Unbeknown - Tumblr Posts
Imagine Your OTP
Person A: “You know that moment when your heart has been captured, when your feelings have been insnared, your admiration snatched, your love acquired, your-”
Friend: “Is there a point to this?”
Person A: “Let me finish, ‘where was I?’ Oh yes, your attention intercepted! That is what I feel for Person B!”
Person B: (Spit takes as they hear all of this whilst entering the room) “What!”
Imagine Your OTP (Includes NOTP Member)
NOTP member: *Turns on Don’t go Wasting your Emotion by Abba*
Person A: *Pays no attention*
NOTP member: *Looks upset, then puts the volume up*
Person A: *Still oblivious*
Person B: “Hello, Person A!”
Person A: “Hmm, oh hello Person B!
NOTP member: *Raises the volume more and starts glaring*
Person B: “Do you hear that?”
Person A: “Yes, weird. I wonder how long its been playing. Oh well, lets go!”
NOTP member: “OH COME ON!”
Alternative: Person A: “Ya, thats (NOTP member) being an idiot.”
Imagine Your OTP
Person A and Person B are exploring/visiting a new place and looking at the lovely scenery when…
Person B: “Quite beautiful, wouldn’t you say?”
Person A: (Looks to them with pure enamour) “Yes, v-very much so~”
Person B: “Well I’m glad that you think so Person A! Now shall we explore some more?” (Offering to hold their hand)
Person A: “It would be my honour!”
Bonus: Person B was talking about Person A but was trying to be subtle about their feelings for them.
Imagine Your OTP
Person B: (Says a flirty remark to Person A)
Person A: (Internally) ‘Wait! Is this - what flirting is?!? I-oh- w-what do I do!?! This never happened to me before!”
Person B: (Says another flirty remark)
Person A: (Internally) ‘W-what again! My poor heart can’t take this!!! I already am in love with them! This is just fuel to the fire!!!’
Bonus: If Person A appears unfazed while this is happening.
Another Bonus: If Person A is reacting with fast blinks, flustered, stunned/deer in the headlights expressions, thinking incoherently ‘My HEarT iS GoiNG tO LuRcH riGhT oUt oF mY ChEst! AHH!‘
Imagine Your OTP
Alternative version of this.
Person D: (Says something flirty)
Person C: (Internally) ‘You smug/cheeky dastard! You think I will fall for that! Even with your charming smile and your sweet face, no way!’
Person D: (Gives Person C a sweet complement)
Person C: (Internally) ‘Nevermind, you win! My heart is yours! I will live for you, I will die for you! I love you!’
Imagine Your OTP
Person A and Person B are sitting across from each other. When Person B lowers the newspaper in their hands and says…
Person B: “Do you ever feel regret over something you did in your past.”
Person A: “Oh, don’t even get me started, I honestly can look back at myself last year and say that was embarrassing, or whenever I draw/make/write/etc something new and look at it the next day. Or you know what we don’t even have to go that far just yesterday when I ate (food thats bad for them).” *quietly to themself* “Ya that was a mistake.”
Person B: “I meant like your highschool/university self.”
Person A: (Points to them with recognition) “That too!”
Imagine Your OTP
Person B: (Holding a package of Hershey Kisses) “Person A, do you want a kiss?”
Person A: “Really? Are you sure?”
Person B: (Confused but replies with a laugh) “Of course, why on earth would I be unsure?”
Person A: (A bit red but comes over not noticing the chocolate due to their nerves) “Alright!”
Person B smiles closing their eyes just about to hand them a chocolate when Person A kisses them.
Person B: (Now as redder than scarlet) “Um!”
Person A: (Looking to the side to avoid eye contact to see the chocolates in their hand) “O-oh you meant the chocolates…”
Person B: (Smiles bashfully at them) “Well, I won’t lie but I quite prefer your kiss to the chocolate, so here if you wouldn’t be opposed. A kiss *kisses them* for a kiss *hand them a chocolate*.”
Person A still very stunned and goes the sit down after a bit letting a smile melt that expression away and thanks Person B for both.
Bonus: this is added with the confession being the first time they admit their feelings for each other.
Imagine Your OTP
Person B: “You look beautiful!”
Person A: “What?”
Person B: “I said you look beautiful!”
Person A: (Purses their lips to the side in thought, looking confused as they try to process the complement)
Person B: “Are you alright!”
Person A: (Starts tapping their head to get the thought processed) “Yes, sorry … it’s just … hard … to process. Give me a second……. Really?”
Person B: (Smiles brightly) “Yes, really my dear~”
Imagine Your OTP
Person B: “You look beautiful!”
Person A: “What?”
Person B: “I said you look beautiful!”
Person A: (Purses their lips to the side in thought, looking confused as they try to process the complement)
Person B: “Are you alright!”
Person A: (Starts tapping their head to get the thought processed) “Yes, sorry … it’s just … hard … to process. Give me a second……. Really?”
Person B: (Smiles brightly) “Yes, really my dear~”
Imagine Your OTP
Person B: “Well, I propose we-”
Person A: (Say slightly exasperated with their chin resting in their hands) “Please propose to me!”
Person B: (Turns, stunned with a red tint on their cheeks) “WHAT!?!?”
Person A: (Sits up shocked they said that aloud) “What?”
Imagine Your Otp
Person A: (Walking away, waving their hand with a light laugh) “Oh sure, sure dearest-”
Person B: “Dearest?”
Person A with their back still turned, they pause. Their eyes widen as they pursing their lips together in shock at the realization of what they just said. Then proceeding to play it off, not daring to face them.
Person A: “Yes, is something the matter with me calling you that? Would you prefer it if I stopped-”
Person B: NO! *ahem* No, uh. It’s quite alright. It’s no problem to me.”
Person A: (Looks back to them and nods) “A-alright, take care.”
As Person A walks out of the room they both take a big sigh of relief and give a soft smile in the direction of the other.
Imagine your OTP
Person A: “I’m sorry but it looks like I’m going to have to confiscate that from you.”
Person B: “W-what?”
Person A: “Your love, it would seem you have taken mine. So it’s only fair for you to give yours in return.”
Imagine Your Otp
Person A: “Aw, you’re so sweet to me. Be careful or else some might begin to think you have feelings for me.”
Person B: (says with a neutral expression) “I do.”
Person A: (asks stunned) “What?”
Imagine Your OTP
Person B: “I’m quite very fond of you, my dear~”
Person A: (they looked up, hopeful but quickly pushing away the thought in fear of later being hurt by dishonesty) “Please don’t lie, it’s not very becoming.”
Person B: (with a charming smile) “Well it’s a good thing that I’m not lying then.”
Imagine Your OTP
Person A stares absentmindedly at Person B and asks “How do you do make me fall more and more in love with you with every passing moment~”
Person B: (surprised but asks back with a hopeful confused chuckle) “You’re in love with me?”
Person A: (realizing what they just said and let’s put a soft) “Ah!” (Then takes a deep breath and exhales) “Yes, of course I am. I would be a fool if I wasn’t.”
Imagine Your OTP
Person A: “I mean it, how do you act so normal around them (Person B)?”
Mutual Friend of theirs: “Huh? (Looks over to Person B and thinks back to their antics) Oh, I know right! They are so difficult to be around sometimes, they can get on my nerves too, right!”
Person A: (nervously laughs while looking down whilst their eyes widen with false humour) “Not exactly.”
Bonus their friend then realises that Person A has feelings for Person B and tries to help them out.
Other bonus is person B overhears all of this.
Imagine Your OTP
Person B: “You’re so adorable/beautiful~”
Person A: (looks away self consciously) “Oh come now, you can’t possible mean that.”
Person B: “Why wouldn’t I?”
Person A: “Well why on earth would you? Look at me!”
Person B: “I am (they gentle take their hands in their own and looks deeply into their eyes) and all I see is magnificent, wonderful you~”
Imagine your OTP
Person B: “It is quite beautiful, isn’t it?”
Person A: (look at them with complete and utter fondness) “Yes you are~”
Person B: “Pardon?”
Person A: “Yes it is! Yes it is I said!”
Person B: (glances to Person A with a growing grin) “Of course. Your response wasn’t about how I am beautiful!”
Person A: (sputtering in shock) “I-I-I”
Person B: (chuckling as they turn to admire them, then giving a gentle boop to their nose) “Don’t worry, I think you’re beautiful too~”
Writing prompt
Villain: (a bit agitated with their arms crossed as they look away from their hero) “Why is it that you try so hard to love everyone in the world so much?”
Hero: “Yes, I do try my best to love everyone I can in this world but truth be told. In my heart you are my world! The world in which I love so dearly and easily~”
Villain: (turns to looks at them, stunned) “Really?”
Hero: (not taking their eyes away from villain) “Undoubtedly~”
Imagine Your OTP
Person B says something charming to them…
Person A: *Shhh!* “Stop that!”
Person B: (Cheekily) “Stop what?”
Person A: “Playing with my head... Making me unable to concentrate.”
Person B: (their grin grows wide) “Why wouldn’t you be able to concentrate. Do you perhaps have feelings for me as I do with you?”
Person A: (Exasperated) “Yes- Wait as you do with who?!?!”