Isis - Tumblr Posts
Osiris: if i die how much will you miss me?
Isis: it's cute that you think that death can free you from this relationship
Isis: [to the gods, who are gathered around a coffee maker] So... who broke it? [Nobody says a word] I'm not mad. I just want to know.
Nephthys: I did. I broke-
Isis: No, no you didn't. Horus?
Horus: Don't look at me. Look at Set.
Set: What? I didn't break it.
Horus: Huh. That's weird. How'd you even know it was broken?
Set: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken.
Horus: [leans in on him] Suspicious.
Sekhmet: If it matters - probably not - but Hathor was the last one to use it.
Hathor: Liar! I don't even drink that crap!
Sekhmet: Oh, really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?
Hathor: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles; everyone knows that, Sekhmet!
Nephthys: Ok, ok! Let’s not fight! I broke it, let me pay for it, Isis!
Isis: No! Who broke it??!
Set: [looks at Osiris, then at Isis] Isis... Osiris is been awfully quiet.
Osiris: REALLY??
Set: Yeah! Really.
Osiris: Oh, my Ra!
[everyone starts arguing at one another except Isis]
Isis: [to the camera] I broke it. It burned my hand, so I punched it. I predict ten minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with war paint on their faces and a pig head on a stick. [turns to look at the gods as they continue to argue, then looks back] Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.
*A quite day at Heliopolis*
Set out of nowhere: HEY GUYS WANT SEE A BUTTERFLY?
Isis: butterfly?
Set: *throw a butter towards them* YEET!
The butter: *landed smoothly into Horus' tea*
Set: oh poop...
Hathor: oh no...
Horus: *sigh*
Also Horus: *took the butter out, and continued drinking his tea again*
The reminds me of the other night I kept hearing someone telling me I NEEDED to wake up now, she had something very important to tell me. Only for the goddess Isis to tell me to follow my heart and that was all I needed to hear.
Got up to check my phone and it was 4:45am.
had the weirdest fuckin dream
i was downstairs in my pajamas in the kitchen, trying to unjam something from the refrigerator door, when something tapped on my shoulder

it was this weird, black, sorta Thoth-looking mothman thing, at least seven feet tall, holding a regular notebook and pen
and Thoth here is asking for an interview for the "news" (he actually used air quotes?)
so he pulls out two of the dining room chairs, one for himself and one for me, and he asks me a bunch of questions about myself, my name, how i feel, what the new house is like, what being human was like
and the one that sticks out in my memory is "how soggy do you feel?"
and i THINK my answer was something like "like the bottomside of some pond scum"
Thoth nods his head, and i wake up at 3:00 am, and started writing this post
fuckin weird

Image via The Kites of Nephthys by The Curious Egyptologist: Nephthys and Isis stand vigil in kite form Tomb of Nefertari Valley of the Queens Wilkinson, R., 2007. The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt. London, Thames & Hudson, Page 159
The Oxyrhynchus papyrus calls Isis the Kite Goddess. When Isis and Nephthys are shown mourning for Osiris they are often referred to as kites (or screechers) and depicted as such. The kite has a shrill piercing cry and to the Egyptians this suggested the wailing of women in mourning. “The screecher comes, the kite comes, namely Isis and Nephthys.” The kite is a scavenger and will have wandered the countryside and towns looking for carrion which will have suggested the wanderings of Isis as she searched for the body of Osiris. A 4th century BCE papyrus refers to “stanzas of the Festival of the Two Kites”. Two species of hawk have been suggested from the depictions of Isis as a kite. One is the Black Kite (Milvus migrans) while the other is the Chanting Goshawk (Melierax musicus) based on the plumage and the shape. Chanting Goshawks are often seen in pairs, thus alluding to Isis and Nephthys. As their name suggests they have a melodic piping song which may have been similar to the sound of temple singers. - Isis - the Eternal Goddess of Egypt and Rome by Lesley Jackson
Why use names if u are the god of war
Seth: That friend of yours is pretty much weird.
Isis: Who do you mean?
Seth: Beardman. He kept following me for no reason. Creepy.
Isis: Who?
Seth: Walmart Jesus.
Isis: Huh?
Horus: Uncle means the foreign god. Who was by the way trying to tell us his name but ~ someone ~ kept telling we don’t care!
Seth: .. whatever, birdbrain.
@solostinmysea indeed! 🤩💜

Isis was worshipped all over the Mediterranean, generally in site-specific avatars. Poor birds, though.
Dua Aset! ✨
O Great Throne, Let me gaze upon your beauty!
O Great House, Let me sing your praises!
O Great Kites, Let me prostrate myself before you! Dua! Dua! Dua!
The face Aset showed me first, and continues to show me foremost.
Isis Pelagia, Mistress of the sea

In Greaco-Roman Egypt, the Goddess Isis was associated with the sea in many ways, such as Isis-Aphrodite, Isis Pharia and of course, Isis Pelagia.
Isis Pelagia, or Isis Pharia, overlooked and guarded the lighthouse of Alexandria and kept sailors safe while they were at sea. Often, before going on a trip via ship, votive offerings would be given to Isis Pelagia, and amulets of Her would be worn while sailing.
Isis-Aphrodite was a combination of the Egyptian Goddess Isis/Auset and the Greek Goddess Aphrodite.
Working with Isis in her oceanic aspects
In Pharaonic times Isis, as Auset-Sopdet, was connected more with the Nile. The Greeks may have taken inspiration from this water-y aspect of Hers and attributed it to something that held similar importance to them, the sea. This aspect of Our Lady is absolutely beautiful and magnificent, as all of Her aspects are.
A festival was celebrated for Isis Pelagia on April 25th, it celebrated a harvest festival, specifically celebrating the successful shipment of grain from Egypt. We can celebrate this festival in the modern day by celebrating successful shipments of foodstuffs and shipments to the places we live!
Pure One of the Ocean
The Lady of sea and shore
Lady of the sea
Mistress of the ocean
The One from the sea
She who is in her sea in Memphis
Ocean water
Small models of boats
Amulets of Her
May The Great Mother bless and protect you and may Isis-Pelagia watch over you and protect you on your journeys.

salad with the forbidden mayonnaise
Tezcatlipoca: The law doesn't apply to us, we're gods! You don't get to decide what we do either.
Hera: ...
Hermes: Tez, say sike. Say sike right now if you want to live.
Frigg, Hera and Isis: what do you call disobeying the law?
The tricksters: A hobby :)
Frigg, Hera and Isis: [visibly disappointed]
The tricksters: that we do not engage in :/
Nyertun - Bring Back Our Girls
“In Egypt the Hebrews had known the worship of the Goddess as Isis or Hathor. For four generations they had been living in a land where women held a very high status and the matrilineal descent system continued to function at most periods. Judging from the numbers of the Hebrews who emerged from Egypt, as compared with the family of the twelve sons who supposedly entered it four generations earlier, it seems likely that a great number of those Hebrew people known as Israelites may actually have been Egyptians, Canaanites, Semitic nomads and other Goddess-worshipping people who had joined together in Egypt. Just to the east of Canaan, in Babylon, stood the temples of Ishtar. And in the land of Canaan, the land that the Hebrews invaded and made their own after their departure from Egypt, archaeological records and artifacts reveal that the religion of the Goddess as Ashtoreth, Astarte, Anath, Elat or Baalat still flourished in many of the great cities.”
— When God Was A Woman. Merlin Stone. Dorset Pres. 1976
the fact that there's no ancient egyptian themed radfem blogs/urls is fucking insane. we have greek and roman but not egyptian. bastet? hathor? ma'at? sekhmet?....unfortunately men have ruined isis and nut, but anyway...even like, cleopatra, hatshepsut, nefertiti. WE NEED MORE ANCIENT EGYPT RADBLR.

Another new commission from Brandonpanadero.
It’s a card art of Spiria from YGO DM. Her artwork was based off of older fairy archetype illustrations, with some flatter shading and thicker line work. I’m really proud of how she came out. ♡〜٩(^▿^)۶〜♡

Another Spiria commission from Brandonpanadero, this time for an attack spell.
I had quite a lot of fun figuring out diffrent effects to make this look really nice. I haven’t done this type of card art before but I’m pretty proud of the result.

Spiria summoning spell commission from Brandonpanadero.
Another card type I’m not used to. I tried to tie all of the Spiria cards together with rainbow themes and similar colours. In this card though I wanted to include a lot more blue to echo a bright sky.

Another Brandonpanadero commission of an Ascended Spiria card art.
It took a while to get her design right as this is my first completely original design. I got to play around with transparency with the veil skirt which was a ton of fun.