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Today we were doing a fitness gram pacer test and while the rules were being explained some kid did the orange justice
Funny story, I have a 1,000 video long YouTube music playlist that I play whenever I want music. So while playing Stardew Valley I had it on shuffle. And then The Only Thing They Fear Is You came on. I can say with full sincerity I played Stardew Valley to Doom music.
I just remembered something from way back when. So once when I was younger I went to my psychiatrist (I was a fucked up kid), and they asked me if I did any substances; alcohol, marijuana, etc, the usual questions. I, the smartass I was, replied: “I’m not financially well off enough to get addicted to anything.” That moment was the highlight of my entire life.
A Warning About Lucid Dreaming
Now, this isn't to scare you off lucid dreaming. Not at all, it can be a source of extraordinary creativity, ideas, and joy.
But you should know what you're getting into. Of course, this is just my personal experiences, so take it with a grain of salt. But still.
I learned to lucid dream as a teenager. At least, I learned how to make myself do it on purpose. I can't remember my first lucid dream.
I've done all sorts of wonderful things with lucid dreaming - I've overcome my fear of heights with flying (because of flying in dreams I wasn't afraid at all when I went for a helicopter ride, or when I pressed my body against the glass of one of the highest skyscrapers in Sydney), I've transformed into animals, I've talked to my subconscious, I've change my body to look ideal, used healing orbs that made me feel physically wonderful and healed when I woke up, I've changed my gender, I've set things on fire, frozen things, and moved objects with my mind, I've eaten foods that have tasted like a vague version of real life foods, I've teleported into other lands, even cartoon worlds, and more.
But the downside is, because of lucid dreaming I am now afraid to sleep. I became exhausted from the hyper realistic dreams that felt like reality every night, and tried to dream normally. Now quite often I get horrific nightmares where I'm lucid and I'm stuck in this alternate reality that feels as real as our own, yet I'm aware that I'm dreaming. And that's not all - I can feel pain. It's to a lesser degree than in real life, of course, but still, it hurts. I've gotten stabbed, shot, and fallen into a very deep void all while lucid dreaming. With the void, I could feel that uncomfortable wobbly feeling in my stomach as I fell. I've been transported to hell with no immediate way out. I've tried closing my eyes in these dreams as well as screaming and trying to feel my IRL body, and nothing wakes me up.
My lucid dreams have grown twisted and exhausting. The less bad ones that still really drain me are like video game boss fights, the other ones are straight up horror. I've had one where I was under a house and completely aware while having to crawl through millions of spiders crawling all over me while they bit me, only to have to face someone who tried to kill me in real life. I've had gory injuries, my foot falling apart, gotten into a bus crash and watched people die while I was physically torn to shreds, and had massive wounds on my arms with nurses refusing to help. I've watched animals I love die right in front of me in the worst ways possible. And be aware, if you kill someone in your realistic lucid dreams, the guilt may just haunt you forever.
Another thing I've seen is the horrific creatures of the ocean. Yes I could breathe underwater, but for the love of god, if you've seen those deep sea ocean videos do NOT go into the ocean in your lucid dreams.
I now hate sleeping, I often delay sleeping so much I go to sleep at between 5 am - 8 am in the morning. I also often stay up all night, just to avoid these hyper-realistic nightmares.
A good thing about it is that when I do have these horrific dreams I can use them for creative things like art and perhaps in the future, game development/game writing.
Sometimes I can't tell if I'm dreaming or in a really realistic lucid dream (though this may be psychiatric issues).
But really, is it worth literally losing sleep over it? I'm not so sure. If you're going to lucid dream, please know that you're not just committing to it for a little while. If you properly learn how to do it, you'll be tethered to it for a lifetime.
Please don't be scared, though. I don't intend to scare you. I just want to make sure you're absolutely sure about what you're doing. If you want to learn despite knowing this, go right ahead. I'm not going to tell you not to. Some of the most healing experiences I've had have come out of lucid dreams. I just don't want people like me getting too deep into something then that thing twisting into something that torments them because they didn't understand the consequences of their actions.
Piper: ✨sweet home Albania✨
Piper: wait- no
Leo: alabama idiot
I was craving ice cream really bad one time due to my period, so my grandma took me to Dairy Queen and I ordered myself a Cookie Dough Blizzard. Funny part is, when we pulled up to the window to get our ice cream the person at the window seemed to be really nervous (I think it might have been their first day or something) and they started rambling about something random about their friend or something. Mind you, I have both Autism and ADHD, and I am very good at recognizing other neurodivergent people. My senses go off instantly and I wait for them to finish rambling and then I speak up from the back seat. (My grandma's friend was in the car with us so I had to sit in the back.) And I just go like, "Important question here, sorry if it's rude, but are you neurodivergent?" And the cashier just laughs and goes, "Yeah we think so." Anyways, the neurodivergent hivemind is very much real and is very much in action.
I had this weird feeling today, feeling kind of down, but not sad. Nothing was aching, I wasn't hungry, and it was a very pleasant day so far. I was very confused about what exactly this feeling was... Maybe some complicated inner world problem? Depression? Negative energy?
Turns out it was just constipation.
does anyone else ever feel like a ghost haunting their own life

“Do you believe in Science? “
In today’s growing needs to suffice the means of answering everything, we may found sometimes that there are still challenges HUMANITY is facing why our mindset is being held back to what the past has taught us.
We may found ourselves (If I am not alone) being isolated for our personal approach on things related to CONSERVING the Ideology of what our RELIGIONS had taught us, and the few who resisted to tie themselves in a book. In The Long Term I’m hoping we may have less NARROW - MINDED persons in our society and may HUMANITY unite to SCIENTIFIC ENDEAVORS.
And this is an Example:
A question asked to me by a Religious Kid. (Alexander Belmonte) When we met each other in a MUSEUM.
Hence I didn’t answered him at first.
Then He insists that I should answer his question.
And i said:
“Don’t feel offended buddy but did you just asked me a STUPID question”?
and he replied.
Is learning something to be enlightened - a STUPID action?
Anyways his name is Alex which I’ve found a brilliant bright child to have a conversation with.
Later on he unearthed to me why he can’t ask those questions in his school ( A Catholic School in a nearby City ). I’ve also found out he was the brightest in class and being teased sometimes for being a “LONEWOLF” of his ideas.
Going back to the Question, I Answered him:
Yes Kid. Science? Now That’s a vague term. What sort of Science? The theory of gravity? Theory of Magnetism? Evolution Perhaps? Maybe Something more Complicated such as Nuclear Fission? Yes Alex, I do believe in Science!
Then he ask me to further my answer
I added:
You know what Alex, Science deals with facts. No belief is necessary. You either accept reality or you don’t. Humans would never have landed on the moon if it weren’t for SCIENCE. Hell, you wouldn’t be asking your question to me right now if it wasn’t for SCIENCE
He then replied to me: “My Teachers ( Nuns and Priests) banned us from asking questions related to such subjects of irrelevancy. And they told the entire class. Pray every time we know something and Don’t instantly believe everything That subject tells us.”
I was shocked to know the brainwashing efforts of individuals to lock the horizon of learning for their younger ones especially to a kid who has a potential to be part of something.
( by now he have caught my attention and I was entirely focused on our conversation )
I replied to him:
You have more to learn my young fellow earthling. This is a start of a silent revolution to understand the revelations of your endeavors in a search for answers.
So, what’s not to believe in?
I told you Alex, Science is not a belief. It’s a set of rules and standards used to progress and define our understanding of the universe and the world around us.
Science is also the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. So If you claim not to believe in Science, in my humble opinion, you’re pretty dumb, genuinely mental or simply trolling. keep searching for answers, I was in your position a long time ago. There are so many books out there, the Internet is free. and If you have the right parents then you’re pretty lucky.
Then afterwards. His Father ( who turned out to have a job in a Research Facility in DOST was one of my greatly admired Authors in various books and journals ) what a coincidence. The rest is confidential here. The past is history and the present is past.
Don’t feel Pissed here but Straightforwardly, I believe SOCIETY doesn’t need RELIGION for as long as we seek and preach GOD freely and truly.
Maddening Love
I never believed in love at first sight until I met him. It was one of those chance encounters that felt like fate had intervened. The moment our eyes met something in me just knew. It wasn't butterflies or fireworks; it was a quiet certainty, like recognizing an old friend in a stranger's face.
But I didn't like him, not at first. He was too charming, too persistent. I could see the potential for heartbreak from miles away, so I built walls around my heart. I was determined not to let him in, to keep my distance and protect myself.
But he wore me down, slowly but surely. His laughter became infectious, his smile irresistible. I found myself letting him in, despite my better judgment. And before I knew it, I was falling for him, against my will.
Then came the betrayal. It cut deep, slicing through the fragile trust I had allowed myself to build. I wanted him out of my life, to erase him from my heart and mind. But he wore me down again, with apologies and promises of change. And against my better judgment, I allowed him back, albeit at arm's length.
Things were never the same after that. The trust was fractured, the love tainted by doubt and resentment. But amidst the pain and uncertainty, one thing remained constant—the feeling that he and I were meant to be together.
I didn't like him, not anymore. But no matter how hard I tried to deny it, I couldn't help but love him. It was a maddening contradiction, a tug-of-war between my head and my heart.
And so, we exist in this limbo, dancing around each other, neither fully in nor out of each other's lives. But deep down, I know that no matter what happens, he will always find a way back to me. And I, foolishly, will always let him in.
Kill Your Darlings

--William S. Burroughs: Show me the man who is both sober and happy, and I will show you the crinkled anus of a lying asshole.
Tonight I moved my leg a little too hard my flip flop flew off my foot and ended up in my neighbor's roof, and then I told her and she said she wasn't going to climb the roof to get my flip flop and then I asked my cousin for help and she climbed onto my shoulders with a broom in her hand and we approached the roof and she took the flip flop out of there with the broom. The most exciting part of it was the fact that all that time I was running around on one leg.
🍉🇵🇸🍉 stories. I need all my historical fiction/nonfiction girlies to play their part in watching, listening, reading, etc stories from 🍉. From @fakegyllenhalal on tiktok
🍉 stories pt. II.
If you or anyone you know are fans of soccer/football listen to this story of these twin players.
@nahlamsamii on tiktok