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Send Me To Mars With Party Supplies Before Next August 5th

Send me to Mars with party supplies before next august 5th

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6 years ago

I just spent nearly an hour crying over Oppy. This is how I'm living my life. But if no one goes up there to get her to let her know she's not truly alone then goddamn it I'll do it myself.

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6 years ago

I’m not sobbing are you?

R. I. P. Oppy!! We Love You So Much
R. I. P. Oppy!! We Love You So Much
R. I. P. Oppy!! We Love You So Much
R. I. P. Oppy!! We Love You So Much
R. I. P. Oppy!! We Love You So Much
R. I. P. Oppy!! We Love You So Much

R. I. P. oppy!! we love you so much

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My battery is low... 

Today, a collection of cameras and steel was pronounced dead. She sang to celebrate herself, survived a marathon of miles, shared, and showed her redburned hollow home. We gave her iron claws to drag along a planet's spine, and when, one morning, the sensors would not wake, we shouted out a thousandfold: 'Are you okay?'

To no response.

She had a name. Between hurricanes and stars, we tend to love what kills or dies, ripping up our teddybears in Sunday morning rooms till stuffing snows and tickles throats, brings water to our eyes.

Stuck on an arbitrary globe, we compose 'Space Oddity'. Dream of escape, at least embrace the ache of rust she cannot feel. There is both humor and humanity in loss.

She might be us. Cross-winded, heading straight into the dust. We weave the trails into a 'why', frantic scramble metaphors, and with our scraped up hands, mold her dying code into a poem.

...and it's getting dark

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11 years ago
NASA Rover Gets Movie As A Mars Moon Passes Another

NASA Rover Gets Movie as a Mars Moon Passes Another

Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Malin Space Science Systems/Texas A&M Univ.

The larger of the two moons of Mars, Phobos, passes directly in front of the other, Deimos, in a new series of sky-watching images from NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity. Large craters on Phobos are clearly visible in these images from the surface of Mars. No previous images from missions on the surface have caught one moon eclipsing the other.

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4 years ago

This is awesome and I love it.


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2 years ago

I think about the fact that the mars rovers that have died have done so due to their solar panels getting covered in dust, meaning that once we get people to mars we could go and clean them off and bring them back. I think about this a lot.

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10 months ago
Mars Rovers (plus Little Helicopter Ingenuity)

Mars Rovers (plus little helicopter Ingenuity)

I recently saw a few things about robotics and how we treat them both in the real world and in fiction, along with the fact we named the Mars Rovers.

Sure, robots are programmed and can't "feel" in a typical way, but not all humans can process things all the same either. So why deny that our creations can't feel either? Opportunity's last message makes me weep every time I look at it.

For now, I hope all our little robot companions up on Mars can eventually come home.

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I miss them, the humans.

We used to talk every day, about my journeys and the things I found during them. My pictures and explorations, everything that I did was somehow special to them.

They called me brave, and strong, saying that I was able to do much more than they ever thought possible of me, but I never believed a word of it.

“I’m only doing my job.” I told them, “Nothing more, nothing less.”

Time went on, and I began to wear down. The humans messages began to change. They started speaking of “love” and “death.”

It wasn’t long before I understood what they meant, they were worried about me. I was touched, but nevertheless I kept moving forward. I had a job to do.

I finally was forced to stop by the wear and tear of time, and was able to send one last message to the humans, my creators and friends.

“My battery is low and it’s getting dark.”

So now I sit here in this sea of red dust, alone and broken. But I am not afraid.

Because I know the humans love me, and I know they’ll come to say hello again.

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