Spy X Family Incorrect Quotes - Tumblr Posts
Anya: Papa, why does mama call you babygirl?
Loid: How about we stop talking for a bit?
Loid: You know, when I told you to bring me something from the beach I meant a rock or fossil or something like that.
Yor, dragging a great white shark across the beach: How was I supposed to know that?
Bc I just watched it let's do Spy x family incorrect quotes!
Anya, texting Loid: Pa! I'm being kidnapped!
Loid: Where are you?
Anya: in a car with some strange lady!
Loid: hold on, I'll call Yor!
Yor, answering the phone: Hello?
Loid: Where's Anya, she texted me that she was being kidnapped!
Yor: what? She's in the car with me.
Yor: ill call you back. *hangs up*
Loid: We need a distraction.
Yor: Anyone good at making weird noises and jumping up and down?
Anya, smiling: my time has come!
Yor: what's a word in between sad and mad?
Loid: miserable, desolated, disgruntled
Anya: smad.
Anya: what do you think Mama will do for a distraction?
Loid: Maybe throw some rocks
*several buildings explode and screams and car alarms are heard*
Loid: or that.
Loid, driving Yor and Anya: how was your day?
Anya: I almost got surprise adopted!
Loid: what?
Yor: she almost got kidnapped!
Loid: oh, ok.
Loid, slamming on the breaks: wait what???
Loid: Yor and I don't use pet names.
Frankie: uhuh. What do bees make?
Loid: honey?
Yor: yes, dear?
Frankie: don't lie to my face again.
Loid: I'm driving!
Yor, having heard Anya's friends say it: Shotgun!
Anya, turning to look at Yor: haha, but I wanted that seat.
Everyone but Yor: -WOAH
Yor, holding a shotgun: no, I have a shotgun, and I'm sitting in the front.
Loid: sometimes I drink milk out of the container
Yor: the cow????
Anya: what?
Loid: Yor, why??
Yor, having a bad day: where the FUCK are my keys?
Loid: Yor, Anya is around, can we try saying it a little nicer?
Yor: May I ascertain the whereabouts of my FUCKING keys?
Loid: would you take a knife for me?
Frankie: ...yes?
*Yor bursts into the room w her stabber*
Loid, running away: great thankssss
Anya, getting a text: OH! It's my mama.
Becky: ooh did she get me the stuff?
Anya: yep, she says she got you the clown costume, the power drill and 12 gallons of blood
Becky: wow how did she get 12 gallons of fake blood?
Anya: you wanted fake blood?
Anya: ill go call my mama.
Anya, to Loid, talking about Yor: she's covered in blood again, why is it she's always covered in blood?
Loid: well at least it looks like her own this time.
Becky: look, you made Anya cry!
Damian: Anya's always crying
Anya: that's not true! *cries*
Damian: *hugs her* I'm.. sorry
Becky: Do you ever
Becky: Do you ever just have that one class
Becky: That one freaking class that just depresses you when you think about it
Becky: Because oh god you hate it so much?
Anya: The bourgeoisie.
(Source: Tumblr)
Anya, holding out her palm: Hey, Becky! Here’s the change for yesterdays pizza.
Becky, staring at her hand: What the heck are those?
Anya: …Money?
Becky: No, the silver metal things on the bill.
Anya: …Becky, do you not know what coins are?
(Source: Tumblr)
Becky blinks awake after taking a dodgeball to the face: where am I?
Damian, sarcastically: heaven
Becky: oh... i didn't think you would be here
Franky, giving advices to Loid for his first date with Yor: relax, just act cool and mature.
Loid: ok, mature. Got it.
*later, during the date*
Yor: so...what do you like to do in your free time?
Loid, deep and serious voice: taxes.
How I Obtained World Peace With The Power Of Friendship, by Anya Forger
Chapter one: The Power Of Friendship
The first step in my journey was realizing that it's impossible the obtain world peace with the power of friendship.
Chapter two: The Power Of Incredible Violence
Loid: you have to be polite to people, even if they're really annoying to us.
Yor: but i was polite!
Loid: you threatened them with a knife
Yor: AND i didn't stab them! That's being polite! They should be thanking me!
Loid: Do you want to play 20 questions?
Yor: Sure! What's your favorite animal?
Loid: Orange. My turn. Are you married?
Yor: *is carrying all the groceries*
Loid: *holds out hand to help*
Yor: *aggressively moves all the groceries to one hand to hold Loid's hand*
...so who's gonna tell him?
Franky: Garden's assassins can take down an entire squad!
Loid Forger: So can my wife, they aren't special.
Damian: You make me so angry so quickly. It's remarkable. Anya: ...Anya literally only said 6 words. Damian: Yet here I am, boiling with hate.
Anya: Anya has cat-like reflexes. Damian: Prove it. Anya: *points to a cat* Anya: Anya likes that cat.
Damian: I want to kiss you Anya, not paying attention: What? Damian: I-I mean, I said if you die, I won't miss you.
Anya: Anya is quick at math Damian: Okay, then what’s 38 times 76? Anya: 24. Damian: ...That wasn’t even close Anya: But it was quick.
Loid: WHOEVER CAUSED THIS MESS IS GOING TO- Yor: It was me... Loid: ... Is going to be forgiven because everyone deserves a second chance.
Anya, pointing at a bunch of geese: Papa, LOOK, look at all those chickens!
Loid: ....yeah, "chickens"....
Yor: Loid is too tall for me to kiss him on the lips, what should I do? Sharon: Tackle him. Millie: Punch him. Camilla: Dump him. Yuri: Divorce him. Loid: No to all of those!! Just ask me to lean down!