Mydearburkhart - Tumblr Posts
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jackie burkhart energy
i'm not over you, zenmasters edition
the real slim shady
bills bills bills
if I was in that '70s show/the amy-verse:
gifs + songs:
I don't know if you've mentioned this before but are you planning on making your "if I was in the 70s show" a story. Because I would totally read that. I've always wanted Jackie to have a best friend and everything i've read that you've written is just *chefs kiss*. Would totally love even just random one shots of the universe. So much fun!
first of all, thank you for the compliment. I'm glad you liked my oc :)))
and to answer your question, I'm planning more posts here on tumblr. probably inserting my oc in some episodes. if you have a suggestion, feel free to send me.
you can read part 2 here.
and if you are interested, I can tag you in the next post ;)
The Amy-verse
(or "If I was in that '70s show" part 3) | part 1 and part 2
Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from That '70s Show, which is created by Bonnie and Terry Turner and Mark Brazill. I own nothing, except for my original character, Amy Hamilton.
Warning: I'm not fluent in English and this is one of the ways I found to learn on my own. So if you find any mistakes, please let me know :)

*during a phone call*
Amy: He and his stupid friends didn't invite us to the concert? I don't even know whose concert it is, but I'm offended.
Jackie: I know, but I made him invite us, we are so going.
Amy: Don't we need... tickets?
Jackie: Oh, don't worry. I bought our tickets. Michael complained that they only had five.
Amy: Thanks, J. I'll come over so we can get ready together.
*the Hub*
Jackie: Michael, who is this guy?
Kelso: Oh, that's Fez, he's a foreign exchange student.
Jackie: Who did we exchange for him?
Amy: Finally, another foreign student.
Jackie: I have to go to the ladies' room. Amy?
Amy: Yeah, me too. Let's go.
Fez: I too must go to the bathroom. Eric?
Eric: It doesn't work that way with guys.
Amy, washing her hands: So, Jackie... how much longer am I gonna have to deal with the whole "Kelso experience"?
Jackie, reapplying her lip gloss: Don't worry, I'm gonna put him on the short leash.
Amy, fixing her hair: You think we should start inviting Donna for our bathroom time?
Jackie, after thinking for a second: Yeah, I think she could use some girlfriends.
*back in the Hub*
Hyde: Kelso, how much longer we gonna have to deal with the whole "Jackie + Amy experience"?
Kelso: Don't worry, I'm breaking up with her.
Hyde: Never gonna happen.
Kelso: It's over, she's cutting into my free time. Also, Amy's always calling me an idiot. I think she talks about me in whatever foreign language she speaks behind my back.

*mechanical workshop*
Jackie: I'll just call my dad.
Eric: Kelso, tell her.
Kelso: He can't take the car outta town.
Jackie: I'm not calling his dad.
Hyde: Jackie, parents talk to each other... about how we screw up!
Jackie: Why would they talk about that?
Eric: They can't help it, say there's a party see and all of our parents are there together...
Amy, to Jackie, while the gang was doing the hustle: We absolutely can't call my parents. My mom would kill me if she knew I forgot my jacket, even though she told me I'd be cold.
Jackie: GUYS! We are in the middle of nowhere and I have to go to the ladies' room.
Amy and Jackie: Donna!
Donna: Hun?
Amy: Don't ask questions, just follow us.
Amy, reapplying her mascara: So, whose concert is it, again?
Donna: Todd Rundgren.
Amy, looking questionably to Jackie who just shrugged: Oh... cool.
Donna: Wait, if you don't know Todd Rundgren, why did you want to tag along?
Amy: It's the principle of it, Donna. There's nothing to do in Point Place, but if I had something planned, I'd invite you guys. Because that's what friends do. I know we are not really friends, but we are stuck together 'till she breaks up with that moron, so...
Jackie: But if I knew your boyfriend's car would break, I'd have stayed at home.
Donna: He's not my boyfriend.
Jackie: Yet.
Hyde: Well, there's always Jackie.
Kelso: Of course Jackie, I mean, Jackie's gone. But who else?
Eric: Oh, I don't know... Jackie's date?
Kelso: Amy? Yeah, Amy's out.
Fez: He meant you, Kelso.
Kelso: You guys are chopping me out.
Eric: I've had to listen to her for a good hour.
Fez: A really long hour.
Kelso: God hates me.
Jackie: Oh, I'm so not staying behind. I paid for my ticket, I'm going.
Amy: I did not use my expensive make-up, my pretty red top, and my new denim pants to not enjoy the concert with my bestie. So, who has the tickets?
*the guys all pointed at Hyde*
Amy: Gimme the tickets, Hyde! [he made no motion to move, so she kicked him in the shin and took the tickets] You guys are so easy.
Hyde: Damn it.
Kelso: You took three? Oh, man. Thank you. [he went to give her a hug but she shoved him] What?
Amy: The third ticket isn't for you, dumbass. You were ready to trade mine and Jackie's tickets for the battery. You can choke. As a matter of fact, you can all choke.
Kelso, screaming: UH!
Amy, to Donna: Here, Donna. Girls need to support each other.
Fez: God does hate you. You do not have a woman's love because your woman's best friend is smarter and stronger than you. But because Fez is a good person, Fez gave up his ticket to keep you company. So... be happy, whore.
Kelso: You didn't give your ticket up, Hyde threatened to beat you up.
Fez: Thanks to you, you sonuvabitch.
Kelso: Are you blaming me for the battery thing?
Fez: Yes, I do not have anyone else to blame, so I am going to blame you. Now, good day.
Kelso: But Fez-
Fez: I said good day! [muttering under his breath] You can choke, whore.

Jackie: Amy, where were you?
Amy, a bit breathless: Uh... I went somewhere to do... some stuff.
Jackie: Your lipstick is all smudged, you look sweaty and breathless. Plus, there's a big hickey on your neck.
Amy: Okay, you caught me.
Jackie: What's her name? Is she pretty?
Amy: How do you know it's a she?
Jackie: I just do. Now tell me everything while we go to the ladies' room fix your make-up.
Amy: I'm sorry, I had to go to the ladies' room quickly to touch up my lipstick, just to make sure it's as red as the blood of dead fascists.
Jackie: And I had to go with her.
Hyde, to Amy: I don't understand how a girl as politicized as you can like things as materialistic, stupid, and superficial as make-up.
Amy: I am politicized enough to know that it's okay to like things traditionally defined as materialistic, stupid, and superficial. I'm not gonna change my tastes just to please the masculine view that an intelligent woman needs to disconnect from her femininity in order not to be like other girls and act within the same behavioral pattern as boys.
*during a phone call, after the concert*
Jackie: Anyway, what do you think of Donna?
Amy: I don't know Jackie, we barely talked. She seems cool though. Why do you ask?
Jackie: It's just that... you two have so much in common like you're both feminists, you're bi and she dresses like a lesbian-
Amy, giggling: Oh Jackie, I wanna die being your friend. Wait, hold on a second... are you afraid that I might want to be friends with Donna instead of you?
Jackie: No...
Amy: Good, because you don't have to. And besides, we also have a lot in common.
Jackie: Yes, but you love that feminist stuff and I'm not exactly a feminist.
Amy: Jackie, I'm gonna ask you some questions and I want you to be honest.
Jackie, confused: Okay...
Amy: Remember that dress you bought and loved, but you said you couldn't wear it because it was too breasty and people would call you a slut and boys would get the wrong idea?
Jackie: Yes...
Amy: Don't you wish you could wear it without having to worry about those things?
Jackie: Oh, yes. It looked so good on me.
Amy: And isn't it annoying when people assume you're dumb just because you're a teenage girl who likes make-up, cheerleading, and disco?
Jackie: OH MY GOD, yes! I mean, they don't even imagine how hard I study to keep my good grades. They don't even know that cheerleaders can't have bad grades.
Amy: And remember when coach wanted to cut half the cheer squad's money for new uniforms so he could give it to the football team and you stopped him?
Jackie: Yes, but what does that have to do with anything?
Amy: You might not call yourself a feminist, but sometimes you act like one.
@kim1918, @supernannygirl704things, @josueperezthl, @snookstheallmighty
let me know if you want to be part of the taglist ;)
The Amy-verse
(or "if I was in that '70s show" part 4) | previously on The Amy-verse
Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from That '70s Show, which is created by Bonnie and Terry Turner and Mark Brazill. I own nothing, except for my original character, Amy Hamilton.
Warning: I'm not fluent in English and this is one of the ways I found to learn on my own. So if you find any mistakes, please let me know :)

Hyde: Does it bother anybody else that these women live in Hooterville?
Eric: Technically, Petticoat Junction is down the track from Hooterville.
Hyde: Okay, does it bother anybody else that these women live down the track from Hooterville?
Donna: It bothers me that they bathe in the town water tank.
Kelso: With the dog.
Jackie: It isn't the drinking water, it is the water for the train.
Donna: It's still three naked women with a dog.
Fez: I want to be the Hooterville dog.
Jackie: Ames, you're awfully quiet. Are you okay?
Amy: Yeah, I was just trying to understand the context of this... scene, then I gave up and spaced out.
Kitty: Coming down... now, don't mind me. I'm just putting some clothes in. Eric, honey, I thought you could wear this on your birthday. It's nice, you look so handsome in it.
Eric: Why would I want to dress nice on my birthday?
Kelso: It's your birthday?
Amy: You don't know when his birthday is?
Kitty: Oh, you never know what's going to happen on your birthday!
Eric: Mom... mom, do not throw a party for me.
Kitty: Oh well, listen to Mr. Popularity. Like I have time to plan you a party. [laughs] Oh, uh... by the way, your sister Laurie is coming home from college for the weekend. No special reason, she just is. [goes upstairs]
Donna: Well, you're getting a party and best of all... it's a surprise!
Amy, to Eric: Your mom sucks at keeping secrets, but she's lovely. You should stop being an ungrateful idiot and appreciate the effort she's putting into this party.
Amy: So...
Donna: What?
Jackie: What are you gonna get Eric for his birthday?
Donna: I don't know, nothing seems right. I wanna give him something... special.
Amy and Jackie looked at each other, then gasped together: He kissed you!
Donna: Shh!
Amy: Donna, get in the car!
Jackie: Yes, get in the car so we can talk!
*in the car, Amy is on the back seat with her head between Jackie and Donna*
Jackie: Okay, what happened?
Amy: Tell us everything!
Donna: I'm not gonna talk to you two about this.
Amy and Jackie, at the same time: And who are you gonna talk to?
Amy and Jackie, to each other: Nice!
Donna, watching the boys play in the driveway: Okay! We get home from the Rundgren concert, and I'm sitting in the hood of the car, and I kissed him...
Jackie: French or American?
Amy: Even though everyone knows Brazilians are the best kissers...
Donna: I can't believe I'm talking to you two about this... [looks out of the window and sees them playing again] Okay! So, I lived next door to Eric my entire life and we talk about everything together, we love the same music, we love the Packers and then I kissed him and everything changed. And now I don't know if he's my boyfriend or if he's my best friend. If he's my boyfriend I lose my best friend, If I screw it up I lose my best friend and my boyfriend. Now, I have to give him his gift...
Jackie: Donna, Donna! I solved it. Get him... a scented candle.
Amy: Oh yeah, good idea.
Donna: A scented candle?
Jackie: It's practical and romantic.
Amy and Jackie: Oh, yeah.

Amy: Hey, Mrs. Forman.
Kitty: Hello... young lady with an accent.
Amy: It's Amy.
Kitty, laughing: Amy... is there anything I could help you with?
Amy: Actually, I want to offer you my help.
Kitty: You want to help me?
*Amy nods*
Kitty: Oh, well. That's new.
Amy: I noticed that you're busy planning Eric's party and thought you could use some help.
Kitty, laughing: Oh honey, that's very kind of you. But wouldn't you rather spend time with the girls?
Amy: Uh... Jackie went to the mall with Donna to help her find a gift for Eric and I'm... kinda avoiding the mall.*
Kitty, understanding what she meant by that: In that case, I'd appreciate your help. Now, what do you know about American birthday parties?
Amy: Nothing really, but I know a lot about Brazilian birthday parties. See, there's a very popular candy on birthdays called brigadeiro. I can teach you the recipe.**
Kitty: Well, doesn't that sound fancy?
Kitty: Oh, Amy... this is delicious! [laughs]
Amy: I know!
Kitty: Thank you for helping me today, honey.
Amy: You're welcome, Mrs. Forman.
Eric: Look, I know what you're all doing here.
Kelso: What are you talking about, man? We're just hanging out, like always. Except we're dressed nice, but that doesn't mean anything.
*Amy comes into the basement, wearing a red dress and a black jacket*
Amy: Let's party! [sighs] Why aren't you guys excited? I even wore my favorite dress!
Eric: Because I didn't want a party.
Amy: Oh, stop being such a pain in the ass. It's your birthday! Come on, cheer up a little. [she pulls him into a tight hug and gives him a kiss on the cheek] Happy birthday, Eric!
Amy, looking around: Why are you all staring at me? I'm Latina, I'm a hugger!
Kitty, from the stairs: Hi kids, I need your help with something. Amy, Jackie, Donna, Michael, Steven... young man with an accent, would you give me a hand? Not you Eric!
*everyone but Eric goes upstairs to help her*
Kitty: Everybody's ready? I'll call him.
*back in the basement*
Kitty: Eric, honey! Honey, could you come up here for a second? [goes upstairs again] Shut up, he's coming!
Everybody: Surprise.
Eric: Cassettes? Great, thanks, Hyde.
Hyde: You're welcome.
Amy: Open mine now.
Eric, opening the present: More cassettes? Wow, thanks, Amy.
Amy: Yeah, I didn't really know what I should give you. I was gonna give you a book, but I couldn't find an English version.*** So I thought, I'll give him some cassettes with Brazilian songs.
Kitty: Ooh, let's put them in the 8-track and play them.
Eric: Hey... it's a hot shave dispenser.
Kitty: Oh, he won't need that for a long time... a long, long time.
Midge: Of course he will, he's almost like a man.
Kitty: *kinda laughing, kinda crying*
Donna: I got you something...
Amy and Jackie: No!
Jackie: Donna, help me find my purse...
Amy: And I need help to find... my jacket?
Fez: But you are wearing it.
Amy: That's not the point, I'll lose it so Donna can help me find it.
Jackie: Donna, now!

Donna: Jackie, you didn't even bring a purse... [sighs and points at Amy] And you have your jacket on.
Amy: Like I said, that's not the point!
Jackie: Duh! You can't give him your present in front of his guy friends.
Donna: I am one of his guy friends.
Amy: But you want to be his girlfriend!
Jackie: Look, Donna. I have put a lot of thought into this gift, please do not wreck this for me.
Donna, sarcastically: I'm sorry, I was being selfish.
Jackie, hugging her: It's okay...
Amy: Jackie, she was being sarcastic.
Jackie, gasping: How rude.
Amy, rolling her eyes: You know what? Go ahead, Donna. Give him a romantic gift in front of his friends, who are a bunch of assholes by the way, and his parents. He'll be embarrassed, you'll be embarrassed and it's more entertaining for us!
Donna: How come you're always right?
Amy: It's a talent of mine, you'll get used to it.
*the Pinciotti's kitchen*
Bob: Three fours, I need them.
Midge: Bob is very good at Yahtzee.
Kitty, gasping: The liquor cabinet!
Red: It's locked.
Kitty: What if there's an emergency?
Red: They'll call.
Kitty: What if they run out of chips?
Red: They'll starve.
Bob, standing up: I'm gonna fix myself a drink. Red?
Red: No... Kitty needs one.
Kitty: Well, I am just so worried– [motorcycle noise] Oh my lord, Laurie's leaving.
Red: Oh honey, she's in college. She doesn't wanna hang around with them.
Kitty: Well, maybe I should make a call, just in case–
Red, reaching for the phone before her: Kitty... what could happen?
Kitty: What could happen? [pause] Well, plenty could happen. Oh, plenty!
*fantasy sequence, Forman's living room*
Donna: Now that the adults are gone, we can be as bad as we want!
Jackie: Who wants to give Eric a venereal disease?!
Kelso: Hey, look... coasters!
Hyde: Forget coasters!
Eric: Please fellas, my mom put out coasters for a reason...
Hyde: I think I'm gonna put my drink directly on the furniture, that way it will leave a ring!
Eric: NOOO! Why oh why didn't I begged my mother to stay?
Amy: Oh shut up gringo, have some of my country's exotic food while we listen to samba!
Fez: Quiet you silly Americans, I'm on a long-distance call on your parent's phone.
Eric: But that's immoral.
Fez: Ha, in my country of... wherever it is I am from, I can never tell... morals get in the of a good, dirty time. But first, I need to eat some chips... What? Out of chips? Now I am mad, I must shoot something! [pulls out the gun]
Eric: Not the littlest hobo!
*Forman's kitchen*
Jackie: Wait on the porch, and I'll get Eric.
Donna: It's dark out there.
Jackie: And you're giving him a candle, yeah?!
Amy, shaking her head: Poor Donna, so young and naive.
Jackie: Here, matches.
Donna: He might not want to light it.
Jackie: Don't say that...
Amy: Don't even think it!
Jackie: Now, when he opens it, he'll say cool... or something. And then, you give him a look... like this. [demonstrates]
Amy: Oh no, honey. Don't do that, it won't shine on you. [to Jackie] Jackie, it's Donna, the same girl who wanted to give Eric his gift in front of everybody.
Donna: I'm right here.
Jackie, shaking her head along with Amy: She's right though, don't do that.
*living room*
Fez: So, what did you get from Donna?
Eric: Nothing yet.
Kelso: Oh... maybe it's the big gift. You know the really big gift. You guys... know what I'm saying when I say the big gift, right?
Hyde: Yeah, we got it... and we got it.
Fez: I'm not even from here and I got it.
*Amy and Jackie come into the living room*
Jackie: Oh Eric... Donna's on the porch.
Amy: She's waiting for you.
Kelso: He's getting the big gift!
*Amy, Jackie, Fez, Hyde, and Kelso are spying on Eric and Donna*
Jackie: This is it, he's going for it.
Kelso: Uh-huh, it's his birthday, she should kiss him first.
Jackie: She did the last time.
Fez, Hyde, and Kelso: What?
Amy: Shut up, Jackie.
Jackie: Nothing... shut up and watch.
Hyde: Come on Forman, go for it.
Eric, from outside: The door is open, we can hear you... We can see you!
*everyone hides*
Fez: Is he kissing her?
Hyde: None of us can see them, Fez.
Fez: Eric, are you kissing her?
Amy: Since you can hear me... Donna, I told you not to give him the look, it doesn't shine on you.
*Donna closes the sliding door*
@kim1918, @supernannygirl704things, @snookstheallmighty
let me know if you want to be part of the list ;)
* I don't know if it's clear, but Amy's family is broke.
** Brigadeiro is a little ball made of chocolate, and it's just THAT good.
*** That's actually true, but the English version of the book I chose was only released in 1988.
The Amy-verse: masterlist
The Amy-verse is a series of posts where I insert my oc, Amy Hamilton, in episodes of That '70s Show.
her background story
part 1
part 2
season one
1×01 – that '70s pilot
1×02 – eric's birthday
1×03 – streaking
I love Jackie and Hyde but GOD I despise him cheating on her when she did NOTHING WRONG and then acted like she didn't have the right to take her time forgiving him. The writing of it all sucks too when it's framed like Jackie is the unreasonable one for some reason
that's the tea ☕☕☕
while I do think jackie is not the most mature person in the show (not that I expected her or anybody else to be, because they're teenagers), I can not bring myself to judge her behavior after he cheated on her. I would've done worse and wouldn't forgive him.
also, the whole biker girl thing seems so unnecessary.
it must be why I think about this way too much.
I could make a whole list with burkhyde unnecessary drama tbh 😅
Hey how are you? Hope all is well with you!
Soo in your Amy verse do Jackie and Hyde get together after the California incident or sometime earlier? Also do you have any plans to continue more of the Amy verse posts?
hey hun, i'm good 🙂 how are you?
i think i said at some point that my plan was to bring them together after the veterans day episode, and i have some ideas that will change their dynamic in the earlier seasons a little bit. amy will be a huge part of that process.
coincidentally, i was writing the next post when i got your ask. it's been sitting on my drafts, waiting for me to finish writing for a long time. i kinda forgot about it because i'm working on some stuff/new content 😅 but i got inspired and decided to continue. i don't know when i'll post tho 😕
i do have many plans for the amy verse, but it's mostly for fun...
also, thanks for the question, i love interacting here! 💖
that '70s show headcanons
(post inspired by a comment @kim1918 left on my ask game so, if i make you cry, it's her fault hahahaha 💖)
note: in this house, we ignore the season that shall remain forgotten ;)
warning: +18 suggestive content.
she grew up in a household full of hispanic staff so, when she was younger, she couldn't tell the difference between english and spanish. the gang found out she can speak spanish fluently when she offered to help them with their homework;
she started taking ballet classes when she was three years old, but stopped when she got into the cheer squad. her parents never went to a recital, not even when she played the lead in swan lake;
when she was too old for a nanny and her mother wanted someone else to take care of her, she signed jackie up for swimming lessons;
she and hyde went to watch risky business in the 80s and, when they came home, she performed tom cruise's iconic dance for him and you know what happened afterwards 😈;
she loves high fashion. her closet is filled with versace, gucci, chanel, givenchy, prada. god bless her credit card;
fez broke her louboutin heels once and she actually broke his nose. he had bruises for weeks;
she bought a little sexy bride outfit inspired by madonna's like a virgin music video and surprised hyde with it. that same night he proposed to her.
when the store was doing well, he decided to buy a harley. which led to jackie trying to convince him to let her ride the bike;
Jackie: If you want me to ride other things of yours, you'll let me ride the bike.
Hyde: That's a good point, but do you even know how to ride a motorcycle?
Jackie: No, but I can learn.
Hyde: Not on my Harley, you can't.
Jackie: Steven!
Hyde: Okay, hear me out. You are the only one I'm taking for a ride with me...
Jackie, smiling: Okay, that's good enough for me.
Hyde, smirking: Now, I have some free time. Why don't I let you ride those other things of mine you were talking about?
the real reason why he wouldn't let her ride the harley is because he was worried she might get hurt;
he's always complaining about the amount of money jackie spends on clothes and cosmetics. but he never complains when he sees a victoria's secret shopping bag 😈;
once, when jackie was really sad, he took her to watch west side story. and he only knew the songs because it was her favorite musical and he was trying to cheer her up. definitely not because he also liked;
he cried when john bonham died and jackie held him until he fell asleep;
even after he moved out of the basement, mrs. forman always made sure to keep his room clean and ready, in case he and jackie got in a fight (they did, but he couldn't sleep without her);
he found the car that runs on water, but no one believed him (except for jackie).
modern day!headcanons:
they are all (somehow) famous on tiktok;
eric (@/ericskywalker) produces content about nerdy stuff and cosplays;
donna (@/hotandsmartdonna) talks about feminism and politics;
kelso's content (@/punkd) is all about pranks;
fez (@/isaidgoodday) talks about being a foreigner in the US, but in a funny way;
jackie (@/tinydancer) makes content about fashion and make-up. her first video to go viral was her wap dance and her most viewed is the one where she's changing a tire in heels;
and while hyde does not make content for tiktok, he went viral once. when he and jackie were broken up, and he and his friends were getting drunk, kelso filmed him. that's what happened:
Hyde, slurring because he's drunk out of his mind: Why did she broke up with me? Just 'cause I don't want to get married now, does not mean I don't ever want to... Are you recording me, Kelso?
Kelso: Uh...
Hyde: Gimme this stupid phone... [takes the phone] Jackie, listen to me... I wanna marry you, I wanna be Mrs. Jackie Hyde! Take me back, Doll!
the only reason why he didn't kill kelso was because it worked.
Ok, let's play, I send a line from a song and you respond with a couple from any TVshow and why did you think about them
"You taste like whiskey when you kiss me, oh I'll give anything again to be your baby doll This time I'm not leaving without you"
this made me realize just how pathetically obsessed with jackie and hyde i truly am. i tried so hard to think of another couple, any other couple. but no. this probably isn't healthy, but do i care? not really.
i pictured a post-s8 *shudders in disgust* scenario where he's been drinking a lot (especially whiskey because, why not?) and she wants him back.
(for someone who hates season 8, i think about it way too much)
anyways, thanks for your question 💖 i love to interact here!
OK so what do u think would happen if Jackie and Hyde ended their fling after the summer do u they would just like never talk about it again or do u think they wouldn't be able to keep their hands off eachother 😈
Ps love your content 💖
[Ps love your content 💖] thank you hun! 😊
now, that's a good question...
the only thing i'm 100% sure is that she wouldn't go back to kelso. i firmly believe that it was never a meaningless fling for her, it always meant something. i think that she would agree to break things off if hyde suggested because she wouldn't want to set herself up for more disappointment, but she wouldn't be the one to bring it up in the first place.
on the other hand, i don't really see hyde doing that, because he was reluctant to do so when eric and donna caught them (and their fling definitely meant something to him as well). but, let's say he did break things off, probably thinking she'd go back to kelso at any given chance, i think he would regret it when he realized that wasn't gonna happen.
they'd probably get back together after some time, because (like you said) they can't keep their hands to themselves. and maybe they'd try to hide their relationship for a while.
thanks for your question hun 😊
(sorry if there's any grammar mistakes)
In efforts to distract! Prompt: what do you think would happen if jackie and hyde met later in life, like college? I could totally see donna and Eric stopping by hydes apartment and being confused because apparently hyde has a girlfriend named jackie that's a fashion design major who loves unicorns!
fashion designer!jackie? absolutely love that!
i don't really see hyde going to college, it's just not his thing. but let's say that grooves was a hang out spot for college kids and jackie happened to be there on a daily basis. (i'm thinking chicago here, but that's not really important)
ps. i'm using my oc, amy hamilton, because i suck at creating original characters on the spot. ;)
anyway, i hope you enjoy this!
"I don't understand why you like to come here everyday, Amy. They only have American music, and it's not even Abba!" Jackie exclaimed, rolling her eyes.
"I like to come here because I like the aesthetic of the store, I kinda like Aerosmith and I definitely like the boy who works here. So, just be a good friend and shut up!" Amy retorted, huffing.
The store was relatively empty that afternoon, except for the duo of friends, a couple of other costumers and three employees.
"Which one?"
Amy eyed her best friend strangely, finding the desperation in her voice and her troubled expression a little concerning.
"The one over there. I heard him saying something in Spanish, so that mean he's also Latino and it makes me instantly attracted to him. I already can imagine our polyglot children mixing up their Portuguese and their Spanish."
Jackie didn't realize she was holding her breath until a sigh of relief escaped, and that was enough evidence for her friend to understand what was going on.
"Well, considering the hippie is too old for you, I think you might have a crush on the guy with the glasses..." Amy teased her friend, watching Jackie's face flush.
"Of course not, Amy. Come on, we've been coming here for weeks and I've never seen him wearing anything other than band t-shirts and dirty jeans. For Givenchy's sake, I only date guys that can appreciate high fashion."
Amy smiled from ear to ear.
"So you admit you've been observing him!"
"Shut up, puta."
"Hey, I did not teach Portuguese curse words for you to use them against me. That's illegal!"
Jackie flipped her off as a response.
"And by the way, Brazilian music is also American music, because Brazil is in America. Because America is a continent." Amy continued.
"What are you, my Geography teacher?"
"If I was your Geography teacher, I'd be deeply disappointed in you."
After a couple of weeks, Jackie couldn't lie anymore. She had a massive crush on the guy with sunglasses.
The perks of having a best friend majoring in Journalism is that, the real reason why she wants to follow this career, is because she likes to gossip. Among other things, of course. But mostly gossip.
All it took Amy to know everything about her crush was to go get her hair done with Nikki. An hour later, she knew more about them than themselves.
Creepy? Maybe.
Did they care? Not really.
The only thing Amy did not know was that they weren't the only ones with a crush. Because, how would Nikki know about that?
"Poncho, man, what's with all this foreign music you ordered?" Hyde asked his employee.
"You remember the girl I told you about? The blonde one, muttering about how xenophobic our music selection was?"
Hyde searched through his mind, but all he remembered was a brunette girl. She was always wearing fancy clothes, and expensive perfume, and designer shoes, and glittery lip gloss.
She was so hot. No, scratch that. She was beautiful.
No. Not even a trace of a blonde girl.
"Not really."
"Your crush's best friend? Does that ring any bells?" He teased.
"Crush? I don't know what you're talking about..."
"Yeah, keep telling yourself that. You might even believe it." Poncho chuckled. "The point is, I like her. The blonde girl, not your crush. And I wanted to impress her."
"You better sell this."
"Aye aye, Captain!"
"Listen, Jackie. My patience is not my best trait..."
"Patience? What patience?"
"Shut up!"
Amy took a deep breath, cursing her friend who now had a smirk on her face.
"As I was saying, before you so rudely interrupted me... Here's the deal: I'll make a move on my hot crush if you make a move on yours."
Jackie started at her friend, trying to say if she was serious or not.
"You're joking, right? There's no way it's gonna happen."
"Yes, it will. You're Jackie Burkhart, when have you not get what you wanted?"
"You bitch!"
"And now, you'll do it just to prove a point..."
"Damn you, Amelia!"
After a few days filled with awkward flirting, they had their first date. Then the second. Then the third.
Then, suddenly, they were a thing.
And, sooner than they expected, they were dating.
She was his chick. He was he Puddin' Pop. (But just when they were alone, because he still have a reputation).
(And, of course, Amy and Poncho also got together).
"Hey, Poncho. Is Hyde around?"
Amy didn't know that skinny boy, or that redhead girl. But she was gonna find out.
"Yeah, he's in the office." Her boyfriend answered.
"Thanks, man."
The strangers went to the office and the blonde turned to her boyfriend, her journalist skills ready to be useful.
"Who are these people?"
"They're the boss's friends, from Wisconsin."
"Oh, I see..." She said.
She was gonna complain about how rude it was that they didn't even greeted her, but her complaint was interrupted by a female voice, that she assumed it belonged to the redhead, shouting:
"Come on amor, this is gonna be entertaining..."
sorry if there's any grammar mistakes.
and thanks for the prompt, i loved it and i hope you liked it too! 💖
Let's say you have the power to write one, AND ONLY ONE episode from the show. What would that episode be about?
(a vida é super dificil as vezes, sinta-se abraçada por mim. tomara que isso seja uma boa distração, te enviando vários abraços virtuais, sério msm <3)
[a vida é super dificil as vezes, sinta-se abraçada por mim. tomara que isso seja uma boa distração, te enviando vários abraços virtuais, sério msm <3] obrigada meu bem, você é um amor 💖🤧
agora, deixa eu mudar pro inglês 🤣
NOW THAT'S A HARD QUESTION! hun, are you trying to kill me?
but i think i'd rewrite the "trials of michael kelso" ep and not get kelso and jackie back together. not so long ago, i'd say "jackie bags hyde", but now i see that they weren't ready to date back then. so, maybe... if kelso and jackie didn't get back together after laurie, jackie and hyde's relationship it would've started sooner and it would've been better (especially because this way, hyde wouldn't be so insecure when kelso is related).
(sorry if there's any grammar mistakes.)
anyways, thanks for your question meu anjo! 💖
I’m gonna send the question you asked me back to you!
what do you think would happen if jackie stayed in chicago after the towel fiasco? How do you think that would of affected hyde?
this is my moment... welcome to my ted talk!
jackie not staying in chicago is the equivalent of rachel (from friends) not going to paris for me.
i mean... everything that could go wrong had already gone wrong. everything that could go right had also gone wrong. everything that couldn't possibly go wrong had gone wrong. what was there for her to come back? nothing. so i say, girlie has to secure tha bag...
by staying in chicago, she would've avoided a lot of shit. the stripper, donna's ooc behavior, fez (🤢🤮) and s8!hyde. and she would get to be a successful career woman (and that's a big character development!). it's a win-win.
assuming she might keep contact with donna or the formans, the topic would come up at some point. but, for the first time in a while, she's doing great on her own, she's busy and she's genuinely happy.
so, yeah, what hyde did would hurt her, but wouldn't crush her. because she has so much to look forward to.
now, i believe hyde's behavior would be even worse without jackie around. he'd be unbearable. and that would break the group apart (even more).
it would take some time, but he'd get his shit together sooner or later, and send the stripper away. (that might be related to red's foot in the ass warning 🤣)
assuming that's what happened, there's two possibilities:
one: hyde would go after her, after realizing his mistakes, wiling to make it up for them. and she'd politely (not so much) reject him. and that would lead him to give up on them, permanently.
or two: he'd give her time and space, slowly earning her trust back again. and they would get back together, eventually married, and have children. (i like this one a little bit more).
(sorry if there's any grammar mistakes.)
thanks for the question, hun! 💖
recommended zenmasters fics/oneshots?
these are my favorite stories EVER
(most of them are quite popular, so there's a chance you already know them, but i hope you like it 😊)
ps. i'm sorry it took so long!
my favs one-shots:
creature of the night by YouLivexYouDie
this story is the reason why i watched The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and boy, am i glad i read it?
it's funny and kinda naughty, i like to re-read it when i have time ;)
strange brew by ShanghaiLily
this. that's it. if you never read it before, please just... go. and enjoy ;)
deja vu by 80sUnLoveChild
love this one, it has a special place in my heart ;)
zoso: a journey to understanding by zpplnchick
this is one is just so... perfect! ;)
my favs wip:
rock you like a hurricane by @zeppelin-and-unicorns
i love this story so much i don't have words to describe it. ;)
when did this happen? by @queenbookbuff
this is an emotional roller coaster. and i'm here for it! ;)
something unexpected by @crimsinsky
i absolutely love stories where jackie and kelso break up earlier, and this one is just perfect ;)
the one that wasn't canon by @scaponigifs
this one was kind of inspired by an incorrect quote i posted, and i fucking love it! ;)
miracle by B_August
a superhero AU is all i wanted but didn't know i needed. and the dc references, my inner jason todd stan lives for them! ;)
play with fire by @shinyboots0fleatherrr
this is everything! ;)
my favs complete works:
hyde's long way home by MistyMountainHop
this was one of the first few t7s stories i've ever read, and it's so great i didn't know if i wanted to hug, kill or send hyde to therapy. it's that good! ;)
the little drummer girl by kezztip
this author only has great stories, but this one is my personal favorite! ;)
would? by Aaliamad
all my love for this story. it's a m a z i n g! ;)
endless midnights by anonymous
i think this was the first t7s fanfic i have ever read and man... it's heartbreaking. i cried like a baby ;)
november rain by luvcali
i both love and hate this story. i found it on twitter and decided to read, but damn i had to take breaks for weeks because it's so heavy. i had anxiety/tachycardia crisis while reading it, and i almost gave up on it, but my curiosity won and i finished. i don't know if i'll ever read it again, because it's filled with personal triggers, but the story in itself is great. so please, be careful. (there are trigger warnings on every chapter's note) ;)
my fav abandoned stories:
(at least, i think they're abandoned but i still have hope)
unholy union by UnfitWriter
this is where my soft spot for jeric started. i love it and it still pains me that i have no idea how it ends! ;)
season 8 redo by tanith75
this is the real canon, and only my opinion matters. ;)
working out the kinks by bellamarie
this has literally one chapter and my curiosity to know how it goes won't leave me alone! ;)
(sorry if there's any grammar mistakes.)
anyways, thanks for the question hun! 💖
If you had to put a non canon couple together who would it be and would it work? (Or work before blowing up horribly)
that's a great question, thank you! 💖
i think about this a lot more than i should, but here's something about me: everytime two girls are portrayed as rivals, i tend to ship them. it happened with gabriella and sharpay from high school musical, it happened with daenerys and sansa from game of thrones.
and it happened with jackie and laurie.
it's such an unlikely scenario. it's horrible. it would never happen but, if it did, it would end terribly.
it's basically a "my ex cheated on me, so i had sex with his lover" kinda thing.
but i also think about jackie and donna a lot.
they could work. another enemies to lovers.
anyways, thanks for your question! 😊
(sorry if there's any grammar mistakes.)
In efforts to distract! What are some recent shows or movies that have caught your attention. The last thing I saw was a documentary on Netflix called cocaine cowboys and it was soo interesting!
i loved this question!
i recently finished "never have i ever" on netflix and i just need the next season already. i think i'm team paxton now, but i'm not sure...
also on netflix, i watched a movie called "moxie" and i was really insecure about it because i read some bad comments on twitter, but i liked it and i thought it was super cute.
and i just started "one day at a time" because I love rita moreno and i already love it!
(sorry if there's any grammar mistakes.)
anyways, thanks for your question! 💖
Same! I have been trying to distract myself all weekend by listening to Taylor swift and have decided Renegade gives me some serious Jackie and Hyde vibes, especially season 7ish. (especially 'is it insensitive for me to say "get your s**t together, so I can love you"') I know there have been some folklore fics and such, I guess most Aaron Dessner songs fit them, lol.
Side note, I remember your post a couple weeks ago about Jackie being a polygot. If you feel like a ficlet that might be interesting? Especially with Red and/or Eric and Russian. I'm kinda new to this fandom but I've been really appreciating the dedication you and some of the other writers have! You've made a stressful week much better =) Hope you're well! Cheers!
renegade also gives me major burkhyde vibes, taylor is the biggest zennie ever! ;) gotta love her 💖 i don't really know many aaron dessner songs, but i'll make sure to check them out...
[I'm kinda new to this fandom but I've been really appreciating the dedication you and some of the other writers have! You've made a stressful week much better] well, first of all, welcome to the fandom! i hope you're having a good time here. and thank you for supporting my blog, you have no idea how much it means to me 💖 and i'm glad i made your week better. hope you're okay, hun!
i love your prompt. i love when jackie proves people wrong by showing off how smart she is! (and mila kunis speaking russian is the sexiest thing ever. god, she's so 🔥)
so, here it is. i hope you enjoy it! and i'm sorry it took so long...
"Guys, you will never believe what happened!" Kelso exclaimed, entering the basement followed close by Eric and Fez.
"Did you fall off the water tower again, Michael? 'Cause that's not funny anymore, we already know it won't harm you..." Jackie said, uninterested.
Donna was chilling on the couch, watching the amusing scene develop in front of her. Jackie was sitting on Hyde's lap, while he smirked at his girlfriend's surprisingly good burn.
"Ah, burn!" Fez yelled, cheerfully.
"Well, damn Jackie, that's mean!" Kelso shouted. "But it's a nice burn, I gotta admit."
Eric sighed, annoyed that his friends could so easily forget why they were so excited in the first place.
"Guys, hear me out. This is gonna change our lives!"
"Then get to the point, Forman." Hyde retorted, tightening his hold on Jackie's waist.
"Okay, devil's minion. Hear me out." Eric began, glad that Hyde did not react to the nickname. "Fez, Kelso, and I were hanging out at the basement, like we usually do. We had just had a circle with Hyde, but since he decided that Jackie was a better snack than a burger, we went to The Hub without him..."
"Watch it, I can break you in half..." Jackie muttered, interrupting Eric.
"Listen to me! We had the tape recorder with us, and we were having burgers, and fries, and milkshakes. Post-circle stuff..."
"Eric, sweetie..." Donna started, "get to the point!"
"Okay, my honey bun." He took a deep breath. "We accidentally recorded a Russian secret transmission."
The geek closed his eyes, waiting for his friends and girlfriend's reaction, but only received silence. They were exchanging looks, as if something was wrong with him.
"I'm serious!"
"Okay, Eric. Let's say you are serious..." Donna said, trying to keep herself from laughing.
"I am!"
The three of them still showed no real interest, so he made a decision.
"You know what? I'm gonna show this to someone who will care. Let's go..." He gestured so Kelso and Fez would follow him.
"I guess that's good day." Fez sighed, following his friends upstairs.
"But Fez–", Hyde said.
"I said good day!"
"You guys do know he's gonna show that to Mr. Forman, so this gotta be good..." Jackie informed, pretending to inspect her nails.
"Yep..." Hyde mumbled.
"Let's just go." Donna stated, standing up.
"And that's how we accidentally recorded a Russian secret transmission..." The trio, who had just came up from the basement, heard their geek friend say.
"Alright, son." Red Forman began, eyeing his son and his dumbasses friends. "We're gonna stop those SOBs. Play it again."
He played again. It couldn't be longer than a minute and, by the time it was over, they all turned to look at the giggling brunette who was holding her boyfriend's arms to keep herself from falling.
"What's so funny?" Mr. Forman asked.
"Oh, Mr. Forman..." Jackie said, taking deep breaths to control her laughter. "Your son is so funny..."
It took her a couple minutes to stop laughing. When she did, she looked at Eric and said:
"Oh, Eric. This is Scarlett O'Hara saying she'll never be hungry again in Russian. It's just voice acting."
His face flushed and he glanced at his father, regretting the decision to go to The Hub in the first place.
"Oh, yeah, how would you know that?" Even he could admit that sounded stupid.
"Well, not only can I speak Russian, but you can hear the soundtrack on the background, for God's sake!"
Everybody stood there, in awe. Jackie, their materialistic –slightly dumb– friend was bilingual.
"Oh, don't look so surprised. I can speak Spanish and French too." She told them, dismissively.
Bilingual? Scratch that, a polyglot.
Every single one of them was surprised. Except Hyde.
"Wait, you knew about this?" Eric asked his best friend.
"Sure, man."
"Well, since there are no commies trying to harm my country, I'm outta here. If any of you ever disturbs me during my game again, my foot is gonna teach your ass to speak Russian."
"How come I didn't know about this? We dated for two years, and we used to do it all the time!" Kelso asked.
They were back at the basement again. Eric and Donna sharing the couch, Fez sitting on the lawn chair and Jackie on Hyde's lap, while Kelso paced behind the couch.
"It's simple... you never asked." Jackie answered, her boyfriend's grip on her tightening. "All you ever cared about was sex."
"Because that's the good part, Jackie!"
That's it, Hyde had enough. He signaled to Jackie stand up and frogged Kelso.
"Damn, Hyde! There's no need for violence."
"Shut up, Kelso."
"Man, this is so cool! You're a polyglot, do you even know how empowering that is?" Donna asked, genuinely impressed.
"You'll never stop bothering me about this, will you?" The brunette inquired.
"Hell, no!"
thank you for your question, i hope you liked it! 💖
(sorry if there's any grammar mistakes.)
i just wanted to thank everyone who helped me yesterday, i really needed that and i appreciate you guys for helping me 😊 thank you very much!

The Amy-verse
(masterpost) | previously on The Amy-verse
Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from That '70s Show, which is created by Bonnie and Terry Turner and Mark Brazill. I own nothing, except for my original character, Amy Hamilton.
Warning: I'm not fluent in English and this is one of the ways I found to learn on my own. So if you find any mistakes, please let me know :)
TW: Mentions of military dictatorship and political views. Based on facts.
Notes: If you have the chance to get the vaccine, please don't waste it. If you don't, please take care and stay at home if you're able.
Amy's political views will be frequently mentioned during the story. If you're not into politics, or if it makes you uncomfortable, or if you don't agree with her political views and feel the need to make a rude comment, I kindly suggest you to not read this.
And last, but not least: I hate you, Bolsonaro. Fuck you. I hope you die of a nasty, slow, and painful disease. :)

*during a phone call*
Jackie: Why didn't you come to the basement today?
Amy: Elis made a mess in my living room, I literally just finished cleaning her shit.
Jackie: Ew.
Amy: I know... but why didn't you tell me the president is coming to town?
Jackie: 'Cause you hate him?
Amy: Fair enough. But still.
Jackie: Amy, I'm serious. The secret service will be there, don't do anything stupid.
Amy: Oh please, Jackie. When have I ever done something stupid?
Jackie: You'd do almost anything to yell at the president. Especially if it's about your country.
Amy: Well, can you blame me? The US government supported financially the military dictatorship in my country. God knows what they would've done if that hadn't worked.
Jackie: Okay, I don't understand what you're saying. Just promise me you won't get yourself in trouble, please.
Amy: Don't worry about me, I'll be fine.
Principal: Now, as you all know President Ford will be visiting our fair city and I know there are some of you out there that might be planning some sort of quote-unquote social statement type protest...
Amy: I can't believe he interrupted cheer practice to give us a lecture...
Jackie: Yeah... ew! Those freshman creeps are staring at us.
[Amy glares at them until they stop]
Jackie: How do you do that?
Amy: I'll tell you later.
Principal: So let me tell you another thing Mr. or Mrs. Punk, protesting accomplishes nothing!
Amy: Bullshit!
Principal: Oh, sure, you might see a chance to prove your manhood or show you're cool...
Jackie: Amy, what are you planning?
Principal: But this is our President... our President, darn it! So no shenanigans, you hear me?
Amy: I'm not planning anything, believe me.
Principal: If that's your kind of attitude, you might just as well go home right now!
Jackie: Oh, you are planning something, and I will find out!
Fez: If you hate the fuzz on your ass, then why don't you shave it off?
Amy, who just came into the basement: Who's gonna get their ass shaved, and why are you guys talking about that?
Fez: Hyde hates the fuzz on his ass.
Amy, giggling: Oh, okay. [to Hyde] You should apply some oil first, you'll be smooth like a newborn.
Hyde: That's not what we were talking about.
Amy: Then what was it?
Kelso: We're streaking!
Amy, suddenly interested: Like a... protest?
Kelso: Yeah! Say, Amy, you wanna join us?
Amy: Back off, asshole. [proceeds to take a seat on the couch] Why are you protesting?
Hyde: Against the corrupt electoral system.
Fez: Because people won't be chasing us with torches and pointy sticks.
Kelso: So I can run buck naked through a sea of people!
Eric: I'm pro-nudity.
Amy: Are you doing this too, Donna?
Donna: Hell no.
Amy: So, Hyde's got a solid purpose, Eric is a dumbass, Kelso is a sick perverted and Fez... [looks at him] That was awfully specific... are you okay?
Fez, tearing up: Well, you were the first person who asked me this today. But, yes, I am okay.
Amy: If you say so.
Eric: Amy, it's not that I don't like you or anything...
Amy: I know you don't like me, you don't have to pretend you do.
Eric: Why are you here without your "in" to the group?
Amy: I'm hiding from Jackie, and since she knows I wouldn't come here without her, she won't look for me here.
Donna: Why are you hiding from her?
Amy: I can't lie to Jackie, but if I tell her the truth she's not gonna let me do it.
Donna: Do what?
Amy, obviously lying: Nothing.
Donna: We already know you're lying.
Amy: But you don't know the truth and you're not gonna make me say it, I could tell you another lie and you wouldn't know.
Kelso: I don't understand.
Amy: I didn't think you would. But, anyways, Jackie knows me really well, she'd take the truth out of me.
*fantasy sequence, interrogation room*
Jackie: I know you're lying, so just tell me the truth!
Amy: Fine! I confess I'm planning something!
*back to the basement*
Amy: The point is that I'm gonna stay here until I'm sure she'll be back at her house. Then tomorrow, I'll just avoid her at school... So, what was that shaving talk about?
Fez: Hyde hates the fuzz on his ass.
Donna, Eric, Hyde, and Kelso: *groaning*

*the next day, at the electoral commission*
Kelso: You are so lucky I'm naked, pal!
Jackie: Amy, don't think I can't see you trying to sneak in!
Amy: Well, hello to you too Jackie.
Jackie: What are you wearing?
Amy, gesturing to her clothes: This is my outfit for today, and if you don't like it, you could leave...
Jackie: Why are dressed like a communist?
Amy: What do you mean? Just because I'm wearing a red shirt and a barret with a red star in it, does not mean I'm dressed like a communist. I always wear red clothes, Jackie! That's actually kinda stereotypical, we should...
Jackie: Quit the rambling! Do you want the secret service to call Immigration? Do you wanna get deported? You promised me you wouldn't get in trouble, Amy!
Amy: Technically, I did not promise you anything. I said, "don't worry about me, I'll be fine". [she stops when she notices that Jackie is crying] Don't cry, Jackie. I'm not gonna do anything stupid, like your boyfriend and his friends. I just want to express my frustration and try to spread awareness and, perhaps, help my homeland. Please, try to understand me.
Jackie: And I just want my best friend to stay safe and away from jail. Please, try to understand me.
Amy, now also crying: Do you trust me?
Jackie: Yes.
Amy: I'll be fine.
Jackie: Okay.
Mr. Forman: Hey, Jerry. Here's my question, how the hell could you pardon Nixon?
Jackie, clearly upset: What are you going to do? They'll be leaving soon...
Amy: I'm not gonna do anything, I'm a coward.
Jackie: How can you say that, Ames? You're not a coward!
Amy: Yes, I am! I had the chance to finally do something that could help my country, and I chickened out...
Jackie: You got scared, Amy! They could deport you.
Amy, crying: Even Eric did something!
Jackie: Don't remind me, I'll have nightmares about this... The thing is that you're smart, and you have me as your best friend, and you're hot because I only hang out with hot people. And even though you talk a lot about politics, you're really good company. You'll have another chance to make a huge protest and start a revolution, or something like that.
Amy, sniffing: Thanks, Jackie... Hey, you wanna sleepover tonight?
Jackie: Will that make you feel better?
Amy, nodding: Yes, we could do face masks and take turns on what we talk about, make-up or politics.
Jackie, huffing: Okay... you're lucky you're my best friend!
Amy, hugging her friend: I know.
*Amy's room*
Jackie, painting her nails pink: Your mom is so nice, is she really gonna bake a cake for tomorrow's breakfast just because I'm here?
Amy, painting her nails red: Yep, I hope you like corn cake, that is the only recipe she knows.
Jackie: It sounds good.
Amy: Believe me, it is! But if you don't like it, we can make a carrot cake with chocolate again... [winks]
Jackie: I love you!
Amy: I love you too!
@kim1918, @supernannygirl704things, @snookstheallmighty, @boysdonntcry, @scaponigifs
Gifs + songs: masterlist
angels like you, miley cyrus
consequences, camila cabello
enough for you, olivia rodrigo
monster in me, little mix
my favorite part, mac miller feat. ariana grande
she's like the wind, patrick swayze
the 1, taylor swift