Lactose Intolerance - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

As it turns out, it is REALLY hard to find good places that serve good dairy meals, so have this root beer float in a dwarven dnd mug!

As It Turns Out, It Is REALLY Hard To Find Good Places That Serve Good Dairy Meals, So Have This Root

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5 months ago

Hey so who told me there was a specific pain for drinking to much milk? Like I’m lactose intolerant but I found a delicious boxed chocolate milk that doesn’t hurt me and I drank to much, and this hurts different than any other stomach hurt before, and that’s coming from someone with ibs. I’ve felt a lot of stomach pain but this is a whole new genre.

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6 months ago

I think I might be lactose intolerant

...has that stopped me before? Will it stop me now? Will it stop me ever?


I shall not be titled weak by my bloodline.

Not today

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9 months ago

If you’re lactose intolerant, don’t eat ice cream in an empty stomach

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1 year ago

Mom: don’t have that much cheese! Remember what happened last time?

Me, filling my plate: yes. I learned absolutely nothing and it will happen again

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7 months ago

i fucking forgot im lactose intolerant FUCK FUCK FUCK

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9 months ago


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Some tasty, slightly healthier options for pumpkin spice season if you have food intolerance or want to just enjoy it (but not overindulge)

Some Tasty, Slightly Healthier Options For Pumpkin Spice Season If You Have Food Intolerance Or Want
Some Tasty, Slightly Healthier Options For Pumpkin Spice Season If You Have Food Intolerance Or Want
Some Tasty, Slightly Healthier Options For Pumpkin Spice Season If You Have Food Intolerance Or Want
Some Tasty, Slightly Healthier Options For Pumpkin Spice Season If You Have Food Intolerance Or Want

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I was always so confused abt the whole lactose intolerant people not caring and eating it anyways thing cuz why would u do that to urself until I inherited my families tendencies for rlly bad acid reflux (Gerd?? I think) and I’m sitting here pretending that spaghetti does not hurt me

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9 months ago

; as a white person I love select few cheeses but those select few cheeses don't love me back. ☹️

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8 months ago

i want to take the time to talk about a series of disabilities that no one takes seriously or even recognizes as a disability, which is food intolerances, and allergies. if a person can get sick if they eat the wrong foods, they are disabled, as this illness will make them unable to function all because they ate the wrong food. it's not okay to guilt someone for seeking foods that won't injure them.

in 2022, i began to lose my ability to digest land meats (pork, chicken, cow, etc.), animal milks, and eggs. it started slowly but quickly progressed to every type of land meat. i am only able to digest seafood, plants, nuts, seeds safely without becoming horribly sick. i tried to buy cow's milk because it is cheaper recently and became so ill it was genuinely traumatic. i have never been that sick in my life before. i cannot safely ingest cow's milk, the cheaper option, because it will injure me for several days or even weeks at a time. this happens to me with all land meats as well.

i cannot eat eggs. i cannot fried rice that has egg, i cannot eat most sauces like mayo or ranch dressing because of their high egg content. i cannot eat anything dressed in mayo as a sauce. anything that is baked or brushed or washed with egg is a risk. my digestive system really hates eggs in particular and they are inescapable.

people who can't digest or process lactose, gluten, meats, seafood, eggs, nuts, seeds, beans, fiber, certain fats, proteins or sugars don't have their needs considered very often, nor taken seriously, especially when that person is poor. people with digestive issues need to be able to eat foods that don't hurt us- it's not our faults that alternative milks, breads, pizzas, snacks, sauces, dips, spreads, meats and more are significantly more expensive. we still need to be able to eat foods that don't harm us regardless of how much money we make.

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9 months ago
My Mom Is Waxing Poetic About Cheese Tonight

My mom is waxing poetic about cheese tonight

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2 years ago

unfortunately my love for cheese outweighs my hatred of lactose intolerance

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4 years ago

some facts

1. i am lactose intolerant

2. i’m also kind of allergic to garlic ? like i can eat it if it’s in things, but like i can’t eat things where garlic is an important ingredient ?

3. i just drank a litre of chocolate milk

4. i just ate a salad that contained a lot of aioli

5. i feel like throwing up

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3 years ago

Me, lactose intolerant: *consumes a metric fuckton of cheese*

Me for the next week: *weakly stumbling around in a cheese-induced stupor* worth... it

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7 months ago

my tummy is so mad at me but i love chocolate milk 🥲

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