Mental Health Problems - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Remember lost loved ones however you like and don't let anyone make you feel guilty for not being over it, even if they passed twenty years ago and you still cry on the anniversary. Grieve freely. Honor the dead.

friendly reminders:

you don't have to be productive every day

you are worthy even if all you did today was get out of bed

there are people out there who care about you

your existence makes a difference

if something bothers you, then it bothers you. no one has the right to tell you otherwise

you are allowed to take up space

there is no 'right way' to grieve

you cannot put a time limit on emotions

your likes and interests are valid and they matter

it's okay to take your time in doing things. not everyone can do everything at the same pace

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1 year ago

To those who celebrate, I hope you enjoyed your holiday today🖤🖤🖤

But to those, like me, who don't... hiding in your house and trying to forget what day it is... choking on the trauma... I know there's no sympathy for how tortured you are right now. No one appreciates how difficult it is, having bucketfuls of triggers dumped on you over and over and over every day for two whole months. And God forbid you don't smile about it. Don't mask. Don't pretend. Don't participate. Don't shout "Merry Christmas!" until you're dizzy and nauseous.

But it will get easier. I promise. Take advantage of the good food this time of year and stay in your house as much as you can.

It's almost over. Breathe, friend.

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1 year ago


about the term "pro-recovery"

i don't think it fits me. i started using it thinking it was an alternative to "pro-ana", but when i researched it more, i found out it can mean that you support recovering from mental illnesses no matter what, at all costs, even to the person in question. that's not me. ultimately, the things i value most as a psychiatric survivor, mad liberationist, and anarcho-syndicalist are the individual's right to make decisions for themself- yes, even if it means decisions that will hurt themself. my approach to recovery is one of harm reduction: on its most basic level, i want to minimize people's pain and suffering, and if it means letting them keep unhealthy habits instead of potentially causing more distress through changing it against their will, then that's what will happen. i still unequivically believe that trying to recover from things that cause one distress is the best option, however, i also believe that it's always the individual in question's choice whether or not to recover, and that if someone says that their behaviors aren't distressing to themself or genuinely don't need to change, then that's their perogative and if they want help, they'll get it- i don't know what's best for everyone, so if someone doesn't reach out to change their lifestyle, it's safe to assume they don't want to change it. consent and mutual respect should always come first. my goal with this blog is not to convince people to recover, but to let them know they can, and aid those who do choose to undertake this.

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6 months ago

having my nightly panic attack is so much fun~

it's really not))

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