Davepeta - Tumblr Posts
humanstuck + a bunch of things i drew today

thats all. Thank

doodles from today

Exams DESTROYED my ass I'm so genuinely sorry for barely posting. Anyway fell in love with an old brush again, so doodles :)
The Mirthful Messiahs: Lord English and Calmasis?
We already know Lord English is a fusion of the souls of Caliborn, Arquiusprite, and ½ Gamzee.

But what if there’s a Calliope counterpart? A fusion consisting of Alt!Calliope, Davepetasprite^2, and ½ Gamzee.

Gamzee states that he finally understood his Mirthful Messiahs were always both him, :o) and Do:, who seem to represent both Caliborn and Calliope. Later we learn that Gamzee is literally a component of Lord English, (likely) one of his Mirthful Messiahs. Wouldn’t it make sense for his other half to be a part of his other Mirthful Messiah? And wouldn’t that messiah also represent Calliope?
For now, let’s call this fusion Calmasis. Perhaps the Mirthful Messiahs are Lord English and Calmasis, and both are central to the end of Paradox Space.
Recall Sollux and Terezi’s exchange:
GC: WH4TS 4N 4NG3L TA: 2ome terriible mythiical demon. TA: wiith the2e awful feathery wiing2. GC: Y1K3S TA: paradox 2pace u2e2 them two u2her iin the end. GC: HOW DO3S 1T KNOW WH4T 4NG3L TO US3... ........
Caliborn and Calliope are both Cherubs—or angels—and Lord English is obviously a “terrible mythical demon” who “ushers in the end.” However, notice Sollux says “them,” and Terezi essentially asks “which angel?”—implying more than one. While Alt!Calliope alone could represent another angel (as could Bec Noir and PM), it makes more sense for Gamzee also to be included in a Calliope counterpart to LE.
So if Caliborn + ½ Gamzee + Arquiusprite = Lord English, it seems reasonable for there to be a Calliope counterpart with parallel components: Alt!Calliope + ½ Gamzee + X = Calmasis.
Davepeta seems the most likely candidate for X.

For one, Arquius is a sprite consisting of Equius and a version of Dirk. Davepeta is also a sprite (squared), consisting of Nepeta (Equius’ moirail) and Dave (the other Strider). Sprite + Troll + Human (well, and also Crow + Sprite). None of the other sprites contain representations of both a troll and a human.
Davepeta also has this inexplicable desire to fight Lord English.
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < i have this weird urge...... DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < to go fight lord english […] DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < im just strangely drawn to the idea DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < i wasnt at all before as a really depressed bird version of dave DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < and nepeta didnt even know who he WAS until recently DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < but now it sounds cool suddenly DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < i f33l like... DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < the exact blend of people i am DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < is a being that he should in some way be vulnerable to DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < i cant even explain why i f33l that way
This makes absolute sense if Davepeta is destined to become a part of Calmasis.
Caliborn even distastes Davepeta’s colors. Perhaps that means something, as well.
Alt!Calliope is already established as a key to defeating Lord English. Dave is also crucial for defeating LE.
As for Nepeta… During Murderstuck, the only trolls Gamzee kills are Equius and Nepeta. (The other trolls are all killed by others.) We already know how Equius’ death is essential for the eventual creation of Lord English, one of Gamzee’s Mirthful Messiahs. Perhaps Nepeta’s death is intentional and crucial for the same reason—for the eventual creation of Gamzee’s other messiah. (On another note, Roxy even makes a comment about Fefeta being a secret weapon, which, while sounding absurd, is also intriguing, considering Fefeta is a sprite consisting of Nepeta, just like Davepeta.)
In a previous post, I discussed an alternate interpretation of a passage from [S] Seer: Descend.

If Paradox Spaces uses both Lord English and Calmasis to “usher in the end”… And if Calmasis contains the souls of Gamzee and Davepeta along with Alt!Calliope…
A maimed clown (Gamzee), an undead cat (Nepetasprite), and an impaled crow (Davesprite) would make three of the four “held in reverence for the eternity they serve to cut short.”
A fusion of Alt!Calliope, Gamzee, and Davepeta in the form of Calmasis is the perfect parallel counterpart to Lord English—both of the Mirthful Messiahs and mythical demons ushering the destruction of Paradox Space.

Trying flipaclip out
davepeta stimboard focusing on cats n records? ^w^

B33< Yess ofc! >w<
B33< Davepeta/Dave Strider x Nepeta Leijon/Dave♥️Nepeta(I'm assuming its flushed :P) stimboard w records and cats!

hey bro lets defy gender together bro. lets share a consciousness bro. bro lets bond through our opposite but symmetrical traumas. bro lets create our own definition of happiness together bro

davepeta talksprites from the upd8 for ur enjoyment
i love how u draw davepeta so much !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thank you!!!! here is a davepeta in your honor
in making you guys go on a tea party with me and if you don't want to attend i shall strap you down to the chair

did they hurt you?
:33< no, did they hurt mew?
who cares!
:33< i do !!!

I wanna make you laugh
I wanna dress the same
I wanna defend you
I wanna squeeze your thighs
I wanna kiss your eyelids
And corrupt your dreams
// tag any as ship and i rip your teeth out one by one //

A funky little sprite
What do you think is the funniest panel from The CSAU?

✨Honorary mentions✨

what do you think broken reality shards taste like -terezi probably