Slight Gore - Tumblr Posts

We love kickass femmes in this house.
Image Id: A young woman in a pale tank top and dark, pleated skirt stands in front of a stand of snowy pines beneath a dark purple sky. Her long back hair waves behind her in the wind. With one hand she wipes pink blood away from her black lips. The other hand holds a knife and it and her arm up to the elbow are coated in pink blood. Her body is painted in blue gray tones, and her eyes are pink. The sky is filled with snow.
Humans are terrifying at times, Allura has found. Yet nothing scares her more than seeing one of her paladins, already broken, beaten, and on the verge of collaspe, they themselves into the fray over and over again until they cant move, until they cant stand the pain anymore and pass out.
She never understood it, most would retreat to heal, let someone else take the reigns,
But not humans.
They wilingly will put their teamates lives above their own, will get tortured endlessly if it meant those they were loyal to were safe and sound.
Lance does it the most. He will sprint through the galran ships with multiple wounds, from mele weapons or from guns, but it didnt matter to him. He'd truck through the lain endlessly and tirelessly over and over if it meant getting those few aliens free, if it meant protecting his teamates.
This mission was the worst.
He was running through the halls, breathing labored and uneaven, he was shaking uncontrollably, yet he didnt stop. His body was almost caked it blood, a large gash in his armor from his left side. His legs had multiple cuts that were showing through the armor, a deep peircing red that made allura dizzy.
He finished off the galra in the hall, but he fell to his knees once he was done.
"Lance!" She called out, picking him up and slinging his arm over her shoulder.
"Princess, let me go!" He yelled, trying to wriggle out of her reach.
"No! You need to heal!" She said, but he ignored her.
"There are still cap-" he choked, caughing up the maroon colored blood onto the floor infront of him. "There are s-still captives!" He said weakly.
She didnt listen to him. She allerted the others of his condition, asking them to take over while she brought him back to the ship.
Humans have high tolerence for pain, she figures. How humans can survive such horrid conditions astounds and terrifies her, how they can downplay maiming injuries like they're nothing, they can work through blinding pain just so they can get their goals done, and if you try to stop them they will try and find a way to do so.

Hydra Boy!

I made this drawing because I felt like I should disfigure myself and try to make myself better but instead of actually doing that I drew it instead. :)) I’ve never really had body dysmorphia, I view my body as a physical form of my emotions and feelings so if I’m in a bad mood I don’t like how I look.
Who gave this man TNT?

Making Shane designs and finally trying to figure out his design a bit better and redo some concepts I made,I enjoy the idea of him having a weird mouth
#art #monsteroc #drawing

Hey losers I redid the drawing I do every year and here’s this years version,pretty happy about the way it looks

when your heart’s too heavy, and your lungs can’t handle it, and you shiver and shake and heave and cry, and your guts are twisted something awful, and your throat holds on too tight to each breath.

So I found my first ever sketchbook in saw this beauty (on the top left) in decided to redraw it, so here it is.

did they hurt you?
:33< no, did they hurt mew?
who cares!
:33< i do !!!
I drew some animals awhile ago. A rabbit thing and a doggo.

The lighting sucks so you cant really see it though.

Spill your guts or they will spill for you

Have my protagonist gal cinnamon Stix
Why is her name like that?? Yes
Tho also she can be called piñata because of a unfunny meme I made of her
I wanna post her ref here first since she’s a char I frequently draw and would probably do a lot of posts of lmao

"Well that's... fascinating."
(Who it belongs to is up to you~)
Some coping pieces of Maui

I can't draw ties...

Guys don’t laugh