Colleen Ballinger - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

people being told by their PR teams to not talk talking:

beecha - Beecha's Bouncyhouse (?)
beecha - Beecha's Bouncyhouse (?)

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1 year ago

Why does miranda sings “apology” song actually kinda sound like Creep by Radiohead???

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6 months ago

the way that colleen's ukulele is now part of youtube history

The Way That Colleen's Ukulele Is Now Part Of Youtube History

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1 year ago

At this point I don't know what's funnier, the fact that Colleen Ballinger actually thought that making a 10 minute "apology" song playing a ukelele was a good idea, or the reactions to this video in which everyone just stares at this dumpster fire of apology in a silent agony because there's absolutely no way of defending her at this point.

I never thought I would see something worse than the interpretative dancing apology video but here we are.

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1 year ago

So it seems that releasing the ukelele apology was not enough for Colleen, because not only she's monetizing from that video but is also copyright claiming other videos that shows her apology in it, and she also released the 10 minutes of the song in Apple music in case someone wants to enjoy the toxic gossip train on your way to work.

So congratulations, this is officially the worst "apology" ever seen in the history of YouTube.

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1 year ago

Holy shit I just read she's SELLING the toxic gossip train song on iTunes for 10$ wtf. If this isn't narcissistic behavior at its peak idk what it is lmao.

So it seems that releasing the ukelele apology was not enough for Colleen, because not only she's monetizing from that video but is also copyright claiming other videos that shows her apology in it, and she also released the 10 minutes of the song in Apple music in case someone wants to enjoy the toxic gossip train on your way to work.

So congratulations, this is officially the worst "apology" ever seen in the history of YouTube.

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3 years ago

ETN incorrect quotes cause i watched season 1 in a day.

Tim: remember guys, if you dont sin a little Jesus died for nothing! Eva and Oli: NO.

Lele: What's the word for horny but not in a sexual way? Like I'm horny for halloween but i dont want to fuck a pumpkin lol. Matt:... you mean excited? 

Joey: well well well, if it isn't all those people i killed.

Tim: Who decided it was ‘emotional baggage’ and not griefcase???

Collen: What do you have to say about all those people you killed? Joey: oops.

Tim: Look. I may not be a saint, but it's not like I’ve killed anybody. I’m not an arsonist. I’ve never found a wallet outside of an IHOP and thought about returning it but saw the owner lived out of state so just took the cash and dropped the wallet back on the ground. Sierra: Okay, that's really specific, and that makes me think that you definitely did do that.  (He did; in fact, do two of those things)

Lele: I'll speak French between ur legs Justine: The hottest thing i ever been told Sierra: I'm just imagining someone yelling "BONJOUR" at a penis Tim: SACRE BLEU MADAM VAGNIA HON HON HON TITTY CROISSANTS Lele: TITTY CROISSANTS Glozell: None of you shouldn’t be having Sex.

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1 year ago


Recently, it's been brought to my attention that I'm being accused of breaking @cyutic 's tumblr and their copy and paste. They even posted about this, and honestly, I'm BAFFLED I'm set up to be the bad guy 😣😣

Like why yall spreading rumors? 🙄🙄 This is obviously misinformation, and seeing it being spread is FLABBERGASTING 👹


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4 years ago
From An Early Age, I Tried To Be Funny For The Adults. I Mean, My Mom Said, When You Were A Baby, You
From An Early Age, I Tried To Be Funny For The Adults. I Mean, My Mom Said, When You Were A Baby, You
From An Early Age, I Tried To Be Funny For The Adults. I Mean, My Mom Said, When You Were A Baby, You
From An Early Age, I Tried To Be Funny For The Adults. I Mean, My Mom Said, When You Were A Baby, You
From An Early Age, I Tried To Be Funny For The Adults. I Mean, My Mom Said, When You Were A Baby, You

From an early age, I tried to be funny for the adults. I mean, my mom said, “When you were a baby, you used to poke your head out of blankets.” And she said, “It was like you knew how to be cute.” She didn’t say it flatteringly, she was like, “It was weird, it was like you knew what you were doing.”

I think I thought and feel still that I have to provide that in order for people to like me.

Can’t Handle This/Kanye Rant (Bo Burnham, Make Happy) // Miss Americana (Taylor Swift) // i’m famous (Colleen Ballinger, Haters Back Off) // John Mulaney and Stephen Colbert Explore Each Other’s Deepest Anxieties (The Late Show with Stephen Colbert)

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1 year ago

So who else has "Toxic gossip traaaaaaaain" stuck in their heads

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5 months ago

damnit i thought this was my original idea

Everyone in the warehouse closing in: Light, we know you’re Kira-

Light: *whips out a ukulele* THE TOXIC GOSSIP TRAAAAAAIN-

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10 months ago

whenever apollo/lester messes up he pulls out his ukelele. like colleen balligner

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7 months ago

I do have sympathy for jojo siwa for what she had gone through on dance moms but that doesn’t excuse her abusing the kids in her own group XOMG POP. It’s sad that most people who are abused and don’t get proper therapy or don’t actually come to terms with it end up being abusers themselves in the future. It’s a the cycle of abuse, which is why it’s important to talk to people and go to therapy. I genuinely do hope she realizes the harm she’s doing and the people she’s surrounding herself with aren’t good people (Colleen ballinger, Shawn Dawson, etc…) Despite her pass she’s still hurting people and surrounding herself around people who’s hurt so many. It’s terrible, this whole situation is terrible.

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