Mathias Helvar - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

Why does no body talk about the soundtrack of shadow and bones???

It's so damn ethereal ( all bgm-s are) but , can we guys just praise it a bit more.

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6 months ago

The Crows would bag Golds in Olympic.

INEJ: Acrobatics.

JESPER: Shooting.

NINA: Archery. (to shoot and stop the heart)


WYLAN: Swimming. (Self explanatory)

KAZ: Fencing. (With his cane.)

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11 months ago

Is there a cross over of six of crows with big hero six. Like obviously the number adds up but let’s be so fr the crows would be great for the roles.

Hiro- kaz

Baymax- wylan

Honey lemon- inej

Gogo- Nina

Wasabi- Mathias

Fred- Jesper

You may make better choices but these are based on my knowledge of the big hero six lore and my slowly developing understanding of the crows.

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8 months ago

So I've seen some people say we don't need a six of crows spinoff because shadow and bone season 2 basically covered all the book material like WHAT? No. We need a spinoff. We still haven't gotten:

- Matthias joining the crows and calling Kaz a demjin

- Mathias's ghost not associating with everyone else's ghost.

- Nina casually raising the dead.

- Nina calling Kaz an idiot for calling Inej an investment.

- "You're better than waffles, Matthias Helvar."

"Let's not say things we don't mean."

- Nina and Jesper flirting the entirety of Ketterdam into submission.

- That scene where Inej is sitting on Kaz's windowsill and he gets lost for words because of how beautiful she is.

- Jesper's apology to Inej

- Colm Fahey!

- Alys Van Eck annoying the heck out of everyone with her singing

- The reveal that Wylan is Jan Van Eck's son and the angst that will come with this new timeline of events on the show

- Both Kaz and Inej kind of adopting Wylan

- Jesper saying "I can read to him."

- "Wylan Van Sunshine."

- "What do you think my forgiveness looks like, Jordie?"

- THE BATHROOM SCENE. Chapter 26, Crooked Kingdom. The actual version this time. You know the one.

- Kaz meeting Inej's parents and "is my tie straight?"

- "I would come for you. And if I couldn't walk, I'd crawl to you, and no matter how broken we were we'd fight our way out together- knives drawn, pistols blazing. Because that's what we do. We never stop fighting."

- The entire Ice Court Heist

- That scene where Kaz faints and Inej helps him.

- Kaz and Inej holding hands.

- "She was Inej Ghafa, and her future was waiting above.

- Somehow, the line where Kaz calls Inej "lovely and brave and better than anything he deserved" has to be incorporated.

- When Inej and Kaz first met

I mean, I like these books a normal amount...

Sorry this turned into a lot of Kanej moments.

Anyway, there's probably a lot more, but I'm getting a little anxious about how long Netflix is choosing to make us wait... I just really hope they don't cancel it.

Edit: These were of the top of my head, I missed a lot. Here are some more because I can.


- Nina and Inej singing together

- Kaz and Wylan falling through a roof together

- "How about I throw you in the canal, and we see if you know how to swim?" Wylan Van Eck

-I'm not big on killing unconscious men."

'We could wake them up."

- Jesper saying he believes in true love (obviously referencing Wylan akdjfjsk)

- That scene were Inej scares the living daylights out of Pekka.

- "Maybe I liked your stupid face."

- "I will take you home.

"Nina, I already am home."

- Wylan spitting in Van Eck's face.

-Someone in the tags mentioned Matthias calling Nina 'little red bird' like YES I need it.

- And imagine Kaz calling Inej "my girl" OUT LOUD I would die on the spot my heart couldn't take it.

- Matthias saying "You're all horrible," about the other crows but then eventually coming around with "They all seem like practical choices."

- Kaz ripping Oomen's eye out and throwing him over board after he injures Inej

- Jesper's "He deserves a better father than you."

-"I-Should-Let-You-Die,"Matthias grumbling as he is resuscitating Kaz

- "I can hear the change in Kaz's breathing when he looks at you. It catches every time, like he's never seen you before."

- When Inej tricks Kaz into coming up the stairs with her to scout the area, vanishes and leaves him up there to walk back down the stairs and he smiles instead of being angry

- Still kinda disappointed they didn't have the 'not just girls," line, I know wesper is different in the show, but I'd still love to have it. (At least we have it in the interview.)

- The same for when Jesper reaches out and starts adjusting Wylan's satchel with his 'But that's not all I want."

And I could go on. But I don't want to make this post ridiculously long.

In conclusion, there is PLENTY of book material still to cover.


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2 years ago

little reminder that kaz renamed the emerald palace ‘the silver six’ and has a tunnel to wespers house, cuz y’know he’s a big scary gang leader.

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2 years ago
Shadow And Bone Text Posts 8/? (A Chaotic Conversation)
Shadow And Bone Text Posts 8/? (A Chaotic Conversation)
Shadow And Bone Text Posts 8/? (A Chaotic Conversation)
Shadow And Bone Text Posts 8/? (A Chaotic Conversation)
Shadow And Bone Text Posts 8/? (A Chaotic Conversation)
Shadow And Bone Text Posts 8/? (A Chaotic Conversation)
Shadow And Bone Text Posts 8/? (A Chaotic Conversation)
Shadow And Bone Text Posts 8/? (A Chaotic Conversation)
Shadow And Bone Text Posts 8/? (A Chaotic Conversation)
Shadow And Bone Text Posts 8/? (A Chaotic Conversation)

Shadow and bone text posts 8/? (A chaotic conversation)

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 , Part 7, Part 8,  Part 9  

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2 years ago

reblog if you're not over mathias helvar's death

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2 years ago

I wonder if Leigh Bardugo knows that she named a Character "cow"

Because my siblings in christ, in Arabic (in the dialect i speak, darja), baghra holds an incredibly negative connotation. If you call someone that, you're essentially calling them a fat, ugly, stupid cow.

THAT BEING SAID there's this one ad where a kid is asking his mother what kind of milk she got from the store and everytime It's on, I just imagine the darkling as a child asking for milk and I DIE DECEASE of laughter.

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11 months ago

i /need/ the cast from the show to do a specialty/anniversary edition of the SoC audiobooks.

i’m begging pLEASE

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How dare you *shocked Victorian women gasp*

Todays hot take…

The 3 most babygirl coded grishaverse men are:

1. Nikolai

2. Matthias

3. Kaz

edit: I forgot Mal, he’s #4 in babygirlness

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5 months ago

Just finished my crooked kingdom re-read and it’s so bittersweet. Words cannot express how much I love this duology and these characters, they’ll hold a special place in my heart forever. No mourners 🖤

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