Citations - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Le bonheur est plus subtil, c'est une œuvre de longue haleine.

La thérapie du bonheur - Etienne Jalenques

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1 year ago

Toi, ma pépite

Toi, Ma Ppite

« Il est chat, donc libre. »

Gilbert Bordes ©

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1 year ago

Celui qui vous dit « Tu n'as pas le choix » vous ment. Il y a toujours le choix.

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1 year ago

Nos loupés nous apprennent plus que nos réussites. ©


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11 months ago

Trad. : Je sais que tu as essayé de faire de ton mieux. S'il te plaît, sois doux avec toi-même, ok ?

Réconforte-toi autant que tu peux.

uneessencesensible - Delfhin

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1 year ago

in re plagiarism and citation and people not knowing how to do it

in the capstone class of my MASTER's degree, I had to do a group paper with fellow students who had all done 6+ years of collegiate study to get there

we shared drafts of our portions and they had no citations and i was like???? and they were like "it's a draft i'll put the citations in at the end" and i was like ???????

because by the time you're done writing the thing you're not going to remember what you got where and whether you synthesized information together! this is how "i thought i thought of it" plagiarism cases occur!!!!

anyway i told them at the bare minimum any time they referenced a numerical figure they needed to cite it, and since it was a paper on accounting fraud that mostly worked out. but i could tell they were citing stuff simply because i'd told them to cite where numbers came from, because they didn't bother to cite some non-numerical things that definitely needed it.

anyway this is why when you have classes that have multiple assignments for a paper to teach you how to write it, annotated bibliography comes before drafting. because you're supposed to have your sources and know what's in them when you start writing.

to current college students: PLEASE put the citations in as you're writing not as you're editing. i know it seems like a pita especially if you don't know the formatting well, but that's what tools like Purdue Owl are for. Tell it what citation format you're supposed to use, what kind of source you have, fill in the fields and it will format the citation for you.

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2 years ago

The reason you shouldn't cite Wikipedia is because it's just a bunch of compiled information from other places- well-cited information. It's always best to get as close as possible to a primary source, so you don't want to use Wikipedia literally just for that reason. And like I said, they cite all their sources and it's really, really easy to find that source because it's right there, so the clear course of action would be to go to that source and cite it instead.

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1 year ago

I hate when a lecturer uses his own publications as course readings so that I have to cite his works. Scary stuff

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4 years ago

Vraiment une très bonne idée, merci beaucoup ! =D ♥

Les Beaux Mots

Hello les gens 👋 J’espère que vous vous portez bien à cette mi-janvier !

J’avais évoqué dans une réponse d’un post de @gainsb0ro​ l'existence d’un fichier partagé avec @zuzcreation​ où je notais (quand j’y pensais) des textes pour ensuite pouvoir les réutiliser sur des avatars (ou autre).

Depuis ce jour, j’y ai pas mal songé et j’ai finalement décidé de transformer ce tableur moche en un tumblr un peu plus ludique 😂 mais surtout qui puisse être ouvert à tout le monde, aussi bien pour la lecture que la contribution ! Bref, @lesbeauxmots​ est là !

On l’a rempli d’une centaine de textes pour le moment et on va continuer de le remplir petit à petit.

J’espère vraiment que l’idée vous plaira et que vous en verrez l’utilité 😊 et qui sait, des contributions et des volontaires pour participer 🥳

N’hésitez pas à partager l’information autour de vous (#poucebleu #abonnetoi #activelacloche), le but c’est que ça serve et que ça soit diversifié 🤗 (genre tout le monde n’a pas le même amour pour les années 80 que moi et je comprends parfaitement 🤭)

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3 years ago

“Depression isn’t not understanding that you have something to live for. It’s knowing that you should feel differently, but it’s so bad that all you want to do is curl up and die.”

— Private Practice

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3 years ago

“ I don’t want to feel my grief. My grief feels horrible. My grief feels like.. Like my chest is going to explode! Like I can’t breathe. Like everything is over and nobody.. Nobodody understands. ”

— The baby-sitters club

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3 years ago

“You are everything I never knew I wanted. I cannot live without you.”

— Private Practice

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3 years ago

“ - Is love really supposed to take so much effort? - Look, I know it in my heart. You and Kevin are meant to be. - And I used to know it too, but maybe all were meant to be is a happy memory. ”

— The princess switch : switched again

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3 years ago

“How am I supposed to believe that? How am I supposed to believe in anything ever again? I mean, how is love not enough?”

— Private Practice

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3 years ago

“If you fail to grant time for the things you care about, you’ll forget why you’re even fighting at all.”

– Shadowhunters

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3 years ago

“ - I’m fine. - That’s crap. Keeping everything you’re going through inside, shutting out the people who love you. That’s not dealing, that’s hiding. You and I, we don’t have the luxury of ignoring our emotions, hoping they’ll just go away. That bites people like us in the ass. The only way you’re gonna get through this is to let yourself feel every heartbreaking, gut-wrenching part of it. ”

— Private Practice

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3 years ago

“ Because you two have something that i want ; Love. Built on mutual respect, that grows over time. ”

– Legacies

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3 years ago

“ Have you ever had a relationship that you're absolutely certain was meant to be, but it all turned out to be a mirage and broke your heart because life is cruel? ”

– Legacies

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3 years ago

“ I promise to remind you that I love you every day until the day that you love yourself, and then everyday after. ”

— You’ve been t@ggeed

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3 years ago

“ What you and I have is fantastico. Maya it’s ours. It’s just ours. ”

– Carina Deluca-Bishop

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