I Know That - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

moja reakcja gdy ta jedna atencjuszka na grupie klasowej ustawiła sobie nick "🦋"

girl, what the fuck, but i know...

Moja Reakcja Gdy Ta Jedna Atencjuszka Na Grupie Klasowej Ustawia Sobie Nick ""

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2 years ago

(   eddie   ).


It was like a dream, seeing her here, where danger surely lurked at every corner. Within himself he could feel an old stirring of heartstrings, desperately wishing that she were anywhere else but in this place of hell. Those eyes of hers were like stars, and what he could see of her soul, a pure pale light. He was somewhat dazzled, for a moment, just by observing every part of her that he could with a long gaze.

Those hands on the front of his clothes, where stains of red were still present, but no longer were the wounds there. Such a chaotic mess it had been, and he was still wholly confused as to why he had been kept. There was no use for someone like him. He was to be the sacrifice… or so he had thought. Buy them time. Buy them time… Were the last moments he recalled, before the monster came to grant him new purpose; a forcible, unwanted pact…

  “…Chrissy…” To hear her speak sent him partially out of this trance, and some light confusion danced on his features as she was urging him to go. He shook his head a few times, but she already had his hand in hers, and for a few moments more he was lost at what to say. Words were not coming, and he followed along behind her for a few feet, before he halted. “Chrissy– I can’t…!” Suddenly, he spoke, loud enough to break past his parting lips, but still quiet as to not spook whatever else may be near.

One look her way, again, and his expression softened with that desperation. “I can’t go with you…” How much he wanted to, so badly. Just to let her lead him away, but the part of him that was still theirs, still with the last lingering bits of his heart; He had to warn her. “I’m… - It’s too dangerous, Chrissy.” She doesn’t know. How could she? It was going to hurt him the most, and the creature that did this to him knew it so.

| @choicelesshope· |

he speaks—once, her name something she’s not entirely used to hearing falling from his lips. a rarity that not only once had made her heart skip a beat, now—quickly buried under the pressing matter of his safety. unheard, forgotten. there was relief in the feeling of him following her, the weight of his hand as she led him a few more steps making her focus on nothing more than the words she had taken as her oath: he’s alive. i can’t believe he’s alive—he really is here. he won’t be left behind, not again. not again, not again, not again.

❝ it’s not far! ❞ she answers, for he speaks a second time. her own words come out trembling, pleading. why would she have to plead? there’s no certain answer, at first, though—perhaps she already feels something’s off about this. about him, about his reticence to go on. an unsaid truth she doesn’t want to know about, as long as she can remain in the idea that if she kept pulling, kept carrying on, didn’t let go of his hand, everything would be alright. everything, somehow, would ultimately be alright.

( Eddie ).

but—how long can blind faith go unshattered? how long can one heart remain strong when all around the world is consumed by shadows? slowly, her steps start to falter, her grip shaken, and though he cannot see it yet—tears have drenched her cheeks and veiled her vision. she stops. a few seconds that felt like hours before she turns to him: far from ready to finally know the truth, but brave enough to try it anyways.

❝ why? ❞ in her eyes it's written a silent request: say it. just say it, i can take it. ❝ you said you can’t, what—what do you mean by that? ❞ and as another thunder roars in the distance ( a reminder from this world that not every threat has been dismissed, not yet ) her eyes land and remains in those big brown eyes of his. a cruelty, really—why does it feel like it’s not been a minute from their conversation in the forest?

no—not a minute, but the wishful thinking of a future that slips away with every second he takes to answer her questions.

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1 year ago

About the crimes lists: the english one is the only one that lists unlicensed business, but the english speakers are not the only players with business on the island, which does imply that everyone else went after a permit/license except the english speakers

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8 months ago

overheard at the BAU

Emily: "Music is great. It calms you down, it makes you happy, it covers the screams of annoying neighbours, it's a fantastic hobby, it's creative..."

JJ: "...honey, we talked about this "

Emily, turning towards Derek: "I am apparently not allowed to make murder jokes anymore."

JJ: "Tell him why that is."

Emily: "...The police showed up at our apartment and thought I was a serial killer."

JJ: "And what did you say to them?"

Emily, looking at the ground: "That they could look in our kitchen and find all of the breakfast cereal to be happy and alive..."

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1 year ago

By the way, lurkers are welcome on my blog<33

Yeah, yeah, Writeblr is a community and all that. But I get it.

Some of us have anxiety disorders. Some of us are (or were once) minors on the internet who had it drilled into us to never make our presence known in online spaces lest we get stalked or groomed.

It's okay if interacting is outside of your comfort zone.

Some of us aren't actually on tumblr enough to make making a Writeblr intro worth it.

Some of us prefer to take a few months, maybe years, observing the community to learn the rules. And let's face it, there is a huge learning curve to Tumblr culture. I came here from Pinterest in like 2018 and hooo boy was it intimidating!

Like, I was that 17 year old pinterest lurker with an anxiety disorder who was taught that internet safety meant "never comment on anything" who took a few years before I felt comfortable enough with tumblr culture to reblog things with tags, let alone make public posts.

So I guess what I am saying is, I can't judge. Because I've been there.

Writeblr is a community. And the community (for me) is the best part. And remember that if you don't contribute to the community you don't get to complain about it either. But this is also a public space. Silent observers are to be expected. And on my blog you are welcome.

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8 months ago

With pedophilia I don't only mean lolis, but also how some adult proshippers interact with underage proshippers

I'm against that content because I don't understand what could be so sexually appealing about a character who looks like an 8 year old, I've spoken against it and I've done it tagging properly as to not get harassed (I haven't had any luck yet, everytime i post something I get at least 5 anons insulting me and 3 comments in the post also insulting me). I know this is fiction but it doesn't make it any less disturbing for me to enjoy reading about kids getting raped whether it's a fic or a comic or whatever

I'm gonna be honest, if the proshipping community wasn't so filled with pedophilia I wouldn't mind them, I would be like "Okay, weird to ship incest but okay? I guess" and ignore them but I can't ignore them if every time I say "Hey being sexually attracted to characters who look 8 years old or shipping them with adults and/or their parents is not okay" I get harassed, called homophobic, kink shamer, and a prude.

I'm not saying all proshippers are pedophiles so if you get offended by this and start insulting me and trying to justify the pedophilia in the community I'm going to think YOU personally get called out and you probably need your hard drive checked

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7 years ago

What medium do you use to draw? Traditional, tablet, mouse, etc. of course this is if you don't mind me asking!

Uhm… mind if I turn this in a sorta… tutorial thingy? How I kinda like to draw? :”D


I had much problems with sketching digital up to now, so I prefer to draw with pencil on normal paper (the rubber cap on (1) is pretty handy). And that way I can doodle whenever I want and not have to wait until I get home.

I also lineart it along the way because that also works better with traditional for me. The pen in (2) is 0,1 cm and I have one for 0,3. (The one in (4) is just for fancy brush lines :”D ). (And the white gloss paint marker helps great for messed up parts. I love this pen.)

Next is scanning.

Then correcting the lineart and removing dirt.


Setting up the light and shadow values like this greatly helps removing lots of dirt and pencil lines that I forgot to edit. Then I smoothen the lines because over this they get a bit sharper.

And last I set it up in Photoshop for coloring and shading with mah graphic tablet.

Setting the white background to transparent is also pretty handy for colored lineart!

I hope this kinda answered your question! >u

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