Joel Miller Imagine - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

2 years ago

Anon 2 here's your request!! I hope you enjoyed it because I can't write smut properly as my main language isn't English . Your feedbacks are important to me 💫

   A/N- Hey guys! I have a publishing schedule and I shared it with you yesterday. Of course there may be setbacks so I apologize in advance

hi there!! i heard u were taking reqs and i wanted to req for a fic where ellie blames reader for hiding the fact that she saved her from getting studied by the fireflies (like the argument she had w joel in tlou2) and they breakup but then ellie realises how much she fucked up when she sees reader at a party with another girl and can it be a happy ending with possible smut?

i realise i am asking for a LOT plsnandbdnsf 😔😔😔

Not a problem!!! Thank you so much for your request! 💜

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2 years ago


    A/N- Hey ya’ll ! I don’t know If you like my smut fics so please send a feedback. You also can send me requests, don’t be shy <3 

    Warnings-  College!Ellie , Aggressive!Ellie, Dom!Ellie,  Reader is so new to alcohol because of her strict  parents, SMUT, violence, dirty talking. ( Let me know If I missed one )

    Request from- Anonymous 

    Summary- Unable to keep her head up from the lectures, reader reluctantly goes to the bar with Ellie, and after a fight in the bar, something unnoticed begins between them.


      imagine her looking at you across. This girl will be the end of me I swear- 

     Loud music coming from your dormmate's headphones was syncing with the clock on the table and your pen. . Normally you wouldn't be mad at Ellie making such a fuss because you discussed your terms before you were in the same room with each other, even though Ellie didn't even listen to half of what you said. Sometimes you thought you couldn't find a better roommate than her, but you were wrong about that too. You still had respect for each other. But lately, it was as if the old Ellie was gone and replaced by an even more aggressive Ellie.   Every girl could have times like this, and maybe she was doing this because she got very angry with someone in the enemy circle.

  You had a lot of assignment to finish due next week, and you wanted to finish it right away and take some time for yourself and lie on your feet like Ellie. You've never been as comfortable as Ellie because unlike you she never did her own homework, either asking you for help or, to be honest, making you do it. Frankly, she was conquering your heart with a kiss on the cheek, but sometimes you didn't give up on her so quickly.

  Like Ellie, you were very stressed at that time because you thought you couldn't finish your projects, and you couldn't find anything to relieve your stress.   If you tried to say something that would make Ellie even more angry, it would have ended even worse and your friendship might have ended. Ellie wasn't that friendly after all. She would do what’s best, and would not even listen to those who didn’t even make sense to her. Sometimes you couldn't stop questioning yourself. You were saying to yourself, “How did I end up with this girl? ” You could easily find a friend for yourself, but there was a truth that when you saw types like Ellie on the first day of college, all those books you read came to your mind and you said, “Maybe, maybe I can be friends with one of them, like those in the bad girl books “ Ellie was just that kind of girl. Okay, let's not exaggerate, but she looked like she was right out of those books. She was almost a bad girl with tattoos covering almost her entire arm, piercings on her lip and eyebrow, and her aggressiveness made her even more attractive.

  You exhaled sharply, tossed the pen onto the table, leaned back, and tucked your already frozen neck to the sides, cracking it. You push the wheelchair back with your foot and spin yourself towards Ellie. She didn't even care about you. She kept frowning, continuing to listen to the last sound of music. Even though you tried to get her attention by coughing fake once, she still didn’t take his earphones off and didn't even come back to you once.

 You stood up angrily and took off her earphones. She immediately turned towards you and nodded as to  say ‘what are you doing’ . “ We had an agreement, remember? “ Even though she tried to take the headset from you, you didn't allow it and you held it up. Ellie stood up and easily snatched the headset from your hand but you stopped her just as she was about to sit back down and put the headset back on. “Ellie. Are you even listening to me? Because it's obvious that you're not. “ In response, she rolled her eyes. "I'll get out of your hair, don't worry."

  “ What's that supposed to mean? “ She got up and went to her own closet, opened the door of it and searched for a suitable outfit. “ I'm goin' out with Dina and some friends. “ You gasped and cursed at her . “ And you're telling this to me NOW? Look, I've been trying to do my assignments and plus yours, please don't forget that, and you're telling me you're going out after I stress over how I'm gonna make it to due date. You're so annoying sometimes. “

  “What? Are you jealous because I don't go out with you? “ It wasn't even that.   The point was that you did your homework and the lady's homework while she was there playing music loudly . You didn't even understand why you agreed to that in the first place. “It's not even it, Ellie. I- “ “ Then stop being a nerd and come with us, babe. “ she said, interrupting, and slowly coming up to you and taking your hands in hers, but you pulled back. “How? If I don't do these things then my parents will hold my funeral. Only you know how strict they can be Ellie.”  Your parents met Ellie before you settled down in the dormitory and they somehow thought at that moment that she would be a good roommate, but now that If  you told them how Ellie had changed, they would have to rethink the same thing. Yes, and Ellie knew very well how strict parents they were, because every day before college started, they would come to you and ask how you were doing, move the furniture in your room and warn you not to meet bad people before they left. It wouldn't be called a very strict situation, actually, but if you were at home, you were sure that they would be even more strict.

 “ Fuck the assignments. Just have some fun. “ It didn't sound so bad when you thought about it, but you had a family that kept you from thinking about it. Ellie was right. You wouldn't lose a day and you could continue tomorrow.

  “ Fine… Just promise me we'll come back till midnight. I don't wanna carry you here and you know I can't. “ Ellie grinned. It was obvious that she was amused. However, she did not show it and started to look for clothes for herself. She turned her head back towards her right shoulder and looked at you sideways. 

    “ You know, you're so grumpy sometimes. Just like my old man. “

   You were very nervous when you left the dorm and when you looked at Ellie you saw that she was very relaxed unlike you. She was walking ahead of you with her hands in her front pockets. Of course she was comfortable because she was hanging around bars almost every night. You had a question mark in your mind. How could Ellie do all this so fearlessly? You made a mental note to ask this later.

  You arrived quickly as the bar wasn't that far from your dormitory and Dina was waiting right at the door. You didn't even realize it was almost evening until you walked there. It took you a long time to prepare. Dina immediately ran towards you and hugged you both with both of her arms. She had a big smile on her face.

  “Hey guys. Ellie, I thought you couldn't bring Y/N. She  will almost rot at her desk. “ You rolled your eyes at that and said playfully “ Yeah I will because you guys give every single assignment to me for me to do them. “

  Ellie laughed out loud and put her hand on your butt, squeezed it, and pulled it back. There was that mischievous expression on her face as you looked at her in surprise. “Well, she needed a change for a moment,” she said, laughing at Dina and pointing at the bar, “let's get inside, yeah? “

  When you walked in, that unfamiliar smell and sound would almost knock you out. You quickly caught up to Ellie and Dina and grabbed Ellie by her arm. She just grinned at you and went straight to get a drink. You just stood there looking at her feeling bad. Everyone passing by was bumping into you one by one.   When you looked around you felt as if everyone was laughing at you and thinking how dumb you were. Anxiety has never been this high. Suddenly, a strange arm grabbed your arm and pulled you aside to sit on a seat. When you looked at who it was, you saw that it was Jamie, your friend you studied in the same department.

 There was no lie. You had found Jamie very attractive and your hands and feet were almost tangled when you first met, but when you heard from those gossipy girls of the school that he changed lovers like changing socks, you started to feel a little cold towards him.

  As much as you didn't want to talk to her, you had no other choice as Ellie left you just at a time when you needed help the most. You sat down and started chatting but meanwhile you were looking everywhere but Jamie to see where Ellie was.

  At that moment, you realized too late how close he was to you when he was telling you something. He was leaning down to say something, but you weren't even listening to him. All you wanted was to take Ellie and get the fuck out of here.

   Thank God what silenced Jamie was that his friends came to him and sat next to you and him, but that didn't go well. You were stuck there and had no way out.   Even if you wanted to get up, you couldn't get up. His friends were trying to grope you from both sides, and their mouths stink. No matter how much Ellie drank, it wouldn't smell that bad. You hated yourself for comparing them to Ellie in that moment. Ellie was very different from them. Ellie was like no one else. She had always been like herself. You didn't know if it was because you needed her more at that moment or something else, but you realized that you missed Ellie.

  Then you saw Ellie right in front of you, coming towards with her drink in hand.  You tried to stand up again, but one of the dudes pulled you back. “Come on girl. Just sit and relax, will ya? “Ahh, he was sure to regret it later.

  Ellie suddenly threw her glass at one of the boys next to you, whose name you didn't even know. The broken glass on the boy's face had scratches all over his face and it was bleeding badly. You jumped forward to stop Ellie, but to no avail. She pushed you aside with all her might and swept straight towards Jamie with those deadly eyes. She swung his fist violently into his face.

  It was turmoil. While Dina wanted to break up the fight Ellie was showing, she turned to you and checked if you were okay. You didn't even say anything to her. You've been watching Ellie beat Jamie with your mouth open. It wasn't just you.

  Somehow, multiple people rescued Ellie from Jamie's collar and they took her outside with you. The guards were glaring behind you. You didn't care and ran to Ellie. When you took her hands in yours, you saw that her fists were covered in blood. “ Ellie.. You didn't have to do that. “ “ What are you talking about, Y/N?” said and pulled her hands away. “So instead of beating the shit out of him, should I just sit there and watch him hit on you? “ Ellie was extremely drunk. She couldn't even hold her head straight. You called a taxi that was passing by you and forced her into the taxi and you got in after her.

  Finding your keys in your bag was extremely difficult when you entered the dorm, but Ellie preceded you by pulling the bag out of your hand and spilling whatever was inside. “ What are you doing? “ “ What does it look like I'm doing? “ she hissed, “ I'm getting the fucking key. “ She bent down and picked up the key from the floor and entered your shared room without even picking up the stuff.

  You knew tonight was going to end like this. Of course, you didn't think the Jamie thing would happen, but you knew that Ellie would get so drunk that she couldn't stand.. You closed the door of your room without making a sound and threw yourself directly on the bed.

  After Ellie came out of the bathroom, she swayed in front of your bed and began to undress right in front of your eyes. You looked at her with your eyes half-closed, not knowing what to do. Even though you tried to take something out of her behavior today, you still didn't understand. What was even wrong with Ellie these days?

   She undressed herself until only her bra and panties left.. You thought she did that as she was going to sleep, but you were wrong. She came to the edge of your bed and pulled you by the arms quickly and lifted you up. Your stunned body tensed even more as she pulled you towards her. “What-” Ellie immediately caught your lips. She was sucking hard, tugging and kissing passionately. When she pulled back, she didn't say anything. She quickly took off the crop you were wearing and threw it somewhere else in the room. You tried to cover your body with your arms, but Ellie's hands interfered with it.

  “Hey, it's me. “ Then she quickly took off your pants. You stood there not knowing what to do. Why would Ellie do such a thing? She glanced up and down at you and bit her lip. “ Fuck, you're so fucking beautiful babe. “ She grabbed your arms and folded them behind you, threw you face down on the bed and gave you a hard smack on the butt. “ I wanted to smash that man there. Maybe I even wanted to kill him but it was all for you, babygirl. “  She whispered. She took off your panties and rubbed her hand up and down your clit. You squirmed involuntarily and a small groan escaped your mouth. Ellie was pleased with that. She grabbed you by the arms and pulled you closer to her and placed a small but juicy kiss under your ear.

  She turned you on your back and spread your legs to the side. Looking into your eyes, she licked each of her fingers one by one and grabbed your neck with one hand and squeezed it tight. “Look at me in the eyes, babe. These eyes you see will be the last eyes you saw but you will remember them for the rest of your life. Focus on my fingers, because now you will feel the presence of them around you. “ she said, inserting two fingers into your tight hole. There was pain, but Ellie's moaning turned you on even more.

  “Ellie please. “ you said, squirming. She bent over  and lifted your bra up with her teeth. She bent over them without having to remove the bra, while trying to keep your writhing body still, she began to suck and tug on each of your nipples one by one,slowly, as if time had stopped and you were the only one there. It was painful but also very sexy. Seeing Ellie like that started to feel more than just a friendship that you never knew existed for her before.

  Your climax was about to come and you were so tired of moaning, shouting in a low voice, squirming. “There you go baby. almost there. “ Ellie's words were enough to bring you to the climax. She immediately placed her third finger inside, without pulling the other two, and leaned close to your lips and kissed you passionately.

  You blinked and looked at her. How beautiful she looked when she fucked you. How well she could get you. You wanted more. More. “ Ellie more please. Oh God I can't. Fuck I'm cumming Ellie. “ You said and jerked into Ellie's fingers.

  After sticking her fingers out of you, she placed one last kiss, laid down beside you and fell asleep. You turned your already tired but also relaxed body to her and wrapped your arm around her waist.

  You took one last look at her before going to sleep, kissed her shoulder without disturbing, and fell asleep with the comfort of showing a little of your hidden, unspoken love.

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2 years ago

hellooo i love your fics sm :(<3 so I wanted to ask you a fic were ellie is really sexually frustrated and desperate, but she's not a bottom, she's like a switch (?? and there's like a lot of dirty talking idk I hope you understand lmao 💗💗

I'm so sorry for responding late. I had some visitors lmao. Your request has got into my drafts baby, don't worry 😍 Thank u for it btw 💜💫

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2 years ago

Anon 4, here's your request!!! I hope you like this one because in my opinion the smut part actually turned out good :)

The Unusual
   A/N- In my opinion, this was the best smut I’ve ever written and I hope you like it too :) We are such a simp for Ellie Williams ya’ll :)

bro bartender!ellie au where reader is a regular and ellie thinks they’re attractive and eventually ends in smut? 😋

You guys have literally the best ideas ever and I'm loving every single of them 🤩 Thank you for your request!!!

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2 years ago

Dating Joel Miller

  A/N- Guys, I do not want to talk about smut in this, but I may have sprinkled it a little. You’re welcome :) I won't go without mentioning, Joel has been my comfort character for almost 4 years and I don't remember a day without him. I see him always by my side and I miss him very much so I'm looking forward to The Last of Us part 1. I hope you enjoy this headcanon style thing. Your comments and feedback are very valuable to me. I hope you have a good day/night <3

  Warnings- mentions of blood, implied smut , mentions of violence, domestic stuff basically. ( is that supposed to be a warning? Idk )

Dating Joel Miller

 - I can't think much about asking Joel out because it's obvious, the guy looks so annoying and grumpy from the outside.

 - But what matters to us is how Joel is inside. Remember: don't judge a book by its cover.

  - With this advice, I have a lot to say about joel and being with him.

  - At first , I see Joel as a man of his word. If Joel says he loves you, he really does. Don't even think otherwise.

  - I want to talk a little bit about Joel in the house. While at home, Joel obviously has the right to be a little messy because he is a single man, but after you enter his life, he starts doing housework more regularly and learning to cook.

  - Even if you mess up the house together from time to time, it would be great for you to tidy the house together and finally drink a coffee of tiredness.

  - We didn't see much of Joel carving wood, but we know his arts. I have to admit, it wouldn't hurt to disturb him even a little while he is doing his work . :)

 - I said Joel might be messy, but that doesn't mean he's dirty. Yes, he and Ellie were out for a long time and even long before that they lived in a not-so-clean area, and maybe there was no such thing as a washing machine. Guys, the man is a clean man at his core, and anyone who claims otherwise, well, you can do it If you wanna lmao.

  - Joel, of course, also smells of freshly carved wood and coffee, and I hope we all know that. At least that's how our dream Joel is.

  - Sitting on his porch with Joel, watching him play his guitar with those dexterous fingers, then sitting on his lap and kissing him deeply.

  - Although he is tired after he comes from the patrol, he will make time for you and let you massage him. At first he doesn't really want it because it's in his nature to be grumpy and he doesn't want you to get tired any more because you're tired too.

 - You hold him by the hand, after you put him on the couch, you rub his shoulders well and do not forget to put kisses once in a while. The man rewards you in different ways after this compassionate act. :)

-  I'm not going to talk about how Joel is in bed for now, because I want to provoke you with a little preview :)

 - But know that you will definitely be pleased with Joel in bed. His skilled fingers, his muscular body above you, and his care for you are enough for you. The man is experienced enough in these things and knows how to treat you or when he hurt you.

  - Although from the outside, Joel may seem very cold and uncaring to others, he started to change after meeting you. Instead of the man who walked in a dazed manner, he became an unyielding and lively man who was even more brave against life. Tommy and Maria are surprised by this change, but they also know that you are the reason. Tommy or Maria didn't actually introduce you. Classically, while you were on the road and he was on the road, his eyes touched yours and you were drawn to each other. Of course, Joel didn't think at first that you would be the person who would make his life so beautiful, but gradually he was more and more attracted to your smile, touch, speech, look.

 - The man was afraid to ask you at first. In this case, I can say that he got some support from Tommy, but he didn't do everything he got adviced.

  - On a typical Jackson evening, Joel came to your door and said he wanted to talk a little. Since winter was about to come, you put on a jacket and followed him outside. You were wondering what he was to say. Your eyes  looking at him with hope. He suddenly pressed his lips to yours under those gorgeous, bright, colorful Jackson lights. This romantic moment for both of you ended with a great night, but you still carry this moment in your hearts.

 - Going to the patrol together. I can't think of anything as great as going on patrol with him. Yes, maybe I'm thinking about it, but his sexy but angry looks towards runners and the others . Blood is not something any of us like, but sweat mixed with blood on him...I'm having a hard time telling friends because I have a bad temper when I imagine Joel like that.

  - While on the patrol, Joel tries his best to protect you and not go to far places, but he also realizes that you’re not a child. He knows you can take care of yourself. Knowing this, he doesn't think much of it, but if he senses danger around, he won't hesitate to pull you to his side, tuck you , and put your head on his chest. Joel is very possessive and protective and that's why I love Joel so much.

  - After you return, you clean yourself first, and after you get out of the dust, you go under the same blanket, he tucks you well, puts  little kisses on your forehead, and then you both fall asleep in front of the fireplace.

  - I don't think much of Joel dancing, but I have a few ideas of how he was convinced by the Jackson people to play the guitar at every Jackson family event. When you entered the crowded area you saw Tommy and Maria sitting in front of the bar chatting and Ellie and Dina laughing as well. Holding Joel's hand tightly and taking a look around, you went to Maria’s and sat on the empty chairs next to them. After some talking and laughing, a young man who understands music came up to Joel and asked if he could play the guitar.  

 - At first he refused, but  when you went to him and told him you had a surprise, he gave up and walked towards the stage with a sigh of relief.

 - When he got to the stage, no one spared their adoring applause. He looked around with a nervous look, and lastly he looked at you, smiled. You waved at him and  all watched in admiration as he played the guitar.

  - At the end of that evening, when you walked into the house with Joel and told you what your surprise was for him and that he wanted it now, you couldn't help running back. Before you could even climb the stairs, he grabbed you by the waist and turned you towards him. Taking you on his shoulder, he quickly climbed the stairs and entered the bedroom and threw you onto the bed.

 - That wonderful evening ended, once again, with your moans in bed, climbing to your peak together and snuggling into each other.

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2 years ago

   Thank you for giving the idea of this amazing masterlist @littlebitchsposts <3 

🔥 smut

💫 fluff

💥 angst


 Thank You For Giving The Idea Of This Amazing Masterlist @littlebitchsposts

          JOEL MILLER

Joel Miller comforts Reader 💫

Dating Joel Miller 💫🔥

What You Say Goes Sir pt1 ( Joel Miller x Reader ) 🔥

What You Say Goes Sir pt2 ( Joel Miller x Reader ) 🔥

            ELLIE WILLIAMS

" Shut up " " Make me " ( Ellie Williams x Reader ) 🔥

Pacifying The Blame ( Ellie Williams x Reader ) 🔥💥

Youngblood ( Ellie Williams x Reader ) 🔥

The Unusual ( Ellie Williams x Reader ) 🔥

Happily Ever After ( Ellie Williams X Reader ) 💫

There Is No Escape From Love (Ellie Williams x Dina ) 💫 💥


 Thank You For Giving The Idea Of This Amazing Masterlist @littlebitchsposts


Holiday with Alpha ( Chris Redfield x Reader ) 🔥

Sneaky Alpha ( Chris Redfield x Reader ) 🔥


 Thank You For Giving The Idea Of This Amazing Masterlist @littlebitchsposts


Late Night Driving ( Steve Harrington x Reader ) 💫

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2 years ago

The Only Source of Light || Joel Miller x fem!reader

Summary: As you return home from the job you were involved in, you realize how much Joel feared losing you

Warnings: none

Word count: 1207

Authors: Cass & Fenrir

The Only Source Of Light || Joel Miller X Fem!reader
The Only Source Of Light || Joel Miller X Fem!reader

After throwing your backpack on the ground and closing the door, you sighed loudly. It was nice to be back home, but you felt like crap. You had dirty clothes stuck to your body. There were a number of problems with the job. The only thing you dreamed of was taking a shower. Announcing your successful return, you shouted, "I'm back... Still alive!"

Joel's exhausted state made him appear limp like wet laundry on a cold, still day. Every muscle in his body seemed to be giving way to gravity. The man wanted to sleep, to be warm in his bed, and to have a good night's sleep. Rather, he had chaos both outside and inside the shared space. 

He nodded briefly at you, his bearded face displaying a look of tiredness. His politeness began to wane. "What the fuck, Y/N? Where have you been?" The stain on the leg of your jeans caught his eye. "What's that?"

"It's nothing," you said, shook your head, and went to the bathroom to wash yourself and remove dirty clothes.

There was no doubt that Joel would not give up and follow you there. "What happened?"

You groaned before removing your shirt and tossing it to the side. "Jesus, some privacy, please! The job got messy, so I had to shoot. Nothing bad happened."

Leaning casually against the door frame as you changed, he paraphrased, "Job got messy, I got shot. I've seen all that before, so don't be prude. Mind if I check this wound?"

"Mind if I change and clean myself up a little before we start?"

With an eye roll, Joel turned on his heel and hurried to the kitchen to retrieve the whiskey glass he had started before your return.

"Thank you!" You yelled after him, and you began to wash yourself as much as you could. You changed into more comfortable pants and Joel's flannel.

Leaning one hand against the counter, he glanced at you as you entered the kitchen. "Y/N, I am very particular with my words, aren't I? I warned you to be careful."

"I was careful. Things can get messy, you should know this." As you spoke, you hopped onto the counter and stared at him. "I am fine. Really."

As he approached you, he shifted another glass filled with alcohol along the counter for you to take. "The fact that things get messy is not an excuse for getting hurt so easily," Joel snarled a little, downing his glass.

"Do not treat me like a child. You get hurt too, and I do not lecture you." Accepting the glass with a smile, you took a sip while grimacing. The taste of alcohol was never appealing to you.

He didn't say anything more, just stared at you for quite a while before putting the glass into the sink. "Did you sell everything?"

Before taking another sip, you answered, "Everything, somehow. After being away for so long, I couldn't wait to get home."

Joel reached into one of the cabinets and pulled out a small plastic bag. "I think we still have some painkillers here," he said, pulling two pills out and handing them to you. "I want to see that leg, too."

You took the pills before showing him your leg, joking, "I think you saw it plenty of time." The wound wasn't serious, and you patched it up right away.

His brow cocked as he inspected the wound carefully. "Just a little graze, isn't it?" As it turned out, it was not deep, but rather superficial, so Joel reluctantly agreed with you.

"It was patched as soon as I could. You don't have to worry. I am a big girl."

Joel decided not to argue with you, so he only nodded. "It's going to be a long and hard day for us tomorrow, so come rest."

"Wait?" You asked, raising an eyebrow. "Why will it be difficult?"

"There is something we need to do on behalf of Marlene."

Then you shook your head, groaning. "No. C'mon, Joel! I just came back. All I need is rest," you sighed. "And her? Really?"

He picked you up and carried you to the bedroom saying, "I trust her. Sort of."

Surprised, you grabbed onto him. "Well, sort of doesn't really make it better, does it?"

"You need to trust me, Y/N."

"Well, I can try, but I need to know what I'm getting into right after returning."

You were placed on the bed and the pillow was improved for you by him. "We're going to smuggle something outside of Boston."

"Oh, I see. So? It's business as usual," you nodded, getting comfortable on the pillow. "But you've always done it alone. Why do you need me this time?"

"I've got a feeling it won't be any of the usual goods. It's going to be a girl."

Girl? A child? He's never tried smuggling people before, so that's something new for him. "You've never done anything like this before."

"Marlene can only trust us in this urgent and unusual situation," he explained quickly.

You couldn't resist chuckling. "Well, then I guess I can tag along, just to make sure you don't get yourself into trouble."

"Don't worry about me. I am more worried about you."

You patted the mattress as you said, "Get your ass into bed or I'll pull you here myself." you said. "You know how worried I am about you, so as we see it works both ways."

As he lay down in front of you, he improved his own pillow, letting your arms wrap around his waist.

In a quiet voice, you looked at him and asked, "Did you miss me while I was away? I sure did."

"Yes. You know I always miss you."

As you stared at him, your head rested on his chest. Soon, your hand rested on his nape as you moved it through his hair. "That's why you were angry about the leg? You thought I wouldn't return this time, didn't you?"

A long moment passed without him saying a word. He stared intently at the dilapidated ceiling with his brown eyes. "I was afraid I had lost you forever.

"Oh, Joel!" Your voice was no more than a whisper as you hugged him tightly. "As far as I'm concerned, I'm not going anywhere."

"The only thing my life has taught me is to be uncertain of what the future holds," he replied emotionlessly. "The reason I got angry was because you were involved in something I was powerless to control. I hate such moments.”

As you played with his hair, you whispered, "I know. You know I didn't mean to worry or anger you. I always try to get back to you as soon as possible."

His hand was soon slipping into your hair as he massaged your scalp and stroked the curve of your spine underneath your shirt with his other hand. "I love you. "I love you too." As you cupped his cheek to pull him closer, you whispered a quiet, come here. The kiss you offered was gentle, as if you were afraid you might hurt him. “For me, you are the only source of light in this dark world of mine.”

The Only Source Of Light || Joel Miller X Fem!reader

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2 years ago

The Zone Of Comfort || Joel Miller x fem!reader

Summary: As soon as Joel gets home, he has some concrete plans for what he'll do with you in his spare time

Warnings: SMUT

Word count: 1904

Authors: Cass & Fenrir

The Zone Of Comfort || Joel Miller X Fem!reader
The Zone Of Comfort || Joel Miller X Fem!reader

There was no way he could take his eyes off you, that was the truth. 

Upon returning home, he dropped his bag on the floor and locked the door; he didn't even think about getting refreshed.

The day had been filled with scummy, dirty work, and he was not only exhausted, but wanted to get relaxed first and foremost. He started considering other ways of dealing with his condition after realizing that the pills mixed with the old whiskey he had kept in a secret stash under the wardrobe were no longer effective.

Then there you were, bustling in the kitchen, in his kitchen, looking goddamn fine.

The world was hard to find yourself in, everything you knew one day crumbled to dust, leaving nothing behind, forcing you to leave in every way you could. Joel's side wasn't always easy, but it didn't change your love for him.

As soon as you heard his backpack hit the ground, you perked up. Finally, he was home. "Joel, you're back! I got some good food, so let's have a nice meal together."

"No rats' meat today, huh?" He laughed slightly darker than he intended to, while he approached you and wrapped his strong arms around your waist from behind. "Missed me?" As he shifted your hair aside to kiss the crook of your neck, his breath was a blend of cigarette scent and warmth. "Because I certainly missed you, Y/N."

The thought of it turned your face into disgust, but you soon smiled as he kissed you. Your hand moved into his hair. "That's what I always do, you know." Suddenly, you turned in his arms, wrapping your arms around his neck. "I always miss you and I’m worried every time you're out."

With a smug smirk, he buried his face in your neck's crook, still kissing you there, grazing his rough lips across your soft skin. "Oh, did you miss me?"

"I missed you so much," you giggled, stroking his hair. "I think you missed me too."

You were picked up and placed on the kitchen counter by Joel as easily as if you were a leaf. His hands began to stroke your legs through your jeans instantly. "Prove it then, little one," he dared.

It's not that you were surprised, just that you didn't expect this right now. You gasped and rested your hands on his shoulders. ”You missed me that much?”

The man did not reply, instead he drew his head back and looked at you, his eyebrows cocked, a cocky smirk dancing across his lips. "As you can see."

A smile spread across your face as you gently touched his chest. "I bet you missed my moans when you fucked me," you teased and slowly removed your shirt. "I bet that's all you come back for."

As you took off your shirt, he watched your boobs bouncing a little without saying anything. "What do we have here?" He murmured, cupping one of your breasts and gently squeezing it, strongly but lightly enough to not hurt you in any way.

"Something you really like." When he touched you, you couldn't help but moan. "Dinner can wait. Since you're back, you deserve dessert." Following those words, you tossed your pants aside. There was nothing else on you except your panties as you sat before him.

After stroking your waist with calloused hands, he slipped one of his palms onto your thigh to massage the flesh there. "The little one is so eager today. Are you already wet for me, hmm? Are you getting aroused thinking of me taking you on a dinner table?" Asked Joel, once again kissing your neck, he applied his thumb to your clit and rubbed you there through your panties. "Oh, yes. You are fucking wet," he grinned at you, gently biting the flesh on your neck, leaving a hickey there, and slipping his index finger beneath the fabric of your undies.

A quiet gasp escaped your lips as you shuddered. "Yes, I was eagerly anticipating your return. I couldn't wait for your touch and love. I imagined you touching me each night before sleep and each morning when I awoke."

Taking a step back, Joel started to unbutton his flannel shirt and removed it soon, not breaking eye contact with you for a moment.

"And you said I'm eager," you teased, swinging your legs innocently while watching him with the same innocent smile.

Having tossed his shirt on the floor, he returned to you, wrapped one hand around your waist and helped your legs wrap around his waist before picking you up, grunting deeply.

"Am I getting too heavy for you?" You raised an eyebrow, wrapping your arms around his neck. "Or are you getting too old for this?"

He placed you hardly on the top of the kitchen table and pushed the papers off before he stared into your eyes. "Just the smell of your wet pussy makes me crazy, baby."

Angrily, you huffed at the papers spilling on the floor, turning your attention back to him. "Then prove it, not just talk about it and ignore my work."

As soon as he unclasped your bra, he took it off. As soon as he finished, his lips locked around one of your erected nipples while his hand pinched the other.

"Fuck," you groaned, pulling his hair carefully with your hands. "I missed this so much, and I needed it so badly."

The hand that pinched your nipple slowly moved down your body, soon reaching your panties' fabric. As his lips continued working on your nipple, he slipped his hand beneath your panties and viciously rubbed your clit.

In an effort to get closer to him, you moaned and arched your back. After being away for so long, you craved his touch more than ever. "Joel! Please, I need you."

In an instant, he moved and started kissing your lips hungrily, slowly sliding his middle finger into your pussy, moving it back and forth while making out with you. His free hand unzipped his fly and unbuckled his belt.

You moved your hands to help him, while kissing him back just as eagerly. You weren't going to let him dominate the kiss so easily now that he was back.

It made Joel grunt loudly, as your tiny hands were helping him with his jeans. Having slipped his finger out of you, he brought his hand to his lips, licking and tasting your wetness while gazing at you, almost naked on the kitchen table, with your best deer-eyes fixed on him. By pushing your panties aside, he uncovered your dripping pussy, already glistening with the wetness he spread all over your clit with his hand moments earlier. With his eyes traveling back to your face, Joel smirked. "Who's a good girl, huh? Who's already dripping for me?"

While biting your lip, you replied, "I'm a good girl. I'm always waiting for you and thinking about you."

Joel spat on his open palm and jerked his already erected cock several times before spreading your legs wide. After sliding his tip past your pussy lips gently, he pushed hard enough to bury his shaft deeply inside your wet core, grunting at the long missed tightness. "Fuck."

As he filled you up and stretched your walls, you hissed in delight. You wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. As you kissed him, you murmured, "Fuck indeed."

As he kissed your lips briefly, he grabbed your waist, and quickly began fucking you, grunting and groaning at various times, looking at the place where your bodies were connected to see the bulge forming within your abdomen whenever he was pushing his cock in. "I'm so impressed with you, little one, taking me so well. You're a fine young lady, aren't you?"

As you pressed your hand against the bulge, you let out a loud moan at the pleasure feeling that sent shivers down your spine. "I always take your cock so well whenever you need it. Fuck, I love it."

As he increased his pace a little, he picked up one of your legs and rested it against his broad shoulder, massaging your calf a little while squeezing one of your breasts. "So tight, I love it," he praised within a husky tone. Soon, he pulled out of you, pulled you off the table, turned you around and pressed hard on your back, so you had to lay face down on the table. "Stick your sweet ass up, sweetheart."

As a good girl, you nodded and raised your butt in appreciation. Obviously, you didn't stop yourself from rolling your hips for Joel just to tease him.

He spanked you a few times, leaving red marks on your buttocks. He snarled, grabbing his cock and rubbing its tip against your slick folds. He grunted, "Did I tell you I love your fucking ass?"

Nodding, you grabbed the edge of the table. "You did. Many, many times."

Joel wrapped an arm around your waist, holding you close as he slowly entered you once more. "Oh, fuck, I love it when you got so fucking tight." His other hand grabbed your left hip as he was slowly bucking his hips into you.

Your moaning became louder as you said, "And I am all yours to fuck however you want! I love this thick cock abusing my pussy.”

The hand slipped under your belly, holding you there, moved to rub on your clitoris as he fucked you in the steady pace.

It was impossible not to whimper in pleasure as he made endless promises and praises for how good you made him feel as you moaned his name so sweetly.

Your warmness mixed with wetness, and your pussy's tightness sent him on edge. Soon, his pushes turned sloppy, and he started grunting more and more. As Joel pulled out his throbbing dick from you, he turned you around and jerked his shaft several times before cumming on your belly. "Fuck, Y/N."

You sat up and used your finger to taste some of his cum while moaning sadly at the feeling of emptiness. Your arm encircled his hand as you hummed. "Feeling better, sweetie?”

He wiped the last drops of cum from the tip of his cock with his thumb and sucked it clean, glaring at your body, still shivering from the pleasure you both shared. As he rearranged his boxers and jeans and zipped his fly, he casually replied, "Yeah, of course, that's what I missed." It wasn't long before he touched your swollen pussy again, eliciting another groan from you. "I love you so much. You're my only source of comfort."

After getting off the table, you walked to the kitchen and found a rug there. Before returning to him, you cleaned yourself up and put on your clothes. Wrapping your arms around him, you looked up at his face. "I love you too, and I'm glad I can help you feel better."

One of his brows cocked up. "What the fuck are you doing getting dressed?"

You blinked, whispering, "Uhm... As I'm planning to finish the food now, I'd like to dress appropriately."

A smirk spread across his face as he touched your cheek and stared deeply into your eyes. "Food can wait," he told you. "There is still a lot to make up, and I am not done pledging you yet."

The Zone Of Comfort || Joel Miller X Fem!reader

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2 years ago

A small bouquet || Joel Miller x fem!reader


A Small Bouquet || Joel Miller X Fem!reader

Summary: when Joel presents you with flowers, it reminds you of the good old days when the world was different

Warnings: none

Word count: 532

Author: Fenrir

A/N: today’s prompt: presenting them with a bunch of flowers

A Small Bouquet || Joel Miller X Fem!reader

"Even a simple roadside bloom is a creation of love, hopefully," Joel thought as he prepared a bouquet for his girlfriend. In the end, they were two people who had fallen to the wayside of society, on the edge of a world that was already in a state of decay. Since they had seen each other as unique and special blooms, he knew his lover would agree that this Valentine's Day bouquet was perfect, even though people stopped celebrating this holiday of love when pandemics struck. 

He met your worried gaze at the door after returning from work later than usual that day. "I was worried about you, Joel, are you okay?" You asked him, walking straight to the hallway to see how he was doing.

Your cheek was instantly rubbed with his calloused palm as his thumb slid slowly across your soft, warm skin. "It's okay, babe. I promised you to stay outta trouble, and that's exactly what I'm doing," he assured, his tone somewhat husky.

You gave him a look that indicated you were far from believing him. It was clear to you that Joel was prone to troubles of all kinds, even if he didn't intend to be involved in them. You tilted your head again after noticing him hiding something behind his back carelessly. "What's that?"

His lips curled in a small, shy smile before he replied. "I have something for you."

The intrigue level had now reached a new level. Without asking any more questions, you waited for him to show you.

In a hesitant manner, Joel offered you the messy bouquet he had hidden behind his back. "You once told me that you miss the ordinariness of the old world, so I thought I would bring you some."

It was hard to believe what you were seeing. Joel, the toughest man you've ever met, gathered some flowers for you, and to do so, you were sure, he had to leave the quarantine zone. “Oh, Joel! You didn’t have to!” The bouquet was quickly accepted and brought close to your nose to smell the sweet, almost nauseating scent of those wild flowers. You mused sweetly, "Is there an occasion for them? Or was I just a good girl? They’re beautiful though." Joel placed one hand on your hip with a sigh. "If not for the fungus, today would be Valentine's Day."

As you parted your lips, an almost audible sigh escaped your mouth as you accepted Joel's explanation. He was more than right.

He rubbed your back gently and pulled you closer to his broad chest without saying a word. "I don't want to sound like an idiot or a wimp, but I will love you unconditionally, regardless of how tough times get. You are the only one who keeps me going."

While standing on your tiptoes, you kissed his stubbled jaw. "I love you too. I appreciate this beautiful gift, it brightened my day. Let me throw them in the water." Before heading to your tiny kitchen, you glanced at him over your shoulder. "I am grateful you have given me some kind of magic that I had thought had been lost for a long time."

A Small Bouquet || Joel Miller X Fem!reader

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