I Want To Die - Tumblr Posts
7 de junio pero casi nadie me dice feliz cumpleaños B")
¿Cuándo es su cumpleaños? :0
Me da curiosidad.
El mío el 19 de Junio úvù
What engineering class is like
Bridges. BrIdges. BrIDges. BRIDGES. BRIDGES!! BRidGes BrIdGeS. BRIdges. BridGEs.
reblog and put in the tags what comes up when you type "i want"
My life is literally falling apart rn
this isnt as effective of a threat as you think it is

The last thing she saw on Earth was him.

Was gonna be sexy today but I found white mold all over my bathroom so lmao
I want to cry, i can't anymore
For the first time in my life I have a broken heart, it hurts so damn much, I don't know if I can handle it, I want to die
I never thought a broken heart hurt so much.. But he killed me twice
Again all day just crying
The worst new year's eve of my life so far
idk why but in hard times tumblr helps me get through this a little bit better
Living with Clinical Depression sucks. You want to live and enjoy your life, but you are also constantly tired to do anything. To go out, to hang out with friends, to have a family dinner, to fucking move and sometimes... you are just freaking exhausted to only breathe...
I want this tiredness and heavyness to go away, so I can start LIVING my life. Not just survive through time.