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pro-lifers: a fetus is alive! they have a heartbeat! it’s murder!
also pro-lifers: *eats eggs*


if a woman is considered “dirty” and “defiled” after being touched by a man, you should stop blaming the woman and start blaming that man.
i’m not backing down or agreeing with you i’m just tired of debating with you when you ignore the facts presented to your face: a novel

this is america
if i were a feminazi i’d be genociding the men by the millions and putting them in thousands of different concentration camps but i’m literally asking for gender equality it’s super simple
conservatives always talk about “waking up in a free country” and “getting the right to choose” when it comes to masks but go apeshit when someone’s pro-choice
“omg it’s murder they have a heartbeat and everything!“
yeah well you not wearing a mask could murder someone you walnut so stfu and put on your goddamn homemade floral maga mask debra

get vaccinated you fools

just putting this out there:
do men realize how much power they give women when they ask for a blow job? i mean honey your dick is in her mouth treat her with respect or get castrated, bitch.
throughout history it has been a man's job to provi...
no, throughout history men have actively prevented the independence of women, they have actively prevented our mobility, rights to an education, and livable income. they're abused our reproductive capability and passed us around like properties, they're used religion to rationalize their hatred of use, and to put us in place of subordination. so y'all can shut the fuck up about men being "providers" like it was some benevolent gesture, in an attempt to rationalize sexism
saying women shouldn't be allowed to get abortions because they were the ones who had unprotected sex is like saying smokers shouldn't receive treatment for lung cancer or drivers shouldn't receive treatment in a car crash because they knew the risks when they got a driving license
imagine if women were like “gosh when i’m around men i just can’t stop myself from kicking them in the dick” and then men get upset and women just say “that’s what you get for being alone with use, you were basically asking for it”
“we’re ruining the planet”
sorry where’s this we coming from, i don’t remember running a multibillion dollar corporation