Proof Of Concept - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Wormholes in Outerdance. Just smol rules for them and ideas

Wormholes In Outerdance. Just Smol Rules For Them And Ideas
Wormholes In Outerdance. Just Smol Rules For Them And Ideas

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1 year ago

Wormholes in Outerdance. Just smol rules for them and ideas

Wormholes In Outerdance. Just Smol Rules For Them And Ideas
Wormholes In Outerdance. Just Smol Rules For Them And Ideas

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5 years ago

Found MY HAPPY PLACE, MOTHERFUCKER!!!! Rant Part 1: ALICE????? Damn that’s Long!

Let me just start of with DAMN!!!!!!! WHAT AN EPISODE!!!!! MOREEEEEEEEE!!!! 

Ok admitting it now I was a main Queliot shipping since pretty much Season 1 episode 1 when Eliot looked Quentin up and down the he was trying to figure out which end he was going to start eating first (innuendo intended), and it only got stronger the longer I watched. Soooooooo..... I’m going to be going off about my ship but I’ll keep it to the end. 

I will be the first one to say LOUDLY in fact that Alice has been one of least favorite characters since even before the series started. (No, not just because of my ship. Didn’t like even before that.) Seriously I didn’t want to even start watch at when I first saw the trailer with her in it, and ever trailer after reconfirmed my decision till I accidentally started watching it on Netflix , got a few minutes in and found out I don’t just have one female character I hated I had two Julia. My positions on Julia are now very complicated but I love watching her character arc now, even if I can’t get all the way back behind the her like I do with the others. But my very ardent dislike of both Alice and pretty much a majority of her screen time has been pretty damn the same 80% of time. Sure there are moments that I like or find cute or interesting but the pass usually rather quickly. Mostly because a majority of her character, her arc , and/or just her personalities’ tend to be prime examples of bad writing tv tropes the I have come to HATE SO MUCH. No not cliche trope cause I can like those if give the right context, though Alice isn’t anyway. I mean shortcut, cheat-codes,bullshit handed to you on a stick TV tropes that just diminish what they are trying to say to move on with the story instead of giving it what the story needs.

  Until this episode... this episode I actually wanted to talk about her, and not just in an angry and annoyed rant. Well not only.... ITS PROGRESS! Further more it gave me hope that it will continue.

Alice.........................(Starting Mainly focused on Character , then Relationships)

One of the few times I was actually fully invested in her story in that wasn’t based on any other character in a positive light was when the group go to Plovers house, and they discover the truth. So it only makes sense that the episode that makes me hopeful for her story going further starts with her and Plover. (Side note: I have seen people say Quentin calling back to Plover, being his favorite author is him trying to lessen what Plovers crime’s but I don’t see that way. But since its a Quentin focus that really does have to do with Alice; I’ll get into that later.) Her argument with Plover about his sins and her point of view on of he can’t be trusted to get what he wants let only deserve it goes as a really interesting rhythm to her and Q interactions. Though I really don’t know how I feel about the comparing of those to two. Especially considering the thing Q is stonewalling her about isn’t even the killing and torturing of creature some even children, but the betrayal and Plovers is sexually assaulting a child. But to address her question; No, I don’t think her sending Plover to the Poison Room makes her worse or better. Its one of those things that everybody has a different answer but no one knows what they would do till it happens. Her sending him to him “Death” (She didn’t lock it and we didn’t see him die, ok.) IS understandable. The thing I think that might, MIGHT put a tally in the worse column is that she didn’t stop to ask that question until Q’s reaction to her reveal. Only made worse by the way she revealed. Like she wanted a metal, reward or a pat on her head for it. (Which actually took a hit about the one thing she had going for me that the other characters didn’t, her independence. Even in her most dependent moments; she loved Q, but he was never her crutch.) But it moved on quickly from that so it wasn’t so bad.

Now on to the relationships..... I loved this episode in case you can’t tell, but what I loved most about this episode was what it did for the relationships. Yes I said RELATIONSHIPSSSSSS, plural, that right all of them. What it closed what it open, put in focus ALL OF IT especially what those relationship did or will do for the characters. But this rant is about Alice’s relationships (YES mostly Quentin because most of her relationship are Quentin or Quentin by Proxy). So let’s talk.

I should probably say that I love that the group (Quentin, Julia and by exception if nothing else: the rest of the questers.) have forgiven her, and don’t want her around. No that is not just Alice hate. It’s freeing in a way and it one of the thing that gives me hope about being further invested in her story arc. I don’t actually want or think they should forgive her or let only trust her, not yet at least. For one, she hasn’t actually apologized. Two, she hasn’t in any way actually shown she thought her actions were wrong, all she gave is justifications and I’m sorry I caused this because of my action not I’m sorry for my action, which is one of the main reasons everybody is pissed at her, her action not just the unforeseen thing she had no way of predicting. I have seen a lot of people saying Q should have forgive her like he forgave Julia, since she did basically the same thing. But the way I saw and interpreted this actually different. I am not really Julia-apologist with the view that she can do no wrong and is completely justified. In fact as previously stated I started off hating her just as much sometimes more than Alice and now I do generally enjoy her story and seeing where it goes along with her adorable moments, mostly with Q I still can’t bring myself to like her. (Mostly for what she did to Q in that one episode.. You all know the one. But that’s for a Julia centered rant.) But it actually isn’t the same thing.

Sure when if you strip down the story to the most basic detail sure it has similar lines. One of the group does something betraying or otherwise and the rest of them if not the world/worlds end up having to pay for the backlash and its all that characters fault. I HATE when stories do this, and so many do. They strip down the details to make one person/group understandable or forgivable to another because they kinda sorta did the same thing expect for all the important stuff but ignore all that. No, the the devil really is in the details. They are IMPORTANT. The how, why, when, where are actually very important, not just the what. If they weren’t you wouldn’t bother spending money and time showing them to me and I wouldn’t care. I call it  FUN-HOUSE EFFECT. I HATE IT, SSSSSOOOOO MUCH. It is BAD writing and it’s everywhere, even in really good shows, shows I love. Which just made that more excited about the writer not take the easy way out with Alice. Because that is what the Fun-House Effect is the easy way out, instead of the right way. The right way where forgiveness is a journey to get through no a detestation to move on from, and no I don’t mean a redemption arc. Though I do love a good one. I would like to point out it they’re not always the same thing. It cheapens all involve the origin sin oh now I understand sin along with the forgiveness sin along with all the feelings involve. Especially, because when writer use it to get the forgiveness the character and the story plot involved or driving by it don’t get what makes it all worth the pain, closure and since they never really get it in the story we never really feel it. I mean think about it this way just because two song about the same thing does mean they are the same and like any song it should be able to justify itself on it’s own. Putting them side by side or together in mash-up of any kind should enhance them both not diminish them. If it does it bad writing in a song or a story. I’m probably getting to carried away with the bad examples, and I’m totally getting carried away with my Fun-House rant.

Like I was saying sure in its most basic forum it’s one character goes against the group and/or does something stupid and all of them if not the rest of the school/kingdom/world/worlds has to deal with the backlash of that person/people’s action. Everybody else when they made their stupid/selfish/selfless ‘betrayal’ it was them putting themselves or someone else before the group/world by making a different decision but that was their choice. Even if it meant going against the others. Josh when he ran back to Brakebills, Penny when he sold out Quentin to be expelled, Julia when she took the knife or, Kady when she took the battery, Eliot when he shot the Monster, even Margo with the Fairy deal, Quentin when he didn’t help Julia ,they all made choices that they put in front other people’s and those people were mad and then forgiven it was a journey to some and understandable to others. Wrong, selfish and/or stupid choices they were but they all made them but the one thing they didn’t do is try and take away their choices and Alice tried to do that. Kady said best herself last season Alice doesn’t get to make that choices for everybody. In fact Alice made her choices she didn’t trust herself around magic, that’s why she and took the Memory Potion that was her putting her self above and before everyone (And actually her explaining it to is one of the moments I like of her in the last season and felt generally invested in), her leaving Breakbills after the whole thing with her brother her choice. What was not her choice was trying to make sure nobody had magic, because SHE thinks they don’t deserve it. To add insult to injury they were so busy trying to defend themselves from her trying to take away their choice it left them completely unprepared for what came after and just to spit in their face it turns out she took the potion so she wouldn’t have to face the consciences of said action. And she only trying to make up for the insult. That’s one of the main difference in situation about everything else. 

Other points as follows;

Quentin and everybody already didn’t trust her when they let her in on the quest after discovering  she was working with the Library but they gave her the benefit of the doubt because of what and who she to them (Mainly Quentin) before without her expressing anything learned or changed trying to take their choice away and give control to the Library. And oh look she changed her method but she still fucking tried to take their and everybody’s choice away about magic. Different plan same objective.It makes total sense that not only would they not forgive or even try understanding anymore even more so considering that they were all trying to do that before even going as far as to not want her help. I mean if someone who had tried to take away my choice while ‘helping’ before tried to ‘help’ me again in any way I would shut that shit down as fast as possible. So I loved the show’s reaction to her. Even more I love what I think it means for her next. Growth for Alice in a positive way, which don’t think she actually had.

Alice herself hasn’t grown in a positive way like all the other character. If anything thing happen to and/or around Alice beside for some and I do mean some aspects of her relationship with Quentin almost always went negatively toward Alice’s character. Her discovering what happened to her brother, her parents, dying, killing the Beast become a Niffin, coming back to life, being without magic, being around Quentin, Not being around Quentin, getting Julia’s spark, almost dying again, having to give up Julia’s spark, her dad dying, her trying to find her knowledge of magic again, making a deal with the library, breaking a deal with the library, destroying the keys all of it in a negative way. Just when you think it couldn’t go deeper into worse she gets a magically shovel and starts digging, Hell even the supposed good parts, with Quentin are linked  with how bad that relationship was at the start and how toxic it became. 

With Quentin very much shutting the book on them, it gives me chills with where her character can go. What I see come to her. Connection not related to Quentin. Like previously hinted at when talking about her independence, Q was her connection not her crutch. Which is maybe the one thing that their ship has above the others to me in a positive point separate some of the other main ships in the show, even platonic friendship ones and it has a negative impact on one if not both. Do they grow and become better somehow to sometimes, depends on the ships and situation sure. But you take those to and they get better apart. One of those main bad writing tropes that is all over Alice is that they never have her make a connection outside of Quentin. Even the moments she has with almost all the other characters is only happening because of Quentin indirectly or not. Now with Quentin and her at a close(thank god) she can hopefully start making other connection and those connections can help her grow like the others’ connections have helped them grow and change in both bad and GOOD ways.So she can finally get to a person she wants to be, again. Not the same person because that Alice is dead and gone and has been for a while. (Took you long enough to see and accept it, Coldwater.)

Hopefully Our Lady of the Tree or Underground send my hope to the writers. 

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10 months ago

My kid says I'm Tintin 😂

My Kid Says I'm Tintin
My Kid Says I'm Tintin

Ok, maybe he has a point 😅😅

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11 months ago

So... I did it!

Here's some proof of concepts for some of the mini-games 👏👏

A lot of them were either too similar to games that are already out, so there wasn't a reason to make a concept; or the idea is a little to grandiose that there's no way I can get it down with my art skill presently 😅

Either way, I'm really happy about how these turned out!

So let me explain them all in a bit more detail!


So... I Did It!

His minigame is suppose to be a management sim where the main objective is matching the traits of his next client to whoever shows up in front of you. In this example, I used an idol who's likely just debuted and is extremely popular already. The traits for Ankara's next client are exactly that, so he'd get a pass!

On the webpage, I compared this game to things such as Papers, Please.

Just to keep in tune with his actual business, I feel most of the clients would end up being famous singers, actors/actresses, and other media personalities 📺


So... I Did It!

Akuma is my little devil and in his mini-game it's meant to be a series of a dungeon crawler where each level has a different objective.

For ex. The 1st level would be a simple maze where you collect fire to increase the little "energy 🔥" meter there.

The 2nd level would be using the fire in easy battles.

The 3rd would be some mixture of the two

And the 4th would be a final boss fight using all that you learned in the levels before!

I also thought about adding skins and such and it'd be fun to have them in each of the levels locked behind challenges and other collectables.


So... I Did It!

Besides him being one of the baby bois of the series, I really didn't know what to do with him until I thought of this!

It's a little hard to explain since I don't normally play games like this, but it's essentially a search for various artifacts.

The best I could compare it too is The Grand Underground from Pokemon Diamond and Pearl.

Though, as you can see, my note about him giving you little facts is something I'd love to do. I always love learning about useless facts from games so why not have this be the section where it happens!


So... I Did It!

He's my rocker boy and the reference for this pose is actually this image because Seonghwa living his dream as a rockstar is just hsiweofndkssbfjrr for my heart.

He's so pretty like COME ON!!!!!!

Also, what I mean by "diff appearances" is the fact that I'm so bad of an artist that Leigh never looks the same when I draw him... Ever. His hair is always different each time, so I just made that apart of his personality.

He's the type to always have his hair dyed a bubblegum pink and have it cut short one time, then up in a ponytail the next. It'd be nice to see him dressed differently to match the theme of whatever song is being played as well.

Oh, yeah, the game. It's a simple rhythm game that's based off of one of my favorite childhood video games SpongeBob Squarepants: Lights, Camera, Pants.

In the story, Leigh can play almost every instrument and writes his own music, so each level would be you "learning" how to play a different instrument. Starting with the easiest (and his favorite) the acoustic guitar!


So... I Did It!

Koto is another baby boi and he actually writes fiction stories based on non-fiction stories he hears from others.

So, I wanted to be sure that part of his writing process was in the mini-game, to essentially show people how it feels when you're drafting a story (fun fact! For anyone who's curious, Koto is both a planner and pantser).

So, the idea of the game is a little unrefined, but the jist is Koto is tasked with getting the non-fiction items he needs to build his story. His adventures may take him to a hospital, a car garage, a school, and even a giant hotel.

In these locations, the player aids Koto in finding whatever items he needs to make his story. Once he's obtained them, it's up to the player to arrange the story properly so Koto can have his final product!

I think next time I'll talk about extra things I wanted to add like collectables, extra stories, decorative items, different outfits, character customization, and events for the bois!

But, until then. Thanks for reading~


Here again after my usual hiatus this time though it was because of real world shit, aka setting appointments to get my teeth removed yay but I wanted to post something.

So, just today (or yesterday it's 2am for me) I finished a page on my website about an idea I got about a game idea. This is pretty common for me, but I wanted to share it here in case anyone was interested :D

Anyways, here's a little preview and you can read the full thing here if you want.

Here Again After My Usual Hiatus This Time Though It Was Because Of Real World Shit, Aka Setting Appointments
Here Again After My Usual Hiatus This Time Though It Was Because Of Real World Shit, Aka Setting Appointments
Here Again After My Usual Hiatus This Time Though It Was Because Of Real World Shit, Aka Setting Appointments

I was also considering making proofs of concepts about some of the mini-games I talked about and other collectables, but who know if I'll get around to that with all the other ideas I have in my head.

Either way, that's the post~


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11 months ago

Okay, now onward to little things that don't really matter in the grand scheme of things. I also finally figured out the genre of game this would be and that's a social game.

I'll start with:

Cosmetics/Character customization

So, I'll start first with general cosmetics. I have a very strong itch to play a game where I can customize both my character and the house/room/plot of land they reside in without the game being either farm based, purely fashion based, typical gacha "wait 30 years or watch an ad", or just "anime" style with no other designs. Because of this, one of the first things I thought of was creating a separate mode where the players could customize a character to their liking, with their pronouns, and more than just "generic anime" hairstyles. There would obviously be generic anime hair styles, but there'd also be afro styles and other poc styles (I'd have to do some research on any other group outside of African though).

In the main mode, you wouldn't be able to chance the MC outside of her name. Her appearance would be locked kind of like Link or the Persona protags. Once you've played through a story and completed it with the MC, you'd be able to replay it as your customized character in the freeplay mode.

There would also be a place for the players to design their own apartment/house/plot of land (depending on what makes the most sense) and through the game's various mini-games, you'd be able to unlock items. Some items would be harder to get and would require playing a mini-game or going through some sequence properly to unlock something. We're going for replayability\(^▽^)/

Since I was thinking for this game to be FtP, I had to come up with something to still make money, but make it accessible for everyone to get everything in the game. So, it made sense to have the paid options be simply to speed things up or get extra of something in case someone is lazy as hell and doesn't want to replay something. However, the option to play it normally isn't a slog either, it's just like playing any game normally vs. cheesing the the area.

Also, I wanted to add this little note but I didn't know where, but I also really wanted this game to be interesting for gaymers as well. I do have family who happen to fall under that category so I have a little--just a tiny bit--of knowledge when it comes to that.

In this case, the game wouldn't be to catered to physical things at all. Obey Me! does a pretty good job keeping the MC gender neutral, but it has its limits and I'm going to push them as hard as I can! (pause) Being who I am, I don't really fit into any category very well as I don't like most traditionally girl things and I'm uninterested in most guy things, so almost all the time my characters interact romantically in a way that you could use any pronoun and it would work. I don't like the term handsome and most certainly do not think the words "pretty" "cute" or "beautiful" only describe women. Usually, my descriptors are general and describe the way someone's appearance makes you feel (ex. if someone has pretty eyes I'll usually just say their eyes are captivating or they're easy to get lost in.)


I wasn't exactly sure what this would be considering I don't want to become an Obey Me! with bi-weekly events that drain your resources, but I also didn't want to make events that had items locked behind their event period and once they were gone, they were gone. I also know apart of the fun with events is working really hard to get something special, so if it's available all the time it wouldn't be very much fun. So, my fix for this was to dog tag a page from Obey Me!

They have it where after six months(?) events come back and the players have free access to participate again for four days so long as they have a consumable. I still don't want it to be exactly like that, so the easiest solution is just to have events rollback when their original date passes (ex. if there's an event during April, then April the next year, the events returns for the same amount of time). Simple and effective.

As for the events themselves. I actually tend to write a holiday special for the bois every year so the usual New Year's, Christmas, Valentine's, Halloween, and Thanksgiving would be celebrated, but I've always wanted to incorporate many celebrations from various places. Things like Mardi Gras which is a celebration that's pretty centralized in one place. Obviously, that would mean some research, but I already have most of the characters having different backgrounds (Brayleigh is French, Jessica is half Japanese/French, Ankara has Pacific Islander in him, Terumichi is Korean, Amai is half Black/Japanese, and Shugi is whatever I need him to be lol) so it'd be pretty easy to use their backgrounds and try and incorporate some festivals, holidays, and other special occasions in here!

And of course, the events would have special outfits for the boys to be dressed in, don't worry. You have no idea that a kimono Aki, demon Akuma, beach Koto, and casual Ankara live rent free in my head.

CGs/character art

I say this a lot, but I'll say it again, I can't draw; however, if I ever did find someone to work with, I'd have a lot of character CGs and just so things can stay as inclusive as possible, their character art would be anywhere between just solo art of the character in question or art with a character insert (maybe like a hand or something)

side note: the only reason I'm not too into having a character insert is because it feels generic and like it's almost impossible to account of every position with a certain hair style or skin tone. I know some games have done it, but they more or less prove my point. In this case, I think less is more.

The CGs more looked like just beautiful art of the character from a scene or of them in a stylized outfit. Being able to have a gallery full of each one would be a dream~


There's not a lot more I wanted to add, but some small things would be to have a challenge mode for each of the mini-games and achievements for random things.

This is just a off the cuff thought, but it'd be cute to have the overworld city somehow have online multiplayer where people could chat with other people in the city or play solo (since I am more of a solo player anyways).

Competitions kind of rub me the wrong way, but it'd be nice to have some rankings for the mini-games

I guess I'll add this part to the first reblog: I didn't want the game to have bad endings because they usually just making the player feel like shit for having an opinion, so it made more sense to have it like Phoenix Wright where you're playing the story as the MC and to have a separate freeplay mode where character's choice would matter. It might be too ambitious, but having the freeplay mode have different endings sounds interesting.

A small ex. would be in one of the short stories, Cassie is sick and Akihiko comes over to take care of her. The players would then have the option to reject him and see a different route play out, almost like a what-if scenario.

But, for now, that's all the ideas I feel I can share. If I come up with anything else I'll add it, but like always...

Thanks for reading multiple


Here again after my usual hiatus this time though it was because of real world shit, aka setting appointments to get my teeth removed yay but I wanted to post something.

So, just today (or yesterday it's 2am for me) I finished a page on my website about an idea I got about a game idea. This is pretty common for me, but I wanted to share it here in case anyone was interested :D

Anyways, here's a little preview and you can read the full thing here if you want.

Here Again After My Usual Hiatus This Time Though It Was Because Of Real World Shit, Aka Setting Appointments
Here Again After My Usual Hiatus This Time Though It Was Because Of Real World Shit, Aka Setting Appointments
Here Again After My Usual Hiatus This Time Though It Was Because Of Real World Shit, Aka Setting Appointments

I was also considering making proofs of concepts about some of the mini-games I talked about and other collectables, but who know if I'll get around to that with all the other ideas I have in my head.

Either way, that's the post~


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4 years ago
Small Proof Of Concept For A Procedural Weapon Generating System And A Weird Shape I Made Cause I Felt
Small Proof Of Concept For A Procedural Weapon Generating System And A Weird Shape I Made Cause I Felt

small proof of concept  for a procedural weapon generating system and a weird shape I made cause I felt like it

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5 months ago
What If Deku Had His Sonic Moment And Got A Metal Deku?

What if Deku had his sonic moment and got a metal Deku?

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