Never Forgotten - Tumblr Posts

8 years ago
Photo Of Heath Ledger Shared By Friend And Actress Bojana Novakovic On His Birthday Last Year

Photo of Heath Ledger shared by friend and actress Bojana Novakovic on his birthday last year

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5 months ago

You healed me, you showed me how beautiful this cruel world can be. You made me wake up every day with a smile and a warmth I had never felt before.

And then you let me fall, because of you every day what little is left in me dies.

I just feel empty, hurt and lonely.

Every breath is agony and tears me apart piece by piece.

I wish every day that you would come back to me. Even though I know that will never happen.

And even if you did, I would look you in the eye and feel the loneliness and the pain you have caused me.

And even though you took everything in my life, I still love you for all my life. đź’”

You Healed Me, You Showed Me How Beautiful This Cruel World Can Be. You Made Me Wake Up Every Day With

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1 year ago

(Noncanon rp....I understand that this is a sensitive topic. But I feel as if I can explain it better as Gardener Sans, someone who is written to have "went" through ethnic cleansing. This isn't a self promotion. This is serious. Ig its easier to say like this.....please dont get mad...)

*Gardener looks up and sighs*

"I....I'm sorry. What is happening is sick and cruel. You can believe what you want....but the truth is.....innocent people are dying. They have been. They will continue to."

*he looks down at the watermelon on the ground*

"Me and the Creator feel helpless. We've donated and supported and boycotted when we could."

"....this isnt war....war is fought with valor and honor.....this a genocide."

*he gets up and screams:*

"THIS ISNT A WAR!!! Women, men, gays, straights......children. All dead."

*he begins shaking in rage*

"Why THE FUCK does anyone support kids dying? It's a fucking kid! You ripped its life out of its hands!"

*he takes a breath*

"We can donate and make ourselves feel good....but Nothing will bring those people.....those memories......the life of Palestine....back....ever..."

"We should be uncomfortable and sickened...but even still....if we can save one was worth it....."

"Don't stop fighting. We're strong together."

*he cracks the watermelon open....looks down at the green rind....the red fruit....then the black seeds....he plucks a seed out and plants it*

"From the river, to the sea......Palestine will be free."

nevil-gonslek - Nevil Gonslek

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7 years ago

So gorgeous

Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets Outtake. The Snake Head Of Jasons Lucius Cane Gets Caught In
Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets Outtake. The Snake Head Of Jasons Lucius Cane Gets Caught In

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Outtake.  The snake head of Jason’s Lucius cane gets caught in Dan’s robes. 

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4 years ago


Tumble inwards, 

Collapse with grace and poise. 

If you’re going down sugar, 

Best your fall be, 

As delicate as petals. 

From the oh-so-sweet marigolds. 

That I’ve raised and nurtured,

In three cracked homes of, 

Cheap, brown pots. 

Blooming into lively yellows, oranges and reds. 

To remember and respect the dead. 

That takes and takes, 

But never gives back. 

Our love. 

Our happiness. 

Our memories. 

Far too short-lived, 

Than love, happiness and memories should have ever been. 

I’m afraid that I’ll forget. 

How to be happy, 

Without you here. 

So tears flow on end, 

Whenever and wherever I remember, 

That you were my dear. 

- (d.n.k) 

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7 years ago
Our Flag Does Not Fly Because The Wind Moves It. It Flies With The Last Breath Of Each Soldier, Sailor,

Our flag does not fly because the wind moves it. It flies with the last breath of each soldier, sailor, airman, & marine who died protecting it.“ -unknown. We are forever grateful……Bon Dimanche, mes amis…..never forget.

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7 years ago
Those Who Have Long Enjoyed Such Privileges As We Enjoy Forget In Time That Men [and Women]have Died

Those who have long enjoyed such privileges as we enjoy forget in time that men [and women]have died to win them. -Franklin D Roosevelt. Because freedom is indeed, not free….thank you… are never forgotten….Happy Memorial Day & Bon Lundi, mes amis:-)

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9 months ago

Never to forget - Moonbin

(This is very personal and kinda just for me. Read if you want.)

Hello Moonbin,

It's been 417 days since you joined the heavens.

Wednesday, April 19, 2023, was a dark day for many, but non-darker than yours.

In my life, there have been many celebrities who have passed away for various reasons, but your passing hit me the hardest.

I found you because of your best friend, Cha Eunwoo. He popped up on my Facebook feed advertising his K-drama "True Beauty."

He got me curious about K-dramas, and being an American, my exposure was limited.

After watching his drama, I learned he was part of a K-pop band, Astro, which led me to you.

You are the reason why I became Aroha. You are the reason why I explored the world of K-pop.

Now that I look back on it, that must have been sooo much pressure for you at your age.

That would be so much pressure for anyone. I applaud you for all of your strength.

I want to say I am sorry, as an Aroha, that I couldn't push for your label to take better care of you.

I hope you can look down from the heavens and see all of the Aroha, including me, who still love you.

Your smile lit up the hearts, souls, and stages around the world, and it still does as you shine on us from above.

You left this world too early, according to many, while I would agree... I wouldn't want you to suffer just to stay.

I still cannot listen to any of Astro's or MoonSan's music without getting emotional.

I am even crying while I write this.

I miss you.

We all do.

I know you are not far.

I know that you keep watch over your family, your bandmates, and Aroha.

Please know that we will all be okay.

You can rest now.

Forever and always,

Your Aroha


Never To Forget - Moonbin

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11 months ago
He Returns.

He returns.

He's ressurrected.

He lives.

And he will come and boop you

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1 year ago

Long live the king

Long Live The King

We miss you dearly

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