Sorry Not Even Remotely Sorry - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Quinn from 'The Wilds' (2020) X Reader

This is all angst nothing at all nice also in this (y/n) is on the island w the rest of 'em and Quinn didn't y'know šŸ’€

I smiled softly, bitterly, watching everyone around the fire, talking about what they miss most about home. We had seen a plane over head, rescue would be soon. Shelby looked at me and noticed how annoyed I looked. She asked me what was wrong. I thought back on my reason for wanting to get home, the same reason I never want to leave this hell hole. My head was pounding as I clenched my fists, nails digging into the soft flesh of my palms. The sensation was the only thing keeping me from crying as I saw them. Quinn and Nora were under the tree me and Quinn always sat at. It wouldn't be so bad if they weren't kissing. How could he fucking do this to me. My breathing hitched as I turned around. He said he loved me. He said they were just friends. I sighed, that was the moment I decided to come on this "retreat". Now I'm sitting here wondering when did this all start. "Fuck you, and Nora, I know that you're going out with her. Go pretend that you're just friends, I'll pretend that I'm not hurt." I said with venom. Quinn looked hurt for a moment before his face hardened. I had seen that look before, it was the same look he had when talking about the kids that made fun of us. He opened his mouth but I cut him off, "I know all the shit I heard, you can take these bitter words. Fuck you and Nora.". He grimaced before responding "You have no fucking right to say that to me, after ignoring me for weeks!" He nearly shouted. "I haven't been ignoring you at all, I just stopped texting first, and you never put in the effort after she showed up so we just didnt talk. So I thank you for teaching me how I could live without you. You never needed me, now I dont need you," I started to walk away. "You cant just leave!" I heard his footsteps following mine. "Watch me,". My eyes met Shelby's in the fire light. "The one reason I want to get home wont want me there." I said before glancing over and making eye contact with Nora. "He's found someone better"

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1 year ago
Hugh Dancy As Will Graham
Hugh Dancy As Will Graham
Hugh Dancy As Will Graham
Hugh Dancy As Will Graham
Hugh Dancy As Will Graham
Hugh Dancy As Will Graham
Hugh Dancy As Will Graham
Hugh Dancy As Will Graham

Hugh Dancy as Will Graham

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1 year ago

Frankly, if you still arenā€™t pro Palestine, what the fuck are you thinking?

ā€œIā€™m just neutralā€ ā€œBut Israel thisā€”ā€ ā€œBut Hamas thatā€”ā€

No. Youā€™ve had your chance. Youā€™ve seen the evidence. Youā€™ve chosen your side of history. It will not be forgotten.

Ceasefire now.

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5 years ago

No Words, pt 3

No Words, Pt 3

Pairing: Taehyung x OC

Type: Series

Genre: Idol, Poly, Interracial, Tall Female, Smut, Angst, Fluff [if you squint]

Warning: Smutty AF.Ā 

Words: 1545


She was not OK.

This was not OK.

What are you doing?! She admonished herself as Taehyung nudged her face. The subtle motion changing the direction of her mouth as she turned away. The heat of his breath caressed her cheek. He had one hand holding both of her wrists captive above her head as the other hand slid down along the curve of her body. He pulled her against him until their hips collided.

Keep reading

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2 years ago

Genuinely believed that geon hu was pretending to like hae e just to get a reaction out of sun jae but homeboy really surprised me with the skating rink

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2 years ago

Nothing, not even Jackson Rathboneā€™s stupid big green eyes, can get me to watch The Last Airbender. Iā€™ve been dodging THAT bullet successfully since 2010

What The Fuck Did I Just Watch For You: a memoir by a fan of actors with terrible filmographies

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1 year ago

Me watching episode 8 of Bucchigiri: šŸ˜±šŸ˜­

Me seeing Ichiya at the end: šŸ¤Æ

Like, Senya is a bonafide hunky brawlin teddy bear....but Ichiya has the slutty waist. God bless whoever designed this man with a corset barely covering the tiddies, pants with (not slits) thigh GAPS, the piercings, the luscious hair, omg this petty genie man can merge with me raw. After the trauma this episode inflicted we needed to end on a thirsty note.

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2 years ago

Me holding every twitter user by the throat, through gritted teeth: Why are yā€™all only leaving comments. Talk in the tagsā€¦reblog the post. Get an icon for fuck sake I think youā€™re a bot 90% of the time

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9 months ago
Goodnight My Friends

goodnight my friendsĀ 

i hope i have good dreamsĀ 

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1 year ago

White ones too

men are attracted to mannequins actually

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This Question Was Sent To Our Inbox. If Youd Like For Us To Post A This Or That Poll For You, Send The

This question was sent to our inbox. If youā€™d like for us to post a This or That poll for you, send the 2 things you want to see against each other to our inbox and weā€™ll let the people decide which one they prefer. Everything will be anonymous.

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2 years ago

"Thatā€™s the true spirit of Christmas; people being helped by people other than me." - Jerry Seinfeld

Hey, hey, people, Greg Owlman here, and barring a copyright strike from a certain YouTuber, I believe it's time to get reacquainted with one another. It's me, the snake oil salesman that hopes to sell you ideas for the low, low price of getting some validation online and boy do I have a hot topic for your stingy souls. I know that little old me has been noticeably absent from this esteemed platform for quite a while, but between polishing up the present I prepared for you guys, the intricacies of real life, and my page being the new central station for all the accounts that deal with porn for reasons beyond my understanding, I have been busy. However this Christmas I give to you my reimagined version of Star Trek Discovery's four seasons.

Season 1 : Personally, I enjoyed the Dominion War saga from Deep Space 9 and I saw an opportunity to explore how the Klingon-Federation's conflict defined a good chunk of the TOS era, especially from the perspective of a hardened veteran such as Captain Lorca and a fanatic like Voq. With that in mind let's crack into it. The season begins with T'Kuvma radicalizing the fringe elements of the Klingon Empire such as the Purebloods, those not affected by the Augment Virus, and other discriminated minorities to take the office of the Chancellor for himself by starting a war against the Federation. It was during this conflict that people like Captain Lorca would be born, a necessary evil that works for the angels, and no, he is not from the Mirror Universe nor are we touching that can of worms for now. Lorca would be working with Section 31 and technically have a carte blanche from Starfleet, because he is shagging an Admiral, to do what is necessary to win the war, such as creating a more efficient warp drive by using a cyborg navigation system made from space mushrooms, trust me this makes more sense than what the show gave us, and by making more people like himself by basically being the evil mentor of both Michael and Tyler. Ash Tyler is not Voq this time around, but he did enjoy the hospitality of the Klingons and got the scars to prove it, both physical and mental. Meanwhile, Michael has to deal with a nasty case of a guilty consciousness and PTSD that take the form of the deceased Captain Georgiou, who acts more like the Terran Emperor since this is Michael torturing herself. Anyways, things don't go to Lorca's design as Michael doesn't fall into Darkness like Tyler is doing and the rest of the crew are really tired of the Captain's BS with how bad morale is going. It wasn't until the mission to Q'onoS by literally flinging themselves at light speed towards the planet and hope not to hit it in order to then get inside the crust and plant bombs that they finally had enough and mutinied. By this point T'Kuvma saw the writing on the wall as L'Rell betrayed him and Voq was dead, therefore choosing to kill himself rather than suffer the wrath of his people. It should be noted that this is not the last we would see of Lorca as a character and next time, he won't be siding with Paradise. L'Rell would use the opportunity gained by having the deadman's switch towards planetary annihilation and whatever remained of T'Kuvma's faction to get the big chair as the newest Chancellor of the Klingon Empire.

Season 2 : Truth be told, I didn't like the whole Control or Red Angel ideas, as such we are changing it into a race between two factions within the Federation to uncover the mysterious series of strange signals and their connection to a strange entity, while also having a B-Plot about L'Rell's attempts to prevent a Klingon Civil War. This season starts much like the previous one did, with a bunch of mysterious signals appearing out of nowhere and other reported sightings of an entity known internally as the Red Angel. Starfleet High Command, due to not having the necessary manpower and needing somebody trustworthy to handle things, transfers Captain Christopher Pike to the USS Discovery alongside some other officers to investigate, however, they are not the only ones looking into the phenomenon as a Section 31 Task Force headed by Leland is feed information by their double agent, Ash Tyler to no one's surprise, on what the crew is doing and based on what they are hearing they might be able to make use of this discovery. Spock, the living MacGuffin and Red Angel bloodhound, is a resource both factions are trying to get their mittens on. This is due to his unique status as a hybrid in an era where such people were seen as unnatural and were often shunned by others, as such he gained the interest of the Sphere, who itself was quite lonely and unique, therefore both of them formed an interesting bond, although the latter would interact more through weird visions with the former. Anyways this season The Red Angel is the physical manifestation of the Sphere as it attempts to interact with the rest of the galaxy. Anyways, it all ends with Section 31 losing the support of Starfleet following the battle of Control, which was basically, a secret space station where a bunch of insane Starfleet Admirals handle the intricacies of Section 31 operations and got killed by Leland in a power grab in the last leg of the season. They were being technically cut off by the Federation to save face and L'Rell managed to transition the Empire from the feudal space Vikings of old to the new technocratic communists IN SPACE as seen in TOS. Saru would receive his promotion to Captain of the Discovery and Michael would get her old rank back in exchange for an undercover assignment under the authority of the Federation Council and office of the President.

For now, I suppose this is a good time as any to have a break. I reckon that is the case since the audience retention time is quite low these days, God knows I am barely able to keep an active interest in shows longer than 20 minutes nowadays. There is also the word limit that a usual Tumblr post has and I would rather not lose everything I have written thus far because of an error thank you very much. As such, for now, we shall part ways with a slight debt on my part, but fear not for I shall endeavor to give you the last two seasons before New Year. Until that day, I shall bid you adieu for now.

This has been Greg for Owlman's Previously Owned Ideas . We do not advise you to lurk around without posting for several months, because the naughty side of Tumblr might invade your followers list. We also do no refunds .

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2 years ago

"A wizard is never late, nor is he early.Ā He arrives precisely when he means to." - Gandalf the Grey , the Lord of the Rings

It's been a long road. Getting from there to here. It's been a long time. But my time is finally near. Sorry, not sorry, but I couldn't resist. Soooooo... It's been a while huh? I know what I said about trying to post something before New Year and all that pizazz. However, I have been in a food coma and then got swamped with work so not have a lot of time to continue my award-winning trash-talking about what Star Trek Discovery could have done to be an interesting show. Therefore without further ado, let's crack into it.

Season 3: Internal Strife! One year has passed since the Klingon War and the Federation has fallen on hard times since Starfleet is at its weakest and there are plenty of sharks smelling blood in the water. The Orion Syndicate, with the secret aid of the Romulan Star Empire, created the Emerald Chain out of several Federation planets and associates by muscling in on their turf. Some people in the upper echelons of the government suspect foul play, as such President T'Rina sends Commander Burnham to investigate the situation and throws her lot with Cleveland Booker, a rogue element within the supposed idyllic lifestyle of the Federation. Eventually, Michael rejoins the Discovery's crew, but often butts heads with Captain Saru since neither of them has any idea how to get past their issues of trust and trauma, even if they come to respect one another. At some point, they are joined by Adira Tal, an inspector with the United Earth Probe Agency after some troubles on the Jovian Moons. Together they find themselves on an emergency trip to the secular world of Trill, where Adira is forced to deal with her past and the isolationist tendencies of the locals. We already know that one of Dax's previous hosts had interactions with the Federation during the 22nd and 23rd centuries so there is no reason for other adventurous symbionts not to do the same plus we can justify the death of Gray with the Klingon's attack on Starbase 1 or just the War in general, as such we have a lovely aesop of letting go of the past and living in the present and such. Anyways, besides that we also have a lost Vulcan colony that has been rediscovered following the Earth-Romulan War, it was thought that the entire place was glassed in nuclear fire. It is here where Michael uncovers a person from her past whom she hoped to never see again and where T'Rina's resolve is tested as whatever the colonists are hiding might be truly damaging to the Federation and Vulcans alike. Spoilers, it is the fact that Romulans and Vulcans can live with one another and complement each other's style of living under the right circumstances. Also, the person that Michael wishes to avoid is her mother, who was neglectful due to her grief and trauma to the point where Michael preferred to spend time with Sarek's family. Michael finally forgives herself and therefore the Georgiou hallucination that has been haunting her fades away as Burnham learned to move on, all the while Saru decides to take a leave of absence and return to his homeworld to help expedite the unification process between the Ba'ul and Kelpiens. However, not everything is going well for everyone as T'Rina gets impeached due to the Council losing confidence in her abilities to lead and the new President-Elect happens to be none other than the hawkish Laira Rillak, who is a Denobulan this time around since these guys barely got featured after Enterprise. The whole thing also benefited the Romulans since now they have more up-to-date information about their enemies without having to start another war.

Season 4: Honesty, not a lot has changed from the original format except that Gray is not coming back to life and Ruon Tarka is none other than former Captain Gabriel Lorca, who is now working with Section 31 after they went underground. Lorca's plan is quite simple as he takes advantage of the chaos happening around him and wants to undermine Starfleet since he is both petty and bitter about his imprisonment, he wants to push Laira to extremism, not unlike that of the Federation First party later in the timeline and also wants to get himself a new apprentice who happens to be the new Warrant Officer Cleveland Booker, who is quite rightfully angry at the resident hyper-advanced space whales for blowing up his planet and family. Hugh Culber, who got a very nasty case of having his back broken during season 1 because his Paul was having the mother of all mental breakdowns following his ill-advised augmentation with space tardigrade DNA, decided to become the onboard Counselor since he finally got over the fact that he spent most of season 2 in a medically induced coma and the break he took from dealing with his husband's bad decisions to deal with his own issues.

With all of this in mind, all I can say is that I have no idea what season 5 will bring and the move from the 23rd century to the 32nd century was not a great plan considering that they could have just done all of the above to obtain the same results, but hey that's just Hollywood's desire to milk that cow for that sweet, sweet cash. Keep in mind that during season 3 they transition from the Enterprise Blues to the Origanl Sweaters, but with something more akin to what those guys at the Axanar production have in mind. Also, I have been noticing that a lot of my followers tended to be from the Dark Side of Tumblr, so I made the executive decision to start blocking anyone who didn't have anything posted on their pages and no titles. After all rule 190 of the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition says "Hear all, trust nothing" and did I hear some things from those "followers" of mine that now I ain't trusting none of y'all without some proper IDs at hand.

This has been Greg for Owlman's Previously Owned Ideas. We do not advise you to let unknown people follow your profile unless you are into that kind of thing. We also do no refunds.

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6 years ago

Alister's type of guy

Tall, handsome, jocks who have a brain. (Emotional baggage would be a plus.)

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8 months ago

Since weā€™re all gonna die, thereā€™s one more secret I feel I have to share with you. I didnā€™t not care for the later seasons of Criminal Minds.

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