Sander Sides Roman - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

This is brought to you by me and my friend’s text convo last night

*over text*

Virgil: hey, i think this guy is


Roman: oh, is he 🧚‍♂️ or is he 👖?

Virgil: 100% he is


Roman: lmao, you should ask him out

Virgil: absolutely not, i am a 💤🤴

Logan, who is also in this gc: what the actual fuck-

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4 years ago



so, I can’t draw but i was singing that song from the Prince of Egypt where the mam is singing to baby moses (this one [its called river lullay or smth]) and i got the coolest idea!

What if there was an animatic where janus is sending a baby virgil off to the light sides so that he can live a better live and he’s sad because he loves virgil but he knows patton will take care of him and love him. and remus sings the part of the sister and watches over him while he journeys through until he gets to the light sides. Oh! and roman is the elder song (making them bros) and patton and logan are their parents! (or any movement of those dynamics)!! 

i really really really like this idea and i would really love if anyone knows if this is a thing?? or if anyone wants to do this pls tag me omg!!

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4 years ago

the fic i had planned for remus’ birthday is just sitting in my drafts because i hated it and then i wrote a new ship fic with remus thats a two parter but it has nothing to do with his birthday. do y’all want a birthday fic, or a ship fic?

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4 years ago

Part 1/2

Pairing: Dukexiety, mentioned moceit and intrulogical Words: 1993 Genre: heavy angst (self deprecation, feeling unlovable, heart break), mentions of smut, mentions of foot

“Oh emo~” Virgil spun around, noticing Remus has managed to get into his room without alerting him. “There you are.” He started walking forward but Virgil jumped back.

“Remus? What are you doing here?”

“Oh, emo, don’t be act like a deer hit by a car, we’re friends, so of course I’ll wanna check in!” There was a glint in eyes, and something told Virgil he should run. Another pat of him didn’t want to.

“F-friends?” This didn’t make sense. Remus should hate him. He was so... “But I was so mean, I left and-”

“Water under the bridge.”

“No Remus, please, I should apologise, I was going to-”


“I’m so sorry, I was so scared they’d hate me-”


“I thought if they liked me, then they’d warm up to you-”

“Virgil!” The dark cloud that had begun to form around the anxious side slowly began to fade away. He looked up, tears streaming down his face, ruining his eyeshadow. “Water under the bridge.”

“I don’t deserve that, though,” Virgil said. Remus opened his mouth, but Virgil put up his hands. “I need to apologise. Properly.” He took a shaky breath, wiping his eyes with his hoodie. “I am sorry. I was so mean to you and Janus. There’s no excuse, and I would completely understand if neither of you spoke to me again. There’s no changing what I said and did, I know that.” He takes another deep breath. “I was desperate to fit in and I let their opinions cloud mine. I’m sorry.” Remus was quiet, uncharacteristically so. He moved over closer to Virgil again, and this time the anxious side didn’t jump back.

“Water under the bridge.” He was getting closer and the glint in his eyes was spreading. “Tickle me emo, let’s say I was mad at you, do you think I would be here?” Virgil shook his head, unable to form a single sentence. “You’ve been so stressed, I’ve noticed. Now that Thomas had... reluctantly accepted me as part of his mind, I think it’s time we had a chat.”


“As your aware, Roman’s creativity is a lot more, PG13 than mine,” Remus said. “Ya know, unicorns and dragons, mine, however,” A grin was spreading over his face. He was in Virgil’s personal space now. Virgil tried to take a step back, but we met with the wall. “Is a little more, 18 and over. You know, I’m more of the kinky one.” Virgil gulped. “And I’ve noticed none of you really like to, what’s the word? Indulge yourselves, you especially, little emo.”


“Shh, it’s okay. I’m not here to judge.” His arms were on either side of Virgil’s head, caging him. “You always seem so pent up and stressed. It worries everyone because, when you relax, Thomas does too. The others tend to let you de-stress by yourself, but that hasn’t been working, has it?” Virgil felt he should lie and shake his head but the look in Remus’ eyes today him that he could see right through him. He nodded. “Then, I thought, maybe I can help?” Virgil’s breath caught in his throat. No matter how many times he imagined a situation like this, he still didn’t understand how it could be happening.

For as long as he remembered, it’s always been Remus. Ever since he first met him, after the split. Yes, he terrified the life out of him, but he listened. He always knew how to read Virgil like no one else could, and that both terrified him and interested him. 

But then he’d left. He’s said horrible things because he was scared and stupid, begging for approval. He’d hurt Remus. Yet here he was, caging Virgil him, forcing him to come face to face with his feelings.

“R-Remus...” His voice was so soft and strained, and his face was red. “I don’t know... I don’t know what you-”

“Oh, I think you do.” Virgil felt Remus’ knee nudge between his legs and Virgil panted. Holy fuck. “I think you know exactly what I’m trying to say.” Virgil found himself nodding, his eyes fluttering closed, head fallen back. “Ah ah, I need you to look at me.” A hand on his chin brought his face back down, his eyes locking with Remus’. “I need an answer.” At his silence, Remus moved to his neck, sucking, and biting gently.

“Maybe... maybe we shouldn’t do- fuck, rem...”

“Tell me to go.” Their eyes met. “Tell me you don’t want this, and I’ll leave.” Virgil blinked.

“I...” He panted as he shifted, feeling Remus’ leg between his. “I can’t.”

“Can’t what?”

“Tell you that.”

“And why is that.” It would be a lie. Remus was smirking. “So, is that a yes?”

“Yes.” Remus smirked, leaning in and their lips mushed together. Virgil’s heart was pounding. He was becoming a tad overwhelmed but he would rather die than stop this. After years of pining, Remus was kissing him, and holding his and- 

He broke the kiss to pant as Remus moved his leg. The side smirked.

“C’mon emo, let’s go lie down.” Virgil only nodded, following Remus’ lead and lying down. Remus climbed on top of him. “You still look so nerveous. Do you want to back out?” ‘This is your chance to say no.’ But he didn’t want to.

“N-no- I just...” Virgil groaned as Remus’ lips resumed their exploration. “I want this.” Remus’ face reappeared, a wolfish grin on his face.

“Good, little emo.” Their lips met in a soft, quick kiss. “Very good.”

Virgil woke up alone. This didn’t hurt (he swears he didn’t), Remus was a busy person, dammit. Despite how hard he tried, Virgil couldn’t avoid the dumb smile that split his face. Remus. He had... Did this mean he liked him? For once, Virgil’s mind wasn’t plagued by anxiety. For once, the crushing pain on his chest lifted. 

“Hey Virge?” Patton knocked on his door. “You up?” Virgil, realising he was still naked (no, he did not blush {he did}) and quickly grabbed a shirt and a pair of boxers.

“Yeah, popstar, give me two seconds, I’m changing!” He grabbed his hoodie and his jeans and put them on quickly. He moved over to the door, swinging it open with a small smile. “Hey.” Patton smiled, holding up two plates.

“Everyone seems to have disappeared, so I was just coming round to see if you wanted to have dinner with me?” Virgil nodded. 

“’course. Here or..?”

“I figured we could use the communal area, as long as we don’t spill it on the couch, Lo won’t know,” Patton said, giggling. The two synced out and synced back into the common room. “Movie?”

“Oh, hell yeah. We haven’t hung out in a while; we should make an evening of it.” Patton smiled so wide, cause Virgil to chuckle. 

“Black Cauldron?” Virgil nodded at the two snuggled down. Midway through the movie, after the plates were pushed aside, Virgil glanced over at Patton, smiling. He blinked and for a second, he could’ve sworn he saw Janus, not Patton. He blinked, returning his eyes to his lap as a shame seemed to creep over him. The things he’d said and done to Janus... He moved his gaze from lap to the Tv. He would apologise, and maybe, just maybe, the other side would forgive him

The movie night ended later than expected. After Black Cauldron, they decided on Toy Story (Patton cried), then Brave (Virgil spoke in a Scottish accent until Patton cried laughing) and finally Moana (Virgil cried a little bit). It was late and Virgil knew he had to go to sleep. He had been hoping Remus would show up, but he knows he can’t get overly dependent on the creative side, it wouldn’t be healthy. So, he simply decided he would talk to him tomorrow. As they were retreating to their rooms, Patton pat him on the shoulder.

“I just wanted to say that I’m glad you seem a bit more relaxed-” (Virgil willed himself not to blush because he did not want to explain that) “- but I wanted to let you know that if you ever need me, I’m here to talk.” Virgil nodded. Patton smiled, beginning to walk away.

“Hey Pat?” Patton turned around. “You and Janus are... a thing, right?” Patton tensed slightly, preparing himself for where this might go. “I just... god that sounds condescending. I wanted to tell you that...” Virgil took a deep breath, taking Patton’s outstretched hands, squeezing them slightly. “I wanted to let you know that I’m really happy for you.” Patton’s eyes filled with tears and even Virgil couldn’t resist pulling him into a hug. It was warm and sweet.

“I- Thank you, Virgil!” Virgil smiled.

“It’s the least I can do, Popstar.”

The next morning, Virgil felt like a man on a mission. He would find Remus and they would talk about... that night. He got dressed, put on his make up before heading to the common room. Logan was already there, reading a book. Virgil smiled at him before going to get a cup of coffee.

“You’re up unusually early, Virgil,” Logan said. “Did you actually wake up early or did you never go to sleep?”

“Nah, I slept, I’ve just got something I needed to do today, so I guess I couldn’t sleep in.”

“Oh, something important? If so maybe talking to someone or, as the ‘youths’ would put it, spilling the tea, might help you come up with a plan to achieve said mission.” Virgil chuckled at him slightly before going over to the couch, carrying a mug for himself and Logan.

“Uh, I wanted to talk to Remus actually. I slept in late yesterday, so I didn’t see him. I was just gonna ask him something,” Virgil said.

“if knowing his location helps, he is in my room.” Virgil choked on his coffee. “Or at least, he was when I awoke.”

“Sorry,” Virgil said, coughing and wiping up the spilt coffee. “Did he sleep over...? I didn’t realise you were that close of friends.”

“Well, we’re all factors of Thomas’ mind. He said I needed to relax, which honestly was a little rude,” Logan said and alarm bells started going off in Virgil’s head. “So we, uhm, had intercourse.”

Sometimes, there’s moments where you can actually feel everything crashing around you. All the ideas and notions, crashing and shattering. Like a broken mirror, or a broken heart. 

Logan’s mouth was moving but Virgil couldn’t hear him and he was beginning to blur due to the tears in his eyes.

‘I’m so stupid.’ Virgil couldn’t move. He couldn’t feel his limbs. ‘I’m so stupid. Why would he ever... Of course, he didn’t like me. He was just taking one for the team.’

“Virgil, why are you crying? Has something happened or are you experiencing a panic attack?” He could hear more voices, as more people came into the room, but he couldn’t decipher one from the other.

‘I’m so pathetic. Why are you surprised? of course he doesn’t like you. He barely tolerates you. You are-’

“What’s got the emo so upset?” Virgil’s eyes, almost subconsciously, locked with Remus’. There was no glint, no warmth. They were just eyes. He never realised just how stupid he could be. 

Without a word and without explanation, he sunk out, his mug slipping out of his hand and smashing to the ground. He moved to his room, closing the door, and locking it, letting the tears fall. The dark cloud was surrounding him. He deserved this. He moved to his bed, ignoring the knocking at the shouting. He sobbed, letting all of his emotions out.

Of course, Remus would never love him. He was too emotional. He was too anxious. And he had hurt Remus. He didn’t deserve it. 

Lying in his bed, his pillow wet with tears and snot, he realised that he was just unlovable.


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4 years ago

Part 2/2

Part 1  ( @shamelesspoetry )

Paring: Dukexiety, side Moceit and Loginice Words: 3288 Genre: angst, fluff, hints at smut (you have to squint), angst with a happy ending

Virgil had lost all concept of time. Had it been days? Minutes? Hours? He didn’t know or care. He could only note that the banging on the door had stopped. There had been banging (that faded into knocking) on his door for a while at the start. Logan, confused on whether he had done something wrong, Patton, desperate to try and talk to the anxious side, and Roman, who wanted to understand the outburst. The locked door prevented all of them from entering his space (pity party). The dark cloud of anxiety now seems to spread among the room, swallowing his posters and books. He couldn’t seem to care. He’s passed the sad stage and seemed to move on to the numbness. The sad would come back, it always did.

Meanwhile, in his shared room, Roman was pacing the floor.

“C’mon prince of boring, why are you pacing? It’s giving me head trauma.”

“A headache. That’s called a headache,” Roman said, staring at his twin who shrugged his shoulders.

“What has you so worked up? Oo ~ do you need help with a project, I wouldn’t mind adding a few corpses!”

“No, Remus, be serious, I’m worried about Virgil!”

“The emo?” He asked before shrugging. “He’s just sulking over Logan taking the last cup of coffee or something.” Roman wasn’t convinced. “Come on, Roro, you’re just upset because you have a crush on him.”

“What? No, I don’t,” Roman said, staring at his brother in confusion. Remus only wiggled his eyebrows.

“You wanna see that flat ass all day. Wanna wipe those racoon eyes, wanna-”

“No, seriously, I don’t.” Remus only blinked at his brother before shrugging.

“His loss.” Roman continued to stare at his brother.

“Remus, did you... did you think I liked Virgil?” 

“Well, I figured you’d be into pale emos.” Remus shrugged.

“Remus, I told you I like Logan, right?” Remus tilted his head.

“Maybe you did, I don’t remember.” He then grinned “See, I was right, you are into pale emos.”

“Don’t-” Roman was slowly going red.

“What? I’m not wrong. He is quite pale.” Roman raised an eyebrow at his brother.

“How would you know?” Remus seemed frozen for a moment, his brain catching up with the conversation. “Also, where were you last night? And the night before?” Remus didn’t look up at his brother.

“I was helping Thomas.” Roman, unsure of where Remus was heading, decided to proceed with caution.

“How?” Remus finally looked up, meeting his brothers’ eyes.

“Well, they are both so stressed all the time so I wanted to help... relax them. And since I’m more 50 Shades of Grey to your My Little Pony, and also the only one with the balls to actually do something-”

“Remus, what did you do?” Roman’s heart was beating. “Who are ‘they’ and how did you help them relax?” Remus went quiet for a moment, as if thinking.

“Sex.” Roman looked at his brother and could tell by the look on his face that Remus was leaving something out.

“With who?”

“Virgil...” Roman nodded slightly. “And...” ‘Who?’ Roman wanted to ask but his mind connected the pieces together. Janus and Patton were already together and that left only two people, Virgil and...

Roman gasped, tears welling in his eyes.

“Logan?” His voice was low and Roman didn’t even look at Remus for a response.

“Well, it wasn’t like I forced myself on him, he went with it willingly-”

“Shut up!” Roman’s voice was thick. “For once in your existence, shut up.” Roman shoulders shook. “How... how could you?”

“I didn’t know!”


“Oi, don’t get all high and mighty. You only accepted me because of your spat with Janus, which wasn’t that long ago!” Remus was angry, but only at the accusation that he would deliberately hurt his twin. Roman didn’t look up to meet his brother’s gaze.

“That’s why he was so upset...” Roman whispered. Remus let the confusion wash over his face.

“What has that-”

“He loves you, you idiot! How can you not see it? He always has!” Remus blinked at his brother. “And you just fucked and left?!” Roman looked at his twin, wiping his tears. “And that’s what Logan most have told him, no wonder he’s upset!” Before Remus could respond, the door swung open, with Patton and Logan bursting in.

“We heard yelling,” Patton said. Logan noticed Roman crying first, but the other side didn’t look at him.

“Roman-” Roman pushed past them all, speed walking out of the room.

Virgil was laying on his bed when he heard the tell-tale signs of someone trying to pick his lock. He didn’t try and stop it, figuring it was Patton attempted to pull him out of spiral. He was surprised to find Roman’s tear stained face staring back at him.

“He... he just slept with him...” Roman said, voice thick. Virgil let out a weak, almost maniacal, laugh.

“Wanted us to ‘relax’. Bullshit. All men are trash.” Virgil said, his voice weak from lack of using it.

“Can I join the pity party?” Virgil looked confused for a second before he remembered all the times, he caught Roman’s star-filled gaze fixed on the logical side. He nodded, opening his arms. Roman sunk down onto the bed and the two sides just cried, not caring that people could hear them, not caring about the door still being open. Just not caring at all. 

It was a few hours later, when Virgil woke up to Patton’s soft voice.

“Virge? I have something for you to eat. Roman has gone back to my room.” Virgil struggled to open his eye, but otherwise remained unmoving. “I’m just going to leave it -”

“Stay,” Virgil croaked. “please.” He choked, tears falling down his face.

“Hey, Virgil, can I touch you?” The other side nodded. “Do you want a hug?” Another nod. “Can I climb in beside you?” At Virgil’s nod, Patton lay down on the bed, opening his arms and letting Virgil come to him. Virgil crawled over to him. “Do you wanna talk about it?” There was silence in the room.

“I got my hopes up,” Virgil said. “And the one person I used to talk to about this I’m not talking to anymore and I think he hates me because I was awful to him because I was desperate to be liked!” Virgil said, sobbing. Patton shushed him gently.

“Hey, I’m sure you will get a chance to apologise,” Patton said. There was a creak at the door and Patton looked up, finding Janus giving him a sympathetic smile.

“It’s okay, Pat, I’ll take it from here.” Patton looked down at the sobbing boy and took a deep breath, slowly untangling him, giving the boy a kiss on his hair before moving to leave. Janus took his arm gently as he walked past, rubbing his cheek, kissing him softly. “I’ll take care of him.” Patton nodded, smiling. Janus looked down at the anxious side, who’s eyes were wide and fearful. He opened his mouth but didn’t get a word in before Virgil launched in rambling.

“I’m so sorry for everything I said and did! I wanted so badly not to be hated anymore and I was afraid that if I didn’t hate you than they would hate me again but I should-” Virgil slapped his hand over his own mouth, looking up and Janus, who’s eyebrows were furrowed in worry.

“Virgil. I need to you to breath for me.” Virgil dropped his hand before he took a deep breath in. “Good, okay, I’ll count to eight. 8,7, 6-” Virgil let out his breath. “That’s okay, we’ll start again. 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Good. okay, hold for four. 1, 2, -” Virgil dropped off again, clutching his chest. “Okay, it’s okay, we can start again as many times as you need. Okay?” Virgil nodded, closing his eyes and taking Janus’ hands. “Okay, in for eight. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Okay, hold for four. 1, 2, 3, 4. Great, so good, out for seven. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Great, let’s do that a few more times.” Janus took him through his breath exercise and the room slowly became lighter and lighter. His posters reappearing, his eyeshadow receding. “That was really good.” Virgil nodded.

“I’m sorry.”

“I know why you did what you did, Virgil. That’s not me saying that I’m not mad or I wasn’t upset about it, but I get it. I did the same thing to Remus, so I know how you feel,” Janus said, noticed Virgil’s gaze dropping from holding Janus’ to his lap at the mention of the creative side. “This is about him, isn’t it?” Virgil nodded. Janus opened his arms and Virgil crawled in and melted against the other side. “He’s always been an idiot.”

“But I thought... He came here, maybe three nights ago. I was... I was confused because he didn’t normal come here. He said I was stressed out and everyone was worried for me... He started kissing me and then more than just kissing and-”

“He forced himself on you?” Janus asked, gasping. Virgil shook his head quickly, looking into the other eyes that he wasn’t lying.

“I wanted it. I thought... it’s stupid, but I thought that meant he maybe he liked me back.” Janus nodded sympathetically. “I know he has troubling expressing emotions and he tends to channel that into... sexual advances. I just thought...” Virgil deflated. “I just thought maybe he liked me back.” Janus pulled him in again.

“I meant what I said. Those twins don’t have a clue between them.”

“I feel bad for Roman. I thought everyone knew about his crush on Logan, except Logan himself. And... him too now, I guess.” Virgil wiped his eye with his hoodie, sighing. “I feel like an idiot.”

“Well, love makes you an idiot. Look at me and Patton. It took us how long to figure out that our enemies to lovers’ trope had turned into the ‘lovers’ end of the spectrum?” Virgil giggled. “Love and feelings are complicated. Maybe you should explain all this to him?” Virgil shrugged.

“I’m afraid. I don’t want to be rejected.”

“Rejection is the precursor to closure. It’s very hard to have one without the other.” Virgil sighed.

“That’s about the dumbest thing you’ve ever said.”

“Okay, Mr pessimism, prove me wrong.” Virgil put his hands up, sniffling.

“You’re right.” Janus handed him his yellow handkerchief. “Thank you.” Janus nodded. “I mean it. What I said. I’m sorry.” Janus gave him a small smile.

“I know. I meant what I said too. About understanding why did and said those things. I was upset but I’m getting over it. Your apology helps.” Janus grabbed a set of wipes before cleaning Virgil’s face. “C’mon, let’s eat. We can relieve Patton who is probably stress cooking.” The door opened on cue and Patton meekly stepped inside, holding more plates.

“I made spaghetti.” Janus smiled, a loving look on his face as he beckoned the side over. Virgil would’ve fake gagged but he couldn’t bring himself to ruin this moment. He was too drained. “Get this into you, then go to sleep. Maybe everything will be clearer in the morning.” Virgil somewhat doubted it, but took the side’s word for it anyway. “Everything is gonna be okay.”

In the hallway, Roman took a deep breath before knocking on the door.

“Yes,” The side answered and Roman opened the door. “Ah, Roman. You were in to see Virgil, how is he doing?”

“He’s fine, Logan. He’s not why I’m here though.”

“If this is about your brother and I, I have been made aware it made you uncomfortable. While I’m not sure why, I do apologise. There is nothing between us.”

“You don’t need to apologise. My reaction was my own fault,” Roman said. Logan looked and him confused and opened his mouth, but closed it when he saw Roman shake his head. “I know you and I have our differences but I really do value you as a friend and side and that’s why I was so scared to come and tell you, but I’ve realised I can’t just use that excuse and then get mad when things don’t work out my way.” Logan still looked puzzles so Roman sighed slightly before locking eyes with the logical side. “I like you, Logan. I have for a while. And I never told you because I was too scared and I just didn’t know what I’d do if you said yes. But I’ve realised I can’t just hold all my feelings in until I combust.” There was silence. “It’s okay if you don’t like me back-”

“No, it’s not that,” Logan said. “I don’t... I don’t really understand love. Sexual desire is different but love confuses me. But Roman I-” he trailed off, ruffling his hair. “I feel something for you. I don’t know what it is but it’s strong and I’ve only recently noticed it.” Roman slowly approached Logan, holding out his hands, silently offering to meet Logan halfway if he needs it. Logan grasped his hands. “Could you live with that? With me possibly never being able to love you back.”

“It could be hard, yeah, but I want to try. I care about you Logan, so I want to be with you, however you feel comfortable.” He pulled Logan up, before standing so close to him. “How about touch?” Logan nodded. “Words please, Lo.” 

“I like touch.” Roman wound his arms around the logical side’s waist. Logan frowned slightly. “I don’t know what makes you think you’ll be in charge.” Roman’s face heated up, covering his ears and neck.

“I was just tryna hold you,” he whined and Logan half smirked, half smiled. He leaned down, kissing the fanciful side’s red neck.

“It’s okay, I’m just teasing.” Roman nodded before the logical side moved back up and the two made eye contact. “Can I kiss you?”

“If you don’t, I might hit you.”

“Feisty, I like it.” Roman blushed but before he could say anything, Logan gently placed their lips together and he melted into the logical side’s hold. Things weren’t perfect, but they would be okay. And when the pair woke up the next morning, arms wound around each other, they realised that they would rather be nowhere else but right here, in this moment, together.

Virgil, who woke up squished between Janus and Patton, managed to climb out without waking either of them up. He moved over to his door and, taking a deep breath, opened it. He was surprised to find Remus mid knock. Part of him wanted to close the door and go back to bed but Patton’s words replayed in his mind.

‘Maybe everything will be clearer in the morning.’

“Can we talk?” Virgil nodded and let himself be dragged to the sitting room. He sat down on the couch and let the silence sit for a few minutes. “Why didn’t you just tell me you like me?” Virgil would’ve been shocked but he also half heard Roman and Remus’ argument. Plus, the other side isn’t completely stupid.

“I was afraid I’d be rejected.” Remus was pacing. Virgil couldn’t understand the nervousness until he realised that he was causing it. “Remus, maybe you should sit down-”

“No!” Remus shouted back. Virgil flinched at the sudden loud noise before Remus dropped down into the chair beside him. “I don’t know how all these lovey dovey words work, that’s Roman’s job, but I like you too! Why didn’t you just tell me? I would never have slept with Logan but it seemed like you truly only wanted to relax, you didn’t even cuddle me so I thought-”

“You like me too?” Remus blinked at the other side. 

“I went to you first. I wanted to confess then but I just didn’t want to be rejected. I like you like wasps like Satan.” Virgil choked back a laugh as tears streamed down his face. “What did I say? Why are you crying?” Remus asked, panicking. Virgil shook his head, taking the sides flailing hands.

“It’s okay. They’re happy tears,” Virgil said. Remus still looked worried so Virgil wiped them away. Remus’ hand glided up his arm and neck, hesitating before his cheek, just centimetres away from the skin. Virgil, deciding to be brave, placed his face into Remus’ palm. Remus’ eyes widened before a smile spread across his cheeks. There was no glint, just love in his eyes and Virgil felt the best kind of overwhelmed. Remus’ began to vibrate with excitement before letting out a screech, picking Virgil up and swinging him around. Virgil wrapped his leg around the other’s waist and clutched on for dear life, half screaming himself. 

“This is better than juicy butt holes! This is better than late night thoughts!” Virgil laughed at him, leaning down to touch their foreheads together. Remus, still pumped with adrenaline, placed the other down on the couch before attacking him with kisses and tickles. The happy tears return as Virgil gasped for air, smiling so wide his cheeks hurt.

“Get a room.” Roman teasing voice came. Remus stuck his tongue out before burying his face in Virgil’s neck. The anxious side saw him and Logan’s clasped hands and winked to the two. “If the rest of us have the decency to go to our own rooms, so do you.” Logan nodded. “Plus, I know you’re lanky but you do not get to take up the entire couch. Move over!” The two complied, Virgil going to sit up before Remus pulled him onto his lap, nuzzling his face into the other’s neck gain, leaving soft kisses.

“Oh, we are all up!” Patton said. His eyes landed on the two new couples and they softened. Janus rolled his eyes and his husband’s soft gaze but Virgil saw the same look in his snake eyes. “Janjan, can you help me make breakfast?” Patton asked, entering the kitchen. Janus, as if sensing the change in atmosphere, moved his gaze to the four remained sides. 

“Not a word.” He said. “I mean it.” The other sides nodded, holding back laughs. He left to go help Patton and the room erupted in laughter.

“Guess Janus isn’t as tough as he lets on.” 

Later, that night to be exact, when Remus had Virgil curled up on his chest, half asleep, he just let himself be so thankful he didn’t fuck this up. Virgil, as if sensing the others thoughts, sat up, looking into the creative side’s eyes, smiled.

“You’re stuck with me now.” Remus smirked, pulling the other down for a kiss, hands roaming his bodies. Breaking away, Remus mumbled again his lips;

“You make it sound so difficult.” He kissed him again before pulling back a minute later. “This has been one of my best decisions in my entire existence.” Virgil smiled, his eyes brimming with love. He curled Remus’ hair around his fingers.

“You’re not too bad yourself, shrimpy.”

“Excuse me, I am a kraken!”

“Okay, shrimpy.” Remus smirked.

“ooh, feeling feisty, are we? Guess we’ll have to fix that.” Remus’ hands dug into the other side’s torso, causing his to shriek with laughter. Remus rolled them over, getting the upper hand and attacking Virgil’ tickle spots.

“Mercy! Have mercy!” Virgil said between pants and laughs and Remus finally let up. Virgil panted, a wide stupid grin taking over his features. “You play dirty, octopus.” Remus laughed before shrugging.

“Close enough!” He declared before diving down to kiss his boyfriend endlessly. Virgil couldn’t help but think that Patton was right.

Everything was gonna be okay.

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4 years ago

more texting conversations

Roman: How many bodies you got?

Patton: 10!

Roman: lmao, patton is wild

Patton: yeah, i love all my friends

Virgil: does he- is no one gonna tell him?

Remus: i also have ten (:

*five minutes of silence in the gc*

Janus: and welcome back, guys gals and non-binary pals, to another round of does remus mean murder, s*x or something complete random! Who’s placing bets?!

Logan: 100% murder

Virgil: no, its deffo something random

Remus: Technically, you’re both right but I’m gonna say Virgil’s right but only cause Logan is too insufferable when he’s right

*ten minutes later*



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4 years ago

Roman: met a dumbass today, awful

Virgil, not looking up from his phone: you looked in the mirror?

Roman, look at Virgil dead in the face: someday you will have to answer for your actions and god may not be so merciful.

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4 years ago

“So, technically, Tarzan, at some point, considered himself a furry.” The room was silent.

“You know, you don't have to say everything that comes to mind, right?” Logan said.

“You’ve ruined movie night,” Roman said, sighing dramatically.

“C’mon Ro, that’s a little harsh,” Patton said, patting the fanciful one’s head.

“But Padre-”

“Patton’s right. You contribute utter nonsense too,” Virgil said. “Like how you said Han’s was manipulated into being bad. He clearly was just poorly written.” Roman sulked.

“You#re only defending him cause you two are fu-” Patton shot him a look. “Romantically involved.”

“He’s not wrong though,” Logan said. Roman looked over at him. “No, not you Roman, Virgil is right on that front. But technically, it would make sense if Tarzan would have considered himself a monkey-”

“He was raised by gorillas,” Deceit said, looking up from his cuddling spot. Logan gave him his ‘did-you-really-need-to-interrupt-me’ look.

“Fine then, gorillas, but technically, at some point, he would have considered himself ‘a furry’.”

“We can just change movies?” Patton suggested. “Lion King?”

“Hell yeah, but only if Roman and Remus promise to sing ‘oh I just can’t wait to be king’!” Virgil said.

“Why us?!” They both said in unison. Virgil just stared at them.

“You two are the definition of himbos. Both ripped royalty and not a single brain cell between you.”

It was later that night (yes, after much debate, the two eventually got up and sang the song), after Virgil had cleaned his face and was lying on his stomach, scrolling through his phone on Remus’ bed, did the creative side finally let his guard down.

“I’m tired.”

“Then go to bed.”

“But I need something to cuddle.”

“I’m not tired.” Remus pouted. “Stop pouting and reap the consequences of your actions,” Virgil said, not looking up from his phone. “You can’t stay awake all night and then get annoyed when you're tired.”

“You sound like Patton.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“Must’ve said it wrong.” Virgil shot Remus a look.

“What's bothering you?” Remus opened his mouth to speak. “If you say nothing, I will walk out that door. There’s something wrong.”

“Will Roman ever warm up to me again?” Virgil was quiet but he turned off his phone, signalling to Remus he would listen if that's what he needed. “It’s just when we got split, it was like, ‘omg! I have someone to rely on!’ but now it just seems that he hates me.”

“Do you want advice or do you want to rant?”

“I want advice.”

“Roman has projected his insecurities onto you. Your everything he hates about himself. He’s working on it, yes, and you definitely do not deserve it, but the only advice I can give you is 1, put yourself first, you don’t deserve this and you're free to turn around and leave. Two, give it time, he needs to work on himself a lot. And three, don’t let him get away without apologising.” Remus was silent before Virgil opened his arms. “C’mere, my nightmare.” Remus snuggled into his boyfriend’s chest, curling up to allow them to be the same size. 

“Thank you.”

“It’s okay, I’m here for you.”

Me; *doesn’t post for weeks* also me; “here, have this draft while i deal with shit”

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4 years ago

Patton, trying to come across as aggressive/authoritative: You’re toast, mister!

Roman, a petty himbo: OH YEAH? YOU AND WHO’S TOASTER!?

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4 years ago

Themes: Christmas, no expressed romantic relationships  Warnings: references to sexual things, the odd cuss word Words: 1479 words

“Can someone help me with this oven? I still amn’t used to it,” Patton said, poking his head out from the kitchen door.  

“’amn’t’ isn’t a word, Patton.” Logan said.   

“C’mon specs, don’t just give out to him.” Virgil rose from his seat. “I’ll help, Patton.”  

“Thanks Virgil, I just can't figure out the dials.” The two disappeared into the kitchen as Logan flickered over the page of his book, ignoring Roman’s sharp look.  

“Roman, stop that look with your face, if the wind changes, you’ll be stuck like that,” Janus said, glancing up from his phone. Roman rolled his eyes.  

“Yeah yeah, whatever,” he said, standing up and heading into the kitchen.  

“You should just let Roman be an idiot.”  

“It’s so much more fun to call him out though,” Janus said, smirking. Logan chuckled.  

“Sure, go for it then.”  

“Don’t tell me y’all started the festivities without me!”  

“And risk you placing some gaudy in your face decorations up? It’s a solid no from me,” Virgil said, re-entering the room. “But Pat and I could use your help in the kitchen if you want?” Remus pondered, making a show of putting his hand on his chin and putting on a ‘thinking’ face.   

“Fine,” He said, sighing. “I suppose I shall rescue Christmas with my expert cooking skills.”  

“Yeah sure, whatever shrimpy, get in the kitchen before I change my mind.”  

“Okay, daddy long legs.” Virgil rolled his eyes with a smile.  

“Shut up and help me with the gravy you nuisance to society.”   

“Coming from you, emo, that’s almost a compliment.” Roman said, walking back into the room.  

“Don’t tell Remus, we don’t need his head getting any bigger.” With that, Virgil and Remus disappeared into the kitchen, leaving, Janus, Logan and Roman in the living room.  

“Are you two seriously just going to read all day? It’s Christmas!”  

“You bought the books,” Janus said, not bothering to look up from his book.  

“But now I’m bored.”  

“Go help Patton in the kitchen.” Roman made a farting noise. Logan rolled his eyes. “Very mature,” he said.  

“Thanks, I asked for majority off Santa.”  

“You should’ve asked for a nicer face.”  

“We are literally the same person, idiot.”  

“Don’t call me an idiot, it’s Christmas.” Roman groaned, flopping down on the coach dramatically.  

“It doesn’t feel like Christmas, what with you two doing boring everyday things like reading.”  

“Well, what do you suggest we do?” Janus said, looking up. Logan groaned as a smirk split across Roman’s face.  

“Snow ball fight!”  

There are two things you need to know about the sides. 

1. Never give Roman a challenge 2. Never make Janus feel competitive. 

Once those two rules were broken, all hell broke loose.  

That is precisely how Logan got stuck outside in the cold while Roman and Janus built up defenses fortress’ in the falling snow. Logan was shaking his head at them. Since there was an uneven number, the pair had decided he would be the judge and keep time. He knew this was a very useless role, but also recognized that he could tip the balance and make it an unfair match. 

“On your marks, get set, uhm, throw snow at one another?!  

“Wait no I’m not-”! Roman was cut off by a narrowly missed snowball to the face. He quickly ducked back down.  

“Ha ha, Roman, concede or prepared to be beaten!” Janus said. Roman gave him the fingers before launching a snow ball at the other side. Janus hissed at him before readying his own snow balls.  


“Hey, does anyone else think it's too quiet?” Patton asked. Virgil, who was covered in flour and mashed potatoes sent Patton as murderous look.  

“How is this quiet?” Remus, who was holding the back of flour, was smirking.  

“Ah, he is right. There is not sound coming from the other rooms.”  

“That would be because we left Logan and Janus alone, who were both reading.”  

“Yes, be we also left Roman alone with those two and he always brings out the worst in them.”  

“Dear old baby brother, causing mayhem, I’m so proud!” Remus said, dramatically wiping a tear.  

“You can’t call Roman an ‘old baby’. They cancel each other out.”  

“Get out of here with your facts, slender man.” Patton giggled at that.  

“C’mon, let's go check everything out. We’re just waiting on the turkey to cook, but we have time.” Virgil sighed, wiping down his jacket.   

“I’m going to change, since someone-” he shot a sharp look at the smug Remus “-ruined my jacket.”  

“You should wear your Christmas jumper!” Patton called after him. He and Remus headed to the now empty living room. “Well, that's strange.” 

“Well Christ in orgy, where is everybody.” Before Patton could answer, there was shouting from outside. The two sides looked at one another before heading to the source. They followed the noise out to battle. At this stage, much of each fortress has been destroyed by snowballs and both Janus and Roman were trying to alternate between rebuilding their forts but also attacking their competitor. Logan was watching with bewildered amusement, unable to feel most of the chill anymore. He was the first to notice to new arrivals. 

“Roman wanted to be entertained, so he challenged Janus to a snowball fight,” He explained, gesturing to the current situation.  

“Oooh, that sounds like fun!!”  

“Yeah, we should join in.”  

“Dibs on Remus!” Roman shouted, temporarily cease firing. Janus shot him a sharp look.  

“Don’t worry, Jan, I can build your snowballs and work on keep the fort standing!” Janus softened his glare slightly (though he’d never admit that later)  

“Sure Patton, let’s beat the them!” Remus happily jumped over to his brother’s side.   

“Right Remus, the fort’s falling apart, but I’ve got a reserve of snowballs so I say we just attack all at once and claim a sudden victory.”  

“Sounds good, sugar, spice and everything boring.”  

“That’s not the saying.”  

“I don’t care.”  

“Cease fire ending in 3,” Logan said, cutting off the two groups discussions. “2, 1!” The fighting resumed as the front door opened and Virgil stepped outside, holding two mugs.  

“Hey specs, I got a mocha for you,” he said. “I would’ve brought some for the others but they’re technically exercising which’ll keep them warm.” Logan nodded in agreement, taking the cup into his freezing hands.  

“Thank you, Virgil.”  

“No bother, Lolo,” Virgil said, taking a sip of his own warm drink. “So, who’s winning?”  

“In terms of strategy, technically the twins but only because their plan is more thought out, in comparison to Janus and Patton’s ‘we-figure-it-out-as-we-go-along’ approach,” Roman hollered from behind his fortress at Logan’s words. “That being said, the latter team’s fortress is only partially destroyed, whereas the twins one is almost eradicated, so that would hinder their performance enough for Janus and Patton to win.”  

“It’s not over yet, Roman, so pipe down over there!” Janus called out, launching a snowball at Roman’s crumbling base. Virgil laughed at this.  

“Good to know that even at Christmas, some things never change,” He said.  

“In what way?” Logan asked.  

“Just... well this. The fact that Janus and Roman will always butt heads and drag the rest of us into it,” Virgil said.  

“Yes, but that can be very annoying,” Logan said.  

“Still, I wouldn’t change it for the world.” As Virgil was finishing his sentence Roman and Janus both delivered a strong blow to the opposition. Roman’s tower had crumpled, leaving him exposed, whereas Janus had gotten hit in the face.  

“I win!” They both announced at once. There was a silence before everyone turned to Logan and Virgil.  

“Oh no...” Virgil said.  

“Well Logan?” Janus asked,  

“Who won?” Roman finished.  

“Since you never actually expressed what would count as a victory, whether it be knocking your opponent out or crumbling their fort, technically both of you and neither of you win.”  

“Huh?” the two said at once.  

“You never told him what qualifies as victory so you both lose,” Virgil said, downing the rest of his drink. “So congrats, you wasted your own time and now you’re cold.” Janus and Roman exchanged a look before firing a snowball at the two judges. “Oi! Fuck-!” Another snowball landed with a thud on Virgil’s face. “Right then, Logan, let’s get these assholes.”  


Soon, all six were hurling handfuls of snow at one another. Patton would hardly call them balls, more like clumps. The competitive air that had hung around before was gone now, leaving the six sides cackling and laughing at their own antics. Patton stopped for a moment, taking in the scene before him. He let a grin spread across his face as laughter filled up the mind palace.   

His moment was quickly cut short by a snow ball to the head, but we can’t have everything. 

All is well. 

Well, hello. I’m still alive (somewhat). Lost all motivation and creativity but I’m back now! I am in a very stressful school year so I will update when I can. Thank you to everyone who stayed and welcome to everyone who followed.

And happy holidays to everyone who celebrates and happy ‘thank-fuck-2020-is-nearly-over’ to everyone who doesn’t!

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4 years ago

“A toast!” Everyone in the room looks up as Janus stands up, his chair screetching behind him. He’s sat at the top of the table. They’re all here, sitting at the long dining table. Everyone, including Thomas, who sits at the other end, looks up to the deceitful side but he’s only loooking at Virgil. “A toast,” Janus repeats. “To Virgil.” The room is quiet and Virgil feels everyone’s silent gazes swing to him. “To Virgil.” He razes his glass, the red liquid slopshing slightly. Virgil feels his dread building but he can’t look away. He’s gaze is frozen on the other side. “Always the protector,” he begins, his eyes shifting form brown to yellow. “never the protected.”

Virgil’s world comes crashing down around him. His vision begins to blur as he sees them all raise their glasses. They’re look at him. They’re all looking at him. He sees their lips moving but he can’t hear them over his own heartbeat in his ear. He wants to speak, but his vocal cords are gone. His throat is throbbing and he thinks someone might ripped them out of his throat. He wants to say something, anything, but he can’t. He’s helpless.

He’s alone.

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3 years ago

I’m yelling at the void but idc

(Yes, hello, i changed my username and profile picture. and IRL found my account and I felt like a change)

But just. The way Thomas has set up Logan’s ark (something I’ve been screaming over) makes me wanna scream /pos

Because we’ve talked about Logan wanting to be taken seriously but at the same time being allowed to be goofy and emotional, not enough, but its been mentioned. But its interesting how uncomfortable that makes him. Like he fight to be taken seriously because he wants to be respected, something that the rest of the sides half do. Like Roman’s name calling is a sign of disrespect because he aims at what he knows will knock Logan down. Like this isn’t me attacked Roman, the feud is 100% two-side a lot of the time.

But I’d love to see an ark of Logan trying to balance the fact that Thomas is not a serious person, but that Logan is and instead of one bending to the other, they need to accept the faults in each other and work together.

This is a stream of consciousness post so forgive me if it makes no sense

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3 years ago

sander sides Harry Potter au

There’s not much to headcannon about when it comes to which houses they would be sorted into because they already told us what they wanted there houses be

Patton is a hufflepuff 

Logan is ravenclaw

Roman is gryffindor 

And Virgil is the reason I made this post I headcannon that in a hogwarts setting he would be a squib maybe a groundskeeper in training that’s why he feels out of place and why he is so insecure 

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6 years ago
I Joked With @cherryleevee About Sander Sides In Osomatsu-San Style. To Both Our Surprise They Actually
I Joked With @cherryleevee About Sander Sides In Osomatsu-San Style. To Both Our Surprise They Actually
I Joked With @cherryleevee About Sander Sides In Osomatsu-San Style. To Both Our Surprise They Actually
I Joked With @cherryleevee About Sander Sides In Osomatsu-San Style. To Both Our Surprise They Actually
I Joked With @cherryleevee About Sander Sides In Osomatsu-San Style. To Both Our Surprise They Actually
I Joked With @cherryleevee About Sander Sides In Osomatsu-San Style. To Both Our Surprise They Actually
I Joked With @cherryleevee About Sander Sides In Osomatsu-San Style. To Both Our Surprise They Actually

I joked with @cherryleevee about Sander Sides in Osomatsu-San style. To both our surprise they actually look kinda good! (And then I went overboard and drew like 12 of them :”D )

Sander Sides by @thatsthat24 / Thomas Sanders (you can watch the first episode here!)

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