Misgendering - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago


people need to stop misgendering seam in my notes please.

in-game, seam never once used he/him pronouns or was referred to as a man or any masculine term—that is entirely a fandmade concept. same goes for she/her pronouns and feminine terms, though i’ve only known maybe two people ever to do that. the closest thing to a gendered term we have is seam’s personal pronoun in the japanese translation, but even that has historically been used by both binary genders.

dialogue describing seam in-game seems to purposely exclude pronouns, particularly the royal coat rack’s “there wasn’t any interest.” in a stream, toby once corrected someone who referred to seam as “he” by saying “they are a good character.”

seam uses they/them or no pronouns. or if you want to use it/its or neos that’s cool too. but using she/her or he/him is misgendering. this isn’t an attack—seam is tragically not a fan favorite so a lot of people just don’t know—but i would really love if whenever a seam post of mine got a ton of notes it didn’t have a bunch of he/hims mixed in.

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8 years ago

Not using somebody’s preferred pronouns

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6 years ago

do cis people realise that trans people get misgendered even if we pass? a trans man could walk up in a full beard and still be called “miss” because people are transphobic, not because he looks like woman. obviously non-passing trans people get misgendered more often, but there’s really more layers (aka transphobia) to being misgendered apart from “i pass all the time thus no one ever misgenders me”

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8 months ago

they/them is not an all-inclusive pronoun that you can use to refer to anyone just because it is gender neutral.

the very basic sentiment of "don't misgender people" seems to go over even the heads of trans people and cis people alike when it comes to they/them pronouns.

not everyone wants to be called they/them. if someone strictly uses she/her or he/him or she/he or neopronouns etc. anything that is not they/them.... using they/them would still be misgendering. in the same way calling someone who doesn't use any other pronoun that pronoun would be misgendering.

You don't get a free pass to call people whatever pronouns you want to call them rather than the pronouns they use just because they them is a gender neutral pronoun.

also not all nonbinary people use strictly they/them pronouns or they/them pronouns at all.

i feel like this is very simple yet is misunderstood by a lot of people

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lol mood

My mom: I’m so progressive, I have no problem w gay people (direct quote)

*two hours later*

Casually using the f slur to talk abt tv characters & saying it’s okay ‘cause she’s in her own home

My mom yesterday: I accept you, I use your correct pronouns


:/ like, bro... She brags about being an ally and well yeah...

I'm agender and I use they/them pronouns

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10 years ago

Fun social experiment! Misgender a cis person, and when they correct you (bonus points if they get mad) reply with "well how was I supposed to know your special pronouns?" And then continue to use the wrong pronouns when addressing them.

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5 months ago

if another goddamn person refers to me as she/her i think I might explode

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2 years ago

With Pride Month right around the corner, my mind keeps reminding me of homophobia I’ve experienced over the years. Here’s some that I experienced from one Christian guy I used to be friends with:

Got mad every time I called myself gay (his reasoning was only guys exclusively attracted to guys could call themselves gay)

Said bisexuality and pansexuality were the same

Wouldn’t let me call myself pan in his presence

Called me the wrong pronouns even after the MANY times I’ve told him the pronouns made me uncomfortable

Told me I was an idiot for believing intersex people exist and also don’t need “fixing”

Called me a lesbian even though I’m not one

Thought I was greedy for being pan

Told me I’d grow out of being trans

Said they/them pronouns made zero sense

Was 10x more homophobic toward me after learning I wasn’t a girl

Told me I’d never not be a girl and was delusional for thinking otherwise

Thought the fact that I occasionally am repulsed by romance made me immature

Argued with me about the existence of bigender and intersex people

Used the h-slur for intersex individuals

Claimed lgbt didn’t exist before 2000

Thought that me being trans meant I was lying to myself and everyone around me

Told me I claimed to be trans because I didn’t like who I was

Referred to me as an object and it/its pronouns after I told him she/her made me uncomfortable (Note: nothing wrong with people who use it/it’s pronouns, but they’re not my pronouns)

Called me childish for my occasional sex repulsion

Told me that me being lgbt “went against God”

Called me a slut for being pan and for being polyamorous

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6 months ago

non-it/its users need to get their shit together fr

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8 years ago
The Eternal Question, How Much Of A Fuss Do You Want To Kick Up Over Being Misgendered By Relatives You
The Eternal Question, How Much Of A Fuss Do You Want To Kick Up Over Being Misgendered By Relatives You

The eternal question, how much of a fuss do you want to kick up over being misgendered by relatives you don’t see very often?

I went to my grandpa’s birthday a while back and... Yeeaaahh...

I didn’t want to make a big deal about it, but it did really bother me.

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2 years ago
Man raped woman and transgender man
Shelton Dube attacked Scott Wilson, knowing his victim identified as a man and was attracted to women.

You cannot identify out of female-based oppression.

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2 years ago
But Remember Guys, This Is Only About Women's Rights And If You Disagree With This Concerned Apolitical
But Remember Guys, This Is Only About Women's Rights And If You Disagree With This Concerned Apolitical
But Remember Guys, This Is Only About Women's Rights And If You Disagree With This Concerned Apolitical
But Remember Guys, This Is Only About Women's Rights And If You Disagree With This Concerned Apolitical
But Remember Guys, This Is Only About Women's Rights And If You Disagree With This Concerned Apolitical
But Remember Guys, This Is Only About Women's Rights And If You Disagree With This Concerned Apolitical
But Remember Guys, This Is Only About Women's Rights And If You Disagree With This Concerned Apolitical
But Remember Guys, This Is Only About Women's Rights And If You Disagree With This Concerned Apolitical

But remember guys, this is only about women's rights and if you disagree with this Concerned Apolitical Women's Right Advocate™ you are big lesbophobic, support omnipresent rapists in bathrooms and also don't believe in the rights for women.

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2 years ago

when you're a normal, well adapted member of society and definitely not some ableist freak pushing for genocide and eugenics of disabled and neurodivergent people

@terfrecords @turnerssyndrometomboy

When You're A Normal, Well Adapted Member Of Society And Definitely Not Some Ableist Freak Pushing For
When You're A Normal, Well Adapted Member Of Society And Definitely Not Some Ableist Freak Pushing For

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Misgendering: An Analogy By Bishakh Som
Misgendering: An Analogy By Bishakh Som
Misgendering: An Analogy By Bishakh Som
Misgendering: An Analogy By Bishakh Som
Misgendering: An Analogy By Bishakh Som
Misgendering: An Analogy By Bishakh Som

“Misgendering: An Analogy” by Bishakh Som

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