yoongi.


Hoseok: BROO

Yoongi: What happened??

  Yoongi: and hurry up I'm tryna enjoy my time in first class with Jaz

↳Hoseok: y'all in first class??

Yoongi: Yea, you thought I wasn't gonna treat ME and MY girlfriend to first class on a trip that was originally for USSS??😀

Hoseok: ok see ntm she invited me and I accepted cus who the fuck do I look like declining a trip to Hawaii??😒

Yoongi: ...

Hoseok: yeah oh ok ANYWAYS why you ain't tell me jaz friend was fine??

Yoongi: Cause I have a girlfriend, and I don't even look at esme in that way

Hoseok: But anywas she asked me if I minded that she was recording for her YouTube😛

Yoongi: That's it ..?

Yoongi: go kys .😐


Hoseok chuckled a little after reading the last message Yoongi sent before closing his phone and deciding to sleep till the flight was over.


"Now Landing!" I hear the second flight intercom say. I stretch my arms Waking up from the nap I took after I finally finished editing my video and posting it because I procrastinated on the first flight.

I grab my things and get up from my seat waiting for people to pass so I can leave.

I see a text from Jaz that Yoongi and her are waiting at the food court for me and hoseok so we can all eat a quick little meal before heading to our hotel. I notice everybody's left the plane by now and I look down to see Hoseok still sleeping which was crazy to me because he slept the whole time during the first flight, I shake him a little to wake him up and he jumps up a little.

"Hey get up everybody left," I tell him.

   "Oh my bad." he apologizes.

"It's alright, I didn't wanna just leave you here for the flight attendants to wake" I respond doing one last check to make sure I have everything, then we make our way out to meet Jaz and Yoongi at the food courts.

"What took y'all so long?" Jaz says looking up from her phone.

"Hoseok was sitting next to me and fell asleep so I had to wake him up" I explained to her.

"Yall were sitting together?" Jaz asks slyly with a smirk on her face.

"don't evenn," I say not even entertaining Jaz because once you give her an inch she turns it into a mile.

"what should we get?" yoongi asks as he and Hoseok make their way back from wherever they were.

"Wing stop!" Jaz and Hoseok shout.

"Ok let's go" I responded as we made our way to the restaurant and then got into the line.

As we get in the line waiting for our turn Jaz whispers to me, "Think it was a coincidence that his seat was next to yours for BOTH flights?"

  "Yes..? Jaz I know what you tryna hint and I'm not falling for it."

  "Girl he's probably single and think about it we could be best friends dating BESTFRIENDS like that would be so cute." she gushes.

"That would lowkey be cute-"


"girl I'm not even ready for a relationship" I roll my eyes at her.

yeah, I'm not ready for a relationship last thing I need is a 2.0 version of him...

By the time Jaz was done gushing to me how cute it would be if I and Hoseok dated before I knew it, it was our turn to order, we took turns saying our turns telling our orders, and eventually, it was my turn and I say what I want.

"Will that be all?" the cashier asks me. "Yeah that's all let me just get my wallet," I say as I look for my wallet but I can't seem to find it which would be embarrassing, I panic a little looking over at Jazmine who purposely didn't bring her card knowing that yoongi would pay for all her expenses.

As I was about to speak I heard a voice speak up before me. "I'll pay for her." I look over at Hoseok with a shocked expression. He hands over his card to the lady and he looks at me and I whisper a small "thank you" feeling a little embarrassed that a guy I barely know is already paying for my meal.

   We all go and make our way to a cleared table and sit down and wait for our order.

   Yoongi and Jaz start conversing between themselves, leaving me and Hoseok in an awkward silence.

"Thanks for paying for me you didn't have to. I decide to break the silence by thanking him.

   "It's alright your order wasn't even that much anyways, but if you really want to thank me, thank me by giving me your number so if I'm ever in a situation I know who to call," He says with a smirk

   I can see what he's trying to do but I exchange my phone with him anyway putting his contact name as "Future sugar daddy🤪"

   As this whole exchange is going on jaz and Yoongi are silently watching which is never good.

"Here's your order" We look up seeing the lady bring all of our orders handing each one to their person. Immediately jaz takes out her iPad that Yoongi bought for her to watch a show on Netflix, and Yoongi joins her shortly after. I look to my right seeing Hoseok texting someone, and I decide to take my camera out trying to get as much footage as I can.

"Ok guys we just got off our last flight its late as fuck but we decided to eat cause were hungry and now we're eating, oh and this's what I got." I turned my camera showing hoseoks face a little before quickly putting my camera down to show my food.

when I'm done recording, I put a mental note to edit an emoji over his face.




Taehyung: who's number??

Hoseok: oh I ain't tell yall BUT I'm talking about yoongis girlfriends friend

Hoseok: when I tell y'all she is so fineee wait till I find her socials matter of fact yoongi send over that @

Jin: why I ain't get invited to y'all vacay🥲

Hoseok: Your literally in Korea??

Amber .02.

Amber .02.

Amber .02.

Amber .02.

A/N: I combined this chapter and chapter 3 just because the ending on this chap felt chopped 😁 and don't forget to like and comment!! (Ignore the corny tweets💀😭) Words:2108

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4 months ago

Amber ── .✦Visuals.

Amber .Visuals.
Amber .Visuals.

✦ Summary: In which Esme and Hoseok fall in love but of course with love comes trouble especially when you're dating an idol.

Series masterlist| previous| next

(No song since its just visuals)

Amber .Visuals.

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Amber .Visuals.

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Amber .Visuals.

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Amber .Visuals.

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Amber .Visuals.

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We made it to Hawaii!! ( vlog posted on yt🫶🏾)

Liked by its.jaz and 106,758 others

its.Jaz: Two pretty best friends 😍 ﹂rando: you sure bout two? ﹂its.Jaz: you tryna say sum cause I kno it ain't you Niya?? the one that got her ass beat two weeks ago talking bout us🤨

Random: who was the dude in your vid?? ﹂Rando: Who yoongi?? ﹂Random: noo the other dude ﹂Rando: ohh idk his voice sound mad familiar thoo

Random: Lived long enough to see her leave that bozo🙏🏾 ﹂Rando: WORDD

Random: When's the next upload??

Random: My man finally left this ugly ass bitch🤡🤢 ﹂Random: Girl your literally built like Rollie on a good day??

Random: Thank you for coming to yt!!

Random: I hope you have fun on your trip!!🫶🏾

Amber .Visuals.

A/N: Here are the visuals i was talking about! in the original on wattpad i took the thumbnail off cus i thought it was corny but imma just keep it cus i dont care🤷🏾‍♀️

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3 years ago
OK, Secretly Dating Drarry Fanfics Are My Weakness Right Now, So I Did A Rough Comic BasedLoosely On
OK, Secretly Dating Drarry Fanfics Are My Weakness Right Now, So I Did A Rough Comic BasedLoosely On
OK, Secretly Dating Drarry Fanfics Are My Weakness Right Now, So I Did A Rough Comic BasedLoosely On
OK, Secretly Dating Drarry Fanfics Are My Weakness Right Now, So I Did A Rough Comic BasedLoosely On
OK, Secretly Dating Drarry Fanfics Are My Weakness Right Now, So I Did A Rough Comic BasedLoosely On
OK, Secretly Dating Drarry Fanfics Are My Weakness Right Now, So I Did A Rough Comic BasedLoosely On
OK, Secretly Dating Drarry Fanfics Are My Weakness Right Now, So I Did A Rough Comic BasedLoosely On
OK, Secretly Dating Drarry Fanfics Are My Weakness Right Now, So I Did A Rough Comic BasedLoosely On
OK, Secretly Dating Drarry Fanfics Are My Weakness Right Now, So I Did A Rough Comic BasedLoosely On
OK, Secretly Dating Drarry Fanfics Are My Weakness Right Now, So I Did A Rough Comic BasedLoosely On

OK, Secretly dating Drarry Fanfics are my weakness right now, so I did a rough comic based Loosely on this: X

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1 year ago

I need this

Just imagine that Keith and Pidge lie to everyone for a date because their relationship is secret. Acxa and Veronica confront each other and Keith's team teams up with the MFEs to find and unmask them?????

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1 year ago

Okay so I really need help finding a Draco Malloy fanfic I read a while ago on Wattpad.

From what i remember Draco and the OC have a secret relationship. I think their relationship starts becoming a bit rocky as the second wizarding war approaches and Draco is set his task. OC then finds out that her father is Corban Yaxley and that the reason that she never knew this was because her mother left him for their safety as he was very emotionally abusive and a death eater. I’m pretty sure that after she finds out he’s her father he tries to get her to take the mark.

If anyone could help that would be amazing.

Thankyou xxx

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