Shingeki No Kyojin X Reader - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

can you do a headcanon of Eren, Armin, Levi and Jean (AOT) with a small girlfriend like 1,50 m (I think It's 5'0)?

Attack on Titan ~With a small reader~

Manga/anime: Attack on Titan

Warnings: nothing

Eren Y.

He loves to pat you on the head

He also loves when you hug him and your head sinks into his chest

When you've on his clothes, he'll blush a lot; once he almost risked turning into a titan: he was hurt and he thought he wanted to hold you in his arms so much that, if Levi hadn't been there, he would have become a titan

He's very, very protective

He loves so much when you grab him by the collar of his shirt to lower him to your level and kiss him

Armin A.

Since he isn't one of the tallest, he's happy you're shorter than him: you make him more confident

He loves when you're curled up in his lap while you two read

He also loves to give you kisses on the forehead: this is the only place he can kiss you without blushing or stuttering

Like Eren, he loves when you grab him by the collar of his shirt to kiss him; every time you do it, he blushes a lot

His nicknames are like "my little one" or "my little ray of sunshine"

Levi A.

Like Armin, he isn't tall, so he's very glad about that

When you need to take something that's higher than you, he has no problem picking you up, so you can take it

He thinks you're cute

He'll pick you up and place you on his desk to kiss you

When you wear his clothes, he'll turn his head away and, if you pay attention, you'll see his cheeks turn slightly pink

Jean K.

He loves teasing you, but not in a mean way

Like Eren, he loves when you hug him and your head sinks into his chest, especially while you cuddle yourself

He loves when you're kissing and you wrap your hands around his neck to pull him closer

His nicknames are like "chibi" or "baby-girl"

He loves a lot when you ask him for help catching something up high (he often puts objects up high so that you always ask him for help)

Thank you for the request and sorry if the characters were OOC. Bye bye!

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1 year ago

can you do a headcanon of the warriors (aot) reacting to you hugging them?

by warriors i mean:






falco (if you write for him)

Attack on Titan ~Hugging them for the first time~

Anime/manga: Attack on Titan

Warnings: nothing

I thought by "reacting to you hugging them" you meant: "reacting to you hugging them for the first time". Sorry if I was wrong.

Reiner B.

He didn't expect it, so he'll stop himself for a second

After, he'll return the hug

He'll ask you why you hugged him

He'll stay to hug you for as long as possible because he'll want to imprint the feeling of you hugging him well in his memory

When you part from the hug, he'll give you a kiss on your forehead

Bertholdt H.

He'll blush so much you'll think he's about to faint

"W-what a-are you doing?"

He'll remain still, literally: he'll become a statue

But, when you try to move yourself away from him, he'll hold you close to him

"P-please, stay close to me a little longer."

Porko G.

Typically, he's the one who hugs you first, and you'll surprise him

However, he'll return the hug, placing one of his arms on your waist and the other under your legs, and he'll pick you up

When you try to budge yourself, he'll tell you to stay and hold you tighter

"I didn't say you could move yourself."

The hug will end with a kiss

Zeke Y.

Since he isn't used to receiving physical affection, you'll surprise him and he'll stay still for a second

Afterwards, he'll giggle and hug you back

"Oya oya? Do you miss me that much?"

One of his arms will go around your waist, the other will be behind your head to bring you even closer to him

He'll try to stay in that position as much as possible

Colt G.

Like Bertholdt, he'll brush and stay motionless

"Colt, are you ok?" "Y-yes!"

When he resumes, he'll want to hug you tightly

However, he won't know where to put his hands: he'll be afraid of embarrassing you or making you feel uncomfortable

Eventually, he'll place them on your upper back

Falco G.

He didn't expect it, and, like his brother, he won't know where to put his hands

In the end, he'll put his hands on your waist and hold you tight

"Honey, are you ok? Do you need something?" "No, darling. I just wanted to hug you a little." "Oh."

He'll want to stay in that position for as long as possible

When you separate from the hug, he'll give you a sweet kiss on the cheek

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1 year ago

Attack on Titan ~Characters with a reader who brings all the dead back to life and rules the world~

Manga/anime: Attack on Titan

Warnings: spoilers of all the dead

Requested by: @happybunny999

Eren loves you very much, not only because you were able to bring his parents back to life, but also because you helped him to control his powers. He'll appreciate you reviving everyone he kills: he'll feel slightly better. Plus, when he comes back to life, he'll love trying to make up for all the mistakes and crimes he committed and he'll continue to thank you.

Armin understands why you save everyone without distinction, and he appreciates you so much for it. He'll feel very happy when you save Bertholdt and Erwin, since he'll no longer feel the weight of their deaths on him, and Eren. He hope one day you won't have to resurrect anyone anymore.

Mikasa appreciated you when you brought her parents back to life, but she'll appreciate you even more after you resurrect Eren. However, at first she hated you because you also resurrected her enemies. She didn't understand why you did it, and she was one of those who were against allowing you to act freely: she believed you needed to be carefully monitored.

Jean thought Marco was one of the unjustly dead, so, after you brought him back to life, he literally ran to hug you and burst into tears. Now he's at your complete disposal: do you need help? He's there for you. Do you need a shoulder to cry on? He's there. Do you need something? You'll have it right away.

Sasha's closest relatives aren't dead, so she doesn't have some sort of "debt" to you, like most soldiers. However, she still values you very much, especially since you don't think of yourself as better for your power and you don't treat others with superiority. She acts with more bravado because she knows you'll always save her.

Connie and his family are grateful to you: you saved their entire family! Whenever he can, he invites you to eat with him as thanks, because he thinks it's the only thing he can do for you and because his little siblings adore you and ask a lot of you. Like Sasha, he acts with more bravado ("Even if I die, she'll save me!").

Ymir doesn't care about you: she doesn't care who you save, as she's uninterested in anything but Historia. However, she'll appreciate you brought her back to life because then she'll be able to spend more time with her beloved.

Historia feels safe when you're on her team during expeditions because she knows no matter what happens, you'll save everyone. However, she made you promise you wouldn't save her if she died, but she'll change her mind after you bring Ymir back to life. When she becomes queen, she'll want you by her side, but she'll also let you go on expeditions to save soldiers.

Annie considered you dangerous: she never cared about anything other than fighting, so she didn't understand the reason for resurrecting the dead. Furthermore, she had seen the influence you had on others, and she therefore feared at some point you might change her goals. However, after she has grown fond of some of her companions (Armin), she'll appreciate you, especially when she discovers you've brought her dead warrior companions back to life.

Reiner always felt the full weight of his actions, which led to the death of many innocent people, so, after you resurrected everyone, he felt lighter and better. However, like Annie, he had noticed being around you was making him softer, so he always tried to stay away from you. Nevertheless, after Eren's "death", he'll appreciate you for all the lives you saved, and he'll thank you for saving his comrades, especially Marcel and Porko.

Unlike his two friends, Bertholdt loved you very much from your first meeting: according to him you were a sort of goddess, not only because of your very powerful and beautiful power, but also because of your humble and sweet character, which led you to save them, the enemies, too.

When you brought Furlan, Isabel and his mother back to life, Levi was shocked: he was a mixture of happiness and disbelief; he ran to you and hugged you tightly, crying slightly. Now he has officially become your bodyguard: he'll always protect you, even dying for you (you'll resurrect him anyway).

Hange loves, loves being with you and asking you questions about your power: they're very interested in knowing its exact workings and scope and limits. They love your kindness, even if they had previously told you they would have preferred you didn't save all the enemies, but you had very kindly made them understand how everyone is innocent in that world.

For Erwin, you're a very important resource, even more than Eren, not only because you bring people back to life, but also because of your knowledge. He'll appreciate very much you resurrected his father, whose death he always blamed himself and whose burden he always felt, and himself, because in this way he'll be able to satisfy his greatest desire, that of seeing the cellar of Eren's house.

Falco burst into tears when you brought his brother back to life: he literally ran into your arms, crying and still thanking you. He already appreciated you before, since your name had already spread in Marley with the warriors' return, but now his respect for you has skyrocketed. He wants to spend as much time as possible with you, asking you questions and being "pampered" by you.

Porko was shocked when he found his brother alive, telling him he had been brought back to life by a girl, in front of him. That day he promised himself he would find you and thank you properly, even if you were with the enemy. So he did: after being devoured by Falco and brought back to life by you, he went to you and thanked you (although with quite a bit of difficulty) both on his own behalf and that of his brother.

Thanks to you, Zeke met his father, who had expressed the desire to be able to make peace with his eldest son, again, and he was also able to see again what he considered his father: Xaver. He feels grateful to you, because he managed to make peace with his real father and his half-brother, and he also promised you he'll do anything to pay off what he considers his debt to you.

Ymir Fritz sees you as a reference figure, almost like a sister. Since you've ruled the world since its dawn, she often asks you for help with her powers. Furthermore, when she's with you, she feels considered: you're the first person since the fall of her kingdom who considers her as a human being, who defends her from King Fritz.

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1 year ago

Attack on Titan ~Characters with a black reader like Neo-Queen Serenity~

Manga/anime: Attack on Titan

Warnings: spoilers of all the death

Requested by: @happybunny999

Some information about the reader:

- Reader can magically heal the sick and injured and bring the dead or an entire world and its population back to life with the Silver Crystal.

Probably, Eren is intrigued by you and your powers and he finds they're complementary to his: he destroys and kills, you create, heal and give life. He has a sincere feeling of affection for you; he also wants to protect you, especially during expeditions. Before he dies, he'll want to see you to tell you he loves you and to ask you not to bring him back to life after his death.

Armin is completely fascinated by you: he's interested in your appearance, your powers and your character. He's the one of the trio who wants to spend more time with you to know more about you; unlike Eren, he would rather be close to you than protect you from afar. In fact, he uses any excuse to be with you.

Mikasa can't stand you: she's wary of you because she thinks you're a spy who'll deceive and betray them. Whatever you do, she always criticizes you; she does everything to keep Eren and Armin away from you and to face you in fights, which you always win, increasing her hatred for you. After Eren's death, she'll never want to see you again: she won't forgive you for not saving Eren.

Jean has appreciated you since you brought Marco back to life. Both quickly became your closest friends along with Armin, and you and Jean often spend time together. He's your protector and your shoulder to cry on and he does everything to make you happy. The more time passes, the more he'll become a big brother figure to you.

Sasha and Connie quickly became fond of you. They like to play with your Silver Crystal, but they're often scolded by you or their superiors either because they lose it, or because they risk breaking it. After Sasha dies and you bring her back to life, both will run up to you and hug you tightly, thanking you. At the end of the final battle against Eren, they'll ask you to live with them.

Ymir and Historia were very wary of you, especially the first, who kept the second away from you for fear you would harm her. However, it was Ymir who first opened up to you after you gave a beautiful speech about life to her beloved, who had asked you not to bring her back to life if she died. After you bring Ymir back to life, they'll often invite you to have tea with them.

Annie thought you were dangerous, especially for her and her companions, because she feared you could take away their powers or nullify all their actions. Like Mikasa, she also wants to train with you, especially because she realizes she's improving a lot since fighting you. Eventually, after you beat Eren, she'll start to like you more than before, even if you two will never be best friends.

The more time passed, the more Reiner and Bertholdt became fond of you. They feel lighter in your company, as if they were normal boys; furthermore, they appreciate you're saving everyone, both allies and enemies. When you bring Bertholdt back to life, both will want to take you to Marley, but they'll accept your refusal and beg you to be safe.

Levi was weirded out by you: he didn't understand how you could be so kind and how you could bring everyone back to life, including enemies. However, he soon began to appreciate you and realized no one is totally wrong or right in their world. He'll be very happy after you heal all his wounds, and he'll thank you so much.

Hange and Erwin love talking to you and discovering your powers more and more, even if in a different way: the first analyzes you (not like their titans, though) and studies your Silver Crystal, the second often chats with you. In the end, before dying, both will ask you not to bring them back to life, saying their death would have been necessary for their companions' growth.

Ymir Fritz didn't understand you: she has always been trained to defeat and kill enemies, but you save everyone without distinction. Now, she understands you slightly more, although not completely. She's very interested in your powers, since you're both special; whenever she can, she spends time with you, chatting and hanging out with you.

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1 year ago

Attack on Titan ~Characters with a reader with outworldly powers~

Manga/anime: Attack on Titan

Warnings: spoilers of all the manga

Requested by: @happybunny999

Like you, Eren too has enormous, very powerful powers, so he understands you in a way. He always finds himself in tune with you and loves to talk and exchange opinions with you about your powers. You two have established such a close friendship (in fact, you're the only one who can convince him to do or not do something) he'll ask Armin to protect you before dying.

For Armin you're very similar to Eren, especially due to your powers. In fact, he cares about you as much as he cares about him. He's also interested in you and in your powers because he thinks they could save everyone and you could convince Marley to talk to Eldia and not to fight against it. He'll want to protect you after Eren entrusts you to him.

Even for Mikasa, you and Eren are similar, and she appreciates you very much for always saving and keeping him safe. She wants to fight against you to improve and to be able to save Eren too and, when she needs help to convince him not to do stupid things, she comes to you for help. After Eren's death, she'll want to be with you, since she considers you like a sister.

Jean loves training with you, especially because you teach him tricks to beat an opponent in an easy to understand way. Probably, he's one of the few who doesn't try to protect you: he regularly fights against you, he knows how strong you are and you can protect yourself very well on your own and would defeat all those who should attack you.

Sasha and Connie always ask you for help with their pranks! It all started when you collided with them while they were running away: you made them invisible with your powers, and from there you became their "partner in crime". After Sasha's death, Connie will be closer to you ("I've already lost her, I won't lose you too.").

At first Ymir wasn't interested in you, but then she started to appreciate you more and more because you saved and helped Historia several times. She regularly comes to you for advice on combat and how to best use her titan powers. Furthermore, shortly before dying, she'll entrust Historia to you.

Historia wasn't interested in you at first either, but she started to gain confidence quicker than Ymir when you two were put together in hand-to-hand combat. She's grateful to you for all the times you saved and helped her and, after becoming queen, she'll ask you to become her bodyguard.

Like Jean, Annie too loves to train with you, although she does it not so much to improve to be able to defeat as many giants as possible, but to be able to defeat you and then take you to Marley. However, it'll be after seeing how you fight fiercely to get Eren back with you again she'll deeply admire you.

Reiner and Bertholdt think you know they're actually spies, in fact one day they even tried to capture you, but they didn't succeed; nevertheless, they're actually very surprised you never reported them. Therefore, they still try to capture you, even if all their plans fail. Ironically, the more desperate their attempts to bring you to Marley, the more you'll form a sort of friendship!

Levi has always been very protective of you. At first he was this only because Erwin told him so, then he started to become very fond of you and protect you because he wanted it. During Survey Corp's expeditions, he orders you to stay close to him and not move away from him (once you did, and he was terribly anxious you might die).

Hange and Erwin are very intrigued and interested in your powers. You're always at the center of their plans, especially in Erwin's, since he considers you a very important resource: in fact, he wanted to protect you, so he entrusted you to Levi's protection. Instead, unlike Erwin, who prefers to protect you from afar, Hange prefers to be close to you, especially talking to you about your powers.

Ymir Fritz was very surprised the first time you two met, especially due to your powers. She often asks you for help in controlling her powers, and she's always very happy to spend time with you. In fact, after she dies, she'll be really happy you'll be able to meet her in the Paths and, before disappearing after Eren's death, she'll thank you for always being with her.

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7 months ago

Hay if your not busy could you please do Aot characters x a black reader who has multiverse powers or has god mode ability

Attack on Titan ~Characters with a black reader able to go to other worlds~

Manga/anime: Attack on Titan

Warnings: spoilers of all the manga

At first, Eren and Mikasa didn't know what to think of you: you were... strange, for them. However, Eren changed his mind after you took him to another world without titans, and Mikasa appreciated you accordingly. Now, they both appreciate you, especially the boy, who would like to learn from you how you managed to master such great power.

Armin is so fascinated by you! Whenever he can, he asks you about all the worlds you can teleport to, because he wants to learn about the landscape, the culture of any inhabitants, any powers present... In addition, if you take him to see other worlds, he'll literally be at your feet. After Eren's death, he might ask you to live with him in another world.

Initially, Jean was only very intrigued by your appearance, since it was the first time he had seen someone with darker skin than his, but you managed to make him adore you very quickly. Like Armin, he's curious about the other worlds you can visit, and he often asks you about them; moreover, he'll be delighted if you take him with you on one of your trips to another world.

Sasha and Connie had stars in their eyes when you revealed you were able to travel to different worlds! They ask you to see other worlds literally every hour, and they might get really offended if you refuse (they once got down on their knees and begged you to teleport them to other worlds, and they would have remained there if the superiors hadn't been there).

From the first moment they had seen you, Annie, Reiner and Bertholdt had known you were special and, after realizing your powers, they had decided to take you to Marley with them. After their failure, they reevaluated you: Annie was happy to hear you during her time locked in the crystal she had created, Reiner finds peace with you and Bertholdt was surprised by your kindness in trying to make his death less painful by teleporting him to another world.

Naturally, Levi was very wary of you when you first met: you had a strange appearance and powers of dubious origin, so it took you a while to convince him you were on the side of the Survey Corps. He'll always remember the day when, to show off your powers, you took him to a parallel universe where he lived with his mother and his friends (he even got a little emotional).

Hange and Erwin had the same thought of you: you would be useful to the Survey Corps. Hange immediately began analyzing your powers, later communicating the results of their experiments to Erwin, who started to create his plans with you and Eren as the focal points. Furthermore, the three of you often have tea and talk about the other existing worlds you know about. You're truly an amazing trio, full of resources and ideas!

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11 months ago

serpent’s tongue ♡.°୭̄ à­šà­§

Serpents Tongue .
Serpents Tongue .
Serpents Tongue .
Serpents Tongue .
Serpents Tongue .

divider by @lil-liaa

╰┈➀ summary; aot guys pleasuring you with their split tongue

╰┈➀ includes; modern! au, gn! afab! reader (reader isn’t really mentioned much), oral (reader! receiving), face-sitting, hair pulling (character! receiving), 69, vouyerism(?) in porcos’ (he eats you out in front of reiner), finger-fucking, eren jeager, connie springer and porco galliard with a split tongue, everyone’s 18+

╰┈➀ a/n; pls lemme know if you have any issues with the tags (I don’t want to make people uncomfortable, that’s the last thing I want) minors DNFI this is 18+ content!, blank blogs dni. this can be read by anyone (eg. transmascs, non binary’s, poc etc.) apologies if this isn’t the best smut fic out there, I’m a bit rusty. also HAPPY EASTER to those that celebrate! hope you have plenty of chocolate this Easter <3

Serpents Tongue .


eren is DESPERATE to have you sit on his face, just place your juicy cunt on his face, he doesn’t care. worried about taking his breath away? he doesn’t gaf, sit on his face already

he knows how to use his tongue, he may not have slept around much but he’s a quick learner, so he knows which buttons to push to make you reach your high quickly, his split tongue comes in perfect for doing the job, makes it 10x more pleasurable

tug on his hair, PLEASE, he’s a whore for having his hair pulled, like he’ll full on whimper whilst eating you out if you do that, and the vibrations just add so much more to the experience

oh btw if he’s grown a bit of facial hair, you bet your ass it just makes it feel 100x better, with the feeling of his stubble against your nether regions justđŸ˜«

Serpents Tongue .


favourite position to eat you out is 69

he loves the feeling of your moans’ vibrating deliciously against his cock, it just gets him even more eager in the act

not only does he have a split tongue, but he also has a tongue piercing, so that means double the pleasure

loves tongue fucking you whilst rubbing his nose against your clit

he’s a very messy eater, I’m talking juices everywhere, from his entire face to his neck and chest area, you don’t know how the hell he manages to get it there but it’s hot either way

Serpents Tongue .


porco is probably the worst when it comes to containing his urges

like when you’re at a party, my guy’s one minute away from tearing your bottom half clothes clean off and diving straight into that pussy

he has a massive oral fixation, like massive

one time when you guys were at reiners’, casually hanging out and porco just had to drag you into reiners’ room (he was in the living room) and eat you out there, finger fucking you whilst desperately licking at your clit with his split tongue

reiner, not knowing what he was walking into, entered the room, a blush evident on his cheeks at the sight of porco in between your legs, slurping your juices as if he was parched

you obviously noticed reiner first, feeling a rush of excitement at the knowledge of someone, your boyfriends’ hot friend, watching you in such a lewd position

porco removed his mouth, causing you to whine at the sudden halt in pleasure

“are ya’ gonna stand there, gaping like a fish? or are ya’ gonna watch?” porco huffed out, clearly pussy drunk, before shoving his mouth back where it belongs

Serpents Tongue .

© content belongs to @huboi on tumblr, DO NOT REPOST ON ANY SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS WHATSOEVER

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11 months ago






╰┈➀ serpents’ tongue [gn! afab! reader] — smut

summary; modern au! aot men with a split tongue (eren jeager, connie springer, porco galliard)




đ–„” . ê’°Ë”ËŠáŻ…Ë‹Ë”ê’± 🍼 mmm, there seems to be no more content, care to head back to masterlists ?

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2 years ago

their favorite parts of the braiding process


summary: lmfao it’s just the title

genre | includes: headcanons, sfw, black reader, gn reader, established relationship

characters: eren jaeger, mikasa ackerman, armin arlert, sasha braus, jean kirschtein, connie springer, levi ackerman, hange zoe, erwin smith, historia reiss, ymir (not fritz), reiner braun, annie leonhardt, bertholdt hoover, marco bodt, miche zacharius, nanaba, zeke jaeger, yelena, onyankopon, pieck finger, porco galliard

author’s note: got my hair done a few days ago and i’ve been experiencing insane aot brainrot so here we are. ignore the way these got progressively longer lol. this was fun and i have some other ideas, maybe college won’t kill me before i post them. enjoy and lemme know what you think :)


the take down – you can’t really place them. they never want you to take your old hair out, but are all giggly with the scissors when you assert that it’s time. they can’t help it. even with all the build-up on your scalp, they think the return of your natural hair is something out of a fairy tale. they love the curl pattern left in your hair after weeks of being in braids and they love separating the braiding hair from your own. the scene stays the same: you’re on a pillow on the floor between their knees while a shitty hallmark romcom plays on the tv in front of you. both of you are armed with rattail and wide tooth combs, mentally preparing for all the shedding and breakage you’ll be brushing off the couch for the next few weeks. it’s routine at this point for them to jokingly hover the open scissors over the part of your braid where you know damn well your hair is and ask if they can cut from there. it’s also routine for the scissors to get snatched right out of their hands as you proceed to cut way below where your hair could logically be because “after all the time i spent fighting people in walmart for the mielle oil, i better have a natural 40 inch buss down under all this xpressions”. 

EREN, ymir, PIECK, zeke (cut your hair like an inch from the scalp while removing butterfly locs one time and, to this day, you’ve never seen someone more terrified), nanaba, YELENA, onyankopon

the wash – they’re probably more excited about your hair getting washed than you are. they miss giving you scalp massages without having 6 weeks worth of gel and leave in conditioner left under their nails. what they didn’t get was why it took so long. it probably sparked an argument because they never spend that much time washing their hair, so why do you? it wasn’t until you made them watch as you and your detangling brush fought with your curls under the stream of water and nearly blacked out from the heat that they realized why the water bill was so high. to save your aching arms (and hopefully some extra cash) they offered to wash your hair for you. they nearly waterboarded you the first time, but with practice, they got better.  now, nothing relaxes them more than lathering shampoo through your hair and occasionally spraying water in your face when you look too at peace. they buy you a salon wash basin for christmas so you both can stop crouching over the tub which is great, but where the fuck are you supposed to install it?

MIKASA, erwin, sasha, REINER (has the cutest smile when you sigh in response to him scratching that one spot on your scalp), hange, jean, annie, porco

the blowout â€“ they don’t realize, especially if your hair is type 4, that detangling during the wash is only half the battle. it doesn’t matter how silky smooth it got in the shower, the second the blow dryer is out, it all goes to hell. i hope you’re not tenderheaded because the fight between them and your curls is long and painful. but it's a battle they refuse to let you fight. god forbid you try to blow out your own hair– they get sooo upset. which confuses you because the way they grumble under their breath while passing the comb attachment through your hair has you convinced they’re only doing it to work out some unresolved stress. the truth is, they just know you’ll forget to use heat protectant and wind up frying your hair. and they know how upset you get when you realize some of your roots didn’t get stretched. so they’ll (gently) muscle their way through the most stubborn tangles any day if it means getting to see you smile at how healthy your hair looks and how much it has grown since the last time you saw it like this. they love how your hair now floats around you. they don’t love how sore their arms are. “damn, no wonder you’re so strong.”

connie, PORCO, BERTHOLDT, armin, miche, MARCO (probably cries when the comb extension breaks in your hair)

the beauty supply runs – the simultaneously dull and fluorescent lighting casts an otherworldly glow over the aisles of gel, deep conditioner, kankelon hair, and wig glue. for some reason, there’s always a childlike gleam in their eye as they scan the wigs along the wall. you have to hold their hand every time so they don’t wander off. it’s not like the store is big–you could probably read each other’s lips while standing on opposite sides–but if given the freedom to roam, you’d be leaving $250 poorer than you planned for with bags full of stuff you absolutely don’t need. “babe we have matching bonnets, we don’t need them in zebra stripes too.” if you can convince them to stick with you, they’re snatching every bottle you pick up out of your hand. before you can even begin questioning them, they’ve already started reciting information about the ingredients of the products and why it isn’t good for your hair’s porosity. you can only stare dumbly as they hand you a better option to try because you have no idea when they would have had time to do any of this research. the favorite part of the trip for both of you is picking the color you’re doing next. the average passerby would think you’re trying to decide which wire to cut so you don’t detonate a bomb with how hard you both scrutinize the packs of color 30 and 350 in front of you (ginger is always your color)

HANGE, marco, mikasa, ONYANKOPON (will give you the dirtiest look if you so much as glance at a cantu product), pieck

the parting – this is the first step of the actual installation process that you involve them in. before they used to sit next to you on the couch as you did it all yourself, committing every movement your fingers made to memory and keeping you company. they would frown as you cursed your lack of ability to see perfectly behind your head and parted the same section over and over again. they wanted to offer help, they really did, they just didn’t trust themselves enough. so when you both started working from home and you didn’t care what your parts looked like, you let them try. it wasn’t perfect the first time, or the second. for about a month, you rock faux locs with a scalp that looks like the drawing on your fridge gifted to you by your 5 year old nephew, but that’s what beanies are for. rough start aside, they pick up on it quickly. they figure out how much gel you really need for your braids to look neat and don’t overdo it. wielding the comb with confidence, they cut through your hair like butter. soon they’re parting your hair into boxes, hearts, arches, diamonds, and whatever else you could imagine like moses did the red sea. “babe do you think it would look good if i make one of them look like my initials?”

ARMIN, eren, levi, ERWIN, ZEKE, historia (got really good really fast
 hisu who do you fuck in the city when i’m not there?), bertholdt

the braid down – they’re in awe of the dexterity of your stylist's fingers as she adds pieces of braiding hair to your own and hardly looks down while nimbly braiding all the way to the ends. they sit through all your appointments–locs, press and curls, protein treatments, wig installs–but nothing fascinates them as much as the art of a simple braid. they ask all sorts of questions about what your stylist is doing and even start putting hair on the rack to make the process go smoother. they pay even more attention when you do it yourself because they aren’t worried about distracting anyone from doing their job. before long, they know almost everything there is to know about your braids except for how to do them. and they want to know so badly. the opportunity arises when you both relocate to a new city and all the “stylists” are charging $300+ for smedium mid-back knotless braids. you’d do it yourself, but you broke two fingers during the move-in process and aren’t skilled enough to work around it. you think you need to coach them through the process, but are pleasantly surprised when they get the grip right the first time and are halfway down by the time you’ve picked what movie trilogy you want to watch. turns out they’d been watching youtube videos and taking lessons from your old stylist so they could do it for you one day. at least that’s what they tell you, they really just like popping your head with the comb when you move from where they positioned it. “ow! stop pushing my head around” “keep your head still and i’ll think about it”

LEVI, yelena, YMIR (does the thing where she talks on the phone with it tucked in between her shoulder and her ear while braiding at top speed, like just put it on speaker), onyankopon, mikasa, armin, ANNIE

the finished product – they are NOT here for delayed gratification. they want to see your hair done and they want to see it now. they get more restless than you do and they’re not the one getting their thoughts and dreams braided for 5 hours. like why are they more upset about the infamous last braid that gets split into 4 more than you are? “man what the fuck are you so upset about? this is not your scalp??” it’s nice having them around regardless. whether or not they’re helping with the actual braiding, they’re your biggest supporter. they’ll grab you (and the stylist if you aren’t doing it yourself) mcdonalds, boil the water to seal your ends, oil your scalp, mousse your hair, trim the flyaways, sweep up the stray hair, etc. knowing how tired you are, all the time consuming clean up is their self-allotted duty. but once all of that is done, they get to do what they’ve been waiting for: admire you. without fail, the second you stand up they’re taking pictures from every angle, showering you with compliments (ginger really is your color), peppering your head with kisses, but most importantly, just looking at how beautiful you are. you outdo yourself every time and they tell you as much, even if it embarrasses you. 

HISTORIA, connie, pieck, hange, SASHA, reiner, JEAN (the heart eyes this man has for you
and don’t get me started on the sketches he makes of you with every new style you get. he is SO whipped)


© mamasbakeria 2023. do not repost, translate (without permission), or modify

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1 year ago

My man looked so fine in he’s final moments, but I’m so sad😭😭😭

My Man Looked So Fine In Hes Final Moments, But Im So Sad
My Man Looked So Fine In Hes Final Moments, But Im So Sad
My Man Looked So Fine In Hes Final Moments, But Im So Sad

I wasn’t ready for the heartbreak, I’ll be listening to mitski and Lana for a week while thinking/reading about eren 😭😭😭💔💔💔

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