Tfp Arcee - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Arcee: I know we don't always see optic to optic on things, but-

Ratchet: That's because you're too short

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2 years ago

Transformers prime. Shattered glass.

Transformers Prime. Shattered Glass.

Crédito a su respectivo artista.

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2 years ago

For the character ask thingy tfp arcee and airachnid?

Sorry for not answering for so long! I’ve been having a lot of stuff on my plate lately and kept forgetting to respond:(


Sexuality: Demiromantic bisexual

Gender: She/They

Ship I have with said character: Suprisingly, Knockout and Arcee! When they were both fighting against each other during the train episode, they had a lot of chemistry and I think they both compliment each other well:)

A BROTP I have with said character: Bumblebee and Arcee! To me, they have an older and younger sibling relationship and I love it <3

A NOTP I have with said character: Arcee and Airachnid. You seriously think Arcee would ever forgive Airachnid for everything she’s done to her? Think again.

A random headcanon: She has a lovely singing voice, but rarely does unless she’s trying to comfort someone on the team

General opinion over said character: I thought she was well written and had a cool design for Prime, but alas, she’s not my favorite Autobot. 8/10


Sexuality: aromantic heterosexual

Gender: She/Her preferably, but doesn’t mind They/Them

Ship I have with said character: None

A BROTP I have with said character: Starscream. I know he doesn’t like Airachnid, but I feel like if Starscream needed something from her, he would try to get along and find out they surprisingly have a lot in common. Of course, the “friendship” would end once he got what he wanted.

A NOTP I have with said character: Like I mentioned above, Arcee.

A random headcanon: Airachnid is amazing at stopping energon and oil leaks on her frame because she can use her webs as a temporary sealing agent.

General opinion over said character: She could have been a better villain in TFP, but was cast off too easy. 4/10

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2 years ago
Consider: June Lets Arcee Sleep In The House After She Finds Out That Her Sons Motorcycle Is Actually

consider: june lets arcee sleep in the house after she finds out that her son’s motorcycle is actually a sentient robot warrior and she and jack build a giant pillow + blanket pile for her. but they do a bit too good of a job of it and arcee doesn’t ever want to be anywhere else

(blame @doveloves.)

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1 year ago
Drawing Practice Once Again!! This Time I Wanted To Draw Bulkhead Cuz My Boy Deserves Some Love. And

Drawing practice once again!! This time I wanted to draw Bulkhead cuz my boy deserves some love. And then I just spiraled into drawing everyone I wanted. Also there's some comments from guys.

[ ID(???): First image is in the top left corner and shows Bulkhead. Miko says "You draw so good!", to which Bulkhead replies "Thx".

Then top right corner shows Bee with black eyes. "Bee!" "What's with his eyes?" "He does it sometimes.".

Then there's OP below first image. " "He rarely smiles but it's very starkwarming every time."

Then there's Bulk and Wheeljack. They say each other's names. Under Bulkhead there's a writing "Best Wrecker!🩵" And under Jackie is "Best friend!💚". Miko asks "Why hearts though?", Jackie replies "Why not?".

Also there's a drawing of Bulkhead holding Miko in his arms. The bot says "Marco" And a girl replies "Polo".

To the right of the last image situated a portrait of Breakdown. "TRAITOR!" "???" "Long story." "I hate him more than UM..." "???".

Last, but not least there are faces of Arcee and Ultra Magnus. Under Arcee: "She's cool." "Thx"

And then around Magnus: "He cares for us!" "I do." "?!?!" "Sir??"]

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1 year ago

Well, it's time for my hcs. (Mostly UM and KO)

Ultra Magnus has a terrible CPTSD. Sometimes he hears a plane and immediately transforms his hands into blasters. When he talks to someone he tries to continue the dialogue, but all his attention goes to figuring out the location of the enemy. (+ he has bad sleep schedule)

I'M also has a terrible case of 'bad things happen to bots when I leave them'. He doesn't like staying away from the battle, because he cares very much for his new found family. He isn't afraid of dying for the cause, but he doesn't want to lose anyone.

At the free time he has helped some Autobots make their battle skills better. Like he spared with Miko in Apex armor so she could practice her punches and also had classes for medics (Ratchet and KO). They didn't have blasters, which is disadvantage, but they figured out the way to fight almost as good as others.

Speaking of KO. He wasn't very welcomed at team at first, so he was watched very closely. Yet sooner or later they've warmed up to him. KO was a bit afraid at first, but seeing that they meant no harm, he came back to his sassy attitude.

Also KO has some appreciation problems. When he was a decepticon he had to earn the respect and after Shockwave came along he felt very replaceable. He wasn't thanked for his work half as much as he should. So when Ratchet thanked KO in 3 season he genuinely said "you're welcome".

But the moment he felt he was accepted into team prime was when OP didn't let him on some mission. It went like "Why can't I join?", "Knock Out, comrade, you aren't in need of another warrior, yet we may use the help of a second medic." "We can't just lose medics around. Too important." Ratchet adds. After like the whole team nods. And KO felt so appreciated

After that he became very close to Team Prime and (if they stayed on earth) to kids. When some bully is rude to Jack, KO would let Darby drive himself in school just to show off. He'd watch horrors with Miko, and even tell some interesting stuff abt Cybertronian culture, organism ect to Raf

Also he'd race with Bee and Smokescreen, but he is hella competitive. Like this scene in Avatar The Last Airbender, where Azula plays volleyball. "You'll never rise from the ashes of humiliation!" "Dude... It's not that deep bro.."

Oh, and he'd be very awkward with Smokey cuz like... He tried to open him up. But Smokey doesn't mind it, saying that they're even after he put KO in the wall

The other very strange relationship he has with Bulkhead. It's because of Breakdown. Bulkhead hated him and, as we all know, KO was in a relationship with him. Bulk ofc doesn't hold anything against KO for his relationship, yet they'd have a lot of different opinions on BD. They would talk a lot, finding out more about BD's past

And boy oh boy he had a wild one. Him and Bulkhead were born in the same class. They were builders, as Bulkhead said 'I can build stuff, I can break stuff. That's all.' Yet both of them wanted to do more good in the world, so they joined the Wreckers (before the war it was a gang that helped everyone in need and protected the weak), where they've met. Bulk and BD quickly became brothers in arms but the war seperated them

Once BD heard a broadcast of Megatron's ideas of reforming Cybertron and became a great supporter. He joined the decepticons cuz he thought it was his chance to make the world better. He was so blinded by Meg's promises that he thought this crimes were justified. Bulkhead was more observant, and felt something shady and was grossed out by bombings. But the thing that brought them apart and made them enemies was BD's betrayal. Early in the war Megatron was merciless and Wreckers mostly opposed him. Breakdown pledge allegiance to Megan. He wanted whole gang to join, but they refused and Big M wanted to destroy them all. Breakdown told the location of their hideout, and when Wreckers met there, they were greeted by pistols. It was a big fight, some lives were lost. After that BD went with Decepticons and Bulkhead with the Autobots. Now Bulk hated BD for his betrayal

KO never knew abt that cuz he met BD later. Knock Out was a doctor in one of the neutral cities, that were captured by Decepticons early in the war, and decided to join the "winning team" Just to survive

After all the talks Bulkhead started to respect KO more

Knock Out, Bee and Smokey regularly forcing the gang to go to the drive in theaters.

Arcee, June and Miko have a girls nights where they judge everyone

OP and UM are very close. To the point they're mistaken for brothers (they call each other that in private)

Ultra Magnus doesn't like to show affection in public, so when someone wants to hug him or smt like that, they always ask him to another room. Like after OP came back in season 3, Optimus said smt like "Ultra Magnus, old friend, for a word". And then they are just hugging in another room

Optiratch. Just them. Married. Conjux endura. That's all

Megatron, Soundwave and Shockwave are mean girls.

Megasound cuz you can't stop me. And Shocky just third wheeling his spark out.

Shockwave actually started to like Starscream when they were left on earth.

Agent Fowler and June dating, cuz they both deserve better

KO, Arcee and Ratchet form a widow club after the film.

KO and Arcee beat Arachnid's aft together.

That's all for now.

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1 year ago

Art from July to August.

Art From July To August.
Art From July To August.

More of this is just character practice

Art From July To August.
Art From July To August.

First pic is a spoiler for future chapters of my fic Operation Redemption. The second is me being an optiratch truer

Art From July To August.
Art From July To August.

Some practices. I think Wheeljack adores "Get Jinxed" It's his song. Dreadwing deserves more love, and I'll die on that hill.

Art From July To August.
Art From July To August.

More DW and disappointed OP. Just his b#tchy eyes.

Art From July To August.
Art From July To August.

And this is my autobot practice:D kinda proud of how all of them turned out. Smokey in particular.


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1 year ago
I Couldn't Left Cliffjumper Behind. He Suffered Enough. And Him And Arcee Were Very Funny, Wish We'd

I couldn't left Cliffjumper behind. He suffered enough. And him and Arcee were very funny, wish we'd see them more.

I Couldn't Left Cliffjumper Behind. He Suffered Enough. And Him And Arcee Were Very Funny, Wish We'd
I Couldn't Left Cliffjumper Behind. He Suffered Enough. And Him And Arcee Were Very Funny, Wish We'd
I Couldn't Left Cliffjumper Behind. He Suffered Enough. And Him And Arcee Were Very Funny, Wish We'd

Super decepticon practice dump.

I Couldn't Left Cliffjumper Behind. He Suffered Enough. And Him And Arcee Were Very Funny, Wish We'd

And humans. Not fond of how adults came out.


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1 year ago
Now Lets Just Add Transformers Prime To The Fandom List.
Now Lets Just Add Transformers Prime To The Fandom List.
Now Lets Just Add Transformers Prime To The Fandom List.
Now Lets Just Add Transformers Prime To The Fandom List.
Now Lets Just Add Transformers Prime To The Fandom List.
Now Lets Just Add Transformers Prime To The Fandom List.

Now lets just add Transformers prime to the fandom list.

Emotional coping before going into season 3 

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1 year ago

Not me imagining the bots freaking out when one of the kids fall asleep suddenly. Like Jack working the night shift and falling asleep on top of Acree at a red light or Miko getting into Bulk sluggishly after staying up all night doing something and she just curls up on his seat and falls asleep without a word. I can so see both Bumblebee and Raf having troubles sleeping/recharging so they have both probably passed out when they are parked on the side of the road or behind some rock. Have probably freaked out Optimus and Ratchet before once doing this. But if Bee wakes up before Raf he will silently freak out because he’s pretty sure his seats aren’t that comfortable or that a human should stay in that pose for long

(We’re not going to talk about me disappearing)

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8 months ago
tranformersapocalypse - Transformers Prime: The Apocalypse


original: (i don't know if anyone has drew them like this before, but I haven't seen anything like this, to my surprise)


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3 years ago
Optimus Want Ratchet Attention.
Optimus Want Ratchet Attention.

Optimus want Ratchet attention.

I plan to do a color comic but I didn’t have a time to finish so if the color version finished I’ll post it ^^~

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2 years ago

you've heard of Bayverse Optimus meeting TFP Team Prime now get ready for Bayverse Bee meeting TFP Team Prime

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1 year ago

So what if Ratchet /died/?



Considering that my Ratchet is currently dying in my thread with Pupu, it suddenly gave me an idea…


The ghost of the deceased Autobot medic wrecks havoc during the war on Earth. 

Now that Ratchet no longer needs to sleep, he will do anything to help and all kinds of shenanigans occur. 

Random cube of high grade appears next to Optimus or Bumblebee out of thin air.

Some odd text appears on the monitor of the console that turns out to being a hint to where to look for the next relic (or whatever intel they happen to need in that moment).

A wrench appearing from nowhere and smacking Bulkhead directly in the helm.

Wheeljack’s high grade stash is suddenly emptying at an alarming rate and someone pasted Ultra Magnus’ head on every bot in his old issues of the Playbot. 

Smokescreen comes across Ratchet’s own secret stash of porn and just before he’s about to self service to them, the lights go out, the door slams shut and the datapads all mysteriously blow up. (Poor kid’s probably forever traumatized from touching himself again.)

Odd siren noises in the middle of the night for no reason except it’s just a very unhappy and frustrated ghost with nothing to do. 

If OP had hair they’d be turning grey at this point bc of the very graphic lustful dreams he starts having all of a sudden (starring Ratchet, to no-one’s surprise) and OP wakes up every morning with sore chest plates and feeling completely spent, but relaxed. He has never been more eager to go to recharge in time.

Bumblebee is sad and missing Ratchet, when suddenly he feels someone gently hugging him but no-one’s there.

For some odd reason Miko’s guitar or boombox simply refuse to work inside the silo. They work perfectly outside.

Arcee sneaks on the Nemesis and a certain ghost follows. Except he stays and infects their entire datanet like a virus. Soundwave will have a run for his money, because you can’t block a virus that isn’t /data/. Suddenly all their secrets and plans start leaking to the Autobots, and all kinds of weird shenanigans occur. 

Megatron isn’t able to sleep in his quarters because glowing eyes staring at him in the corner. Whenever he does manage to sleep, it’s all nightmares of himself watching Optimus and Ratchet doing the vertical tango

Starscream starts getting anonymous love letters from a secret admirer and it is implied to be either Megatron or Soundwave. Starscream can’t decide which is more horrifying. 

Knockout wakes up every day to a different graffiti decorating his plating. He still hasn’t discovered the one on his aft that says “Let’s Play Doctor”.

Something possesses Raf’s laptop and somehow the government starts receiving detailed up-to-date reports on Decepticon activity and some nicely worded threats to increase Outpost Omega-1′s funding for better equipment and resources.

If it was Ratchet fed up with everyone’s shit when alive, it’s everyone being fed up with Ratchet’s shit now

but it’s not all bad bc Megatron begged to surrender after just a couple of months bc half his crew had tried to offline themselves and Ratchet finally got his revenge




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3 years ago

I love this so much

Primus Knows How Long Its Been Sitting Here.

“Primus knows how long it’s been sitting here.”

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