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[The Mincing Mockingbird Guide to Troubled Birds]
I made this on my wrong blog, I meant to make post this on @tttfota
As a twin I would just like to say that the Jude/Taryn dynamic was perfect. Twins in literature are often portrayed as best friends or sworn enemies, whish is not only inacurate but also annoying. Taryn and Jude on the other hand have an extremely complex and layered relashonship. They oubviosly care for each other, but they also do resent each other a little bit, although both for diffrent reasons. They have very different personalties without seeming like stereotypical polar opposite twins. In general, Holly did a great job of capturing the realities of twinship.
Jude, after being kidnapped: Don't worry, I've got a few knives up my sleeve.
Taryn: I think you mean cards.
Cardan, long-suffering: She does not.
Jude, pulling out knives: I did not.
Taryn: *Tossing a spider outside* Treat spiders how you wish to be treated.
Cardan: Killed without hesitation?
Taryn: I truly believe that water can solve all your problems.
Vivi: Weight loss? Drink water.
Cardan: Clear skin? Drink water.
Jude: Want to get rid of someone? Drown them.
Locke: You’re insane!
Jude: Sure I am, what’s your point?
Cardan: Are you mad?
Jude: No.
Cardan: So sharpening your knives at 3 in the morning is just a hobby?
Taryn: I'm having problems with a guy...
Jude: Like 'his dead body won't fit into your trunk' kind of problems, or 'you like him' kind of problems?
{Favorite thing? He said she looked like a knight. A warrior. Not a royal. Not a queen. Not a princess. A fighter.}
The power of mAniFeStaTioN ♡
So...you're telling me if write my crush's name over and over again while focusing on the feeling of liking them so much i hate them...they'll hold me hostage and then bind me with a promise and then exile me and then we'll live happily ever after? I'm on it ♡
((Sent this post to a freind and her reaction was encouraging haha))
it’s ✨cardan literally manifesting jude to fall for him and succeeding✨ for me
My thoughts while reading The Folk of The Air ♡ supported by my lovely reader freinds:
((the queen of nothing spoilers: when Taryn is explaining how and why she killed locke))
PSA: Mortal queens of faerieland like to wear their boyfreind's husband's hoodies too ♡
me realizing this scene about how Cardan warned Jude about Locke.
Cardan:Time to switch partners. Oh did I steal your line?
Taryan just watching from afar.
Locke saying this and getting killed by taryn is so funny lmao taryn said you're the problem and solved it by murdering him
jude: don’t worry I’ve got a few knives up my sleeve.
taryn: I think you mean cards.
cardan: she does not.
jude, pulling out knives: I did not.
Cardan: Do you want to see a butterfly? Leander: Yes Taryn and Oriana: NO! Cardan: *throws the butter across the table* Oak: Fucking majestic
Taryn: I sleep with a dagger under my pillow.
Vivi: Yooo! Me too.
Oak: Phh. Coward. I sleep with a sword under my pillows.
Cardan: You're all cowards.
Them: Yeah, what do you sleep with?
Cardan: Jude.
i will never shut up about how the duarte sisters are ALL so 'family line' by conan gray coded omg
My father never talked a lot, He just took a walk around the block 'Til all his anger took a hold of him and then he'd hit - is basically madoc
My mother never cried a lot She took the punches, but she never fought 'Til she said, "I'm leaving, and I'll take the kids" so she did - EVA DUARTE
Scattered 'cross my family line I'm so good at telling lies, That came from my mother's side - Jude and Taryn can both lie because they are mortals like their mom
God, I have my father's eyes, but my sister's when I cry i can run, but I can't hide from my family line - the eyes part can be applicable to both Jude and Vivi tbh because Jude comes to a realisation later in the books that she became just like madoc bc of his training, 'eyes are the windows to soul' after all, but in a more physical senses, Vivi has her dad's eyes.
Its hard to put it into words how the holidays will always hurt, i watch the fathers with their little girls, and wonder what I did to deserve this - Jude, Vivi and Taryn not coming terms with the fact that their dad Justin is gone forever.
How could you hurt a little kid?I can't forget, I can't forgive you, cause now I'm scared that everyone I love will leave me - VIVIENNE DUARTEE
Oh, all that I did to try to undo It all of my pain and all your excuses i was a kid but I wasn't clueless (Someone who loves you wouldn't do this)All of my past, I tried to erase It but now I see, would I even change it? - Jude having a traumatic past but also mentioned that without it, she wouldn't have been as strong as she was
Might share a face and share a last name, but(We are not the same) - Taryn and Jude on their differences as twins
I got glasses, had a reading slump because I stopped taking my antidepressants, and my nephew destroyed my first copy of The Cruel Prince I almost killed his father for that so I had to get another one, I FINALLY finished it without interruptions and I just have this to say.
I'm in love with Jude.
Cardan's tail doesn't bother me, for some reason.
Everyone is mean in different ways.
Taryn WTF, why? For a boy??? Could never be me. Did you learn NOTHING from Eva??? I shouldn't agree with Madoc but that will indeed not end well...
Why is Locke still alive?
How does the dirt taste Valerian? Are the horses good neighbors??? >:)
Ngl, I feel bad for Cardan, but even I saw that coming.
The tension in the epilogue is crazy.
@ahighlyfunctionalfangirl you were right ❤
I'm reading The Lost Sisters out of curiosity and I find it poetic how it is written as a missive to Jude.
So much longing Taryn has for the bond she had part in breaking, yet she chose him, chose Locke, over her
Over Jude, her sister.
Yet I pity naive Taryn.
But not enough to overlook the resentment
Not enough to ignore how she still blames Jude
Blames her defiance, her secrets, for being a remainder, a mirror.
Jude's secrets were to protect herself
Taryn's secrets were to prove herself to Locke
If secrets are bad, were they both wrong? But actions are judged by consequences, not intentions.
Love is not noble if it hurts others at the end of the tale.
Rhya was right, love is greedy, but Taryn's love is like an ugly glutton beast.
And yet I pity Taryn, but not enough
Never enough.
"you're going to forgive me. You have to. You're my sister, my twin. You've got to understand. If I just explain it right, I know you're going to understand. And I am going to keep standing here and practicing it in the mirror until you stop looking at me that way when I finish." - Taryn, The Lost Sisters