Creatureart - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago
First Entry Of The Year! This Cat Like Creature Is Called A Jahor. It's A Big, Cunning Ambush Predator

First entry of the year! This cat like creature is called a Jahor. It's a big, cunning ambush predator said to be smarter than some people! They have powerful front limbs used for climbing, breaking the back or neck of smaller prey, and wrestling large prey to the ground so it can use its deadly accuracy and 5 inch canines to deliver the fatal blow. Jahor social structures are complicated, but males seem to govern large territories overlapping several female territories. Cubs stay within the mother's territory until they're 2 years of age before they split up to find their own place in the world. Largely solitary, they have been seen working together and even hunting for each other in times of need. . . . #creature #creaturedesign #conceptart #worldbuilding #art #sketch #penciledrawing #sketchbook #artistsoninstagram #artistofinstagram #fantasyanimal #animal #animaldesign #creatureart #creaturedesigner #artist #firstpostoftheyear #creatuanary

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7 years ago
I've Been A Bit Busy With Job Searching Lately, But I Finally Tried Out Sculptris Which I've Had On My

I've been a bit busy with job searching lately, but I finally tried out Sculptris which I've had on my computer forever! Turns out it's pretty nice to work in and it feels a lot more like working with clay than what Mudbox ever did! I'm still figuring it out, but I managed to make a PinPin head on the 2nd try! This sculpt was about 4-5 hours in the making, and I've now started to block out a body, but I'll have to come back to that later. . . #creaturedesign #creature #sculptris #zbrush #sculpture #3d #fantasycreature #art #artistsoninstagram #conceptart #creaturedesigner #artist #3ddesign #creatureart #fantasyzoology

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6 years ago
At The Cabin Right Now So Here's An Old Sketch That I'm Still Very Proud Of Lecture Sketch Of A Mama

At the cabin right now so here's an old sketch that I'm still very proud of😁 Lecture sketch of a mama raptor character I created for a games pitch dozing off. I want to colour it digitally and maybe with watercolour at some point. ... I think dozy animals is my thing😅 (In the background there's a classic Disney styled Deltatheridium if you were wondering😜) #paleoart #paleosketch #velociraptor #velociraptormongoliensis #raptor #raptordinosaur #jurrasicpark #dangerfloof #floof #sleepyanimals #sketchbook #drawing #art #artistsoninstagram #paleoartist #creaturedesign #characterdesign #characterart #creatureart #classicdisney #deltatheridium

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6 years ago
Harpy Design Is Getting Along Now. Started Painting The Tiny Full Body Profiles, And Am On 2nd Layer
Harpy Design Is Getting Along Now. Started Painting The Tiny Full Body Profiles, And Am On 2nd Layer
Harpy Design Is Getting Along Now. Started Painting The Tiny Full Body Profiles, And Am On 2nd Layer

Harpy design is getting along now. Started painting the tiny full body profiles, and am on 2nd layer of paint for the head profiles. If you look in the bottom left and right corner you can catch some bird tidd- aah inflatable display wattles..

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5 years ago
Thylacoleo Carnifex Enters The Arena! Thylacoleo, Commonly Called The "marsupial Lion" Was The Largest

Thylacoleo carnifex enters the arena! Thylacoleo, commonly called the "marsupial lion" was the largest carniverous marsupial to have ever lived, and could reach about the same weight class as an African lion! Some of it's closest relatives are the kangaroos and wombats. It has a series of adaptations suggesting it stems from an arboreal ancesstor, and it may have evolved carnivory from a mostly herbivorous diet along its evolutionary tree. It actually doesn't have usable canine teeth like most carnivorous mammals do, instead it used its well developed incisors, possibly in combination with its meathook "thumb" claws to deliver a fatal bite to the neck or back of the skull of its prey. . Commission done for @caitlinmillerm I hope you enjoy! And do share if you're painting it or do something fun with him! If you are interested in a commission, contact me through DMs😊 (cannot promise i can do anything until August due to work, but we can talk and plan out the details) #miniature #artistofinstagram #artistoninstagram #paleoartist #sculptor #sculpture #supersculpy #paleoart #thylacoleo #thylacoleocarnifex #maquette #creatureart #creaturedesign #creaturedesigner #arksurvival #dinosaurart #iceage #iceageanimal #marsupial #marsupialion #commission #art #jurassicworld #jurassicpark #toymaker #prehistoricanimal

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5 years ago
Unicorns! I'm On My Way To Berlin For A Short Week So I Nabbed Some Pictures Of My Page Of Unicorns.

Unicorns! I'm on my way to Berlin for a short week so i nabbed some pictures of my page of unicorns. This feels very relevant atm because I've been looking up horse evolution and trying to find a good point for unicorns to branch off from horses, and through my reseearch I've seen some nice mounts/life reconstructions that seems to be in the NHM of Berlin, so I'm actually a little stoked over that specifically! Anyway, here are two of the first possible members of the unicorn family representing their respective theories on when the split happened. First theory is that of protoceratherium, a small animal that shot off from the likes of eohippus. The second theory is that they split off from the likes of mycohippus, a part of the genus equus, with unoceratherium. Their longer legs allowed them to partake in the grassland ecosystems aswell as their prefered forest bioms, with a better survival chance than their predecessors, and their basal three hoofed legs gave them advantages of stealth and grip on the slippery forest floor. Might do more indepth post on both of these critters later on. Still research and naming to do too🤔 #art #artist #artistofinstagram #artistoninstagram #paleoartist #fantasyart #unicorn #fantasyscience #fantasy #fantasticbeasts #conceptart #creaturedesign #creaturedesigner #creatureart #horse #horseart #conceptartist

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5 years ago
Next Up On The Unicorn Tree, We Have An, As Of Now, Unnamed Species, Descended From The Unoceratherium

Next up on the unicorn tree, we have an, as of now, unnamed species, descended from the unoceratherium (2 image). This species was more adapted to open grasslands than it's predecessors and the two last lines of unicorns, both its descendants, or very close relatives. The previously three hoofed feet are now mainly monodactylous, it's other digits being lifted off the ground, like the artiodactyle posterially positioned toes. It's horned is larger, slightly curved, and is now "twisted" in a corkscrew manner. This species likely went extinct from preassure by climate, hunting, and being out competed by bovids and cervids, and also the other equids like the larger wild horse. . This design is based more off on the split from the equid family while they still had 3-toed hooves and had moved into open grasslands, than the very early split from the forest dwelling ancestors mentioned in my previous post. #art #artist #artistofinstagram #artistoninstagram #paleoartist #fantasyart #unicorn #fantasyscience #fantasy #fantasticbeasts #conceptart #creaturedesign #creaturedesigner #creatureart #wip #workinprogress #sketchbook #sketch #drawing #magicalbeast #magicalcreature

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5 years ago
HEY! Here's My Current Price Listing For Sculpture Commissions As Of 2019. There Will Be Some Changes

HEY! Here's my current price listing for sculpture commissions as of 2019. There will be some changes in the new year, but if you want to catch a ride on these prices get in touch by DMs or email me at the email linked on my account. Next year I'm also opening up for custom DnD/tabletop RPG original models, and possibly resin cast creature minis, but that relies more on getting some equipment i currently can't afford. . HMU if you'd like to commission me, and happy holiday season!✌ . . #miniature #artistofinstagram #artistoninstagram #paleoartist #sculptor #sculpture #supersculpy #paleoart #terrorbird #art #artist #paleoart #creaturedesigner #creaturedesign #creatureart #commissions #commission #commissionme #pricelist #artistpricelist #artistforhire #artist4hire #artistlife #artlife #yesimadethisingoogledocs #dinosaurart #prehistoriccreature

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5 years ago
Little Comparison Between First Big Sculpture With Super Sculpey, Kelenken Guillermoi, Ca June 2018,

Little comparison between first big sculpture with super sculpey, kelenken guillermoi, ca June 2018, and my latest big sculpture, also kelenken g. Ca november 2019. What a differenc a year and a half have done! Can't wait to improve even more!💪 . . I just hope i get the mate of the 2019 one done before my style and skills have progressed too much👀 . . #art #artist #paleoart #paleoartist #paleoartista #paleoarte #kelenken #kelenkenguillermoi #terrorbird #artistofinstagram #artistoninstagram #phorusrhacos #creaturedesign #creaturedesigner #creatureart #phorusrhacus #phorusrhacid #throwback #2018vs2019 #sculpture #supersculpy #sculptor #theropod #dinosaurart #toymaker #iceage #jurassicpark #jurassicworld #improvement

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4 years ago
Coffee Stain Creatures To Start Off Your Morning . Hi, Long Time No See! I Have Been Gone From Instagram

Coffee stain creatures to start off your morning☕🐰☀️ . Hi, long time no see! I have been gone from instagram for a while now, but I'm slowly trying to make my way back here. Life has been changing dramatically the past 6 months, and i haven't had much time or peace of mind to do art. I'm getting back to it tho, working on commissions and personal projects. I'm getting back into paleo again once I've settled in to my new place and new routines. . Stay safe and take care of each other, be you strangers or kin!❤ . #art #artist #coffeestain #coffeestainart #creature #creatureart #creaturedesing #funexcercise #fantasyart #littlecreature #creaturedesigner #randompost

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