School Tips - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago


Advice posts:

Small things you can do to help keep somewhat sane when life is chaos incarnate

Tips for a super busy life with add-on by lilliesandlovebirds

How I prep for a new semester at uni

STEM writing advice

schedule time for yourself

Broke college student tip: cook

Overwhelming failure

Small changes make big impacts

Gathered school advice

advice for new college students

Failure is normal and a part of the learning process

tips for playing catch up

Getting back into school


How to bounce back from failing a test

How to get a good work/life balance

 Study stuff:

review/summary pages

Testing tips: minutes before the test

Fun ways to help stay focused while studying

A survival guide for finals week

different study methods

How I condense notes for quick reviews

Testing tip

My 20 Favorite Language Learning Tips

Autism and School


Productivity and disability

One of my favorite productivity tips:

Healthy productivity

don’t be productive all the time

How to make the most out of a sick day

slow mornings

How I limit my productivity and why you probably should too


Easy and cheap study snacks: stuffed croissants

failing is ok

academic wins

Easy, fast and cheap foods for under $5


Things I learned from failing classes

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1 year ago

back to school glow up!

part one: physical enhancements (link to pt 2)

Back To School Glow Up!

disclaimer, these are all just ideas & things i like to do for myself - u don't need any of this i just like being extra lmfao

◦buy cute new clothes (or find new ways to style clothes u already have!)

◦get a fresh haircut

◦go to the gym

◦get a signature perfume

◦do your nails

◦get a tan (use sunscreen tho ofc)

◦take a break from face makeup - give your skin a break!!

◦use lash serum

◦restock on makeup or buy new products - im making a post on my makeup recommendations soon <3

◦practice hairstyles (i highly recommend mastering heatless curls! they're sooo convenient + cute)

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1 year ago

ADHD competitiveness…

IDK about you guys but I cannot focus on ANY task in school or pretty much otherwise unless I’m competing. I don’t know if this is just my personality or if it is an aspect of ADHD but I guess this could be a strength/tip in some way.

If you are struggling with executive disorder, make it a competition! I swear, it really does work at least 85% of the time. Give it a try!

Comment/reblog your thoughts and personal take on this please, I’m curious about your opinions!

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1 year ago

School Tips #2

You guys seemed too really like the last one so here are some more school tips!

Work your butt off in the first three weeks and usually you can start to slack off a little bit after that. Trust me, it does really work. Generally I like to make an amazing, hardworking impression in the first month and then after that, my teachers give me a bit more leeway when it comes to assignments, being late to class, being sassy, etc. However this won’t save you from everything- keep up the good work because you still want good grades, right?

Have a pack of pens/pencils that you have at least two writing utensils spare. Stuff gets lost, broken, and stolen and you do not want to be the student wasting precious testing time to beg your friends silently for a pencil. Be the person your friends are begging to! It definitely gives you brownie points, it’s such a lifesaver.

Have a spare pair of clothes in your locker. Please! You can spill stuff, fall in mud, get pit stains after gym, and have a nice set of clothes to change into. No one wants to be the dirty person everyone else has to suffer through sitting with! And to my folks who menstruate, this is even more important. Bring some spare underwear and a pair of comfy (preferably dark colored) shorts/sweats. Also, if your buddy ever needs a spare clothing item, you will gain a lot of kindness given to you if you lend it to them. That’s it for now but comment below if you’ve got a question or tip!

Good luck and good day to all of you!

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6 months ago

Lazy Student (Study) Tips

The best study techniques (in general) are the SPQR method, flashcards, mind maps, split pages, teaching the content to other people, past papers and blurting

Free time tip : Carry flashcards or split pages around and test yourself with them whenever you have time to waste (during tv breaks, waiting for the bus ..)

Know your worst topics in all subjects and find resources for every single one of them. Since you know your weaknesses, you can ask for help from your teachers. If your teachers aren’t reliable (like mine lol), make a list of resources you can use to self study, and then self study whenever you can

Find your ideal study routine by testing out different environments: can you study for 1hr in a row or do you need breaks in between? Do you work best at night or during the day? 

Mentally go over 1 topic (your hardest) before bed

Best resources : Knowt (quizlet replacement), cheatography (study guides), ocean of pdf (free pdf site for literally anything), khan academy, ck12 (textbooks per grade, study guides, exercises for free)

Best study youtube channels for more study tips: Fayefilms, Cajun Koi Academy, Amy Wang, Han Zhango, Mike Dee, Study to Success, Crash Course, Tina Huang, Ali Abdaal

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6 months ago

Lazy Student (Study) Tips

The best study techniques (in general) are the SPQR method, flashcards, mind maps, split pages, teaching the content to other people, past papers and blurting

Free time tip : Carry flashcards or split pages around and test yourself with them whenever you have time to waste (during tv breaks, waiting for the bus ..)

Know your worst topics in all subjects and find resources for every single one of them. Since you know your weaknesses, you can ask for help from your teachers. If your teachers aren’t reliable (like mine lol), make a list of resources you can use to self study, and then self study whenever you can

Find your ideal study routine by testing out different environments: can you study for 1hr in a row or do you need breaks in between? Do you work best at night or during the day? 

Mentally go over 1 topic (your hardest) before bed

Best resources : Knowt (quizlet replacement), cheatography (study guides), ocean of pdf (free pdf site for literally anything), khan academy, ck12 (textbooks per grade, study guides, exercises for free)

Best study youtube channels for more study tips: Fayefilms, Cajun Koi Academy, Amy Wang, Han Zhango, Mike Dee, Study to Success, Crash Course, Tina Huang, Ali Abdaal

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6 months ago

how to preserve your mental health at school

School is probably one of the most mentally taxing things a teen can go through. It certainly is mine. With the pressure to be the best, to get ahead, and to generally succeed, it's hard to not be affected. The mental strain is unavoidable, and I struggled with it for most of my school years, but over time that has led me to find tips that could help anyone going through this cope.

There are a few signs that can tell you whether or not you are being severely affected. You might be unmotivated and apathetic throughout the school day, and just because of school itself. You might feel like crying in school during the whole day and every day. Reasons can range from academic pressure to bullying and social ostracization to feeling inferior to your over achieving classmates.(If it's bullying, please tell someone who can help you) But here's some tips that might help based on what I learned from experience:

Find a piece of comfort (that you can come back to whenever you feel bad) .It can be a show, anime, song , movie, fanfic, manga , book, food, piece of clothing, or really just about anything (my recs are saiki k, ghibli songs and movies) . It’s best to have multiple just in case you get too used to 1 of them.

Get a support system: the way you can get this may differ based on your specific problem but here’s some ideas : make new friends offline or online (best app is slowly) and strengthen your existing relationships with friends and family.

Find a 3rd place which is not electronic: A third place is any public area away from homes and school/work ,where people meet and interact in an open environment. But the real challenge is not making your 3rd place your device .It's hard but here are some ideas for a 3rd place : libraries, arcades, gym, yoga place, sport club, skateparks, playgrounds, parks, coffee shops and cafes, bodegas. Make sure to choose a place where you feel comfortable. 

Get enough sleep: being tired will just make you feel so much worse. Never underestimate the power of a good night's sleep. Just to make it extra too, listen to some calming music, light candles and wear your fanciest sleepwear.

Put your mind on other things and focus on finding things that'll make you proud of yourself: You could get new hobbies, especially creative ones since those allow you to express yourself easily. Some examples are crocheting, embroidery, drawing, painting, sculpting, pottery, dancing, writing music, performance art and writing (stories, poetry, essays)

Take a leap of faith: create or design something based on your interests and skills and share it with the world. This can develop into being your own personal extracurricular activity. It might be scary but that's what makes it so rewarding in the end.

1) Video editing : post videos on your favorite subject and post on tiktok or youtube 2) Fashion and Photography : take pictures of yourself wearing cute clothes (or just your fav ones) and post them on your social media 3) Painting and Sustainability : paint an exhibit and display it in public 4) Volunteering and Social Media: make and run the official Instagram account of a local business 5) Gaming : make a game on roblox 6) Reading: start a book review blog These are just a few pretty ambitious ideas. You don’t have to follow these. Create your own project, it all depends on who you are. Take the best out of all of you (pieces of your soul) and create a masterpiece. If you don't have any interests (post on tips coming soon) just make something out of your skills . Make sure to only take on a project if you have time and resources.

Lastly, this is a tip I got from Quora. It’s to make a slow nights document. You can write this down on paper or open a doc and write down your comforts, favorite movie, favorite art pieces, places you’d like to go in the future, what you think your life will be in 10 years and so on. Just write things that will make you you.

School can make you feel drained, insecure and hurt for so many reasons. It may end up in you being numb and apathetic. In most cases, the problems you have can’t be solved by just forcing yourself to look at the bright side or forcing yourself to avoid or ignore them. They are real issues. And when asking for tips on the internet isn’t enough, I hope this post will help you. It probably didn’t solve all your problems, but I hope it showed you a way to go. Thank you for reading and Good Luck 

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