ITS SO - Tumblr Posts
There’s literally so many reasons why a stobin lavender marriage would happen and all of them are slightly angsty and practical (Robin being number 1 in Steve’s will incase he dies, protecting her from homophobia, getting her on his life insurance)
BUT it also means Steve would have no problem adopting and living his trophy husband goals. Like I just know Robin is going to be like a doctor in linguistics or something and she’s going to show up to functions with her dumb little husband with a wallet full of photos of his kids and happily be her housewife. It’s his dream.
Like he doesn’t want to work ever again after retail. He wants to help Robin get successful and live a life full of a casserole baking and being the hot himbo she brings to fancy dinners. They move to the suburbs and he’s literally living his best soccer mom life.

lmoa it makes no sense whatsoever
@mapachesanto I am tagging you in yet another picrew thing
make a lil fishbowl / terrarium

tagging: @love-thanatopsis @hideousvoid @incoherentsobbing @thatoneguydownthestreet and anyone who wants to join in
On Vanilla And Caramel (One-Shot)
This is a request for my friend @peggy7447! I recently fell down the Foxhole myself, so this was an absolute pleasure to write <3 Give this poor man some love, he deserves it!

Summary: when Commander Fox runs into some technical difficulties, you're there to take care of it Rating: Teen and up Tags: words of affirmation, swearing (usage of slang; kark = shit), fluff (kissing), friends to lovers, SFW Words: 2.143 Pairing: Commander Fox x gen!reader Read this one-shot here on AO3

Every time he pressed the button, the sound from the error message seemed to get louder, filling the office with an annoying static noise. It didn't stop him from continuing though. But after several tries, the datapad froze, and the sound from the stacked messages echoed through the room like the whirring of a fried battle droid.
“Kriff,” Fox sighed, his ears buzzing from the penetrating sound. He got up and walked to the door, opened it, and peered around the corner. “Thorn!” he shouted through the guard post without any restraint, resulting in some troopers cowering on the spot.
There was no reply. Fox furrowed his brows in frustration, his mouth pressed in a thin line as the sound from the datapad behind him was still ringing in his ears. He stepped forward, ready to question the present troopers about Thorn's whereabouts, when you emerged from the small canteen adjacent to the guard post.
“Need a hand?” you asked with a casual smile, in a reply to his flustered look; this wasn't the first time you found him in such a state, and if there was anything you could do to ease his mind and lessen his misery, you would.
“What- what are you doing here?” he asked somewhat dazed, but you noticed his demeanour relaxing in an instant. You chuffed in amusement whilst gesturing towards the canteen behind you. “Well, just dropping off some supplies, like usual,” you smiled before walking over to him.
You looked around warily, making sure no one noticed, before taking a small package from your shoulder bag. “I got your favourite caf,” you smirked at him whilst jiggling it in front of his face. He stood still for a moment, his gaze focused on the brown paper bag between your fingers. He inhaled sharply when the earthy scent from its contents reached him.
“You.. You shouldn't have,” he muttered at last, gently taking your wrist to lower the bag, making sure none of the guards had seen it; he wasn't too keen on sharing his favourite caf. He needed the strong blend to keep productive, to stay awake. To cope with the daily grind.
You shot him a genuine smile; you knew how much he appreciated it, even if he didn't share his gratitude explicitly. “Maybe not, but I could, so I did,” you answered as you pressed the bag into his hands and carefully wrapped his fingers around it. Your own fingers lingered on top of his for a bit longer, before you withdrew your hands.
Fox shuffled on his feet for a moment before clearing his throat. “Gonna.. Gonna put this someplace safe, before Grizzer sniffs it out,” he mumbled before turning around and entered his office. His mind probably wasn't on the hospitality of inviting you inside - it never was -, so you took the liberty and strolled behind him anyway.
It was when you made it to the threshold you noticed the agonising sound of the freezing error messages. “Maker, what did you do to that poor datapad?” you shot at him whilst walking over to examine it. Fox grunted and nonchalantly waved his hand at the device. “We do not go well together,” he huffed, granting the datapad a disapproving look.
He seated himself behind his desk, his elbows on top of it. He cupped his head inside his hands and let out a defeated sigh as he let his greying curls slide through his fingers. You picked up the datapad and even though you hated seeing him like this, you couldn't help but shoot him an amused look.
“This.. this is why you needed Thorn?” you asked him, trying to minimise the smile that played on your lips. “Yeah,” he grunted from behind his gloved hands, without looking up to meet your gaze. “So you're telling me the majestic Marshal Commander Fox of the Grand Army of the Republic, head of the esteemed Coruscant Guard, chaperone of senators and confidant of the Chancellor, needs help restarting his datapad?”
You meant the words light-heartedly, a playful way to praise him for the things he had accomplished, but his response felt cold and distant. “I was trained to destroy droids, not to sit behind some desk and do whatever it is I'm doing here.” You swallowed as you glanced at him from over the edge of the datapad in your hands, the silence between you disturbed by the device's noise.
“I can fix this, just give me a sec,” you said softly, before walking over to his side of the desk and seating yourself on its edge. You were able to restart the datapad in an instant by pushing two buttons simultaneously. As soon as the static noise ended, you heard Fox sigh in relief. He sounded beaten and broken, and suddenly, he looked even more tired than before.
You tapped the edge of the datapad as it restarted, suddenly feeling reluctant to continue the conversation in the same joking manner, afraid you would say something that might dampen his spirits any further. You had only meant to help him, not worsen his mood.
“Did you, er- save any of your progress before you received the error messages?” you asked, nearly whispering; as if the low volume of your voice would avoid disturbing his already troubled mind. Fox grunted; it was as close to a ‘no’ you were getting. You sighed, but not loud enough to make him feel any worse about it; you knew how overworked and underappreciated he was. “I'll see what I can salvage,” you tried to ease him, shooting him a quick smile, but his face was still hidden behind his hands.
After another moment of silence, Fox suddenly reappeared from behind his hands, clearing his throat before he glanced at you. The confused look on his face wasn't lost on you. “Wait, wait- go back. Did you just call me ‘majestic’?” You looked up from the datapad, quickly recollecting the conversation. “That was.. a few sentences ago, but yeah, I think I did,” you slowly replied, before continuing: “Would you prefer if I used something else?”
Another hesitant silence, his eyes darting around as he searched for the right words. “Like.. what?” was his eventual reply, and you noticed how the tension on his face lifted. He looked back at you, straight at you, his gaze suddenly determined; and for a moment you lost yourself in his dark, brown eyes. You regained yourself quickly and chuffed amusedly, before placing the datapad at your side. It could wait.
Your palms on top of the desk and your fingers folded around its edge, you slightly bent over, leaning a bit closer towards him. You shot him a playful smirk before you continued. “Magnificent, marvellous, memorable, mindful, modest.. Uhm, perhaps even mysterious?”
For a moment, his gaze lowered, and you thought you noticed his cheeks colour a warmer shade. “Hmm. Not sure what to think of those,” he remarked, but it didn't sound very convincing to you. But you played along anyway; anything to brighten his day.
“I'm sure I can think of some more. What about.. Fabled, fabulous, factual, faithful.. The Formidable Fox,” you cooed as you leaned over a little bit further. You caught the corner of his mouth slightly twitching upward, and you thought you noticed a flicker in his eyes.
He slowly leaned back in his chair as he repeated the words ‘Formidable Fox’ in a mumble. You shook your head in a chuckle and grabbed the datapad again. Now that the mood was lifted, you were ready to continue your interrogation. “Did you keep pressing the button, despite the error messages popping up?” you shot teasingly from behind the device.
The awkward shrug he gave you told you enough. You couldn't help but laugh; a genuine yet amused laugh that let him raise an eyebrow in confusion. “My dear Fox, what did you expect would happen?” He pressed his lips in a thin line, but his eyes were soft, his brows relaxed. “It worked the last few times it occurred,” he replied casually.
He averted his gaze from you, letting it wander over his desk, which was stacked with flimsiwork. “I prefer filling in physical documents anyway,” he sighed, and you knew to him it was just a choice between bad and worse.
You lowered the datapad and granted him a comforting smile. “Doing it digitally will save you a lot of time. Time you could otherwise spend outside this office. Maybe go out for a change, meet some people.” He shot you a sceptical look, as if you were talking kark to him, before responding to your pitch. “I meet people here all the time.”
You shook your head again, bumping your fist playfully against his shoulder piece. “I meant people that aren't your brothers or military prisoners, y’know,” was your witty comeback, the corner of your mouth sliding into a smirk.
There was a moment of silence before he continued, in which he started fidgeting with the corner of some flimsiplast. “I met you here,” he said at last, his eyes on the administrative mess on his desk. Instantly, your smirk shifted into a smile and your eyes turned soft on him. “That is a fact,” you murmured, not sure if you spoke the words out loud.
“I, er- don't see the need in meeting anyone else,” he continued, and it made your heart melt. You would have never imagined this hardened, stubborn and work driven man was able to make you feel lightheaded. “Well, let's meet some more often then,” you were able to shoot back subtly, taking up the datapad again. You made it look like you were busy as you awaited his reply, full of anticipation.
Fox wet his lips before he replied: “Did you just call me ‘dear’?” He was surprisingly confident with his words this time. You, on the other hand, were completely taken by surprise; you were expecting some response, but nothing like this. “D-did I? I sure called you a lot of things just now, I can't quite seem to remember,” you started off flustered, but you were quick to regain yourself.
He chuffed before abruptly leaning forward, towards you, his gaze straight at yours again. And this time, he had no intention of breaking eye contact. “I think that was my favourite of ‘em all.” His voice was low, heavy almost, but vibrant with a crisp edge to it. Just the way he liked his caf. And it was suddenly smooth, so smooth..
“W-was it?” you managed, your eyes blinking as you were lost in his. They were dark and creamy and - everything about him seemed to remind you of caf, or was it the other way round? His lips started moving before his words even made sense to you. “Do you.. care to repeat that one?”
Unknowingly, you started leaning forward, slowly closing the gap between you two. In a whisper, just loud enough for the two of you to hear, you complied: “I do care, my dear Fox.” A shudder went down his spine and he exhaled sharply at your words. “Do you now?” he whispered, moving in even closer.
You could feel his warm breath on your skin by now. He smelled like caf too; an earthy, almost nutty scent that grounded you at the spot. You closed your eyes and parted your lips. Your breath became heavy as your heartbeat rose.
Suddenly, you felt his hand reach for the back of your head, and before you could comprehend what was happening, he pulled you close and pressed his lips against yours. You freed your hands from the desk, positioning one on the side of his neck as you let the other roam his luscious curls.
He hummed as your lips tenderly touched, as your noses softly brushed, and it made your heart beat faster. The thought that you were able to distract and ease his troubled mind, the idea that you had ignited a spark within him, the feeling that you were a light at the end of his tunnel.
And you couldn't help but let your mind wander; he even tasted like caf. Warm and mellow, with a touch of vanilla. This was definitely your new favourite flavour, and you never wanted to taste anything else again.
When the two of you pulled away slowly, you opened your eyes and noticed a change in his. Whereas they were normally a dark brown tint, you swore they had an amber glow to them now. It reminded you of caramel.
Slowly, your lips curled into a gentle smile. “I can give you all the care in the Galaxy,” you whispered. And that was all he needed that day; words of comfort, to know he mattered and the reassuring thought someone cared about him.

Fox taglist: @peggy7447

Akechi at the jazz club
I have no idea how this app works but since people loved it on twt and under the advice of @alexwilltellyouthings, thought I’d share it here too!
So this is the book cover I made for @alexwilltellyouthings ‘s fic featuring our beloved dead boys and their friends 💜 Using @sharadaprincess ‘s and @crypitick ‘s illustrations because they’re amazing

Like I said on twt, I also wanted to share this fic because I think this could be the closest thing we could have to a season 2 regarding Niko’s storyline, and I can’t wait to read it!!!! Here is the link for those of you who’d like to read it:
I’m so glad on how everything works out, considering I kind of gave up any graphic work for the last year due to lack of motivation and whatnot, and I clearly have to thank dbd for that (again, just proves how much this show is good and how it didn’t deserve the cancellation) Hopefully I can share some more after discussing with other artists and authors!
(To be clear this is just for myself as I prefer to read longer fics on paper, blame it on larry stylinson okay)
I was eating white chocolate chips and I’m not joking when I say a couple fell out of my mouth when I saw this

@bowandbrush I am SO sorry this is so late! Happy Birthday! My birthday is coming up in the next few days, so I made us both a cake! 🥳

man i love soup
any modification of a characters leitmotif that symbolises a character arc or significant moment changes me on a DNA level i think

Thinking about film scores & concept albums & auditory storytelling

; Vampire Empire by Big Thief gives me autism vibes. And maybe I'm just autistic but like. I love the song. Especially the " You turn me inside out, and then you want the outside in. You spin me all around, then you ask me not to spin. You say you wanna be alone and you want children. " and honestly js the whole song .. It has other meanings ik which also relatable .. But also autism. ✨
; link for anyone that wants it !!
Impulsively drawig Jimmy again but except I drew th old

![[laughs] I Am Such A Clutz!](
— [laughs] i am such a clutz!

Little ceramic friends made by me 🦊🐰

In the garden - Carin Bengts , 2014.
Swedish, b.1946 -
Oil on canvas, 120 x 150 cm.
something something watashi wa kyu kararin idk this was mainly practicing how to draw in iyowa’s artstyle don’t judge 😬

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"I am here to take a look inside myself Recognize that I could be the eye, the eye of the storm!"
[textless version under the cut] [don't tag as ship. i shouldn't have to say this but i do!]
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![REBLOGS > LIKES [tags Appreciated!]](
why be a "fiCtiVe hEAvY sYsTem" when you could be "world's stupidest crossover episode that nobody asked for"
Temples are built for gods. Knowing this a farmer builds a small temple to see what kind of god turns up.