My Eyes Are Burning - Tumblr Posts

Seeing all white ebackground ads as someone who relies on darkmode or sunglasses to look at phone is very unhelpful

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Seeing all white ebackground ads as someone who relies on darkmode or sunglasses to look at phone is very unhelpful

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11 months ago

I miss my dog so much in these days, he passed away on October 6th due to heart problems. I still dream of him and sometimes I even hear him like he's just there. His name was Lucky and I'm gonna share some pictures of him because yes.

I Miss My Dog So Much In These Days, He Passed Away On October 6th Due To Heart Problems. I Still Dream
I Miss My Dog So Much In These Days, He Passed Away On October 6th Due To Heart Problems. I Still Dream
I Miss My Dog So Much In These Days, He Passed Away On October 6th Due To Heart Problems. I Still Dream
I Miss My Dog So Much In These Days, He Passed Away On October 6th Due To Heart Problems. I Still Dream
I Miss My Dog So Much In These Days, He Passed Away On October 6th Due To Heart Problems. I Still Dream
I Miss My Dog So Much In These Days, He Passed Away On October 6th Due To Heart Problems. I Still Dream
I Miss My Dog So Much In These Days, He Passed Away On October 6th Due To Heart Problems. I Still Dream
I Miss My Dog So Much In These Days, He Passed Away On October 6th Due To Heart Problems. I Still Dream
I Miss My Dog So Much In These Days, He Passed Away On October 6th Due To Heart Problems. I Still Dream
I Miss My Dog So Much In These Days, He Passed Away On October 6th Due To Heart Problems. I Still Dream

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Shinigami-thighs is so motherless that people have to deal with her drama just because her hag pussy is not brave enough to handle them. She has a dysfunctional brain and iq lower than her goat father. She is an abomination conceived of the unholy union between her mom and a filthy goat. She is so pathetic excuse for a bitch who can't get laid without jumping in the sack with her own mother. A bitch like shinigami-thighs who is so desperate for human companionship that she resorts to having sex with goats is a true bottom feeder of the animal kingdom.

Shinigami-thighs Is So Motherless That People Have To Deal With Her Drama Just Because Her Hag Pussy

On a fundamental level, like, what's wrong with you?

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10 months ago

If I had to see it, so do you..

If I Had To See It, So Do You..

I wanna hug out my eyes and clean 'em 🥹

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10 months ago

Idk why I keep getting team management software ads that open with a muppet fucking a printer but let's just say I've had it up to HERE with youtube for a while.

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8 months ago


They call me factorio the way my polycule is always growing.

They call me rimworld the way I'm eating ass.

They call me satisfactory the way I satisfy with no refractory

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1 year ago

Me after making the dumbest pfp ever: wait.. this kinda ate

Me After Making The Dumbest Pfp Ever: Wait.. This Kinda Ate

Furina and her sticky iPad kid lmao (11/16/23)

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7 months ago
It Was Requested Countless Times (5 Times), So Here It Is. The Fully Colored And Rendered Version.

It was requested countless times (5 times), so here it is. The fully colored and rendered version.

I'm never doing it again (I will do it again)

Here's the unshaded version.

It Was Requested Countless Times (5 Times), So Here It Is. The Fully Colored And Rendered Version.

Edit: Monochrome art, chara design choices, and random headcanons in THIS POST

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1 year ago

Read-a-thon Wednesday!!!

I think a lot of people do this, BUT IM GOING TO BE ONE OF THEM.

Every Wednesday or so, I’m going to read non-stop.

But I am sadly still in school so technically not non-stop. BUT YOU GET IT-

Basically, I’m going to choose out 3 books I haven’t read from my TBR, the book I’m currently reading, a random graphic novel, and a manga! I’ll attempt to read them all in one day.

If I decide I have more extra time, I’ll choose fourth book to read as well.

(Also, i have a stack of books i have bought in a tower. I pick out 3 random post notes. If you guys want, i can make videos about it)

Im a fast reader, so I can do this. Right? 😨 RIGHT????

So if you want, you can join me every read-a-thon Wednesday, and do it with me or come along for the ride. WHATEVER YOU WANT.

I just thought would be entertaining.

I also really wanted to post this on TikTok, but I don’t think people would like it as much 😨


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9 months ago

Tried to put in an eyedrop and it burned the hell outta my eye like little angry drop man what did I do to you

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