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thoughts, anyone?

do you ever think about how society is just a trap? it's an endless cycle of pleasing the people above you. in order to be happy you have to work for it and in order to be able to live decently you have to work for it. you please your teachers so your teachers can write recommendations for you so you can please the college admissions board and you please your professors so you can get a good grade and get a degree and you go out and please the people hiring so you can get a job and you constantly please your boss so you can get paid or get a raise to live better. society is a huge endless terrifying cycle and it traps people into working for other who eventually work for the people in charge with the most power. and as much as we hate on society we end up playing into what society wants because that's the only way to survive.

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if i were a feminazi i’d be genociding the men by the millions and putting them in thousands of different concentration camps but i’m literally asking for gender equality it’s super simple

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conservatives always talk about “waking up in a free country” and “getting the right to choose” when it comes to masks but go apeshit when someone’s pro-choice

“omg it’s murder they have a heartbeat and everything!“

yeah well you not wearing a mask could murder someone you walnut so stfu and put on your goddamn homemade floral maga mask debra

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