Naruto Gaara - Tumblr Posts

I read your naruto cuddle piece and it’s so cute and wholesome, could you do one for Gaara , you’re writing is absolutely brilliant

aw thank you so much, that's so sweet! enjoy your gaara content <3

if you have anything you'd like me to change, like the pronouns used or some smaller details feel free to lmk, this this was your request!

If you'd like me to make another copy of this ficlet for a different demographic, please also let me know :)

Masterlist <3

I Read Your Naruto Cuddle Piece And Its So Cute And Wholesome, Could You Do One For Gaara , Youre Writing

Gaara x Fem!Reader - Redheaded Plushtoy

I Read Your Naruto Cuddle Piece And Its So Cute And Wholesome, Could You Do One For Gaara , Youre Writing

You had been feeling like shit ever since you had officially been deemed unable to work or go out on any missions after a rather taxing battle with another village's damned rogue ninja.

You lay in your bed like god-damned mummy, covered in bandages despite your victory in the battle. It honestly looks worse than it is, the stab wounds weren't even that deep!

The room is silent as you sulk in bed, staring at the wall with a face like thunder because you can't get back to sleep.

"AAH! This is bullshit!"

The bed creaks as you get up to dress yourself, thinking that by the time you get to Gaara at the Kazekage Tower, he'll be wide awake to dote on you and keep you occupied. If you weren't so miserable and pouty right now, you'd find it funny that your relationship has come to a place where you can and will come to his very important glorified house, at his very important job, with his very important colleagues, just to annoy him.

The second your foot is through the main door in front of his desk he sighs tiredly, giving you a stern look and his voice gives you chills as you limp closer, a cheeky grin plastered on your face.

"What are you doing here? Did you walk? You know you're supposed to be in recovery... Right?"

He's not surprised when you completely ignore his worried but somehow still deadpan expression, not answering any of his questions and planting yourself in his lap, all too pleased with yourself for making it here in one piece.

"See? I didn't fall apart on the way here. I'm fine!"

You're met with a rather blunt reply and you mentally curse Naruto for teaching your sweet Gaara sarcasm. Back in Konoha, Naruto falls out of his bed and wacks his head on his nightstand, wondering what the hell just happened.

"You are falling apart, the bandages are just holding you together while you continue to destroy your body."

With that you let out a defeated sigh and your loving boyfriend wraps his arms around your waist to manouvre you, picking you up bridal style and carrying you to the bedroom, the floor above the office. He's ahead of work a little, so he can afford to take the day off to make sure you recover.

"Why must you continuously push yourself like this? You will pay the price sooner or later. I'd rather not have you taken from me because you're impatient and impulsive, honey."

An irk mark appears at your forehead as you listen to him call you, his girlfriend, impatient and impulsive, the casual way he said it striking a real nerve in you and making you prepare a lecture for him so he never calls you that again. You quickly rethink your decision when he speaks again.

"I just don't want to lose you. I've lost so much already, I won't lose you as well..."

What a sweetheart. He's just an absolute sweetheart. You can't even stop yourself from giving him those puppy eyes of yours as you wrap your arms around his neck and cuddle him like he's some kind of plush toy. He's so strong and well built that he makes such a good partner for cuddling.

So when he lays you in his bed you pull him down with you, eliciting a soft smile from the redhead as you stroke the kanji on his forehead and tell him you love him, listening and hugging him harder as he settles into the bed and repeats your words to you in response.

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I read your naruto cuddle piece and it’s so cute and wholesome, could you do one for Gaara , you’re writing is absolutely brilliant

aw thank you so much, that's so sweet! enjoy your gaara content <3

if you have anything you'd like me to change, like the pronouns used or some smaller details feel free to lmk, this this was your request!

If you'd like me to make another copy of this ficlet for a different demographic, please also let me know :)

Masterlist <3

I Read Your Naruto Cuddle Piece And Its So Cute And Wholesome, Could You Do One For Gaara , Youre Writing

Gaara x Fem!Reader - Redheaded Plushtoy

I Read Your Naruto Cuddle Piece And Its So Cute And Wholesome, Could You Do One For Gaara , Youre Writing

You had been feeling like shit ever since you had officially been deemed unable to work or go out on any missions after a rather taxing battle with another village's damned rogue ninja.

You lay in your bed like god-damned mummy, covered in bandages despite your victory in the battle. It honestly looks worse than it is, the stab wounds weren't even that deep!

The room is silent as you sulk in bed, staring at the wall with a face like thunder because you can't get back to sleep.

"AAH! This is bullshit!"

The bed creaks as you get up to dress yourself, thinking that by the time you get to Gaara at the Kazekage Tower, he'll be wide awake to dote on you and keep you occupied. If you weren't so miserable and pouty right now, you'd find it funny that your relationship has come to a place where you can and will come to his very important glorified house, at his very important job, with his very important colleagues, just to annoy him.

The second your foot is through the main door in front of his desk he sighs tiredly, giving you a stern look and his voice gives you chills as you limp closer, a cheeky grin plastered on your face.

"What are you doing here? Did you walk? You know you're supposed to be in recovery... Right?"

He's not surprised when you completely ignore his worried but somehow still deadpan expression, not answering any of his questions and planting yourself in his lap, all too pleased with yourself for making it here in one piece.

"See? I didn't fall apart on the way here. I'm fine!"

You're met with a rather blunt reply and you mentally curse Naruto for teaching your sweet Gaara sarcasm. Back in Konoha, Naruto falls out of his bed and wacks his head on his nightstand, wondering what the hell just happened.

"You are falling apart, the bandages are just holding you together while you continue to destroy your body."

With that you let out a defeated sigh and your loving boyfriend wraps his arms around your waist to manouvre you, picking you up bridal style and carrying you to the bedroom, the floor above the office. He's ahead of work a little, so he can afford to take the day off to make sure you recover.

"Why must you continuously push yourself like this? You will pay the price sooner or later. I'd rather not have you taken from me because you're impatient and impulsive, honey."

An irk mark appears at your forehead as you listen to him call you, his girlfriend, impatient and impulsive, the casual way he said it striking a real nerve in you and making you prepare a lecture for him so he never calls you that again. You quickly rethink your decision when he speaks again.

"I just don't want to lose you. I've lost so much already, I won't lose you as well..."

What a sweetheart. He's just an absolute sweetheart. You can't even stop yourself from giving him those puppy eyes of yours as you wrap your arms around his neck and cuddle him like he's some kind of plush toy. He's so strong and well built that he makes such a good partner for cuddling.

So when he lays you in his bed you pull him down with you, eliciting a soft smile from the redhead as you stroke the kanji on his forehead and tell him you love him, listening and hugging him harder as he settles into the bed and repeats your words to you in response.

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2 years ago
Smile | Gaara
Smile | Gaara

Smile | Gaara

Sumarry: Gaara misses Y/n's smile

Pairing: Gaara x Reader | Word count: 385

English is not my first language, so I’m sorry for any mistakes.

Naruto masterlist | Requests temporarily closed

Smile | Gaara

"Could you smile?" Gaara asks as he enters Y/n's room and sees her packing her things, ready to head back to her village, Leaf Village.

"Sorry?" Y/n asks, stopping to pack his things, and finally looking at Gaara.

"I haven't seen your smile during these three days you've been here, is something wrong?" Gaara asks carefully, and Y/n sighs looking down.

"I'm fine Gaara, just a little tired." Okay, he knew that was a lie.

Gaara sighs and goes over to the bed, sitting right next to where she is packing her things.

"I missed you you know? It's torturous not having you here." Gaara says, and looks at Y/n's face, who looks more and more frowning.

"I missed you too." She says in a choked voice and tries to get past Gaara, but he stops her by holding her wrist.

"Please talk to me." He says pulling her gently.

"Gaara…" She spoke on a sigh, and sat down beside him, leaning her head on Gaara's shoulder.

He sighs and lays his head on hers, and takes her hand intertwining their fingers.

Gaara feels the shoulder of his suit getting damp and hears soft sobs.

They've known each other since they were children, and she was always there for him, and all he wanted most now was to be there for her.

"What's going on huh?"

"I'm so tired Gaara, I feel like I'm not doing enough for Leaf, I almost lost a teammate and Naruto went on a mission alone and I feel like he's in trouble." She says with a shaky voice

"Don't you think you're trying too hard?" Gaara says caressing Y/n's hand.

"Of course not, I'm doing little."

"Shall I remind you that you are the strongest person I know? The jonin any village would love to have, and the person who has had my heart forever, do I need to remind you of that?" He says looking at Y/n with a shy smile, and Y/n feels his cheeks heat up.

"I love you Gaara" Y/n says smiling

"There it is" Gaara thinks

"You know I love you more." He says pushing Y/n's shoulder gently.

Smile | Gaara

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4 years ago

Naruto characters x things I said pt.2

Warnings: a few swear words, mention of anxiety and panic attacks, but there's no description about it

Part 1 - part 3 - part4 - part5 - part 6 - part 7

Just a little note. There's a point that can be easily misunderstood. It's the sentence I gave to Sakura. I want to say that my father is a beautiful person, we just like to roast each other. I love him and he loves me with all his heart. Just wanted to clarify.

Masterlist and rules

Shikamaru: You know, I would like to have a girlfriend, but I'm too lazy to date. I mean. I should go to dates, put in efforts...

Hinata, to Sakura: You know, I have terrible taste in men, but damn, you got some real trash there

Kakashi: My anxiety today came home. It was a while and I didn't miss her

Sakura: I have a beautiful relationship with my father. I annoy him, he calls me a bitch, I thank him and the we just go on with our day

Itachi, with a straight face: I passed last year having panic attacks and cry myself to sleep, so now I just let it go

Itachi, two seconds later, in his head: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Yamato, at some point while keeping team seven: Why am I doing this? What went through my head that made me say this was a good idea? I don't even like this shit.

Iruka, while hugging a kid: Yeah, I don't like childern

Ino: Ignoring my problems is how I go on

Shisui, looking in the mirror: And I ask myself why people thinks I'm gay

Kiba, crying on his academy test: I just want to go home

Tenten, with her hair in her hands: Turns out I have amazing hairdresser skills

Kushina: Today my professor said I look like Sofia Loren. I don't know where he saw it, but that shit kept me going

Naruto: I want to go home. Please I just want to go home

Sasuke: I'm awkward, emotionally unstable and I don't like people

Gaara: It's not my fault I don't know how to display emotions. Nobody ever taught me how!

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4 years ago

Naruto characters x things I said pt.3

Because apparently people like to read how I try to keep myself together

Warnings: none

Part 1 - part 2 - part4 - part5 - part 6 - part 7

Masterlist and rules

Sasuke: today someone asked me who's funeral is just because I was in black clothes. So I looked at him dead in the eyes and smiled at him. He run away and I haven't saw him for the rest of the day

Sai, looking to one of his drawings: Please don't look at me with that disappointment... wait, why am I even talking to a drawing. I draw this. I decided what he needed to look like... Am I disappointed at myself?

Sai, two seconds later: And J act like I didn't know it

Ino: Apparently I am not a simp, I'm just incredibly horny

Naruto, feeling his face after a fight: It can't be that bad

Naruto, looking in the mirror: It is that bad. It is so, so bad

Kakashi:The fact that you're not the healthy friend scares me. Because I'm not the healthy friend either!

Shisui, trying to convince himself in front of the mirror: I'm so gonna fail this, but at least I look good

Hinata, with a lost gaze: I just cried for 3 hours straight, but it's fine

Hinata, few moments later, crying: it's not fine. It's not fine at all dammit

Sakura, in front of the mirror: And remember. You might failing your life but at least you'll die looking good

Also Sakura the next day: I look like I'm homeless, but I'm in my own house and no one can tell me what to do

Teacher: you'll have just nine minutes for the test. 30 seconds for every question. I made it so you won't be able to cheat

Itachi, activating his sharingan: bold of you to assume I won't be able to cheat in 30 seconds

Don't cheat on your tests kids. It wont help you

Tenten: this will probably make me cry. I better sit on my emotional chair

Neji, looking at his cat going away from his bed: The betrayal. Ok, go on, I don't need you

Also Neji when the cats returns: Hi love of my life I missed you come here, cuddle me

Gaara: I don't get all this emotion thing. You mean I can cry in front of others and not feel bad about being a burden? What kind of witchery is this?

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3 years ago

Naruto characters x things I said pt.6

How did I manage 6 parts of this?!

Part 1 - part 2 -part 3 - part 4 -part 5 - part 7

Warnings: mention of panic attacks

Masterlist and rules

Itachi, after he stopped crying for a breakdown: That was actually pretty stupid if you ask me.

Kakashi: You know, cosplay is fun until it's 3 in the morning and you have to take all the make up off

Tenten: Ehy, if I were to cut my hair, what haircut should I do?

Neji: Don't.

Tenten: Why?

Neji: Because I know you and you'll just think "But maybe short hair" and you'll continue to cut

Tenten: *cuts her hair without saying anything*

Shisui: My confidence with messy, wavy hair just went *proceeds to show a printed grafic*

Gaara: It's not true that my face is always the same. I can look disappointed in myself sometimes

Shikamaru: If I say it like that it sounds like I want to kill him, but I'm too lazy to do it

Hinata, chuckling nervously: It's not like I had 2 panic attacks yesterday

X: What colour are your eyes?

Kurenai: ...Yes

Kakuzu: I have to be wise with money since I'm poor

Hidan: No one will stop me from buying this, not even me

*alarm going off*

Obito: OK, I had my five minutes daily cry. What am I supposed to do?

Obito, two seconds later: And people ask why I don't have mental health

Naruto, in his office doing paperwork and on the verge of tears: How did I manage all those years of this shit?

Shino, during a test: Sounds like the right time to panic and have a breakdown. Hopefully I'll be quiet and I won't disturb the others

Sasuke: I can't wait to graduate and insult him with everything he did

Masterlist and rules

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